Intermediate1027 Videos

3D Blob Tracking with SP & TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Point clouds and sensors like the Orbbec Femto and Kinect Azure are becoming more and more common on immersive media projects. Even though they’re common, […]

Gravitational Blubs (using T3D Tool Kit) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 12

In this tutorial, I’m showing how I build this Gravitational Blobs system using the T3D (3D Texture Operators) Toolkit created by Josef Pelz. Big shout-out to Josef for creating this amazing toolkit! You can download the tool kit from josef’s Patreon Page: You can download the Transfrom Vector Componet that I’m using for this […]

Interactive Installation Particle Systems with TouchDesigner

This tutorial combines optical flow feedback with particle systems. This technique is great for making interactive installations with cameras or dynamic rendered video content. This effect is done primarily in TOPs with feedback loops for both the position and velocity. You can download the masked dancer video I used from Pexels: By becoming a […]

What Is Noise and how to use Touchdesigner to Create 2D Texture and 3D Parametric Displacements

Today we’re diving into the world of noise an essential technique behind dynamic textures *Get Project Files & Components on my Patreon* 👉 Education Interactive Material About Noise TOP 👉 Free VJ Pack Collections – Over 150 Videos and Growing 👉 AI voice I used: 👉 – *More information about the […]

Collapsing Noise – Particles, Instancing, Audio-Reactive TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there – to make more of these possible – and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– The Life Component: —– @simondavidryden on instagram if you like […]

Wavy Interference Patterns in TouchDesigner

Use simple equations to create complex, dynamic wave patterns, ripples and distortions with TouchDesigner! We will take a look at (just a little bit) of math and theory, using this to create a simple feedback system to generate our visual effect. Click-based interactions make it super easy to experiment with this system and extend it […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial – Versatile Particles System

Tutorial about a Versatile Particle System inside Touchdesigner. I promised you this video along time ago. How to create particles, with pretty complex behaviours, only in TOPs. I’ve shared a lot of project files in the past, about particles, but i still receive some questions about them. I concluded that a video explanation might be […]

[16] PBR Material – TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we will delve into PBR materials and use SBSAR to achieve more realistic textures. 💬 If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 👉 *Get project files & components:* 💫 Instagram: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

Make Text Move Like Particles in TouchDesigner

In this tutorial you’ll learn how you can move text around as if it were a particle, but still maintaining all the font metrics, kerning, etc that you want from text rendering. The Geo Text comp is our key tool in this and we’ll learn how to use some of its special functions to make […]

Blender + touchdesigner = realtime live visuals

Présentation d’un projet créée pour le mapping du festival Luisance Sonore. Cette vidéo décrit la stucture du fichier que j’ai programmé en synchronisant Touchdesigner et Blender, pour créer des visuels profitant des avantages des deux logiciels. Je ne rentre pas trop dans les détails mais je peux répondre aux questions si vous en avez, je […]

Audio Reactive with TDbitwig – Bitwig & TouchDesigner Integration

前回に引き続き、TDBitwigを使ったA/Vアイディア今回は実践編!TouchDesignerでヴィジュアルを構築しながら、Bitwigの様々なパラメーターを使ってコントロールしていきます。 前回の動画はこちら! 各ソフト上でのセッティング方法や、プラグインの説明、簡単なA/V Exsamplesをご紹介しています。 * TDBitwig User Guide (TDbitwigの詳しい内容) * 各ソフトの概要 TouchDesigner – Derivative Bitwig Studio – Bitwig * 0:00 Introduction – Audio Reactiveの方法&今日紹介するアイディア 1:37 TrackのAudio Envelopeを使う 4:31 MIDI Notes でコントロール 7:30 Remote Controlを使ってDeviceのパラメーターの動きと同期させる 11:48 Field Recordingsを使うアイディア 16:01 TDbitwigにある3つのRemoteの違い 19:06 Bitwig Modulation Devicesでビジュアルも一緒にモジュレーション 23:48 Summary * References : ビジュアルクリエイターのためのTOUCHDESIGNERバイブル *Music […]

Agamographs (Interactive) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 72

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we use a different approach of texture instancing to create agamographs, basically two textures (images, videos, generated content) blended into one 3D object, creating a sort of optical illusion. We also make this interactive using face tracking. Agamographs and their name are based on this artist’s work: Usually these are […]

Creating Sesh 1 – TouchDesigner with RayTK – "Golden"

Find more sessions of mine like this on the free tier of my Patreon here: In the future I’ll likely talk less and turn the music up, but for this one I wanted to explain some things for first-time/beginner TouchDesigner and RayTK users. Find more about me here:

Touchdesigner Tutorial 04 – Instancing textures

+ In this Tutorial we will learn how to use Texture3DTOP for applying texture to our instancing networks. you can define any pattern in TOP and feed it to network as Texture placement index. + What’s waiting for you: – Working with 2D arrays in Texture3D TOP – Creating quantized layers in TOPs – Texture […]

Audio Reactive in Touchdesigner SOP Instancing Cloner to Create Wave Patterns with Glitchcore Colors

Interconnected audio-reactive waves with vibrant glitchcore colors – *Get Project Files & Components on my Patreon* 👉 We’ll start by creating a texture using a ramp and common operators, then apply it to a PBR material for realistic lighting interactions. We’ll also explore SOP networks for dynamic object creation and instancing techniques to distribute elements […]

Recreate Festival Magic: TouchDesigner Boothstock 2024 Tutorial

Follow up is in the educational tier on my Patreon: TouchDesigner download: In this tutorial I will show you how I built the visual I used at boothstock festival 2024 in Rotterdam. The main technique is instancing. The first part is a basic instancing tutorial. After that we recreate the network. Hope you […]

Easing in TouchDesigner

This video looks at easing in TouchDesigner. Specifically, what it is, why it is useful and how to use it in your projects. We will look at the core basics, followed by a walkthrough of an example project. Lastly I’ll demo a tool called TDEase I’ve created that makes it a bit faster to play […]

Immersive Space Previsualization – TouchDesigner Tutorial 1/2

In part 1 of this tutorial series, we build a previsualization setup for an immersive space and learn what format your content needs to have, to be displayed correctly. You get to know what a pixelmap is and be prepared to set this up for your own venues or possible gigs. Part 2 will cover […]

3 DMX Animation Essentials – Using Touchdesigner TOP

#dmx #touchdesigner #dmxbar #led – Softy DMX Download – Enntec Pro – Reasonable Artnet Device – Opposk DMX Bar 0:00 Intro 0:40 Set up DMX 4:04 animation 18:03 Outro Patreon : Tiktok : IG: X :


TDBOY: The GameBoy Emulator in TouchDesigner TDBOY is a GameBoy emulator built within TouchDesigner, enabling you to play all your favorite GameBoy games with a modern twist. Unlike traditional emulators, TDBOY offers a unique and immersive experience by allowing you to customize and interact with the game through various inputs. Whether it’s sound, gestures, videos, […]

Smoke and Liquid Displacement Effects – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: Give your content a liquid and smoky touch with this creative displacement technique. Using manipulated UV maps as the […]

3D Feedback Worlds in Touchdesigner Pt 2 :: Audio reactivity + Rendering

Continuing our exploration of 3D generative art in touchdesigner using Josef Pelz’s new suite of custom T3D operators designed for working with 3D textures. In this video we delve into making the system audio reactive, doing some camera movement and rendering tricks, and building another patch. Find the operators and Josef’s work here: […]

Real time Stable Diffusion in TouchDesigner

Video Tutorial on TouchDiffusion: Interactive Real-Time Generation using StreamDiffusion and TensorRT in TouchDesigner TouchDiffusion: If you’d like, you can treat me to a coffee: Socials: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – TouchDiffusion features 00:42 – Beginning of installation 00:50 – Python install 01:08 – Git install 01:18 – Cuda Toolkit install 01:38 […]

40 Python in Touchdesigner : "0 to Her0" _pt.3 :: ui.colors

Hi, here the third part of this journey. He we will discover how to use python so to change the ui colors of Touchdesigner itself. You can find the project file here : Consider to support!!! Best, Simo


These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there – to make more of these possible – and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —- Some displacement, fluid motion, height maps and fun. depth of […]

Trace and Blob Tracking Effect with TouchDesigner

I’ve been seeing this effect a lot lately and thought I’d figure out how its done and share it. This tutorial covers lots of other fun little techniques using a Cache TOP and Difference TOP to make a cheap motion detection TOP. If there’s an effect out there that you’d like to learn. Send it […]

Touchdesigner/ Particles Gpu – Optical flow

Introduction to Particles Gpu and Optical Flow in Touchdesigner. I’m gradually uploading some of the files on Patreon: Join me Here —– ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight the important parts. 👩‍💻 Stay tune and Subscribe to get notification for new videos! IG: […]


download project files and get access to more tutorials and files while supporting me and my work: ​​ today we create this fully procedural, audioreactive spiderweb. enjoy! or sign up directly to my youtube channel as a member. BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out more of my work on […]

use particleGPU with SOPs to generate animated visuals in TouchDesigner

I used particleGPU from the palette to generate animated visuals. Download toe file: I have more videos in which I used particleGPU. Check out TouchDesigner playlist. #touchdesigner #tutorial

Touchdesigner – Fluid

Easy and fast way to make Fluid simulation in Touchdesigner. I’m on Patreon, please join me there. I’m gradually uploading some of the files on Patreon: Here —– ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight the important parts. 👩‍💻 Stay tune and Subscribe to get […]

Graphical Pattern with CopySop in TouchDesigner

In this video, we our exploration of patterns using the Copy SOP in TouchDesigner. The Copy SOP is a powerful tool that allows you to duplicate and manipulate geometry to create intricate and dynamic patterns. *Edit : It would be more accurate to refer to instances as copies, since instancing is a rendering technique that […]

Turbulent, Wavy Feedback System in TouchDesigner

Back to basics! In this video, we will create a wonderful feedback system from scratch, generating lovely waves and turbulent dynamics from any input texture (photo or video). I have included an additional post-processing .tox in the project file for my Patreons, available here: P.S: I forgot to mention in the video, but of […]

Create Custom Components in Touchdesigner – Pseudo Liquid V1.0 Feat. Feedback, Displace & Blur

We will create a Custom Component in TouchDesigner to generate liquids, patterns, mandalas, kaleidoscopic – *Get Project Files & Components on my Patreon* 👉 I’ve wanted to share this video with you for a long time. It has been a long journey learning how to make custom components, and I hope I’ve done my best […]

Mutiples Objects Instancing with TouchDesigner

Welcome to thisTouchDesigner tutorial on Multiple Objects Instancing! 🎨✨ In this video, we explore the fascinating possibilities of instancing through the Copy SOP and other powerful tools in TouchDesigner. This is part 1 of a 2 part serie. In this first tutorial we will build the backbone of our network. You can find the .TOX […]

Tutorial: DMX Stepper Motor Position Control with Arduino and Touchdesigner

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a simple DMX stepper motor controller with an Arduino for position, speed, and acceleration control. Then we build a simple system for controlling it in real-time with Touchdesigner. Parts used: Arduino Uno DFRobot DMX Shield Enttec DMX USB Pro TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver Stepper Motor 12V DC […]

360° Visuals for Planetariums with Stable Diffusion & Touchdesigner

📍 Hello and welcome! In today’s tutorial, I’ll show you how to create AI visual ads for a planetarium using TouchDesigner and Stable Diffusion. In this video, we’ll cover: Setting up your project in TouchDesigner. Generating and preparing fisheye lens images and videos for planetarium projection. Adjusting your visuals to fit the unique tilted dome […]

Touchdesigner Data Visualization/ 02

This is the second video from Data Visualizition series in touchdesigner. In this video I used precentage to create this visualization. First video here: For Geometery Instancing in more detail: And: I am on Patreon, please join me there. I’ll upload some of the files soon there: Here —– ☁ All […]

Simple Particle System in TouchDesigner (tiny bit of GLSL)

Simple Particle System in TouchDesigner | Orient Particles to Velocity with GLSL Welcome to my latest tutorial on TouchDesigner! In this video, I’ll walk you through the process of creating a simple particle system. We’ll focus on orienting particles to their velocity using GLSL, ensuring your particles move fluidly and realistically. Project Files: Download the […]

Liquid Gravel – Interactive Attractor and Particles TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there – to make more of these possible – and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– The Life Component: —– If you’ve finished the tutorial, it […]

generate various visuals with particleGPU in TouchDesigner

This time, I use particleGPU to generate visual with my custom shape. Download toe file: #particleGPU #touchdesigner

Pixel Sorting and Datamosh Effect in TouchDesigner

In this video I show you how to get a pixel sorting effect in TouchDesigner by performing pixel perfect translations inside of a feedback loop, and a datamosh effect by using the same principle to displace by perfect pixel ammounts. Project file: Patreon: Instagram: 0:00 Intro 2:16 Pixel Sorting 14:24 Datamosh

Shadertoy Porting into TouchDesigner. Tutorial 02.

Hi guys, In this tutorial we’re going to port a shader from user “flockaroo” in Shadertoy into TouchDesigner. I’ll attach the TouchDesigner project for you to download in Patreon. Patreon: Link to Shadertoy: #shadertoy #glsl #shaders #touchdesigner


Hi everyone, this is my first tutorial that I posted on youtube where I show how to work with NVIDIA FLEX SOLVER node and here we experiment with simulation settings and FORCE. The project can be downloaded free of charge from my link here: Feel comfortable asking any questions you may have! My social […]

Dancing Lights – Pointclouds and Chromatic Aberration – TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there to make more of these possible and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– a simple pointcloud/particle and chromatic aberration tutorial. I was compelled to make […]


Run AI models in TouchDesigner super-fast using the API with the FAL AI component. Available for free on my Patreon If you enjoy my work please consider joining a paid tier! I have an actively growing community of likeminded creatives BIG LOVE SHAMANIC

TouchDesigner Tutorial: Calculating Normals on Geometry Shader

Join us for a step-by-step tutorial on calculating normals on the geometry shader. This video covers the essential processes of computing normals for primitives and improving surface quality by increasing geometry detail. Understand the importance of shader functions, optimize performance, and enhance your 3D rendering skills. Enroll in the premier self-paced online academic course for […]

Touchdesigner 2023 Tutorial 6: Optical Flow: Use Movement in Video as a trigger

This video shows how to use Optical Flow to use movement in a video source (Movie File In, Video Device In, NDI In, etc) as a trigger. It shows the chain required to take the movement data and make it usable by the Tigger CHOP. Then the output of the Trigger is used to cross […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial 01 – Interactive Windows

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use WindowCOMP in Touchdesigner as an interactive element. watching this workflow might help with: – creating a simple point-cloud – making cameras follow your objects – using operator’s properties to create new ideas – preparing data for an interactive setup + If you enjoyed this tutorial, subscribe […]

monome norns + TouchDesigner – awake in 3D: Visualization with TD – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this second installment of the monome norns + TouchDesigner series, learn how to create a real-time 3D visualization in TouchDesigner of your current sequence in the awake script on the norns. You’ll work through adding OSC output of various aspects of the sequences created with the awake script, routing that information to TouchDesigner, and […]

3D Physarum – TouchDesigner Tutorial 10

In this tutorial I am covering the 3D Physarum simulation and component I have recently developed. The project file will be available on my Patreon for patreons only. Hope you like it! if you have any questions feel free to ask. You can support me on Patreon: Or follow me on instagram:

Touchdesigner Hand tracking with Media Pipe with 3D Collision

This video shows how to track your hands with a webcam using Media Pipe Plugin developed by Torin Blankensmith and detect their collision in the 3D world with other objects using Bullet Solver.

Using the Logger COMP in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: The ability to log events is a core component of software development and maintenance, often used while debugging errors or monitoring the status of the […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 53 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.2.2.4_01 Growth Structure from Agents]

Hello everyone, in this new tutorial we’re going to recreate the code for the Chapter 2.2.4 “Growth Structure from Agents” of the Generative Design book inside touchdesigner. Enjoy ! —- Final Project: —- Book: Processing Code: You can support me on: —- Or following me in: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]

(ES)TouchDesigner Tutorial 53 -CaseStudy[Generative Design: P.2.2.4_01 Growth Structure from Agents]

Hola a todxs, en este nuevo tutorial vamos a recrear el código del Capítulo 2.2.4 “Growth Structure from Agents” del libro Generative Design dentro de touchdesigner. Disfruten ! —- Proyecto Final: —- Libro: Codigo Processing: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

Ikeda Patterns in Touchdesigner

Patreon Page: Instagram:

Simple tornado with glsl (Touchdesigner tutorial)

Here’s a quick example how to use glsl to make a simple tornado, but honestly a lot of stuff can be achieved in a similar manner. Support the channel: Check out my Instagram for more regular updates: Check out my other tutorials:

Interactive Eye Projection with Webcam or Kinect – TouchDesigner Tutorial 009

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, you learn how to create an interactive projection, where an eye follows people passing by. I use a webcam and the bodytrackCHOP to track persons, but you can also use a Kinect or other data like mouse cursor position, noise or any other object. With free AI image generation tools like […]


today we create this setup inspired pointclouds, waterfalls, liquid paint & tokamu and the work of @thomastokamu. enjoy! download project files and get access to more tutorials and files while supporting me and my work: ​​ or sign up directly to my youtube channel as a member. BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if […]

New Grammar of Ornament in TouchDesigner Pt. 2

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, Crystal covers how to make a generative ornament animation in TouchDesigner. The look is inspired by Thomas Weil’s ‘New Grammar of Ornament’ […]

TouchDesigner workflow enhancement toolkit – Part 2: CustomParTools, NavBar++, iop tools, and more

Part 1: GitHub repo: More goodies: IG: This is part 2 of the rundown on my #touchdesigner productivity and workflow toolkit, FunctionStore_tools. It holds many more cool features, so stay tuned, or read the Wiki! For an under the hood look: 0:00 Intro & Recap 0:42 AutoRes/Comp 2:45 CustomParTools & […]

let it snow in Touchdesigner

here’s my ‘clumsy’ method of doing falling snow with just a couple of operators. This method was inspired by @shrekly9 and @_ignatiuslow_ and I call it ‘clumsy’ because it might look discouragingly wrong …but it’s juicy enough. I hope you like this method. Thank you massive. .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to this channel […]

Interactive Fluid System (Part1) – Splitting Water like Moses – TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

Welcome to my channel! Hey there, I’m perspek.steven, and I’m thrilled to present my very first tutorial to you. In this tutorial series, I’ll guide you through harnessing the power of the NvidiaFlex solver in Touchdesigner. Together, we’ll dive into creating a basic fluid simulation and take it a step further by making it interactive. […]

TouchDesigner Bullet Physics and Audio Synthesis

Salutations Everyone! Welcome to the first video in a series on how to integrate my TouchDesigner modules in a broader interactive/real-time set-up. The module in question (SimpleSynth) along with a project file can now be purchased here: We’re starting with a pretty simple example but I hope gets your imagination going on how it […]

Digital Plants tut_11

Growing digital flowers in Touchdesigner. The circularization component I use here based on this tutorial: 0:24 – Seaweed 12:56 – Coral 23:12 – Flower Patreon: IG:

Hou2Touch Course Intro lesson 9. Create the Procedural Gear Asset in Houdini and TouchDesigner

Enroll: In this lesson, we continue to showcse the procedural workflow . its explains how to build the Model of the Procedural Gear in Houdini and TouchDesigner, including the process of creation of the Digiltal Asset

NO MORE KINECT : Body Track GPU Particle

#kinect #touchdesigner #beginner #particle #shader #glsl Need the sample file? Being a Patreon : Chapter 0:00 Intro 1:23 Body Track CHOP 4:07 Skeleton Visualization 13:07 GPU Particle 16:38 Compute Shader 34:19 Apply a force 37:26 Brightness problem Tiktok : IG: X : Patreon :

TouchDesigner Generative Art / 02

Second video of generative series, I am upload some videos where are create generative Art. I’m not using Glsl so far, so it could be a good practice for people who want to try visual programming for making Generative visuals. I recently joined Patreon, please join me there. I’ll upload some of the files soon […]

Instancing boxes with noise [CODING ASMR]

no talking, only coding get the project file on my patreon: #asmr #coding #touchdesigner #vj #noise


Subscribe to my Patreon for the project files Follow my Instagram for more updates

Allow cooking – Touchdesigner Tips [04]

In this tutorial, we will learn how to activate and deactivate visuals using the keyboard, which can be useful for live events and prevent our computer from crashing in the process. To achieve this, we will delve into some Python programming. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. – – – – – […]

터치디자이너ㅣ여러 프로젝터를 활용한 프로젝션 맵핑 l Projection mapping with multiple projectors ㅣTouchDesigner

터치디자이너 강의 내용: 2개의 프로젝터를 활용하여 입체적인 면과 곡선 위에 프로젝션 맵핑을 시도했습니다. TouchDesigner의 Kantan Mapper와 Ramp TOP를 활용하여 서로 다른 프로젝터의 겹치는 부분을 에지 블렌딩했습니다. I attempted projection mapping on 3D surfaces and curves using two projectors. I blended the overlapping areas of different projectors using TouchDesigner’s Kantan Mapper and Ramp TOP for edge […]

Deconstructing Sculptures – Pointclouds and 3d-models TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there to make more of these possible and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —————- 3d model used for this video:–372946.html —————- @simondavidryden on instagram if […]

Nvidia Body Track CHOP in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Video File Download Link: Video Info: Me walking in the waves by sgu18ify, CC Attribution 3.0 Unported License: New feature alert! With the […]

Stream iPhone Camera to TouchDesigner

In this tutorial we create a mobile interactive system using a phone (iPhone or Android), OBS Studio and Mediapipe. This pipeline is free, robust and scalable, helping you develop and prototype interactive visualizatiosn on the go, even when you dont have all your gear! Links: Fluid Simulation: Mediapipe: OBS: OBS Iphone Cam […]


Download the project files and more here.I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. life component video: (i tried to put it up on screen when I mentioned it like a professional youtuber, but failed) —————- @simondavidryden on instagram if you like my generative blips and bloops in the background, you can […]

Touch Designer Point Cloud from 3D object_Part 02_ Customizing

In this video you can see how to customize the point cloud component, we created in the part 1. Creating customized components is really helpful to save time in order to create different visualization from the same technics and also very useful for when you are having live shows. Subscribe for more videos 🙂 ! […]


Download the project files and more here. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. Today, I’ve uploaded a lot of extra files. —————- Palette component: —————- 0:00 intro 0:35 uv-map 1:55 UV explanation 3:00 feedback 4:10 displacement vectors 9:15 post processing 10:30 constant movement 12:21 pixelation, colors, and post 15:55 […]


hello hello hello. it’s your captain typing and it is this time of the year again: merry crisis. this is a special format I started 2020 and it means: I will create something special on my patreon and all the proceeds of the month get donated to people in crisis. this time i chose to […]

Ancient Cyprus Pottery Inspiration in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Many new TouchDesigner artists and developers are inspired by other great works artists. In another part of this series, Crystal Jow will take inspiration from […]

Glitchy Trails with GLSL in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Copy ShaderToy GLSL Code From This Link (Glitchy Trails by cutmod): As we looked at in a previous video, GLSL is an incredibly powerful […]


Download the project files and more here. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. Palette component: Life component: A custom 3d particle system without the particles GPU component. —————- 0:00 intro 1:02 initial set-up 3:03 instancing grid 5:12 creating the feedback loop 5:55 noise vectors 8:00 life component 9:30 color […]


Download the project files and more here. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. Palette component: Life component: A custom 3d particle system without the particles GPU component. —————- 0:00 intro 1:02 initial set-up 3:03 instancing grid 5:12 creating the feedback loop 5:55 noise vectors 8:00 life component 9:30 color […]

Smoky Particle Feedback FX in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get project files here: Feedback, when combined with particle systems, can generate some incredible visual results. With a few operators, you can generate simple […]

Unreal Engine Immersive Experience Tips: API Data from TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get project files here: A common feature of interactive and immersive installations is the visualization of data retrieved from a web API. Whether this […]