Tentacles in TouchDesigner

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode.berlin/ #generativeart #creativecoding #algorithmicart #digitalart #newmediaart #codingart #touchdesignercommunity #touchdesigner #arttutorial #codingtutorial #learntocode2023 #visualprogramming #livecoding

Tentacles in TouchDesigner

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode.berlin/ #generativeart #creativecoding #algorithmicart #digitalart #newmediaart #codingart #touchdesignercommunity #touchdesigner #arttutorial #codingtutorial #learntocode2023 #visualprogramming #livecoding

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Symmetrical Mandala Pattern inspired by Sacred Geometry Using SOP Instancing

*Get Project Files & Components on my Patreon* 👉https://www.patreon.com/Okamirufu We start with a generator network using GLSL and noise to produce vibrant colors. The Classic Network includes a render, camera, and GEO to visualize Point Particles, while a Save the Camera component allows for recording different camera angles. The Post Processing network refines the composition […]

monome norns + TouchDesigner – awake in 3D: Visualization with TD – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this second installment of the monome norns + TouchDesigner series, learn how to create a real-time 3D visualization in TouchDesigner of your current sequence in the awake script on the norns. You’ll work through adding OSC output of various aspects of the sequences created with the awake script, routing that information to TouchDesigner, and […]

3D Geometry from Noise TOP – Noise Sculpting in TouchDesigner

Hi guys! This is a different take on the first tutorial I uploaded! I make 3d geometry from a Noise TOP and use instancing to create different patterns from it! I think for the next tutorial it would be nice to try out a way to make this noise sculpture audioreactive! Again, project files available […]

TouchDesigner tutorial – drawing cubes

I used CHOP noise to create this shape. it has a lot of possibilities to generate different shapes. #touchdesigner #visual #digitalart

Fragmented Eye // Beginner TouchDesigner Tutorial

This video goes over some basic geometry rendering and experimentation with feedback loops. Hopefully it should be beginner friendly, although I don’t focus so much on explaining fundamentals. I love to make interesting stuff first, and go back and learn afterwards; so hopefully this works for you too! 😀 Feedback is always appreciated, I’m still […]

TouchDesigner – Render와 Camera, Geometry, Light

bileam tschepe (elekktronaut)의 Light Replication – TouchDesigner Tutorial 44(링크: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os5jV5FpwOw)를 바탕으로 학습하는 중 Render OP가 작동하는 방식에 대해 이해할 수 있었어서 이를 남깁니다.

Touch Designer Beginner – Part 1 / SOP Geo

This is a new tutorial series for Touch Designer beginners. In part 1 you can learn how to work with Surface Operator and Materials ( phong and line) you learn how to create plexus effect and how to render your Geometry. In each video I try to show you the interface and some tips. In […]

Demystifying TouchDesigner SOPs 04. Deformers. Lattice & Magnet SOPs

WE CONTINUE TO POST THE VIDEO LESSONS ABOUT THE MOST MYSTIC AND UNDERRATED TOUCHDESIGNER OPERATOR FAMILY: SOPS In the 4TH Video we show how to efficiently use 2 Deformers: Lattice and Magnet SOP. 00:00 Intro 00:10 Lattice SOP 05:14 Lattice SOP in Houdini 07:11 Magnet SOP In this free series we going to uncover the […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Psychedelic Generative Artwork

#Touchdesigner #Tutorials #Geometrical Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=84881314 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hls_art_studio I am using some of the most fundamentals of Touchdesigner to produce this beautiful output. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Touchdesigner Tutorial: Replicator, Dat Tables, Chops, Noise, LFOs, Render CHOPS, RGB Keys, 3D Scanning, Houdini, Blender Touchdesigner and Leap Motion Sensor. Use of some of the […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Simple Geometric Animations

In this video, we look at some techniques to create some simple animations using feedback and then instancing. The techniques produce results that are great for any situation that demands something bold, high contrast, and easy on the CPU/GPU. The first technique looks at using a circle TOP to produce different basic geometries (if you […]

Visualizing Complex Geometry and Sacred Geometry through Touch Designer Real-Time Workflow Lzy Lad

An attempt at building a modular way to explain sacred geometry! still a work in progress.

3D Model in TouchDesigner | Normalize & Move to Origin

In this video, I am building a Component that receives a 3D object of any size and position in space, and outputs a normalized version of it, positioned at the 3D world’s origin. —– 00:00​ – Intro & Examples 02:53​ – Building the Network – Move to Origin 08:24​ – Building the Network – Normalize […]

터치디자이너 _ Touchdesigner 활용하기 11-3

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 www.lab-oe.com https://www.instagram.com/lab_oe/ #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#미디어아트#인터렉티브아트#interactive#tutorial

터치디자이너 _ Touchdesigner 활용하기 11-2

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 www.lab-oe.com https://www.instagram.com/lab_oe/ #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#미디어아트#인터렉티브아트#interactive#tutorial

터치디자이너 _ Touchdesigner 활용하기 11-1

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 www.lab-oe.com https://www.instagram.com/lab_oe/ #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#미디어아트#인터렉티브아트#interactive#tutorial

Commen faire un paysage avec TouchDesigner

Dans cette vidéo, vous apprendrez à créer un paysage avec TouchDesigner. Vous n’avez besoin de rien d’autre que le logiciel et un peu de créativité! Musique: It’s Almost Over – SefChol Castille Soap – LATASHÁ Meadows – Ramzoid Skip Rox – Spazz Cardigan

geometry with TOPs in Touchdesigner

Here’s a quick method for making geometry computations on GPU without any glsl …some said is not possible 🙂 source file free to download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47807269 Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paketa12​ or follow me on: https://www.instagram.com/paketa12​ https://www.facebook.com/paketa12

터치디자이너 _ Touchdesigner 활용하기 6-2

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 www.lab-oe.com https://www.instagram.com/lab_oe/ #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#interactive/

터치디자이너 _ Touchdesigner 활용하기 6-1

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 www.lab-oe.com https://www.instagram.com/lab_oe/ #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#interactive/

Phyllotaxis TOP | TouchDesigner

In this tutorial I will show you how to make Phyllotaxis structures in Touchdesigner using feedback (TOP Class) https://vk.com/iga_stud https://www.instagram.com/iga_stud https://www.patreon.com/iga_stud

Phyllotaxis SOP | TouchDesigner

In this tutorial I will show you how to make Phyllotaxis structures in Touchdesigner using geometry (SOP Class) https://vk.com/iga_stud https://www.instagram.com/iga_stud https://www.patreon.com/iga_stud

Virtual Projections (Prototyping) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 32

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a virtual space with walls and 3D objects to simulate projections and installation setups. CGTrader (3D model): https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models Substance Share (textures): https://share.substance3d.com/ Tips: You can also import OBJ! Though you won’t be able to use animated characters. Try using your webcam (Video Device In)! —– 00:00 Intro / Overview […]

Touchdesigner – [ Experiment – Tutorial ] – Growing

———————————————— https://www.seskamol.com https://www.instagram.com/seskamol/ https://www.vimeo.com/seskamol ————————————————————————————

Simple geometry displacement – Touchdesigner tutorial

In this tutorial I explain a nice displacement technique using geometry instancing and TOP operators. Feel free to customize it and publish your results. For my other works, check IG: @singoltone https://www.instagram.com/singoltone/?hl=it


TouchDesignerでゲーム作り今回で4回目(ゲーム作りのチュートリアル終了) これまでのチュートリアル3回で全体的な動きと撃った玉が当たる(当たり判定)まで認識させる事ができました。 今回は当たったら-1や音がなるなど細かいところを作っていきます。 ※ロケット側の動きと当たり判定はUFO側と同じようにすればできるので作り方は省きました。 TouchDesignerでGame作り[パート3] ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] https://oneaction.mobi/gimapapa/ FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/hiroshige.gima Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #TouchDesigner


TouchDesignerでゲームを作っていきます(パート3) 前回まででキャラクターの動きと玉を撃つまでは完成しました。 今回は撃った玉とUFOの当たり判定をとっていきます。 Object Chopを使って玉とUFOの距離を測り、三角形の関数を利用して[当たり]と認識させます。 三平方の定理といいます。 一見難しそうに見えるんですが、一度理解すると簡単です。 ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] https://oneaction.mobi/gimapapa/ FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/hiroshige.gima Twitter Tweets by gimapapa TouchDesignerでGame作り[パート2] TouchDesignerでGame作り[パート4] #TouchDesigner


TouchDesignerを使って簡単なゲームを作り パート2 今回はUFO(敵キャラ)を自動的に動かして、玉との当たり判定をとるバリアみたいなもの(Collider)をつけていきます。 TOP(2D)で動かすUFOと、SOP(3D)で動かすCircleとの動きを合わせてください。 TouchDesignerでGame作り[パート1] TouchDesignerでGame作り[パート3] ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] https://oneaction.mobi/gimapapa/ FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/hiroshige.gima Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #TouchDesigner


TouchDesignerを使って簡単なゲームを作ってみました。 子供向けにインタラクティブな作品を作っていると、どうしてもほしくなるゲーム要素です😁 玉を撃つや、当たり判定など個人的には普段あまり使って事なかったオペレーターも使う事ができたのでよかったです。 長くなったので4回に分けています。 1回目のゲーム作りは、飛行機をキーボードで操作して、玉を撃つ事ができるようになります。 TouchDesignerでGame作り[パート2] ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] https://oneaction.mobi/gimapapa/ FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/hiroshige.gima Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #TouchDesigner

How to make a ‘Delusional Tunnel Twist Effect’ in Touchdesigner

In this tutorial we’ll have a look at how to set up a patch in Touchdesigner for giving your clips and stills a delusional effect by creating depth with the smart use of geometry and texturing. table of contents: intro 00.00 render setup 00:20 geometry/SOP 02:20 material 06:50 instancing data 10:23 tweaking 14:40 additional effects […]

터치디자이너 튜토리얼 – 점진적 지오메트리 | TouchDesigner Tutorial – Procedural Landscape

안녕하세요, 카로 입니다. 이번 영상에서는 Vaporwave느낌의 비주얼 만드는 방법 보여드립니다. 이번 튜토리얼은 zeal의 영상에서 연감 받았습다. 다른 방법도 궁금하시면 bileam tschepe의 영상도 추천 드립니다. Timestamps: Intro 0:00 시작 0:39 3D 씬 셋업 0:50 Final 아웃풋 셋업 1:09 Sphere 셋업 1:28 카메라 셋업 3:01 MAT 3:53 배경 4:50 Circle SOP 6:09 Luma Blur 7:06 http://carolinereize.com https://blog.naver.com/swhakim95 […]

Создание анимированного плаката в стиле Oп-арт в TouchDesigner.

Запись стрима. Генеративная графика, TouchDesugner, TOP-класс.

NKB Workshop 002 // Featuring VITAMIN

Never Knows Better and Creative Code Art are featuring VITAMIN in this workshop, as they teach you TouchDesigner to build an audiovisual interactive digital organism. Duration: 1:15 Hrs This workshop taught by Pablo Alvarez the co-founder of VITAMIN (https://vitamin-arte.com/) /////////////////////////////// What you will need: TouchDesigner (download the program here: https://derivative.ca/download) About the artist: Vitamin is […]

Particle Path with TouchDesigner

Simple technique on how to create a path from some SOPs Link to article : https://derivative.ca/community-post/daily-drawings-always-real-time-smoothisfast/62998 Ling to IG : https://www.instagram.com/smooth_isfast/ File : (coming soon)

Blending between 2D and 3D – TouchDesigner tutorial 4

In this tutorial we will be looking at how to create a sketch that blends between 2D and 3D in TouchDesigner. If you are interested in learning TouchDesigner from the basics, check out my class on skillshare https://skl.sh/2Rwusnw You can find my work here: IG: https://www.instagram.com/benjarier/ Github: https://github.com/benjarier/ Studio Website: https://piko.studio/

Animation: entre 2D et 3D – Tuto TouchDesigner 3

Dans ce tutoriel, nous aborderons la création d’un visuel animé qui paraît être à la fois être en 3D, et en 2D. Si vous êtes intéressés à apprendre les bases de TouchDesigner, vous pouvez voir mon cours ici (EN) https://skl.sh/2Rwusnw Le reste de mon travail: IG: https://www.instagram.com/benjarier/ Github: https://github.com/benjarier/ Site Studio: https://piko.studio/

TouchDesigner Particle Fireworks[パーティクルで花火]パート2

TouchDesignerのParticleオペレーターを使って花火を作っていきます(パート2) パート1でParticleの土台できました。 パート2では、Particleを2D(cameraを設置)へと変換していきます。 後は花火として綺麗に色付けや数を決めていきます。 ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] https://oneaction.mobi/gimapapa/ FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/hiroshige.gima Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #Touchdesigner #Particle #Fireworks

Touchdesigner Moving primitives and noise settings in a shader Tutorial

This lesson is about how to move separate groups of primitives of a single geometry using a shader. And a little about setting up noise in the shader. I made a mistake (video time: 15:40). For an exponential function, it’s correct to write this: noise = noise * exp(abs(noise)*uExponent)/exp(uExponent); Этот урок о том как перемещать […]

Community Session — TouchDesigner: Spaced Out

Electric Playhouse has been hard at work (and play!) on two new Space-themed experiences for when we reopen our doors. Join our CTO Eric Yakley as we use the TouchDesigner platform to do a little side space exploration, bringing in data and images from NASA to explore modeling in the 3D pipeline, adding a little […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial – How To Build Point Sprites in A GLSL Shader

A walkthrough of how yo can build point sprites within a GLSL shader. Project can be found here – https://github.com/franklin113/Tutorial-Repo


Students feedback for basic 3d in TD: – instancing – particles – feometry deformation

Outrun / Landscapes – TouchDesigner Tutorial 19

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we look at how to create a landscape that we are moving through. In one of two versions we make the whole thing have this 80s/synthwave/outrun style. Compression is screwing with this a bit :/ Looks a lot better in TouchDesigner. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 03:02 Part 1 – Landscape […]


TouchDesigner第4回初級講座です。(2020.4.27) 3DCGを扱うためのオペレータSOP編です。 とりあえずバナナを回したように、突りあえずボックスをまわしましょう! 脱入門講座はこちら 第1回初級講座はこちら 第2回初級講座はこちら 第3回初級講座はこちら ▼この動画でわかること -Touchdesignerで3Dオブジェクトをレンダリングするためのお作法 -3Dオブジェクトを動かす方法 ▼Opening Video Creator 350(https://twitter.com/chicken350px) めちゃくちゃかっこいいオープニング作ってくれてありがとう! 一晩で作ったっていうんだからマジ天才です 【TDSWって何】 TDSW(Tokyo Developer’s Study Weekend)は、クリエイター向けに主にTouchDesignerをメインとしたワークショップやイベントを主催しているプロジェクトです。 様々な業界で活躍されている方を講師に招いて旬の技術をお届けしています。 ▼ ワークショップの情報はこちらから https://tdsw.peatix.com/ 【編集振り返り記録】 オペレーター出るときのフレームのテンプレート作った。 テンプレ化が進むと作業スピード上がる!

Plexus in Touchdesigner

This is a remake of an older tutorial I did years ago, but now it’s much faster due to the new features in Touchdesigner. source file free to download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36332486 Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paketa12 or follow me on: https://www.instagram.com/paketa12 https://www.facebook.com/paketa12

Simple VHS Animations – TouchDesigner Tutorial 18

In this tutorial we build 4 of 8 different animations, entirely in TOPs (and CHOPs) and add gradients and grain. Files, exclusive content and more: https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, Teruhisa, Simón Jaramillo Vallejo, hans mortelmans, Yeah, Lloyd Marsden, Théo Balestra, JINGLING YU and […]

Animating a virtual landscape – TouchDesigner tutorial 2

In this tutorial we will be looking at how to make an animation loop of a virtual landscape. We will also see how to use the Alpha parameter in materials and instances. If you are interested in learning TouchDesigner from the basics, check out my class on skillshare https://skl.sh/2Rwusnw You can find my work here: […]

Animation d’un paysage virtuel – Tuto TouchDesigner 1

Dans ce tuto, nous aborderons la création d’une boucle d’animation d’un terrain en 3D dans TouchDesigner. Nous allons aussi traiter de l’utilisation du paramètre Alpha des matériaux et des instances. Si vous êtes intéressés à apprendre les bases de TouchDesigner, vous pouvez voir mon cours ici (EN) https://skl.sh/2Rwusnw Le reste de mon travail: IG: https://www.instagram.com/benjarier/ […]

GPU Implementation of SOP to TOP – Quentin Bleton

Workshop: GPU Implementation of SOP to TOP This workshop aims to demonstrate a new way of manipulating SOPs in TOP space, while preserving optimized performances, by leveraging the GPU through geometry shaders to convert an SOP into, or from, a TOP. The geometry shader will be presented and explained first through a series of simple […]

touchdesigner tutorial -Modeling-

#touchdesigner#tutorial#modeling This is a touchdesigner tutorial on modeling. It is a simple geometric modeling. The topics of this tutorial are the design of the line along the normal of sphere sop and the expression of texture by fractal sop. Also contains geometry instance. 【instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/u________ssu/

touchdesigner tutorial -Modeling-

#touchdesigner#tutorial#modeling This is a touchdesigner tutorial on modeling. It is a simple geometric modeling. The topics of this tutorial are the design of the line along the normal of sphere sop and the expression of texture by fractal sop. Also contains geometry instance. 【instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/u________ssu/

Kinetic Typography – TouchDesigner Tutorial 17

In this tutorial we use instancing to create kinetic typography based on different 3D geometry. Files, exclusive content and more:https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, Teruhisa, Simón Jaramillo Vallejo, hans mortelmans, Yeah and Lloyd Marsden If you have any questions, feel free to ask. IG: […]

TouchDesigner tutorial – Creating a cloud using the Nvidia Flow Emitter

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

TouchDesigner Displacement Map

Deformazioni giometriche partendo da Texture o Video

Using Particle Lifetimes in TouchDesigner to Control the Visual Elements of a Particle System

One HQ PRO member asks how to use the particle lifetimes in TouchDesigner to control the visual elements of a particle system. Elburz builds an example while explaining how life attributes work on particles, how to use them, and the common tricks you can use to get the most out of them. To join The […]

TouchDesigner _02 Audio Reactive Low Poly

Facet, primitive, flat shaded, audio spectrum, resample. TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2019.33840 outlines by Lukasz Karluk: http://www.julapy.com/work/outlines/ Volcano – Poly by Google: https://poly.google.com/view/dwSigTeSMCo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

touchdesigner tutorial basics sphere effects

#touchdesigner#tutorial#effects This is a touchdesigner basic effects tutorial. You can easily create effects with only basic operations, based on geometry instance and feedback top. By changing the scaling of the values ​​such as math chop, transform sop and transform top as you like, the effect changes its appearance. 【instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/u________ssu/

TouchDesigner _01 Engraved Lines [1 / 2]

Engraved lines, hashed lines, thick lines, stroke raster, Rutt/Etra video synthesizer. Geometry instancing and GLSL material. TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2019.33840 Based on MAILMAN: http://mailman.acervo.studio/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

TouchDesigner _01 Engraved Lines [2 / 2]

Engraved lines, hashed lines, thick lines, stroke raster, Rutt/Etra video synthesizer. Geometry instancing and GLSL material. TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2019.33840 Based on MAILMAN: http://mailman.acervo.studio/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

How to create God rays effect in TouchDesigner

Computationally cheap, but visually appealing God rays effect in TouchDesigner for 2D and 3D scenes. Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exsstas and get project files. It will also motivate me to make tutorials more often 🙂

3D Projection Mapping Workflow – Richard Burns

Workshop: 3D Projection Mapping Workflow Example Files: https://github.com/Richard-Burns/ProjectionMappingWorkflows NOTE: This workshop on projection mapping is somewhat difficult to present in video format as the projector and mapping output is not visible. However, we’ve posted it in the hope that you find the information and workflows presented by Richard interesting and useful. Additionally, you get 3.5 […]

Magic Spheres (Height Maps) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 13

In this tutorial, we use processed images to create a miniature landscape with height maps! Link to images: https://earthview.withgoogle.com Tutorial Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFrhecWXVn59Xtcy1L2vfSaqq2_Ts88ov Using Audio As A Time Substitute Tutorial: https://youtu.be/6NMVm-qmfeQ Sorry for the quiet audio. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

TouchDesigner – 3D Tube Trails Custom MAT Tutorial – Atagen

demonstrates GPU particle systems rendered as 3D tube trails in TouchDesigner, using TOPs to calculate position and a SOP+custom MAT to render the tubes. recommended you have at least a basic-intermediate understanding of TouchDesigner and GLSL first, but can probably be stepped through if you’re very careful. apologies for the aggressive gating on the mic, […]

3D noise in Touchdesigner

Here’s a quick trick to fake a 3D texture done in TOPs. I got a huge inspiration on this from Vincent Houze’s stellar workshop you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDtf0hN66CY source file free to download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33148388 Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paketa12 […]

Point Clouds in TouchDesigner099 Part3 – Napoleon dissolved

using a model of Napoleon downloaded from http://threedscans.com/nouveau-musee-national-de-monaco/napoleon-ler/ we will look at converting obj models to point clouds, saving them out, using normals information and how to create a simple particle like effect with nothing else but TOPs. https://derivative.ca/community-post/tutorial/pointclouds-touchdesigner

Touchdesigner Mograph Tutorial

This tutorial is about how to control geometric parameters using textures. Этот урок о том, как управлять геометрическими параметрами, используя текстуры. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KfUBU4jN-UVCMlOsQjaAAHe379zluSCX

banana rays in Touchdesigner

Here’s a quick tut on how to compute normals with vector math and TOPs on a traced contour. Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paketa12 or follow me on: https://www.instagram.com/paketa12 https://www.facebook.com/paketa12

Instancing in TouchDesigner 3/3: Animating with TOPs, Audio-Reactive Geometry, RGB to XYZ

What is instancing, and how can we use it? Instancing allows us to draw a single shape, or SOP, many times, more efficiently than if we were to copy it over and over. The Geo comp allows us to define how each instance of the SOP is drawn, using several different control fields which can […]

snail shell in Touchdesigner

Here we build a snail shell out of instances on a helix adjusting for the overlaps. Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paketa12 or follow me on: https://www.instagram.com/paketa12 https://www.facebook.com/paketa12

Kinetic Typography: Sentence instancing with Touchdesigner – PART 1

In this first part of a multiple part tutorial series we are going to explore a concept we’ve called ‘sentence instancing’. This rather technical part will explore the fundamental steps you need to take for creating a tool where a user can input a sentence and iterate through different shapes and/or animation paths which this […]

pottery with sine in Touchdesigner

In this one we play with sine function, build an parametric helix and get some crazy shapes out of it. Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paketa12 or follow me on: https://www.instagram.com/paketa12 https://www.facebook.com/paketa12

Primitive SOP and a bit of Python

Transforming geometry with a primitive SOP and a power of Python. Sampling CHOPs and TOPs values to transform geometry faces. High importance of a jiggly-wiggly banana creation. Download file here – https://www.patreon.com/posts/32253537

Hand Drawn Lines – TouchDesigner Tips, Tricks and FAQs 4

In this tutorial, I explain how to make lines (and potentially other renders) look more organic / like they were drawn by hand. Tips, Tricks and FAQs Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFrhecWXVn5-kUOY8X0MO_0NcOFDjceLh If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

collision detection in Touchdesigner

Here’s an TOPs method for solving collision detection between two circles. Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paketa12 or follow me on: https://www.instagram.com/paketa12 https://www.facebook.com/paketa12

Making TOP trails (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Tutorial on creating full 3D trails and keep 60fps with a TOP operators. Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exsstas and get some extra files. You can also subscribe to my Insta and watch my TD experiments https://www.instagram.com/exsstas/

Depth Of Field (Tilt Shift) – TouchDesigner Tips, Tricks and FAQs 3

In this tutorial, I explain how to create a tilt shift effect in TouchDesigner using Luma Blur and two techniques: one using a ramp TOP and the other using the depth TOP with compositing. Tips, Tricks and FAQs Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFrhecWXVn5-kUOY8X0MO_0NcOFDjceLh If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

Point Clouds in TouchDesigner099 Part1 – Instancing

With instancing being the cornerstone to dealing with point cloud data, this first part of the workshop will look at the why and how of instancing plus introduce some advancements to instancing in the experimental 30k series. https://derivative.ca/community-post/tutorial/pointclouds-touchdesigner

Programación interactiva con Touchdesigner: control a través de gestos y movimientos

Comparto la grabación de la charla realizada en la Universidad Nacional de Arte (UNA), en Buenos Aires, donde vimos una introducción al control de parámetros visuales dentro de TD utilizando diferentes sensores y técnicas.