Intermediate946 Videos

Generate Random Numbers in TouchDesigner

In this video I am sharing some different ways of generating random integer and float numbers in TouchDesigner. —– 00:00​ – Intro & Examples 01:36​ – Random Integer with Python 06:20​ – Random Float with Python 08:02 – Random Integer with CHOPs 10:40​ – Random Float with CHOPs 12:23​ – Random Integer Different from Previous […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 12 – Parametric Equations: Trifolium (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #ltrifolium Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Trifolium with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – —- Music: Two Thousand and Seventeen by Four Tet — You can support me on: Or […]

RayTK Tutorial: Twisted Grid Scene

This tutorials walks through the process of creating a scene with an infinite twisted 3D grid. Download the toolkit (version 0.13 or newer) at Project file:

Image Stacking – TouchDesigner Tutorial 39

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a network for easily importing a batch of images from a folder and stacking them onto each other using two main techniques, both including feedback and some basic python. Fractal tutorial (#38) coming soon: —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:00 Technique 1 / TOP Setup 04:00 Folder / […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 11 – Parametric Equations: Logarithmic Spiral (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #logarithmicspiral Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Logarithmic Spiral with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – —- Music from Digient Collective — You can support me on: Or […]

Touchdesigner Project File Pack Vol.2 Free download

You can download a project file in below link now. (Free) 위 링크에서 프로젝트 파일을 다운받으실 수 있습니다. (무료 배포) ————- Patreon : Website : Instagram : Facebook : * Touchdesigner version 2020.42700

TouchDesigner工作坊:Webcam MotionCapture應用 / 往邁向影像分析的路途前進吧!

此影片內容為臺藝大實體工作坊2021/5/5(三)「互動光雕投影工作坊 」課程節錄,影片為黑碼藝識團隊紀錄剪輯影片,藉此推動TouchDesigner中文化學習數位內容嘗試。 0:00 INTRO 0:10 成果展示 0:19 開始製作 09:53 Palette/probe 效能耗損小工具 12:28 數值製作 46:33 Leap Motion 手部感測器 47:22 MindWave Mobile 2(EEG) 腦波感測器 47:37 HOKUYO 雷射測距感測器 -實體工作坊: 國立臺灣藝術大學高等教育深耕計畫 科技藝術實驗中心 多元學習課程 開課單位:科技藝術實驗中心 課程名稱:互動光雕投影工作坊 Interactive Augmented Mapping Projection Workshop 授課教師:多媒體動畫藝術學系 客座副教授 李家祥 業界教師:詹嘉華、江俊毅、黃國斌 課程期間:2021年3月24日至2021年6月9日 上課地點:臺灣藝術大學二校區 科技藝術實驗劇場 #TouchDesigner #webcam #MotionCapture

melty UV in Touchdesigner

here’s what I believe is the most versatile particle engine you can get in TOPs. Most of the things I’ve done lately are based on this method. source file: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon​ or follow me on:​

TouchDesigner Tutorial 10 – Parametric Equations: Epicycloid (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations #epicycloid Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance an Epicycloid using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music from Digient Collective digient(cues) — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: […]

TouchDesigner工作坊:NDI網路裝置介面、手機感測系統與Feedback複習 / 往邁向超能力者的路途前進吧!

此影片內容為臺藝大實體工作坊2021/4/28(三)「互動光雕投影工作坊 」課程節錄,影片為黑碼藝識團隊紀錄剪輯影片,藉此推動TouchDesigner中文化學習數位內容嘗試。 在疫情當下,視訊會議與遠端通話要如何自己撰寫炫炮的效果?本次將使用TouchDesigner跨程式傳到LINE(通訊軟體)與Jitsi(視訊會議軟體)。並且使用ZIG SIM軟體達到用你的手機,隔空操控影像的超能力技巧。 ☆NDI網路裝置介面軟體下載: ☆ZIG SIM — 0:00 INTRO 0:10 NDI成果展現 0:27 ZIG SIM 成果展現 0:40 簡介 0:40 NDI簡介 6:50 NDI實作 13:34 ZIM SIM 簡介 18:40 ZIM SIM 實作 49:23 Feedback 複習 -實體工作坊: 國立臺灣藝術大學高等教育深耕計畫 科技藝術實驗中心 多元學習課程 開課單位:科技藝術實驗中心 課程名稱:互動光雕投影工作坊 Interactive Augmented Mapping Projection Workshop 授課教師:多媒體動畫藝術學系 客座副教授 李家祥 業界教師:詹嘉華、江俊毅、黃國斌 課程期間:2021年3月24日至2021年6月9日 上課地點:臺灣藝術大學二校區 科技藝術實驗劇場

TouchDesigner meetup#6 GLSL material

Project files:

Interactive light installation with Touchdesigner

Light is all around us in many different forms. This masterclass looks at several projects from interactive designer Ginger Leigh (Synthestruct) that utilize TouchDesigner and light in creative ways, from immersive experiences to interactive light sculptures and full-dome projections. How can light be used to visualize biological processes, sound, and data, affect our moods, and […]

RayTK Tutorial: Materials

This tutorial covers the new materials in RayTK v0.13, including the new modular material system that lets you build your own materials by combining shading elements. Make sure you are using v0.13 or later. Downloads:

Moving Through Infinite Space – TouchDesigner Tutorial 37

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look at how to set up a 3D “world” through which we can endlessy move through. You can use any 3D objects and are not limited to this example. There’s a lot of small tricks so this is not only about the main technique as usual 🙂 Comic Filter Tutorial […]

TouchDesigner工作坊:物件光雕(Mapping Projection)教學 / 往邁向光雕影像設計人的路途前進吧!

此影片內容為臺藝大實體工作坊2021/4/21(三)「互動光雕投影工作坊 」課程節錄,影片為黑碼藝識團隊紀錄剪輯影片,藉此推動TouchDesigner中文化學習數位內容嘗試。 — 1.簡述投影觀念:專案規劃方式、投影機距離計算、光雕前準備。 2.摺紙(Origami)製作物件 3.使用TouchDesigner中kantanMapper工具編寫投影效果,完成物件光雕效果 ☆TouchDesigner軟體官方網址: -實體工作坊: 國立臺灣藝術大學高等教育深耕計畫 科技藝術實驗中心 多元學習課程 開課單位:科技藝術實驗中心 課程名稱:互動光雕投影工作坊 Interactive Augmented Mapping Projection Workshop 授課教師:多媒體動畫藝術學系 客座副教授 李家祥 業界教師:詹嘉華、江俊毅、黃國斌 課程期間:2021年3月24日至2021年6月9日 上課地點:臺灣藝術大學二校區 科技藝術實驗劇場

GeoPix V2 – Getting Started #5 – I/O Graph 0:00 Intro 0:52 Macros 2:07 Nodes 3:23 Selection & graph navigation 5:39 Duplication, copy, select 6:29 Node connections 9:02 Avoiding cyclical connections 9:42 Connecting and disconnecting wires 10:02 Node labels 10:30 Managing node resolution 12:05 Toggling node labels 12:45 Macro trigger/stop buttons 13:54 Macro context controls

Drag & Drop Scripts in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: There are many ways to add drag and drop functionality to your user interfaces and applications in TouchDesigner. In the recent builds, a new drag and […]


today we are going to create some soft, glowing gradients. download project files and access to more tutorials and files. ​​ BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out my work on instagram stay kind. sound in the beginning is a custom sound made for me by RAAYS. thank you!

TouchDesigner Tutorial 8 – Parametric Equations: Eight Curve (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations #eightcurve Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph an Eight Curve using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music from Digient Collective digient(cues) — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]

[TouchDesigner – Component] Private Investigator

Download: Patreon:

FAUST in TouchDesigner (Audio Coding Demo)

Demonstrating TD-Faust: Around 7:42 I intended to point out the issue with the menu parameter, but I accidentally said checkbox a few times.

Keyframer Comp

A tour of the new Keyframer Component for TouchDesigner. You can download it here: A couple of notes: When I mention that the cubic function is using a Bezier function with its handles split into thirds, I should have said .3333 along X not along the hypotenuse. When I talk about changing the units […]

RayTK Tutorial: 2D to 3D shapes

This tutorial shows how to use RayTK operators like extrude and revolved to create 3D scenes based on 3D patterns. Download the toolkit:

RayTK Tutorial: 2D to 3D shapes

This tutorial shows how to use RayTK operators like extrude and revolved to create 3D scenes based on 3D patterns. Download the toolkit:

magical color with glsl part2 – touchdesigner tutorial

part2 This touchdesigner tutorial is about iridescence with own glsl MAT. If you can write glsl, you can extend your range of expression!! IG:​ twitter: 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: GLSL for beginner glsl school: the book of shader: tdsw: write a glsl:

magical color with glsl part1 – touchdesigner tutorial

This touchdesigner tutorial is about iridescence with own glsl MAT. If you can write glsl, you can extend your range of expression!! IG:​ twitter: 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: GLSL for beginner glsl school: the book of shader: tdsw: write a glsl:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 7 – Parametric Equations: Ellipse (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph an Ellipse using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music Axiomatic by Daze Gates — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

Recreating a Classic 90s Screensaver – Mystify Your Mind – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

****The code used for the Script SOP is below the Time Stamps in this description**** In this video, we’ll learn how to recreate the classic 90s screensaver “Mystify Your Mind” with TouchDesigner. The screensaver was originally found on the Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows 98 operating systems. We make use of the Script SOP […]

Makin stuff with Touchdesigner! tiwonku and mrsnippy unite

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at

Versatile Sprinkle SOP (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Hints and tips of using new Sprinkle SOP in very different setups. TouchDesigner Build 2021.11180 is needed. Project file with all examples for my Patreon supporters – Mentioned tutorials and links: Faster SOP-to-TOP converter – Voxelization – Color palettes – Better shadows – DistThresholdCHOP for Plexus-like effects – Curl […]

TouchDesigner Spirograph Part 2: Drawing Modes – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll add some additional drawing modes to the Spirograph drawing program that we created in the last video: This will allow for the program to draw several new styles that weren’t possible in the original (but are possible with a real Spirograph). With these new modes, we get closer to having […]

Recreating a Spirograph in TouchDesigner – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

Check out part two of the Recreating a Spirograph in TouchDesigner series here: Learn to create a drawing program with TouchDesigner that outputs Spirograph-style drawings. As you build this network yourself and post the results to Instagram and other platforms, tag your images/videos with the hashtag #tdspirograph so that we can all see the […]

Liquid paint marbling Effect in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

So simple but powerful (ノ´▽`)ノ Woogie projects : 00:00 Intro 00:17 What weill we learn? 00:45 Before we start 00:55 Let’s start! 04:55 How it works? 07:52 Double noise 08:43 Use image and Displace ratio 12:54 change 8 bit to 32 bit 13:34 with Video 17:52 Outro You can download a project file in […]

RayTK Tutorial: Iteration

Learn how to user iteration to vary copies of shapes in RayTK! Download the toolkit:

Boundary Detection and Position Limiting – Code in Description – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

The Python code used in this tutorial is located below the video timestamps in this description. In this video, we’ll continue to look at basic video game functionality within TouchDesigner by creating a boundary detection and position limiting system for simple 2D geometry. We’ll use the system to restrict the movement of a red square […]

Asteroids-style Movement using CHOPs – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll look at creating basic video game-style functionality within TouchDesigner by recreating the type of movement found in the early arcade game Asteroids using only CHOPs. We’ll first work on creating the visual component of the project by working with TOPs to recreate an Asteroids-style triangle ship, followed by a simple feedback […]

RayTK Surface Texturing Tutorial

Surface texturing using RayTK v0.12! Download the toolkit at:​ more info:

SOP to TOP conversion trick for TouchDesigner

This method give me 25-40% of performance improvement over standard SOP➡CHOP➡TOP approach. Project file is available for my Patreon supporters here – Content: 00:00 – Intro and explanation of the idea 04:00 – SOP to TOP conversion component 14:24 – GLSL trick to get rid of extra instances

Разбор интерактивной инсталляции (3/3) — Алексей Карпик

В этой серии видео Алексей рассказывает о создании интерактивной инсталляции – Ссылки: screen space reflections opengl transformation Таймкод: 0:00 – Screen space reflections 2:07 – Water normal map 3:28 – Ray marching 9:28 – Enviroment reflections 11:40 – Water circles Канал Алексея: Собеседник – Alexey Lysenko

Разбор интерактивной инсталляции (1/3) — Алексей Карпик

В этой серии видео Алексей рассказывает о создании интерактивной инсталляции в Touchdesigner – Таймкод: 0:00 – Introduction 0:18 – Scene geometry 8:13 – Stones collision Канал Алексея:​ Собеседник – Alexey Lysenko​

Soft shadows trick for TouchDesigner

A way to improve quality of a soft shadows in TouchDesigner, works well with realtime rendering. It’s based on rendering geometry and shadows separately, applying some blur to the shadows and multiplying it back with main render. Project files are available for everyone – My video about using render buffers – Contents: 00:00 […]

geometry with TOPs in Touchdesigner

Here’s a quick method for making geometry computations on GPU without any glsl …some said is not possible 🙂 source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon​ or follow me on:​

3 methods for visualizing Kinect skeleton

3 different approaches to visualize Kinect joints data: points, lines and metaballs. Apart from showing how to setup these, in this tutorial I’ll share some ideas how you can use it later to create very different looking outputs. Download project file with 3 main components here – …or became my Patreon supporter and download […]

Instancing TouchDesigner RUS

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at

(ESP)TouchDesigner Tutorial 3 – Ecuaciones Paramétricas: Astroide (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

Hola a todos, en este nuevo tutorial de Ecuaciones Paramétricas en Touchdesigner aprenderemos a graficar un Astroide usando CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

RayTK Iterated Transform Scene

This tutorial goes through creating a scene in RayTK using iterated transform, value fields, materials, and more! Download the library at:

Some Tricks for Pointclouds in Touchdesigner

a short tutorial, that shows a couple of workflows i use in TD for pointclouds. comments are closed. if you have questions head over to the touchdesigner forum. there is some music running in the background. if you don´t like it mute it. if you like it you may buy it here: [LCSM-earthbound](

tentacles in Touchdesigner

here’s my method for making tentacles using only TOPs. This is based on linear interpolation and noise. This technique is very useful for building other things like roots and trees. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon […]

Architecting Interactive Live Streaming Rigs with Hal Lovemelt – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Elburz talks through re-architecting Hal Lovemelt’s ( Interactive Twitch Streaming setup. They talk through dividing up all the hardware, deciding on data-sharing protocols, and splitting up the TouchDesigner projects on the individual machines. In the end, they have a simple diagram of the new architecture.

Water ripple effect (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Water ripple effect in GLSL and its different applications Download .tox file here – Or become a Patreon supporter and download it with extra examples here – Math explanations – Contents: 00:00 – Intro 01:50 – GLSL code explanations 08:48 – Controls 12:25 – Camera (or any other image/video) input displacement 18:00 […]

TouchDesigner _06 Fluid Simulation

Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation in TouchDesigner. 00:00 – Intro 01:00 – Block Out 02:15 – Sizes 04:00 – Splat Color 07:55 – Mouse Coordinates 09:25 – Splat Velocity 11:10 – Curl 13:45 – Vorticity 17:00 – Divergence 18:30 – Clear Pressure 20:15 – Pressure 21:45 – Gradient Subtract 22:55 – Advect 26:20 – Adjustments 27:45 […]

Videolooper / Sequencer for Touchdesigner

In this video/teaser we’ll give you an introduction of our recently developed ‘Videolooper and sequencer’ tool for Touchdesigner. This tool lets you trim out sections from videofiles and load it automatically into your video cache for easily adapting to speed changing and for instance reverse playback. It also lets you sequence the videofiles to any […]

scan tool in Touchdesigner

Here’s an easy method for recreating the ‘Scan tool’ done by @schultzschultzgrafik using mostly TOPs. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

Animated point clouds import Touchdesigner

This is a workaround i use to get vdb files into touchdesigner. I use an Embergen preset and export the simulation data to vdb files; next i import them in blender, use a single point mesh with the volume to mesh modifier and export an obj sequence; only density information of the vdb files is […]

Camera displacement (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Broken mirror and distorted lenses effect with camera displacement trick. Made in TouchDesigner with basic level GLSL code, so no previous GLSL knowledge is required. Project file (including Voronoi tiles) available for patrons – Contents: 00:00 – Explanation of the idea behind effect 03:25 – Making effect for standard TD rendering setup (polygonal geometry) […]

Shadertoy import in TouchDesigner – Part 2 get it running on Raspberry Pi 4


Shadertoy import in TouchDesigner – Part 1


Tile Patterns – TouchDesigner Tutorial 31

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a generative pattern based on a flexible grid, noise and a map that’s created with a simple feedback loop. Inspiration: IG Post: —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:18 The Map 03:47 The Grid 06:30 Texturing With Noise 09:39 Colors 11:11 Tweaking 16:38 Outro —– (Wanted to call […]

RayTK Tutorial 4: Filters Part 2

This tutorial shows how to use filters to modify shapes and create fractals in a scene using the RayTK toolkit. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads:

RayTK Tutorial 3: Filters Part 1

This tutorial shows how to use filters to transform shapes in a scene using the RayTK toolkit. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads:

RayTK Tutorial 2: SDFs and Combiners

This tutorial shows how to add and combine SDF shapes in a scene using the RayTK toolkit. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads:

RayTK Tutorial 1: Setup and Basics

This tutorial shows how to download the RayTK toolkit and set up a basic scene. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads:

Миллионы интерактивных реалтаймовых GPU-частиц на GLSL в Touchdesigner – полная версия

Денис Новиков, инструктор Realtime School, инженер, программист, медиа-художник. Массивные — до нескольких миллионов — системы интерактивных частиц, управляемых в реальном времени, украсят любую инсталляцию. Мы рассмотрим процесс создания массивных систем частиц в Touchdesigner с помощью GLSL. Поговорим: – о методах создания и оптимизации, подводных камнях; – о методах управления и отображения системы частиц; – о […]

Deeper Into Noise – TouchDesigner Tutorial 30

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we have a look at how to use Noise (and the Noise COMP from the palette) to create some cool generative graphics in four examples. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:40 Project 1 – Lines 04:09 Project 2 – Landscape 12:34 Project 3 – Cellular 19:05 Project 4 – Vaporwave 20:22 […]

Tutorial – Deluge w/ Touchdesigner – Midi Setup

A quick first step setup to use my midi mapping for the deluge with touchdesigner. You need this file for the tutorial: for other questions and anything else, use the synstrom forum, comments are disabled here. here´s the link to the thread:

Simple geometry displacement – Touchdesigner tutorial

In this tutorial I explain a nice displacement technique using geometry instancing and TOP operators. Feel free to customize it and publish your results. For my other works, check IG: @singoltone

custom emitter in Touchdesigner

Here’s a simple trick for building a custom emitter leaving particles on its trail …then you can add feedback to get some weird tentacles. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

Touchdesigner + Arduino + Bare conductive. Custom touchpad. Tutorial. (Сенсорная панель)

scheme: I2C scanner: MPR121 library: TD project:

Tileable noise collection for TouchDesigner

Basic information and ideas about collection of tileable noises. Assets download and discussion – Patreon post with 5 additional noises –

MIDI Keyboard Visualisation – TouchDesigner Tutorial 29.1

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we use the Event CHOP and Instancing to create an abstract MIDI keyboard visualisation. This is Part 1 of at least two videos covering this topic. My keyboard is the Roland A-800 Pro with 61 keys. Feel free to use this in any way, but please give credit ❤ —– 00:00 […]

Generative Blueprints – TouchDesigner Tutorial 28

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a setup for generative floor plans or architectural sketches using Noise and Limit and Edge TOPs. Tip: Also use Blur, Luma Blur and Displace before the edge. New mic so you finally hear all the weird noises I’m making in better quality! —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 02:34 Setup […]

Touching Typography – Case 3: Stair Cube

In this tutorial series we are exploring certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre baked. We’re rebuilding […]

datamosh in Touchdesigner

Here’s a simple datamoshing trick using a ‘wired’ texture and recursive displace on UV map. source file free to download: ‘The Laughing Cavalier’ by Frans Hals: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

Experimentación Touchdesigner, detector de movimiento 4 puntos con camara- Dia 2

Exploración, aprendiendo a utilizar el software touchdesigner, con experimentación, en base a nociones basicas de este. Experimento: Crear un material que reaccione a un detector de movimiento, para 4 zonas puntuales del encuadre de la cámara. Aprendizaje esperado

Generative Visuals with Particles & Kinect in TouchDesigner

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Crystal Jow creates a fully generative scene that combines techniques like Rutt-Etra displacements, Kinect player index data, particles, noise, colour palettes, and more! It highlights how […]

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] OLIB DEEPDIVE

We will take a look at the OLIB and check out what components are already there and what to expect from it in the future.

Tracking QR Codes in TouchDesigner with OpenCV and Script TOP – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: QR codes are insanely helpful and underrated tools. They can be used for everything from tracking the position of objects in a scene, to helping your […]

Solar System (Texture Instancing) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 27

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a generative solar system using TOP instancing. This is used as an example for texture instancing (using a different texture for each planet/object). —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:54 Setup 06:45 Planet Positions 10:26 Planet Scales 11:46 Planet Movement 16:17 Texture Setup 18:30 Texture Instancing 23:50 Tracks 26:27 Sun […]

Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner – Lucas Morgan

Workshop: Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner GeoPix Example File: 0:00 – Introduction 6:02 – GeoPix demo 15:14 – Anatomy of GeoPix – An object oriented lighting design sandbox 39:50 – The Editor Tab – Dataflow, static to real-time 51:56 – The I/O Tab – Recreating TouchDesigner, in TouchDesigner 58:56 – The Perform Tab […]

line transfer in Touchdesigner

Here’s a method for making a bunch of curved lines following an input texture. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

How the Bauhaus Would Have Loved TouchDesigner – Stefan Kraus

Workshop: How the Bauhaus Would Have Loved TouchDesigner Example Files: 1:37 – Stefan Kraus / The Node Institute Berlin 5:17 – Bauhaus 44:19 – TouchDesigner Basics 1:46:25 – 1 FarblichtSpiel 3:07:45 – 2 Clock 4:01:14 – 3 Replicator 5:07:07 – 4 LED When Walter Gropius founded the legendary design school Bauhaus one hundred years […]

Explanation Video – TouchDesigner : Particle Instancing & Shadow

This video explaining how I use particle instance and shadow. Previous test video was recorded in 4K and the parameter window was difficult to see, So I upload in FHD. I hope you enjoy this video! If you have any problems or questions, please leave a comment. Download project file here : official […]

Woulg Stream – TouchDesigner, maybe shaders

[Patreon] [Links] [Disclaimer] This account is not owned by woulg, yet is woulg-approved. Twitch stream VODs will be re-uploaded on this channel for posterity.

Touchdesigner + Arduino. Firmata. Packet data transmission.
