Alena Osipova

TouchDesigner Tutorial #3. Superformula. Building audioreactive setup

Hello, #TouchDesigner community. In this tutorial we consider one of the most simple and polivarious method to build working #audioreactive setup. We will use: 1) Superformula generators (trying to find aesthetic geo forms); 2) Instancing technic; 3) Audioanalyze tool and some correction nodes. I need you will enjoy the procces. Glad to be answer your […]

TouchDesigner tutorial #2. Generative mercury fluid on TOPs

Hi, gues! In this #TouchDesigner tutorial I show how create simple metallic fluid for your #designs, #audiovisual projects, #vj sets etc. Glad to answer your questions =) P.S. 1:01 — T-Script formula is (just copy and paste next➤) absTime.seconds * 0.2 ➤ ➤ ➤My Instagram (my pleasure to met new friends!): ➤ ➤ ➤My […]

TouchDesigner tutorial #1. Simple generative form with line texture

In this tutorial (for begginers, without coding) we create generative minimalistic 3D object for your music covers, posters with animation, LED screens etc. This lineral form was created in #TouchDesigner software with simple texturing technique. If you have any question, I will glad to answer. My Instagram: @amona_re Vimeo (works): Thanks a lot @88_rat_88! […]