Foamy Waves with NVIDIA Flex in TouchDesigner

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Note: The content of this tutorial uses the NVIDIA Flex series of operators, which is only supported under the Microsoft Windows operating system and requires a NVIDIA GPU.

If you are new to NVIDIA Flex, we highly recommend checking out these other Interactive and Immersive HQ videos on the subject!

Nvidia Flex Basics in TouchDesigner – Tutorial:

Nvidia Flex Emitter and Collision Basics in TouchDesigner – Tutorial:

NVIDIA Flex is a particle-based physics simulator that takes advantage of NVIDIA GPUs to generate high-performing particle and fluid simulations. It comes integrated in TouchDesigner and provides a GPU-enhanced alternative to some of its other particle and physics simulation options. A feature-packed tool, it can often be a little daunting for beginners to navigate its many parameters.

In this tutorial, Jack DiLaura walks you through building a simulation of foamy waves using NVIDIA Flex. You’ll learn how to utilize the data from NVIDIA Flex for instancing geometry, work with diffuse particles to generate a sea foam-like effect, take a look at the many Flex parameters and how they can impact the simulation, along with applying external force to the particles.

NVIDIA Flex Documentation:

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