Advanced Kinect Rendering in TouchDesigner | Instancing, PBR, Depth Refinement, Shadows, and More

Project file and depth refinement component available on Patreon: This tutorial is a deep dive into rendering Kinect data in TouchDesigner. It covers: – isolating the subject – basic instancing – improved orthographic instancing – direct rendering (new technique using a GLSL material fragment shader) – real-time depth map refinement – adding shadows with […]

Kinect Driven Particles with TouchDesigner (using particlesGPU) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 194

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Utilize the particlesGPU component from the palette with a Kinect input, to create visually appealing and interactive particle systems. In this tutorial, you’ll set up […]

Kinect time slices and particles – TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL #3

Welcome to this third tutorial! I hope my explanations are clear enough, don’t hesitate to give me any advice! If you want a complete and fast access to this project : Share with me your creations, your modifications, ideas, etc. 🙂 Supermarket salad’s Life Component : Colour Lover Palette Picker : You […]

Orbbec vs Kinect with TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 188

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this tutorial, we compare the Orbbec Femto Bolt and the Microsoft Kinect Azure, two powerful depth cameras, to uncover their strengths and differences when […]

Wispy Kinect PointClouds – Easy Touchdesigner Tutorial

DOWNLOAD this file and other free project files on my pateron here: — Patreon : Website : Instagram : #audiovisual #touchdesigner #3drender #objecttracking #td #download #visualizer #download #freeprojectfile #td #touchdesignercommunity #touchdesignerlearning

Generative Kinect Depth in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, Crystal will demonstrate how to use a depth camera with geometry instancing to create a generative look in TouchDesigner. Generative Dadamaino in […]

How to make Kinect Point Cloud Particles with TouchDesigner

In this TouchDesigner tutorial I’ll show you how to take the particle cloud input from a Kinect V2, filter out the points you don’t want, and add color and movement effects. These techniques can be combined with many of the other particle effects we’ve covered in these tutorials The project file is available to my […]

Position Data from Depth Map – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: With this TouchDesigner technique you can make surfaces touch-reactive. In this video, we’ll process a Kinect 2 depth map […]

Interactive Eye Projection with Webcam or Kinect – TouchDesigner Tutorial 009

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, you learn how to create an interactive projection, where an eye follows people passing by. I use a webcam and the bodytrackCHOP to track persons, but you can also use a Kinect or other data like mouse cursor position, noise or any other object. With free AI image generation tools like […]

Super useful tips for using Kinect motion data in Touchdesigner🤩

引玉课堂Touchdesigner系统课程链接 我们的引玉课堂Touchdesigner课程现已上线!获得课程更全信息、赶上课程首发市场最低的早🐦,S我或留下【引玉】,让我来为你抛砖引玉吧! 你是不是也已经受够了再调试Kinect参数的时候总是在Kinect前跑来跑去?这节小技巧教程就教授你最简单的在Touchdesigner里调试Kinect的小技巧,让你轻轻松松调试Kinect! Link to the Touchdesigner course Our Touchdesigner course is now live! Are you tired of running around in front of your Kinect when you are tuning Kinect parameters? This tutorial will teach you the easiest tips to debug Kinect in Touchdesigner, so you can debug Kinect with ease! Kinect Motion […]

Project Update: Swapping LiDAR and Kinect for Leap Motion in TouchDesigner (Part 2)

In this video, I will build on a prior tutorials and discuss in depth how to substitute one type of sensor for another. By following some simple best practices, your networks can become easy to use with any type of sensor data! In this section, we add a Leap Motion controller to the mix and […]

Motion Visualization with Kinect v2 in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: With many sensors like the Kinect (and increasingly even less sophisticated hardware) it’s easy to retrieve detailed movement information, but it’s not always easy to […]

TOUCHDESIGNER S**T – KINECT (feat.@miruka_ze)

Donate – Links: MARK: TG: IG: OSTRY: TG: IG:

Terrain Particles 4: Bringing it all together

In the final part of this series on creating terrain-inspired particle systems in TouchDesigner, we create a variety of effects using the techniques developed in prior tutorials and add interaction to our project via Kinect and webcam. Project files available on patreon:

Terrain Particle System – Part 3: EXR Files and Procedural Terrain in Houdini

Learn to import EXR files (common format for heightmaps/terrain data) and use them to drive particle systems. Build your own using detailed and physically realistic terrain models in a few clicks using a free Houdini Apprentice license (its easy, I promise). Or just use the EXR file I provide to follow along as we import […]

Kinect 2 vs Kinect Azure in TouchDesigner

In this video, Crystal will cover the differences between Kinect 2 and Kinect Azure in TouchDesigner. How do you get one of these devices, how is the technology different, and how do we use the sensor in TouchDesigner? We will build a simple network using displacement TOP to make a fun ghost-like visual. You can […]

Procedural Coding in Touch Designer with Ian

Join Ian Boyd as he walks through some of his recent Touch Designer projects. Come check them out and learn a few things for yourself.

3/3 TouchDesigner Vol.043 Generative Visuals with Kinect 2

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

2/3 TouchDesigner Vol.043 Generative Visuals with Kinect 2

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

1/3 TouchDesigner Vol.043 Generative Visuals with Kinect 2

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

Simple Motion Visualisation – TouchDesigner Tutorial 55

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re looking at a few simple techniques on how to capture motion with video and Kinect input and display it in a funky way. You can also use a Video Device In for the technique at 17:05. Tracking motion without Kinect: —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:48 Video Setup 03:35 […]

Generative Andy Warhol in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: The new Netflix series about Andy Warhol has been exciting many artists about Andy’s works and life. This is a great opportunity to be inspired by […]

[Tutorial] Instrumentos Controlados por Movimiento – TouchDesigner, Ableton Live y Kinect

En el siguiente video, aprenderás a controlar instrumentos analógicos y digitales a través de movimiento con la ayuda de TouchDesigner, Ableton Live y una cámara Kinect. Para archivos de proyectos, tutoriales y más, pueden dirigirse a mi página de Patreon: __ 00:00 – Introducción 01:02 – TDAbleton 01:37 – Kinect CHOP 02:48 – Configurando […]

[Tutorial] Movement Controlled Instruments – TouchDesigner, Ableton Live and Kinect

In the following video, you’re going to learn how to control both analog and digital instruments through movement with the help of TouchDesigner, Ableton Live and a Kinect camera. For project files, tutorials and more, head over to my Patreon page: __ 00:00 – Introduction 00:35 – TDAbleton 01:00 – Kinect CHOP 02:01 – […]

Kinetic Particle Text in TouchDesigner (TUTORIAL)

Showing a technique I used in a recent project! If you’re a beginner, check out this series Color picker tool Follow me on the stuffs @tiwonku everywhere Instagram: Twitch:

Custom Depth Map from Kinect & RealSense Point Clouds in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 100+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: It can be difficult to create visual effects with a sensor’s depth map when it’s full of walls, floors, and ceilings. With many of the new […]

Playing Drums With Kinect – TouchDesigner + Kinect Tutorial 3

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look at how to use the Kinect in combination with TD and Ableton to create a simple interactive instrument. For now we’re only using kick and snare but you can add more sounds and use different instruments as well. You can use this without Ableton as well to trigger other […]

How to build the ultimate Theremin using Kinect and TouchDesigner

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a simple yet extremely powerful Theremin-like instrument by just using Kinect and TouchDesigner. You can download an enhanced version of this project file for free in my box: All the docs you need: #Kinect #TouchDesigner #AbletonLive #Ableton

터치디자이너ㅣ키넥트 인터렉티브 비주얼ㅣTouchDesigner

2021 원주영상미디어센터 [프로젝션 맵핑 워크숍 ‘emInSen’]에서 진행된 ‘키넥트(Kinect)’ 특강 전체를 공개합니다. 현재 인터렉티브 아트에서 가장 많이 사용되는 디바이스 ‘키넥트’를 터치디자이너에서 다양하게 활용하는 방법과 이론을 다뤘습니다. 키넥트와 터치디자이너에 대해 궁금한 분에게 참고가 되길 바랍니다^^ 워크숍 강의: Caroline Reize @digital.rain 워크샵 주관: 원주영상미디어센터 영상편집: Crazy Radio Main #touchdesigner #kinect #터치디자이너 #원주영상미디어센터 #프로젝션맵핑 #미디어파사드 #인터렉티브아트 #키넥트 […]

TouchDesigner Vol.043 Generative Visuals with Kinect 2【Sneak Peak】

▽You can watch the rest of this tutorial and others with a membership on the TDSW patreon. Support TDSW on Patreon If you subscribe to a subscription plan of $20 or more, you get unlimited access to all of our past archives! We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and […]

Building a Kinect Drawing Program 🎨 🖌 – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll work through creating a Kinect-based drawing program within TouchDesigner. The final program will include a variety of Kinect driven functions, including drawing, erasing, cursor movement, changing the draw color, and clearing the screen. We’ll also look at adding a user interface that gives important visual cues to help the user navigate […]

TouchDesigner工作坊-QA:使用 Kinect1來控制3D人物模型 /使用藝術家Ian Shelanskey分享的製作檔案出現問題的解決辦法

☆Rigged Kinect Mesh for TouchDesigner of Ian Shelanskey - 此影片內容為臺藝大實體轉線上工作坊2021/5/19(三)「互動光雕投影工作坊 」課程QA問題與解答節錄,影片為黑碼藝識團隊紀錄剪輯影片,藉此推動TouchDesigner中文化學習數位內容嘗試。 -實體工作坊: 國立臺灣藝術大學高等教育深耕計畫 科技藝術實驗中心 多元學習課程 開課單位:科技藝術實驗中心 課程名稱:互動光雕投影工作坊 Interactive Augmented Mapping Projection Workshop 授課教師:多媒體動畫藝術學系 客座副教授 李家祥 業界教師:詹嘉華、江俊毅、黃國斌 課程期間:2021年3月24日至2021年6月9日 上課地點:臺灣藝術大學二校區 科技藝術實驗劇場 #TouchDesigner #Kinect #Mesh

Thesis TouchDesigner System

An explanation of how the visuals programming system of my thesis project works. The project reveal can be found here: Tutorials I used for the programming: Music in the background from

Direction Detection – TouchDesigner + Kinect Tutorial 2

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look at how to detect the direction a person is walking and create a small system of files and noise which correspond with that movement. I’m using the Kinect v2 but this should work with any other Kinect as well. You can’t see me walking, so just try yourself! —– […]

TouchDesigner tutorial – Kinect render pick

If you like this video or you find it useful for your work please consider to support me with a Paypal donation at: … if you can’t, but still would like to support, just drop me a comment telling me that you enjoyed this video! I would really appreciate it and keep my motivation […]

Interactive Particles – TouchDesigner + Kinect Tutorial 1

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look at how to create a basic interactive particle system by using the Kinect v2 (works with Azure too), Optical Flow and particlesGPU. We especially have a closer look at the particlesGPU, so you can easily customize the look and behaviour of the particles to your needs. OpticalFlow with Webcam: […]

3 methods for visualizing Kinect skeleton

3 different approaches to visualize Kinect joints data: points, lines and metaballs. Apart from showing how to setup these, in this tutorial I’ll share some ideas how you can use it later to create very different looking outputs. Download project file with 3 main components here – …or became my Patreon supporter and download […]

Creating Interactive Controls for Live Performance – Ginger Leigh

Workshop: Interactive Control for Live Performance Example files: 0:00 – Introduction 3:35 – Notes on sensors 6:40 – MIDI controllers 26:06 – Thinking excercise 30:10 – Leap Motion 50:45 – See note below on additional excerpt video at this point 50:45 – Kinect sensors 1:13:55 – Ableton Live using Live Grabber 1:21:18 – Ableton […]

Generative Visuals with Particles & Kinect in TouchDesigner

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Crystal Jow creates a fully generative scene that combines techniques like Rutt-Etra displacements, Kinect player index data, particles, noise, colour palettes, and more! It highlights how […]

Creating Generative Visuals with Complex Systems – Simon Alexander-Adams

Workshop: Creating Generative Visuals with Complex Systems Example Files: This workshop will walk participants through the process of creating real-time generative visuals using two types of systems: reaction-diffusion and cellular automata. Both methods yield a variety of complex and often non-repeating patterns. Reaction-diffusion systems model the changing of one or more chemical substances. The […]

Tutorial – Kinect HeightMap (Depth) in Mandelbulb3D + Touch Designer + Blender (beginner)

my very first tutorial – no paid software needed Mandelbulb3D level needed – beginner / intermediate Blender level needed – ultra beginner Touch Designer level needed – ultra beginner Check out my page at or

utiliza tus manos y controla luces dmx con kinect y touchdesigner

Tutorial para controlar la iluminación DMX por medio de Kinect y touchdesigner, un tutorial para el performer que busca integrar la interactividad con la tecnología dentro de sus performances. Este video muestra un experimento con una mini spot robótica para sincronizar y programar el movimiento de las manos con las cabezas giratorias.

Tutorial iluminación digital con video mapping interactiva con Kinect y touchdesigner parte 2

Veremos cómo hacer un video mapping en touchdesigner y hacer que interactúe por medio de un Kinect, utilizaremos touchdesigner y kantan mapper para hacer una pieza de arte digital e iluminación multimedia en casa. Lista de materiales utilizaremos un proyector -un kinect -laptop con touchdesigner. -espejo cóncavo Instagram: vimeo: Pattern nerd: touchdesigner […]

8. Tutorial Touchdesigner – Kinect

Tutorial sulla kinect. Creazione di una patch interattiva utilizzando la kinect come sensore. Driver kinect Kinect1 SDK 1.8 : Runtime 1.8 : Developer Toolkit 1.8 : Kinect2 SDK 2.0 : Runtime 2.0 : Per info:

Tutorial iluminación digital con video proyección interactiva con Kinect y touchdesigner

Veremos cómo hacer un video mapping en touchdesigner y hacer que interactúe por medio de un Kinect, utilizaremos touchdesigner y kantan mapper para hacer una pieza de arte digital e iluminación multimedia en casa. Lista de materiales utilizaremos un proyector -un kinect -laptop con touchdesigner. -espejo cóncavo Instagram: vimeo: Pattern nerd: touchdesigner […]

Voxelizing everything with TouchDesigner

How to turn any point cloud or geometry into voxel graphics inside TouchDesigner using simple trick. If you find this tutorial helpful, you could support me on Patreon Timecode: 00:00 – Intro and little theory 03:00 – making setup from scratch 13:06 – using point cloud transform from the palette Different application of the […]

Touchdesigner: primi esperimenti con Kinect 1

Grazie all’ottimo tutorial di Maurizio Orlando, disponibile qui:

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] 20.04.2020 Battle of Kinect: XBOX vs AZURE

A lot of people asked me if the extra price of the azure kinect is worth. Lets check it out!

Kinect – Touchdesigner tutorial – (1)

Vamos a estar viendo diferentes técnicas utilizando Kinect dentro de Touchdesigner. Datos técnicos: 00:00 Ejemplo visual 1: 6:40 Ejemplo visual 2: 29:16

Kinect point cloud tutorial

How to set up Kinect point cloud in TouchDesigner and get minimalistic abstract output from it. This is more or less same technique I used in this video – You can download .toe files both for stable and experimental versions here – (and it’s free!)

Tutorial – TouchDesigner + Ableton + Kinect – How to play music with gestures pt 2 (Loop recording)

In the second part of this tutorial, you will learn how to record a loop using TouchDesigner, a gesture recognised by the Microsoft Kinect V2 sensor and the Looper tool in Ableton Live. To create the sequence of sounds trigger using your hands check the first part of this video here: Learn the basics […]

Tutorial – TouchDesigner + Ableton + Kinect – How to play music with gestures Pt. 1

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

Touchdesigner – Creating a noise effect with Kinect – Tutorial

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

Touchdesigner – Kinect – Psychedelic shape in 5 minutes (tutorial)

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

Depth Cameras in TouchDesigner 03: Kinect CHOP Overview

Demonstration of using the Kinect CHOP in TouchDesigner to track user motion.

Depth Cameras in TouchDesigner 02: Kinect TOP Overview

An overview of using the Kinect TOP features in TouchDesigner

Depth Cameras in TouchDesigner 01: Using Depth Image

Using a Kinect depth sensor, I demonstrate how to take the grayscale depth video feed and use the Lookup TOP to isolate ranges of depth.

tiles displacement in Touchdesigner

Here’s a quick method of making distorting mirrors and tiles offset. Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

Touchdesigner – Interactive particles controlled with Kinect (full project) tutorial

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

Tutorial – How to control Ableton Live with kinect – Touchdesigner + Ableton + Kinect

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

Tutorial Touchdesigner + Kinect (Español) En este tutorial vamos a aprender conceptos básicos sobre como trabajar con la familia de los top’s y kinect en touchdesigner Descarga el archivo desde aquí: Cutmod tutorial: X-yoperro-

Control a Mixamo robot in Touchdesigner with a Kinect V2

In this tutorial we’re going to look at how to rig a robot character in Blender, export it to fbx, import it in Touchdesigner and hook up the channels from the Kinect V2 to the model. IMPORTANT! The newer builds from 2019 handle the fbx import a little different. Just leave the FBXComp as it […]

Kinect V2 and Touchdesigner: how to rig a character in Blender

How to control a 3D organic character mesh with a Kinect V2. This tutorial shows you the workflow how to rig a mesh in Blender, export it to fbx, import it in Touchdesigner and setting up the parameters of the Kinect chop to let the mesh actually follow your gestures and movements. IMPORTANT! The newer […]

Ludwigsburg Day3 – Python and Mapping

First half of day 3 focused on Custom Parameters, Python, Python Extensions, Projectionmapping Tools as well as Kinect / Camera Calibration

Ludwigsburg Day 2 GLSL Intro, Kinect Pointcloud & Simple Particle Systems

taking the intro a bit further and building a 3D Pointcloud with the Kinect as a source as well as building a simple Particle System with turbulence.

Kinect Skeleton Basics – TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this tutorial we go through the basics of driving a Limit SOP skeleton with Kinect CHOP channels. This can serve as the skeleton for all sorts of generative characters when you can’t (or don’t want to) use a rigged 3D model. This generative model also serves as nice source geometry for particles, instancing, etc. […]

TouchDesigner Kinect CHOP Tutorial Stream (uncut recording)

Example files available at

TouchDesigner Kinect TOP Tutorial 1 (uncut recording)

Example File: This is a direct export of a Twitch stream, pardon the audio glitch at the start. Watch future live streams at and

TouchDesigner Kinect Tutorial part 1 Video tutorial on working sensor Kinict in TouchDesigner

TouchDesigner Kinect Tutorial part 2

Video tutorial on working sensor Kinict in TouchDesigner

Keeping in Touch 02 – Particle Attractors & Kinect

In this quick tutorial I show how to setup a particle attractor and control it with your hand in realtime. There was more to this video but it corrupted so it ends rather abruptly.