Alex Czetwertynski

Open a file chooser using Python

This video will show you how to use the ui.chooseFile method to open a file chooser dialog and load the result into a DAT

Setting Local and Root Variables within a project

A look at two ways to create variables you can use in your components or across the whole project

Populating Table DATs via a Script

A look at how to write a simple Python script that will populate a set amount of rows with the text you want, including incrementing the text with a number

06-First Look at Scripts in TouchDesigner088

A first script and looking at how to trigger them using CHOP Execute

05_Why Use Expressions?

A quick example of why it is useful to use expressions rather than for example an Export operation

04_Referencing DATs in TouchDesigner 088 Part2

Using Row and Column names instead of numbers, and grabbing text from DATs

03_Referencing DATs in TouchDesigner 088_Part1

Using simple Python expression to target a cel in a DAT in TouchDesigner 088

02_TouchDesigner 088 Parameter Referencing in Python

A quick look at how to send the values of one parameter field to another using Python In case the video quality is not good enough, here is the syntax for parameter referencing op(‘opname’).par.parameterName

01_TouchDesigner088 Channel Referencing in Python

A quick look at how to pull data from a channel using a Python expression in TouchDesigner In case you can’t read the text, the syntax is as follows op(‘opname’)[channelnumber] or op(‘opname’)(‘channelname’)