Стрим по Notch VFX / Kinect → TouchDesigner → OSC → Notch

Собираем эту штуку https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMATKZ40LEI в Notch VFX. Сегодня подключаем Kinect 2.0 к TouchDesigner и пробрасываем данные по OSC в Notch. Заменяем управление мышью на управление с кинекта

VISUALOGIC Notch Playback Player by TouchDesigner (Program)

#visuals #touchdesigner #notch Notch Playback Player by touchdesigner TouchDesignerを使用してNotch blockのCGコンテンツのVJプレーヤーを制作しました。 タイムコードに紐づいたり、任意の再生キューポイントを打てたり、再生速度調整ができたり、それらの機能をOSC等でリモートボタン操作も可能です。 VISUALOGIC 多種多様なイベント・ステージ経験により培ってきたアイデアと 変化し続ける最新テクノロジーを組み合わせ、 映像、照明、音響を問わないトータルディレクションによって、 新たな感動体験を提供するクリエイティブブランドです。 リアルタイムビジュアル生成・空間演出に特化したチームです。 twitter Tweets by VISUALOGIC_jp web https://www.visualogic.jp/ contact https://www.visualogic.jp/contact/con… Hashtag #notch #notchvfx #notchbuilder #notchdesigner #realtime #graphics #madewithnotch #IMAG #visuals #concert #mediaserver #touchdesighner #createtogether

TOUCHDESIGNER S**T – KINECT (feat.@miruka_ze)

Donate – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/justpsyho Links: MARK: TG: https://t.me/boringspace IG: https://instagram.com/miruka_ze OSTRY: TG: https://t.me/jpworked IG: https://www.instagram.com/justpsyho

AUGMENTA : Notch with TUIO inside Touchdesigner

Download files : https://github.com/Augmenta-tech/Augmenta-notch-example/releases/tag/1.0 https://github.com/Augmenta-tech/Notch-with-Data-in-TD Resources : https://github.com/Augmenta-tech/Augmenta-notch-example https://github.com/theoriz/augmenta Community : https://discord.gg/ErWESYXR9x https://www.instagram.com/augmenta.tech/ Website: Home https://derivative.ca/ The Real-time Graphics Tool Music Mawuka – Yuku

AUGMENTA : Notch in TouchDesigner

Download project file : https://github.com/Augmenta-tech/Augmenta-notch-example/releases/tag/1.0 Resources : https://github.com/Augmenta-tech/Augmenta-notch-example https://github.com/theoriz/augmenta Community : https://discord.gg/ErWESYXR9x https://www.instagram.com/augmenta.tech/ Website : Home The Real-time Graphics Tool https://derivative.ca/

3Dconnexion Space Mouse Camera Control inside Notch, via TouchDesigner

Using a Spacepilot Pro to control the camera inside of Notch Builder. .bin Notch file and .tox TD files can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kw7pb65iqohaa1l/AACO9cGCE9rgXDjDebOY6pg1a?dl=0 Inside TouchDesigner, Joystick CHOP into Select CHOP into OSC CHOP. Inside Notch, OSC Modifier into Accumulator into Position/Rotation of a Null

Testing Notch Blocks With No Media Server – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: https://bit.ly/2zJ0lmt Notch is becoming one of the go-to tools for making content that will be embedded in other media servers. But what do you do if you […]

Network Editing Notch Blocks in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: https://bit.ly/2zJ0lmt Working with Notch Blocks in TouchDesigner is amazing…except when you need to make lots of small and quick changes to the original Notch project before re-exporting […]

What’s the best starting point for Notch & Touchdesigner developers? – Notch Tutorial 2

Feel excited to work with the power of the combination Notch and Touchdesigner, but be bothered by the license problem. What is the best portfolio for the beginners or individual artists to build the TouchDesigner & Notch skills to create appealing effects in realtime? In this one, Jun Li introduces you to the two different […]

Scaling Notch Content in TouchDesigner with Exposable Arrays – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: https://bit.ly/2zJ0lmt With the new Exposable Array’s feature in Notch and TouchDesigner, you can simulate many of the features and benefits of TouchDesigner’s instancing while still using the […]

Why Notch is Exciting for TouchDesigner Developers

In this tutorial, Elburz introduces you to Notch and demonstrates why it’s the most exciting software to use alongside TouchDesigner. The combination of Notch’s high-quality dynamic content creation and TouchDesigner’s flexibility and power as a media server can elevate your projects to a new level, all while dramatically reducing development time. To join The Interactive […]