Generative Point Clouds with TOPs & SOPs in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 195

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: TouchDesigner includes a number of ways for working with point clouds, whether you’re looking to import pre-existing files or […]

[04] SOPs – Surface Operators – TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this episode we will dive into the 3D world, learning to implement 3D surfaces, deform them and generate renders. Files here: 💬 If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 👉 Get project files and components: 💫 Instagram: – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

TouchDesigner – Particles SOP

In this video, we explore Particle SOP. Please join me on Patreon: I’m uploading some of the files soon: Here —– ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight the important parts. 👩‍💻 Stay tune and Subscribe to get notification for new videos! IG:

TouchDesigner essentials – SOP

In this video you’ll get familiar with surface operators (TOP) and how to work with some commonly used SOPs to create a simple patch with them. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section or better, join TenderWorld Discord server to communicate with other artists: you can join Patreon to access files and […]

create this visual in few steps – TouchDesigner tutorial

In this video you will see my steps to create this visual in TouchDesigner. The Toe file is available to download from my Patreon: Join TenderWorld Discord server to ask questions and communicate with other artists: If you are interested in sound design, follow my works here: #tutorial #touchdesigner

TouchDesigner Tutorial: SOP Movement for TOP

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of using SOP movement for TOP in TouchDesigner. You will learn how to create dynamic visual effects by manipulating SOPs and integrating them into TOPs. This tutorial is suitable for both beginners and advanced users looking to enhance their skills in TouchDesigner. You can download […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial: Calculating Normals on Geometry Shader

Join us for a step-by-step tutorial on calculating normals on the geometry shader. This video covers the essential processes of computing normals for primitives and improving surface quality by increasing geometry detail. Understand the importance of shader functions, optimize performance, and enhance your 3D rendering skills. Enroll in the premier self-paced online academic course for […]

CHOP-TOP-CHOP-SOP – Simple Multioperator Processing on TouchDesigner

Hey everyone, In this quick tutorial, I explore creating 3D patterns using the Pattern CHOP in TouchDesigner. I demonstrate how to process the data through various operators to generate diverse variations suitable for instancing. It’s a straightforward technique with the potential for producing captivating results. Check it out! As always, project files available for all […]

Abstract animation – touchdesigner

I used the boolean operator to create the shape and with some noise and effects, I got this result

TouchDesigner tutorial – create this visual with SOPs

This is how i created this visual with TouchDesigner

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 16. Point, Texture and Copy SOPs

All our courses are available here: Hey there! Today, we’ll be shortly coming back to the most useful operators: Point SOP and Copy SOP. We show 2 examples: 1. How to sample the TOP Texture and apply the color values as a Geometry Attribute for Width at the Line MAT and for the deformation […]

the jellyfish – animating SOPs with TOPs TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

Download the project files here strategy for animating a fluid creature using TOPs in touchdesigner.

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 17. Particle SOP

All our courses are available here: Hey there! Today, we’ll be researching the Particle SOP. We continue to post the free lessons uncovering the most mystic and underrated TouchDesigner Operator Family: SOPs aka Surface Operators in a structured way, separately speaking about: Generators, Deformers, Modelling operators, Workflow Utilities etc. Just a friendly reminder that […]

Touch Designer Beginner – Part 1 / SOP Geo

This is a new tutorial series for Touch Designer beginners. In part 1 you can learn how to work with Surface Operator and Materials ( phong and line) you learn how to create plexus effect and how to render your Geometry. In each video I try to show you the interface and some tips. In […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 15. PolyLoft, PolyPatch, PolyReduce, PolySpline andPolyStitch SOPs

All our courses are available here: It’s the 15th lesson already, and we go through the Poly Modeling Tools. In this lesson, I will show the practical example of making the Voronoi Patterns with PolyReduce and Divide SOP form the HOU2TOUCH Course. Ful list of the topics uncovered in this video: 00:00 Intro 01:09 […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 13. Spline Modeling. Bridge, Profile, Creep and Stitch SOPs

All our courses are available here: It’s the 12th lesson already, and we turn back to the Spline Modeling. In this lesson, I will show the practical example creating the Model of the Vase using Spline approach, showing 5 different SOP operators like Bridge, Profile, Creep and Stitch SOPs including some practical examples: using […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 12. Spline Modeling. Aling, Cap, Fillet- Join and Fit SOPs

All our courses are available here: It’s the 12th lesson already, and we turn back to the Spline Modeling. In this lesson, I will show the practical example creating the Model of the Vase using Spline approach, showing 5 different SOP operators like Align, Cap, Fillet, Join and Fit SOPs as well as several […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 11. Workflow Tools

All our courses are available here: It’s the 11th lesson, and there are only a few operators groups left. In this lesson, you will be introduced to several utility operators that I refer to as “Workflow” operators, as they can alter the data flow in your project. There is a group of SOPs that […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 10. Other Modeling Ops

All our courses are available here: Today, we’ll be discussing three operators that are a bit challenging to categorize: 1. Ray SOP: This operator is used for projecting geometrical points onto the surface of other geometry. 2. LineThick SOP: This operator is used for modeling line thickness. 3. Wireframe SOP: This operator allows for […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 9. Subdivide Geometry

In the 9th part of our series of free lessons about TouchDesigner SOP Operators, we learn the tools that allow us to subdivide geometry, including some practical and non trivial examples of usage: DivideSOP, Combination of Divide and PolyReduce SOPs for building Voronoi Patterns, Refine SOP & Resample SOP, Subdivide SOP and controlling its Crease, […]

TouchDesigner SOPs Part 8. Cut Splines. CurveSect, SurfSect, Trim & Project SOPs

In our 8th SOPs Lesson, we explore the theory behind working with NURBS Profile Curves and the usage of old-school operators like SurfSect, CurveSect, Trim, and Project. This lesson concludes the Geometry Cutting Tool series.s. Just a friendly reminder that TouchDesigner was built on the 3D engine, so understanding the usage of SOPs is super […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 07. Cutting Geometry Tools: Boolean, Carve, Clip SOPs

In the 7 part of our series of free lessons about TouchDesigner SOP Operators, we start learning the tools that allow us to cut geometry: Boolean SOP, Carve SOP and Clip SOP. Just a friendly reminder that TouchDesigner was built on the 3D engine, so understanding the usage of SOPs is super important if you […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 06. Basic Modeling Tools: Extrude, Revolve, Skin, Sweep SOPs

In the six part of our series of free lessons about TouchDesigner SOP Operators, we’re finally starting to speak about the modelling operators. We’re going to cover the basic modelling tools like Extrude SOP, Revolve SOP, Skin SOP, Sweep SOP. Just a friendly reminder that TouchDesigner was built on the 3D engine, so understanding the […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 05. Deformers. Twist, Noise and Blend SOPs

We continue to post the free lessons uncovering the most mystic and underrated TouchDesigner Operator Family: SOPs aka Surface Operators in a structured way, separately speaking about: Generators, Deformers, Modelling operators, Workflow Utilities etc. In the 5th video we finish going through the deformers. Just a friendly reminder that TouchDesigner was built on the 3D […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 04. Deformers. Lattice & Magnet SOPs

WE CONTINUE TO POST THE VIDEO LESSONS ABOUT THE MOST MYSTIC AND UNDERRATED TOUCHDESIGNER OPERATOR FAMILY: SOPS In the 4TH Video we show how to efficiently use 2 Deformers: Lattice and Magnet SOP. 00:00 Intro 00:10 Lattice SOP 05:14 Lattice SOP in Houdini 07:11 Magnet SOP In this free series we going to uncover the […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 03. Geometry Attributes

We continue to post the video lessons about the most mystic and underrated @TouchDesignerOfficial Operator Family. SOPs aka Surface Operators. In the 3rd video we speak about different operators which can be used to edit or create the Geometry Attributes. In this free series we going to uncover the SOP usage in structured way: Speaking […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 02. Generators

We continue to post the video lessons about the most mystic and underrated @TouchDesignerOfficial Operator Family. SOPs aka Surface Operators. We need always remember, that TouchDesigner was build on the 3D Engine, and in order to be a PRO its better to understand the power of SOP Context. In this free series we going to […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 01. Add, Limit, CHOP to, DAT to.

We starting to post the videolessons about the most mystic and underrated @TouchDesignerOfficial Operator Family. SOPs aka Surface Operators. We need always remember, that TouchDesigner was build on the 3D Engine, and in order to be a PRO its better to understand the power of SOP Context. In this free series we going to uncover […]

Particle SOP in TouchDesigner – Interactive Metaball Forces and Surface Attractors

Use the built-in power of TouchDesigner by leveraging the Particle SOP for quick, easy interactive particle systems. In this tutorial we will take a tour of the Particle SOP, then focus on using Metaball and Force SOPs, along with the Point SOP to precisely manipulate our geometry attributes. Use the mouse and Panel CHOP to […]

Creating Abstract 3D Sculptures in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: Although procedural geometry isn’t often thought of in the same sense as physical sculptural artwork, there’s a lot of […]

2D Particle System with TOPs – TouchDesigner Tutorial 01

Welcome to my first TouchDesigner tutorial! In this tutorial we’re going to build a 2D particle system using only TOPs. Hope you like it! if you have any questions feel free to ask. Here are some great tutorials that cover the basics: TouchDesigner Beginner Course by @elekktronaut: TouchDesigner Tutorials by @paketa12 : You […]

Touchdesigner Eğitimi – SOP’lar

Bu Touchdesigner eğitim serisinde, programın SOP’ları hakkında bilgi veren bir video hazırladım. Bu bölümde, SOP’ların kullanımı, nasıl oluşturulacağı ve işlevleri hakkında detaylı bilgiler verildi. Ayrıca, video boyunca Touchdesigner programının genel bakışı ve arayüzünün nasıl kullanılacağı hakkında da bilgi veriliyor.

Tutoriel Ange Biblique et champ de fleurs ”Y2K” Touchdesigner

Un tutoriel simple pour expliquer comment j’ai créé une scène virtuelle: un champ de fleurs, dans une esthétique Y2K, avec une mystérieuse créature survolant le tout.

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Twist & Fractal SOPs

This is a tutorial (with a bit of riffing) on using twist & fractal SOPs to create some interesting particle behavior.

Generative Point Clouds in TouchDesigner

It’s time for more point clouds! Although commonly associated with impressively detailed scans of spaces, objects, and terrain, point clouds can be a great source of generative visuals and creative inspiration, especially when you start to generate and animate your own. Taking inspiration from the recent Cyberpunk 2077-Inspired Point Cloud Effect (, Jack DiLaura walks […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial _Interactive donuts (Español)

Este es un tutorial para principiantes usando geometría y matemáticas para modificar la ubicación de los objetos. ¡Cualquier comentario o pregunta es bienvenido! Sígueme en:

Touchdesigner Tutorial _Interactive donuts

A beginner tutorial using geometry and math to modify location. Any feedback or question is welcome! Follow me on:

Geometric Solar Flares with particlesGPU

ParticlesGPU is an amazing tool for working with particle systems in TouchDesigner. As a GPU-based compute shader, it offers higher performance with larger particle counts than previous methods. Since the initial release of the 2022 version of TouchDesigner, many exciting new additions have been made to particlesGPU, including the ability to use forces, a favorite […]

Joy Division in Touchdesigner

here’s my take on the iconic album cover Unknown Pleasures. We use TOPs and SOPs for this algorithm. I really hope you like this. .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon​​ or follow me on:​​​

Play with SOPs – Touchdesigner 1 Hour Practice

Final output :


An easy and fast way to get a point-cloud based Möbius strip from an equation in TouchDesigner. You could support me on Patreon: Or/and follow on Instagram: 0:00 Intro 0:04 Theory 1:18 TOPs system 06:10 Instancing 09:20 Parameters to play

30′ How far is it ?____part 2___displace sop in gpu

In this tutorial we will learn how to dispalce vertex texture in TOP and use it to render proper geometry with a vertex shader. We will take advantage of the set up of part one, so please go and check that tutorial as well link for the unwrapper :

Refik Anadol Particles in TouchDesigner, Part One – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Refik Anadol is one of the most well known new media artists working today. His artworks often take the shape of immersive installations, which use machine […]

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Week 12 Part 1 (Waves/ Water TouchDesigner)

TouchDesigner Part 1 Waves/ Water Topics covered: Grid SOP Fractal SOP Transform SOP Noise SOP Null SOP Line MAT Ramp TOP TOP to CHOP Constant CHOP Base COMP Camera COMP

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Week 12 Part 2 (Audio Reactive GEO TouchDesigner)

TouchDesigner Part 2 Audio Reactive GEO Topics covered: Facet SOP Noise SOP Transform SOP Sphere SOP Primitive SOP Phong MAT WireFrame MAT Ramp TOP TOP to CHOP Resample CHOP Trim CHOP Audio in CHOP Spectrum CHOP Math CHOP Lag CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Chop to DAT Merge DAT Null DAT Base COMP Camera COMP […]

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Week 12 Part 3 (Capstone TouchDesigner)

TouchDesigner Part 3 Capstone to Series Topics covered: Facet SOP Noise SOP Transform SOP Sphere SOP Primitive SOP Phong MAT WireFrame MAT Ramp TOP TOP to CHOP Composite TOP Resample CHOP Trim CHOP Audio in CHOP Spectrum CHOP Math CHOP Lag CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Beat CHOP Chop to DAT Merge DAT Null DAT […]

TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial 1: SOPs (Step-by-Step EASY + Annotations & Native English Speaker)

In this TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial, I show you everything you need to know about SOPs. 1) What are SOPs? * Shapes! Objects (“Surface operators”) 2) How to add SOPs * TAB key, double click empty area, Add Operator button, right-click output dots 3) Most common “generator” SOPs * Line, rectangle, grid, box, circle, sphere, text, […]

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Week 10 (SOP Instancing OSC Chop in from Ableton Macro)

TouchDesigner SOP Instancing, Using OSC In Chop as Input from Ableton Macro and Max4Live Connection kit. Topics covered: Box SOP Transform SOP Grid SOP Noise SOP Geometry COMP Camera COMP Null COMP Constant MAT OSC In CHOP Math CHOP Select CHOP Noise TOP Null TOP OUT TOP

3/3 TouchDesigner Vol.042 Twisted Torus in SOPs

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

2/3 TouchDesigner Vol.042 Twisted Torus in SOPs

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

1/3 TouchDesigner Vol.042 Twisted Torus in SOPs

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

Generative Dadamaino in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Many new TouchDesigner artists and developers are inspired by other great works artist. In another part of this series, Crystal Jow will take you through recreating […]

2/2 TouchDesigner Vol.010 SOP intermediate course

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

1/2 TouchDesigner Vol.010 SOP intermediate course

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

Julio Le Parc-style Generative Op Art in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Julio Le Parc is an Argentinian-born artist and sculptor whose work is often associated with the Op Art movement. Since the 1960s, Julio has created a […]

10 Minutes Tutorial 002. TouchDesigner. Control Particle SOP with Optical Flow

Second 10 Minutes Tutorial for TouchDesigner. In this tutorial we cover the technique : How to get the OpticalFlow data into SOP context and control the Particle SOP with that Learn Houdini and TouchDesigner in 10.5 Months academic online curse with self-learning and curated option. Enroll at

Creative coding with sops | Python maze TouchDesigner

Future Space Detection Event: Python in TouchDesigner Course: Become a Patreon for exclusive content: Follow us on social media: Instagram:…. Twitter: Website: Support us by donating to our PayPal: Absolute Beginner Video:… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These […]

Animated Planes with Primitive SOP | TouchDesigner Tutorial

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: Follow us on social media: Instagram:…. Twitter: Website: Support us by donating to our PayPal: Absolute Beginner Video:… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials […]

How to make the Stranger Things intro in Touchdesigner

In this tutorial I will walk you through how to make a Stranger Things-esque scene in Touchdesigner. We will be doing some intermediate layouts with the Text SOP and use the Beat CHOP to time everything out. I also cover how to use Internal Parameters to keep everything organized. You can find the utilities I […]

Lines from a pair of geometry | TouchDesigner Sop Quick Tutorial

Lines from a pair of geometry | TouchDesigner Sop Quick Tutorial_ by xyz_uvw_opq Here is quick tutorial the Lines from a pair of geometry! ——————————————————–

Visualizing Complex Geometry and Sacred Geometry through Touch Designer Real-Time Workflow Lzy Lad

An attempt at building a modular way to explain sacred geometry! still a work in progress.

Sop to Top | TouchDesigner Sop Tips

Sop to Top | TouchDesigner Sop Tips by xyz_uvw_opq Here is the easy way sop to top! ——————————————————–

Butterflies: Animating Instanced SOPs with a Vertex Shader in TouchDesigner (Tutorial)

This is an intermediate TouchDesigner tutorial that shows how to animate simple instanced SOPs via a vertex shader. Patreon (Project Files): Instagram: Twitch:

Ben Laposky’s Oscilloscope Art in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Ben Laposky was among the first to experiment with using analog computers and electronics to generate artworks in the early 1950s. He is known for creating […]

Low Polygon Wave in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

Using SOP to CHOP and CHOP to SOP process is really fun to make! 00:00 Intro 00:20 First setting and grid 02:20 Using Noise to ty 04:55 Render setting 06:20 Compute Normal with Facet 07:40 Normal/Facet Explanation 08:30 Wave with Ramp 10:30 X Z position with Noise 15:20 Camera, Light setting 17:20 Reflectivity material 18:35 […]

“The interacting with the heart”, TouchDesigner Tutorial_the Procedural 3D modeling techniques

“The interacting with the heart”, TouchDesigner Tutorial_the Procedural 3D modeling techniques by 1O0o Here I cover the procedural 3D modeling and basic sop techniques in TouchDesigner. If you make your heart, please share on instagram using hashtag #TDheart. ——————————————————– You can be my patreon and download my tutorials project files and more. […]

Touchdesigner – The Shore Tutorial

This quick tutorial is showing you how I created this line art look. This animation, ‘sea wave’ or how I call it ‘The Shore’, I actually created 2 years ago. At this time learning TD was much more frustrating to me… Anyway, it’s a simple setup using SOP, Line material and TOP. Note: This tutorial […]

Touchdesigner – Text mapping on grid Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn how to map texts onto a plane or grid to make typography animation using Text SOP and stylizing it later in TOP. It’s a simple and fun technique I’ve been playing around for quite sometime now, and I think it’d be great to share this quick technique on how […]

Beginner TouchDesigner Tutorial | Transitioning between SOPs

Support the channel by donating to: #Touchdesigner #tutorial #digitalart This is a step by step easy tutorial using TouchDesigner. TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials which are a little more complex but with rewarding results. […]

13 Circular Tunnel and Texturing

Hi, in this tutorial we are going to see, how to create a Circular Tunnel, and how to apply texture to SOPs using their own UVs.

12 Drawing the movement of the sound

Hi, In this tutorial we are going to see : -how to read the value from the Sop of the gesture capture Component -how to use those value to move audio with the objectCHOP operator Enjoy 🙂 Unveil_studio

How to make a neon sign in Touchdesigner

In this tutorial you will learn how to make a neon sign in Touchdesigner. The text is entirely dynamic and generated using SOPs. Instancing is used to make copies of the sign in different colors and animate them. Download link for project toe file: Download link for a tox file with the Python code: […]

07 Shape Drawing with particles

Special thanks to Valentina for her amazing draw : In this tutorial we will take a look to a simple technique to draw from Sops operators. Main focus on : particle sop as storage of world space position data. Unveil_studio: