no language136 Videos

CHOP-TOP-CHOP-SOP – Simple Multioperator Processing on TouchDesigner

Hey everyone, In this quick tutorial, I explore creating 3D patterns using the Pattern CHOP in TouchDesigner. I demonstrate how to process the data through various operators to generate diverse variations suitable for instancing. It’s a straightforward technique with the potential for producing captivating results. Check it out! As always, project files available for all […]

TouchDesigner ムービングライト制御

TouchDesignerを使ってムービングライトを制御していきます。 今回はお試しで購入したこちらの小さいムービングライト U`King 50W Amazonで1つ1万円くらいで購入できました。 接続はDMX Kingを使います。 USBタイプのものですぐに接続でき便利です。 ムービングライトは11chで接続しました。 もっと明るいムービングライトでプロジェクションマッピングと一緒に使ってみたいと思います! ぎまパパチャンネル[プロジェクションマッピング/Scratch/TouchDesingnerの使い方/VJ] 映像クリエイターギマヒロシゲHP 映像クリエイター/ギマヒロシゲ FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa Instagram


hola amig@s en este video les muestro como enviar datos osc a cuaquier parametro de madmapper. espero que les sea de ayuda cualquier duda ponganmelo en los comentarios!! 🙂

TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial – Quick And Easy Particle System In Under 5 Minutes

Are you looking to make a powerful and dynamic particle system to start experimenting with but do not want to sit through a long slow tutorial? This will give you all you need to get started i wanted to give you the bare basics but with some more advanced features to mess with as you […]

This is How I make short art animations with TouchDesigner – A Report of my learning process

I made this after about two months of learning. I started from scratch, explained the steps by text, and exported a short video. Also, you can find some beginner tips in this video. I think if you learn the tools I used in this video, you can get familiar with #TouchDesigner and start to create […]

DEFORMATION LAMPS(変幻灯) reimplementation in TouchDesigner DEFORMATION LAMPS is a new light projection technique that is able to add a variety of realistic movement impressions to a static projection target. I`ve reimplemented in TouchDesigner just for study.

Setting external text editors(ex. Visual Studio Code) in TouchDesigner

VS Code App path: 1. WINDOWS: C:Users[USERNAME]AppDataLocalProgramsMicrosoft VS CodeCode.exe 2. MacOS: /Applications/Visual Studio

Kinect Controlled Synthesizer v1.2 – [TouchDesigner + Ableton Live + Kinect Project Files]

Small fragments of pointcloud me live-improvising with a slightly-improved and more capable version of one of my previous systems. You’ll notice that thanks to it, I’m being able to control my beloved Prophet 6 with both my hands’ X and Y axis movement. [It allows you to control any instrument that accepts MIDI.] System created […]

Touchdesigner Turorial – “Text-to-Speech” #touchdesigner #tutorial #tutoriales

Chapters: 0:03 Set Up 0:18 Edit Contents – Enter Code: import subprocess def onValueChange(channel, sampleIndex, val, prev): subprocess.Popen( [‘say’, “Thank you Touchdesigner, now I will go touch some grass”]) 0:40 Enter Text-to-Speech 0:51 Listen to Text-to-Speech

TouchDesigner tutorial #5. Frosting images

Thanks for music / mixes DJ Dawn Razor: Label “Bazovoe Techno”: Follow me on Insta =)

CellShader0 | TouchDesiger Tutorial

Here’s {TouchArtist} series, next one I wanna share more about visual staff in TouchDesigner, and it’s opensource, I hope everyone to join me to develop based on this program. Free project file – Extra examples available for Patron supporters(in the end of video, please check it out) –

TouchDesigner – Sunset

创作不易,请多多支持~ 未经允许禁止转载和应用于商业用途! 效果教程: 实验技术: 粒子互动: 流体互动: 工具类: 目前工程文件概不出售,还请见谅~ 如果有想法和灵感,那就一起来探索吧~


Using CamSchnappr in TouchDesigner: Projection mapping on real-world geometry supported by a 3D model by this geometry.

Touchdesigner tutorial[日本語][BulletSolver][collision]part2

TouchDesignerのBulletSolverを使ってcollision[当たり判定]をとっていきます。パート2のチュートリアルです。 パート1はこちら TouchDesigner tutorial[日本語][BulletSolver][collision]Part1 パート1で球体に重力と当たり判定[collision]を設定する事ができました。 今回はその球体1つ1つを認識させて当たったら光ようにプログラムしていきます。 BulletSolver内でのオブジェクトの当たり判定はBulletSolver Chopを使います。 1つ1つの球体ポジションが数値として取れるので、あとはObject chopを使って距離を測り1定の距離に近づくと反応するように設定していきます。 —————————————- Touchdesigner tutorial[日本語][BulletSolver][collision]part2 0:18 BulletSolver Chopの設定 1:13 球体のポジションに変換 2:29 chopに変換して当たり判定をとる 7:15 球体を光らせる 11:30 bloomで加工 —————————————- ぎまパパチャンネル[プロジェクションマッピング/Scratch/TouchDesingnerの使い方/VJ] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #touchdesigner #BulletSolver #collision