Hardware Haquer (Austin Stewart)

TouchDesigner 2023 Tutorial 7 Perform and Export

This tutorial goes over the basics of how to get your network to be in perform mode using the Window OP and how to export audio and video of your network.

Touchdesigner 2023 Tutorial 6: Optical Flow: Use Movement in Video as a trigger

This video shows how to use Optical Flow to use movement in a video source (Movie File In, Video Device In, NDI In, etc) as a trigger. It shows the chain required to take the movement data and make it usable by the Tigger CHOP. Then the output of the Trigger is used to cross […]

TouchDesigner 2023 Tutorial 5 MouseIn Move Transform

This tutorial focuses on making use of the Mouse X and Y position to control the position of a circle and later a banana. It also shows how to enable access to the left mouse button state to control the size of the objects.

TouchDesigner 2023 Tutorial 2: Building Our First Network

This tutorial introduces the workflow for creating networks in TouchDesigner and how to control TOP parameters with CHOPs.

TouchDesigner 2023 Tutorial 3 Altering Video with Effects TOPs mp4

This tutorial carries on from the previous tutorial and shows how to composite different TOPs together, alter colors, and use effects like the Edge TOP to apply effects.

TouchDesigner 2023 Tutorial 1: Overview

This Tutorial Introduces the interface and underlying logic/philosophy of Touchdesigner