The Best Communication Protocols in TouchDesigner

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: TouchDesigner supports a lot of communication protocols. So many that it can be tough to choose which ones to use. Elburz breaks it down for you […]


TouchDesignerを使ってライトに反応するインタラクティブアートを作っていきます。 ※iPhoneじゃなくていいです。光ればなんでもいけます。 プロジェクターを使って投影しながら行えばなかなか面白い演出になるんじゃないかと思います。 ※できるだけ暗い場所で試してください。 #TouchDesigner #インタラクティブアート #InteractiveArt ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa


マウスでパーティクルをグルグルとリアルタイムに動かしていきます。 Touchdesignerのプログラム速度なら結構な数のパーティクルをだしても、問題なく動きます(PCにもよると思いますが)素晴らしい!! いろいろなリアルタイムの演出に使えそう。 できあがったら楽しいですよー♫ ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by OneMovie1 #Touchdesigner #mouse

Touchdesigner tutorial – basics mouse drawing effects

#touchdesigner#tutorial#drawing This is a touchdesigner tutorial on drawing effects. In this video, the mouse is used as the input value, but using various sensors will be useful when creating interactive effects. 【instagram】 h

MX10 TouchDesigner Tutorial – NDI Switcher

In this tutorial Stefan Kraus going to demonstrate how to use NewTeks NDI with TouchDesigner and stream live output to Facebook. Furthermore Stefan explains in depth how he built a video schwitcher in TouchDesigner that is suitable to switch up to 16 individual video sources.

30th Fire art[TouchDesigner](English)

I’m trying “elements” effect in TouchDesigner; fire, water, wind, earth … and so on. This time, in this tutorial, we made fire effect. The key technique; it consists 3 steps; I )Put points, II )make trigger, and III)fire いろんな属性エフェクト(火、風、土…など)に挑戦しています。今回のチュートリアルでは火の術をやります。 今回使う技術は3ステップあります。 ①点をおきます ②トリガーをつけて ③点火 です。 You can download .toe file in this movie below. .toeファイルは以下からDLできます。 […]

Switching audio files for playback with TouchDesigner

The exercise switches among a number of audio files to playback by pressing different keys in the keyboard. It is a simple version of a DJ controller. The graphics is the frequency spectrum of the sound.

TouchDesigner video switcher with keyboard control

Video tutorial for VART3386 Media Arts Studio – keyboard interaction example 3 for TouchDesigner.

TouchDesigner on/off keyboard control

Video tutorial for VART3386 Media Arts Studio – keyboard interaction example 1 for TouchDesigner.

TouchDesigner wiping transition with color strips

Video tutorial for VART3386 Media Arts Studio – mouse interaction example 3 for TouchDesigner.

TouchDesigner toggle keyboard control

Video tutorial for VART3386 Media Arts Studio – keyboard interaction example 2 for TouchDesigner.

touchdesigner tutorial – Particle tracking the mouse

#touchdesigner#particle#tutorial TouchDesigner tutorial on particles. In this video, we will create a particle that tracks the mouse. Generates airflow using the force and particle sops. 【instagram】

TouchDesigner Tutorial – Referencing Input Devices with CHOPs

Using CHOPs in TouchDesigner to reference data from various input devices, including keyboard, mouse, game controllers, and midi keyboards.