Oak-D + TouchDesigner Part 3: Object Detection

Running TinyYOLO object detection model on the Oak-D camera. How to send detection data and video frames to TouchDesigner using Python-OSC and NDI-Python, in order to process it further and use it in a creative audiovisual workflow.

The document used in the video with steps written out can be found here:

And the “tiny_yolo_edit02.py” file can be found here:

Part 1: https://youtu.be/bXQM9byBA6o
Part 2: https://youtu.be/OPPDKpB6gRo

00:00 Overview
02:50 Run basic example
04:38 Objects in default dataset
05:50 Python-OSC code
11:38 Test in TD
13:20 Trigger events
14:18 TD network details

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