TD scripts v1.2: a Blender Add-on for Touchdesigner

Second update of our developed Blender Add-on: ‘TD Scripts v1.2. This one has some improvements and bug fixes, but the main addition is the ability to: – export animated camera’s Improvement, you no longer have to connect your textures directly to the principled shaders sockets. It will go through the node chain and look for […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 40 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.2.2.1 Dumb Agents]

Hello everyone, in this new tutorial we’re going to recreate the code for the Chapter 2.2.1 “Dumb Agents” of the Generative Design book inside touchdesigner. Enjoy ! —- Final Project: —- Book: Processing Code: You can support me on: —- Or following me in: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

(ES)TouchDesigner Tutorial 40 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.2.2.1 Dumb Agents]

Hola a todxs, en este nuevo tutorial vamos a recrear el código del Capítulo 2.2.1 “Dumb Agents” del libro Generative Design dentro de touchdesigner. Disfruten ! —- Proyecto Final: —- Libro: Codigo Processing: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TD scripts v1.0: a Blender Add-on for exporting to Touchdesigner

Herewith you’ll find the first release of our recently developed Blender Add-on: ‘TD Scripts v1.0. We’re currently seeking for opportunities to make the transition between Blender and Touchdesigner more fluid, especially within the export realm. The first release of this Add-on for Blender comes with two scripts: – a blender material to TD converter – […]

21 Four things I was missing for years :-)

Hi, In this tutorial we will take to a look to some usefull TD application and some hidden trick thal will make your workflow faster!!! Have Fun: Here my patreon :

Drag & Drop Scripts in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: There are many ways to add drag and drop functionality to your user interfaces and applications in TouchDesigner. In the recent builds, a new drag and […]

Tracking QR Codes in TouchDesigner with OpenCV and Script TOP – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: QR codes are insanely helpful and underrated tools. They can be used for everything from tracking the position of objects in a scene, to helping your […]

Easy Feature Tracking with Script TOP and OpenCV in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: If you’ve ever tried to use OpenCV inside of TouchDesigner or do any kind of machine learning, you’ll have quickly hit a major bottleneck: the difficulty […]

Drawing in Python – Noah Norman

Additional Files – This workshop will focus on the basics of using TouchDesigner’s Script SOP to create geometry programmatically, beginning simply with the creation of points and lines, building out some useful and reusable abstractions, and eventually creating interesting structures and patterns, all with an eye to creating vector artwork for printing on pen […]

Populating Table DATs via a Script

A look at how to write a simple Python script that will populate a set amount of rows with the text you want, including incrementing the text with a number