Your first Python Script – TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial – Automate Loop Custom Component

Hi creative humans! In this tutorial we’ll upgrade the loop custom component we created in last episode, making it automagical through a simple Python script. This is a great occasion for total beginners in Python to start approching some coding inside TouchDesigner, so I have assumed this is your first time with Python and I […]

TimeCode TouchDesigner Part 2 Generative Responsive UI With Python Extensions and Module On Demand

In this episode we will build a responsive UI component to save and recall presets. Use python extensions for concise scripting solution to store and load custom parameters. Next, use Modules On Demand to edit saved presets directly from our UI. This tutorial uses the Lister Component, from the palette. The Modules On Demand portion […]

Installation of Python interpreter and external libraries for TouchDesigner (Part 2)

This is a demo on how to install the Python interpreter and other external libraries in your own account (not the whole Windows system) for integration with TouchDesigner.

Installation of Python interpreter and external libraries for TouchDesigner

It is a demonstration of the installation of the Python interpreter (3.11) and a few external libraries, such as OpenCV and MediaPipe. Stay tuned for the later tutorials on how to use them in TouchDesigner.

42 Python in Touchdesigner : "0 to Her0" :: Engine Based Mediaplayer

Hello everyone! In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the first step for creating our VJ setup. We’ll explore the moviefileinTOP operator in depth and how to build a media player optimized for live performance. In addition, we’ll cover the different video codecs you can use. Each codec has its own strengths and weaknesses, especially when […]

Crystal Heart in TouchDesigner | Python | Tutorial

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process of creating a Crystal Heart using Python in TouchDesigner. Get the file : Related Article: —- 📚 Key Formulas: Heart Shape Coordinates: x = 16 * math.sin(t)**3 y = 13 * math.cos(t) – 5 * math.cos(2 * t) – 2 * math.cos(3 * t) […]


TDBOY: The GameBoy Emulator in TouchDesigner TDBOY is a GameBoy emulator built within TouchDesigner, enabling you to play all your favorite GameBoy games with a modern twist. Unlike traditional emulators, TDBOY offers a unique and immersive experience by allowing you to customize and interact with the game through various inputs. Whether it’s sound, gestures, videos, […]

Install Python Libraries in TouchDesigner | Successful Python Installation in Less Than 2 Minutes

The best way I’ve found so far to efficiently install Python libraries in Touchdesigner. – *Get all the commands for free on my Patreon* 👉 Tips and Tricks series on TouchDesigner. This video will show you how to install Python libraries in TouchDesigner in less than 2 minutes, only for windows users – *Free Vj […]

Programming in Touchdesigner

📍 **TouchDesigner Programming Tutorial: Best Practices** In this tutorial, we delve into the best practices for using programming within TouchDesigner. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 1. **Setting Up Your Project:** – Open a basic TouchDesigner project. – Create a function to change parameters, such as offsets or video paths. – Use a data table to store […]

40 Python in Touchdesigner : "0 to Her0" _pt.3 :: ui.colors

Hi, here the third part of this journey. He we will discover how to use python so to change the ui colors of Touchdesigner itself. You can find the project file here : Consider to support!!! Best, Simo

TouchDesigner Tutorial 53 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.2.2.4_01 Growth Structure from Agents]

Hello everyone, in this new tutorial we’re going to recreate the code for the Chapter 2.2.4 “Growth Structure from Agents” of the Generative Design book inside touchdesigner. Enjoy ! —- Final Project: —- Book: Processing Code: You can support me on: —- Or following me in: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]

(ES)TouchDesigner Tutorial 53 -CaseStudy[Generative Design: P.2.2.4_01 Growth Structure from Agents]

Hola a todxs, en este nuevo tutorial vamos a recrear el código del Capítulo 2.2.4 “Growth Structure from Agents” del libro Generative Design dentro de touchdesigner. Disfruten ! —- Proyecto Final: —- Libro: Codigo Processing: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

39 Python in Touchdesigner : “0 to Hero” _pt2 :: Ubiquity

Welcome back to another exciting episode of Mastering Python in TouchDesigner! Today, we’re delving deep into the realm of Python modules, uncovering their incredible potential to store and recall CHOP data seamlessly within our TouchDesigner network. This newfound capability doesn’t just open doors; it unlocks a universe of creative possibilities, allowing us to craft dynamic […]

38 Python in Touchdesigner : “0 to Hero” _pt.1

Hello there! Welcome to the beginning of an exciting series delving into Python in TD (TouchDesigner). Why Python, you ask? Well, diving into coding might seem like stepping into a world of wizardry, but let me assure you, it’s not as daunting as it appears. If you’re aiming to become a proficient TD user, capable […]

TouchDesigner Quick Tips: Inline Python Expressions for Complex Parametrization

Start to unlock the true power of TouchDesigner by leverage all sorts of simple python expressions inline in Operator parameters. These tricks will let you do things easily with python, directly in parameter expressions, when doing so in operators might be quite difficult. While these are certainly not the only python expressions that can be […]

TouchDesigner Quick Tips: Inline Python Expressions for Complex Parametrization

Start to unlock the true power of TouchDesigner by leverage all sorts of simple python expressions inline in Operator parameters. These tricks will let you do things easily with python, directly in parameter expressions, when doing so in operators might be quite difficult. While these are certainly not the only python expressions that can be […]

Web GUI for TouchDesigner – Component & Beginner Tutorial

Hey! In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to use a new custom component that allows you to instantly create a web GUI for any TouchDesigner container and control TD in real time over the web. The website will also live-update when changes in TD are made. We’ll also dive into behind the scenes how […]

Procedural Coding in Touch Designer with Ian

Join Ian Boyd as he walks through some of his recent Touch Designer projects. Come check them out and learn a few things for yourself.

2/3 TouchDesigner Vol.025 Face-Tracking Effects Creation with External Python Libraries

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

Creative coding with sops | Python maze TouchDesigner

Future Space Detection Event: Python in TouchDesigner Course: Become a Patreon for exclusive content: Follow us on social media: Instagram:…. Twitter: Website: Support us by donating to our PayPal: Absolute Beginner Video:… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These […]

Generate Random Numbers in TouchDesigner

In this video I am sharing some different ways of generating random integer and float numbers in TouchDesigner. Chapters: 00:00 – Intro 01:08 – Random Integer with Python 05:52 – Random Float with Python 07:31 – Random Integer with CHOPs 10:10 – Random Float with CHOPs 11:54 – Random Integer Different from Previous One with […]

TouchDesigner – IF statements and basic Python (Script CHOP)

Making a small detour for some basic IF statements and Python scripting that is going to help us in the long run. This video is VERY MUCH made for the absolute novice in TD and Python. I keep the speed pretty low to allow you to follow along in TD and the concepts are very […]

TouchDesigner – IF statements and basic Python (Script CHOP)

Making a small detour for some basic IF statements and Python scripting that is going to help us in the long run. This video is VERY MUCH made for the absolute novice in TD and Python. I keep the speed pretty low to allow you to follow along in TD and the concepts are very […]

Sci-fi Tweener Animation | TouchDesigner Step by Step Tutorial

Follow us on social media: Instagram:…. Twitter: Website: Support us by donating on our PayPal: Tweener AmazingRobot Touchdesigner Website: TextDat Script: op(‘box1’).par.ty.val = 2.5 op(‘box1’).par.sizex.val = 1 op(‘box1’).par.sizey.val = 1 op(‘box1’).par.sizez.val = 1 op(‘box1’).par.ry.val = 0 op(‘cam1’).par.orthowidth = 3.61 op(‘cam1’).par.projectionblend = 1 op(‘noise1’).par.period.val = 35 op.Tweener.To(“box1″, {‘ty’: 0, ‘duration’:1.5, ‘easing’:”easeOutElastic” […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 22 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.1.0 Hello, Color]

Hello everyone, in this new series of tutorials we will explore the generative design codes from the Generative Design book applied and explained in Touchdesigner. Enjoy ! —- Final Project: —- Book: Original Code: Touchdesigner repo: You can support me on: —- Or following me in: Facebook: Instagram: […]

(ES) TouchDesigner Tutorial 22 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.1.0 Hello, Color]

Hola a todos, en esta nueva serie de tutoriales exploráremos los códigos de diseño generativo del libro Generative Design aplicados y explicados en Touchdesigner. —- Proyecto Final: —- Libro: Codigo Original: Repositorio Touchdesigner: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner資料控制技術與Python運用|Matthew RAGAN

TouchDesigner與Python的整合是它最令人興奮的超級能力之一。從變換操作者到探索機器學習的技巧,一旦你開始把某些語法技巧應用到TouchDesigner的工作流程中,一個充滿創作機會的世界便等著你來探索。在這場講座中,我們將介紹一些使用Python的簡單想法,探討如何從網路上直接抓取資料,最後談論在TouchDesigner中使用機器學習函式庫的未來應用。 |Matthew RAGAN Matthew RAGAN擔任教育工作者、導師與顧問的時間已逾十五年。他擁有一個內容豐富的教學資源檔案庫,可供創意程式設計社群使用。他同時也專精於創建數位環境互動系統。他於2015年從亞利桑那州立大學跨領域數位媒體暨表演學程取得碩士學位。在此之前,他曾擔任麥迪遜廣場花園公司即時內容創作的軟體總監,以及Obscura Digital的互動工程師。 ──────────────────────────────── C-LAB未來媒體藝術節|TouchDesigner新媒體互動集線器

TouchDesigner Tutorial 20 – Parametric Equations: Nephroid (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #nephroid Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Nephroid with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]

Self-typing Text with Python in TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 90+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Most people think Python is just for scripting state machines, parsing data, and other boring tasks! On the contrary, Python can play a fundamental role in […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 18 – Parametric Equations: Lemniscate (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #lemniscate Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Lemniscate Curve that looks like an Eight Curve with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 17 – Parametric Equations: Hyperbola (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #hyperbola Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Hyperbola with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]

How to make a neon sign in Touchdesigner

In this tutorial you will learn how to make a neon sign in Touchdesigner. The text is entirely dynamic and generated using SOPs. Instancing is used to make copies of the sign in different colors and animate them. Download link for project toe file: Download link for a tox file with the Python code: […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 15 – Parametric Equations: Hyperbolic Spiral (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #hyperbolicspiral Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Hyperbolic Spiral with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 13 – Parametric Equations: Heart Curve (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #heart Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Heart Curve with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final - —- Music: Banstyle / Sappys Curry – Underworld — You can support me on: Or […]

CPU Cooktimes Comparison in TouchDesigner

In this tutorial I am creating a tox file for comparing the CPU cooktimes of COMP operators. The biggest part of the tutorial is focusing on how to create and destroy operators and custom parameters using Python and TouchDesigner’s Wiki page. This is a ready-to-go tool when you start thinking about performance and optimization in […]

Generate Random Numbers in TouchDesigner

In this video I am sharing some different ways of generating random integer and float numbers in TouchDesigner. —– 00:00​ – Intro & Examples 01:36​ – Random Integer with Python 06:20​ – Random Float with Python 08:02 – Random Integer with CHOPs 10:40​ – Random Float with CHOPs 12:23​ – Random Integer Different from Previous […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 12 – Parametric Equations: Trifolium (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #ltrifolium Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Trifolium with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – —- Music: Two Thousand and Seventeen by Four Tet — You can support me on: Or […]

Image Stacking – TouchDesigner Tutorial 39

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a network for easily importing a batch of images from a folder and stacking them onto each other using two main techniques, both including feedback and some basic python. Fractal tutorial (#38) coming soon: —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:00 Technique 1 / TOP Setup 04:00 Folder / […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 11 – Parametric Equations: Logarithmic Spiral (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #logarithmicspiral Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Logarithmic Spiral with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – —- Music from Digient Collective — You can support me on: Or […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 10 – Parametric Equations: Epicycloid (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations #epicycloid Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance an Epicycloid using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music from Digient Collective digient(cues) — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: […]

Une page web comme interface mobile (Partie 2)

Dans cette 2e partie de la série, vous apprendrez comment créer un WebSocket pour envoyer des informations à TouchDesigner à partir d’une page web. Vous pouvez télécharger les fichiers dans l’état où ils étaient à la fin de la vidéo précédente: —– Introduction: 00:00 Aperçu de l’interface: 00:45 Aperçu du code existant: 02:15 Modification […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 8 – Parametric Equations: Eight Curve (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations #eightcurve Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph an Eight Curve using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music from Digient Collective digient(cues) — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 7 – Parametric Equations: Ellipse (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph an Ellipse using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music Axiomatic by Daze Gates — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

Python In TouchDesigner with Noah Norman

Join Elburz for a big announcement and an interactive TouchDesigner gameshow

Recreating a Classic 90s Screensaver – Mystify Your Mind – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

****The code used for the Script SOP is below the Time Stamps in this description**** In this video, we’ll learn how to recreate the classic 90s screensaver “Mystify Your Mind” with TouchDesigner. The screensaver was originally found on the Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows 98 operating systems. We make use of the Script SOP […]

Makin stuff with Touchdesigner! tiwonku and mrsnippy unite

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at

(ESP)TouchDesigner Tutorial 5 – Ecuaciones Paramétricas: Cardioide (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

Hola a todos, en este nuevo tutorial de Ecuaciones Paramétricas en Touchdesigner aprenderemos a graficar un Cardioide usando CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Archivo Descargable: —- Puedes apoyarme en: O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 5 – Parametric Equations: Cardioid (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph a Cardioid using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

(ESP)TouchDesigner Tutorial 4 – Ecuaciones Paramétricas: Bicornio (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

Hola a todos, en este nuevo tutorial de Ecuaciones Paramétricas en Touchdesigner aprenderemos a graficar un Bicornio usando CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Archivo Descargable: —- Puedes apoyarme en: O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 4 – Parametric Equations: Bicorn (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph a Bicorn using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

(ESP)TouchDesigner Tutorial 3 – Ecuaciones Paramétricas: Astroide (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

Hola a todos, en este nuevo tutorial de Ecuaciones Paramétricas en Touchdesigner aprenderemos a graficar un Astroide usando CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 3 – Parametric Equations: Astroid (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph an Astroid using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 2 – Parametric Equations: Archimedes Spiral (Part 2: Python)

Hello everyone, Welcome to this second tutorial focused on Parametric Equations. In this second part we will learn to make the Archimedes Spiral using Python Code. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 2 – Ecuaciones Paramétricas: Espiral de Arquímedes (Parte 2: Python)

Hola a todos, Bienvenidos a este segundo tutorial enfocado a Ecuaciones Paramétricas. En esta segunda parte aprenderemos a realizar la Espiral de Arquímedes utilizando Código Python. ——————— Link al tutorial en formato Post: Archivo Descargable: —- Pueden apoyarme en: O seguirme en : Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial: Introduction to Parametric Equations: Circle (Part 3: Python)

Hello Everyone in this third part of my first touchdesigner tutorial we will learn how to implement the Parametric Equations using Python language. Link to the tutorial in Post format: Link to Downloable File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial: Introducción a Ecuaciones Paramétricas (Parte 3: Python)

Hola a todos, bienvenidos a mi primer tutorial de Touchdesigner en español el cual será una introducción a la graficación de curvas paramétricas usando Ecuaciones Paramétricas, en esta tercer parte abordaremos las maneras diferentes de usar las curva utilizando código Python. Espero lo disfruten! ——————— Link al tutorial en formato Post (Al final de la […]

Week 9 Class Meeting – Zoom

1. Going over questions 2. Demonstrating Logic Operators

TouchDesigner Week 9 – Asynchronous Lesson

Simple and complex payout system logic in ChopExecute Dat.

Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner – Lucas Morgan

Workshop: Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner GeoPix Example File: 0:00 – Introduction 6:02 – GeoPix demo 15:14 – Anatomy of GeoPix – An object oriented lighting design sandbox 39:50 – The Editor Tab – Dataflow, static to real-time 51:56 – The I/O Tab – Recreating TouchDesigner, in TouchDesigner 58:56 – The Perform Tab […]

Pro Python String Hacks – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, Elburz demonstrates the new string formatting techniques in Python that all the pros are using: f-strings. This powerful new feature makes working with […]

Snake Game in Touchdesigner

Use python make a snake game in touchdesigner. Github:

Tape Mapping with TouchDesigner – Guillaume Bourassa

00:00 Discussion of previous works and older tape mapping system 29:18 Tapping Mapping workshop begins Workshop: Tape Mapping with TouchDesigner Since its invention in 1925 by M. Richard Gurley Drew (3M – Scotch), adhesive tape has become a medium of choice for a large number of artists. From the replacement of paint and colored glass […]

Multi GPU System Design – Keith Lostracco

Workshop: Multi GPU System Design This workshop will focus on Multi GPU System Design, implementation and execution with a focus on stability, performance and simplicity. Participants will examine the inner workings of a custom multi-node playlist component (Fusion Player) that plays back a playlists of cues (either pre-rendered content files or real-time components) across multiple […]

How to do a While Loop That Doesn’t Crash TouchDesigner (tutorial)

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Everyone has had the experience of learning Python and trying to implement their new techniques in TouchDesigner. A common […]


link to code

Tutorial 001 TouchDesigner

practice and accumulate for TouchDesigner


Setting Up StyleGan model in TD ** You can start from 35:00 before it was an unsuccessful attempt to try the PyTorch model. official repo pretrained models link to result

Posting Images from TouchDesigner to Twitter

A quick tutorial on howto create a Twitter App and use the WebClient to post messages from TouchDesigner to Twitter. Final tox can be downloaded here:

TDLego02 FaceRecognition

Tutorial how to use SpoutToPython library with TD with Face-Recognition model SpoutToPython: Face Recognition: project file:

TDLego01 SpoutToPython

Tutorial how to use SpoutToPython library with TD link to the library: project file:


Students questions feedback, week 3


feedback to students questions about first class


Python intro in TD (basic operators, refferences and use)

Primitive SOP and a bit of Python

Transforming geometry with a primitive SOP and a power of Python. Sampling CHOPs and TOPs values to transform geometry faces. High importance of a jiggly-wiggly banana creation. Download file here –

Tutorial – TouchDesigner + Ableton + Kinect – How to play music with gestures Pt. 1

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]