NKB Workshop 002 // Featuring VITAMIN

Never Knows Better and Creative Code Art are featuring VITAMIN in this workshop, as they teach you TouchDesigner to build an audiovisual interactive digital organism. Duration: 1:15 Hrs This workshop taught by Pablo Alvarez the co-founder of VITAMIN (https://vitamin-arte.com/) /////////////////////////////// What you will need: TouchDesigner (download the program here: https://derivative.ca/download) About the artist: Vitamin is […]

Particle system in Touchdesigner & GLSL

Say thanks & download project file: https://gum.co/agIxq Random function: https://thebookofshaders.com/10/ My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karpik.visuals/ Telegram channel: https://t.me/karpik_realtime Timecode: 00:00 — Intro 00:35 — Instancing & rendering setup 03:06 — TOP feedback loops setup 06:02 — GLSL Coding 09:12 — Gravity 13:12 — Interactive gravity 16:02 — Simpe attractor

Particle system with GLSL part2 – Custom emitter (Touchdesigner tutorial)

Support me on Patreon and get access to all project files and more stuff: https://www.patreon.com/noonesimg Download the Attribute Transfer .tox https://forum.derivative.ca/t/attribute-transfer/11469 Part1 with basic particle system: https://youtu.be/IDyDc3kAUzI Check out my other tutorials:

Particules GLSL partie01

Ce tutoriel explique comment utiliser des images pour créer et mouvoir des particules. vous pouvez retrouver les projets ici https://github.com/jhoepffner/TD_GLSL_Particules

Particules GLSL partie02

les particules GLSL dans TouchDesigner: vitesse et accélération lien vers les projets: https://github.com/jhoepffner/TD_GLSL_Particules

Particules GLSL partie03

les particules GLSL dans TouchDesigner: âge et temps lien vers les projets: https://github.com/jhoepffner/TD_GLSL_Particules

ParticulesGLSL partie04

Ce tutoriel reprend les fondamentaux des GLSL shader pour gérer les particules dans TouchDesigner et plus particulièrement les Compute Shader. lien vers les projets: https://github.com/jhoepffner/TD_GLSL_Particules

Pixel Sorting in TouchDesigner

In this tutorial we will learn how to use some pretty simple GLSL to create a cool pixel sorting effect!

Points avec feedback | TouchDesigner

Avec ce tutoriel, vous apprendrez à créer une grille de point à l’aide d’un Glsl TOP, puis à modifier les coordonnées de la grille pour faire un feedback selon une trame sonore provenant de la bibliothèque de YouTube. Bref, comment créer une grille dont ses coordonnées se replacent à leur origine. La première partie présente […]

Rain and Puddles Using GLSL and Vertex Displacement in TouchDesigner (Tutorial)

In this video I show how to make ‘realistic’ rain and puddles in TouchDesigner. The basis of this is a GLSL Top and vertex displacement on a PBR MAT. Patreon (Project Files): https://www.patreon.com/thoseeyes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoseeyesomg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thoseeyes

Raymarching in TouchDesigner tutorial. Part I – Defining a geometry

Github repo for this series https://github.com/exsstas/Raymarching-in-TD Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exsstas and get some extra files. If you want to make one-time donation instead of monthly subscription, you can use https://paypal.me/exsstas it will motivate me to make more tutorials 😉 Helpful resources I mentioned in the tutorial: Short theory about raymarching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp5WWtMoeKg Geometry functions from […]

Raymarching in TouchDesigner tutorial. Part II – Light and colors

Github repo for this series https://github.com/exsstas/Raymarching-in-TD Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exsstas and get some extra files. If you want to make one-time donation instead of monthly subscription, you can use https://paypal.me/exsstas it will motivate me to make more tutorials 😉 Helpful resources I mentioned in the tutorial: Raymarch Toolkit by Patrik Lechner – https://github.com/hrtlacek/TDraymarchToolkit Huge […]

Raymarching in TouchDesigner tutorial. Part III – Warping geometry and space

Github repo for this series https://github.com/exsstas/Raymarching-in-TD Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exsstas and get some extra files. Helpful resources I mentioned in the tutorial: Gyroids tutorial – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-adHIyjIYgk Luna Sorcery Twitch LiveCoding https://www.twitch.tv/lunasorcery evvvvil_ Twitch demoscene style LiveCoding https://www.twitch.tv/evvvvil

Real-Time Photo Mosaic GLSL Shader (TouchDesigner)

Download the file here: http://www.enviral-design.com/downloa…

Realtime Caustics in TouchDesigner with Easy GLSL

Caustics form from light refracted through a transparent medium (like the pretty patterns that form on the bottom of a swimming pool). This tutorial will outline the physics involved and show you how to create this effect in TouchDesigner using only a handful of lines of GLSL code. Resources: Ray / Plane intersection: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/minimal-ray-tracer-rendering-simple-shapes/ray-plane-and-ray-disk-intersection.html Caustics […]

relax sweetheart in Touchdesigner

here we play with Voronoi iteration or relaxation using the jump flood algorithm built in glsl by Yea Chen with which we build the SDF cells as a ramp to drive the particles to the relax position. I really hope you like this tutorial. This .toe file is available to any Touchdesigner enthusiast for free […]

Shadertoy import in TouchDesigner – Part 1

Using https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/shadertoy-touchdesigner-raspberry-pi/63259

Shadertoy import in TouchDesigner – Part 2 get it running on Raspberry Pi 4

Using https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/shadertoy-touchdesigner-raspberry-pi/63259

Simple tornado with glsl (Touchdesigner tutorial)

Here’s a quick example how to use glsl to make a simple tornado, but honestly a lot of stuff can be achieved in a similar manner. Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/noonesimg Check out my Instagram for more regular updates: https://www.instagram.com/noonesimg/ Check out my other tutorials:

SOP on GPU v 2.0 – Stanislav Glazov

Workshop: SOP on GPU v 2.0 This workshop is based on the presenter’s long and intensive experience trying to improve the complexity and quality of the real-time graphics he creates in TouchDesigner. This session is oriented towards intermediate TouchDesigner users who have an understanding of Surface Operators and a handle on the basics of GLSL […]

Touchdesigner – Shadertoy GLSL integration

THIS IS NOT A GLSL Coding Video. Also please only use the information in here to learn, dont just steal other peoples hard work! Thanks to the shaders from: Shane: https://www.shadertoy.com/user/Shane https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4l2cD3 Chronos: https://www.shadertoy.com/user/chronos https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XtdSDn In this video we have a look at importing and converting shadertoy shaders (even those with multiple buffers) into touchdesigner […]

TouchDesigner _01 Engraved Lines [1 / 2]

Engraved lines, hashed lines, thick lines, stroke raster, Rutt/Etra video synthesizer. Geometry instancing and GLSL material. TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2019.33840 Based on MAILMAN: http://mailman.acervo.studio/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

TouchDesigner _01 Engraved Lines [2 / 2]

Engraved lines, hashed lines, thick lines, stroke raster, Rutt/Etra video synthesizer. Geometry instancing and GLSL material. TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2019.33840 Based on MAILMAN: http://mailman.acervo.studio/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

TouchDesigner _03 Curl Noise

Boxes swirling with curl noise, geometry instancing and compute shader TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.20020 Peter Werner – Intro to Curl Noise: http://petewerner.blogspot.com/2015/02/intro-to-curl-noise.html cabbibo – glsl-curl-noise: https://github.com/cabbibo/glsl-curl-noise/blob/master/curl.glsl Inigo Quilez – useful little functions: http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/functions/functions.htm 00:00 – Intro 00:17 – About Curl Noise 01:36 – Render Setup 03:24 – Compute Shader 09:10 – Geometry Instancing 10:32 […]

TouchDesigner _05 Gradient Waves

Gradient colours, blend modes, GLSL and lots of noise TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.23680 00:00 – Intro 00:45 – Konami! 01:10 – Examples 01:24 – Grid 02:23 – Displacement 07:15 – Time / Speed 08:14 – Colours 13:50 – Grain 15:56 – Overlay 16:45 – Outro Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

TouchDesigner – 3D Tube Trails Custom MAT Tutorial – Atagen

demonstrates GPU particle systems rendered as 3D tube trails in TouchDesigner, using TOPs to calculate position and a SOP+custom MAT to render the tubes. recommended you have at least a basic-intermediate understanding of TouchDesigner and GLSL first, but can probably be stepped through if you’re very careful. apologies for the aggressive gating on the mic, […]

Touchdesigner – Droplet effect with a 3d matrix in Tops.

In this video, I try to recreate the effect from the water ad (link below) using tops instancing on a top matrix. Project file is available on my Patreon. Link to the ad : Patreon : https://patreon.com/Dith_idsgn Socials : Tweets by dithdsgn1 https://www.instagram.com/dith_idsgn/

TouchDesigner Boids Flocking Tutorial

Project file: https://github.com/DBraun/TouchDesigner_Shared/tree/master/Starters/boids I use a binning technique with GLSL compute shaders to efficiently find each bird’s neighbors so that they can undergo a “flocking” or “boids” algorithm. Additionally, the birds avoid a dynamic 3D object using a 3D Jump Flood Algorithm. When the number of vertices of the “bird” object is very small, I […]

Touchdesigner Free primitives Tutorial (Свободные примитивы)

https://share.substance3d.com/libraries/3013 https://share.substance3d.com/libraries/2754 https://iquilezles.org/www/articles/functions/functions.htm

TouchDesigner GLSL Compute Particles Tutorial

Files are here: https://github.com/DBraun/TouchDesigner_Shared/tree/master/Starters/optical_flow_particles_compute

TouchDesigner GLSL Glitch

Experimenting with Touch Designer and GLSL on premade digital paintings. Song is from GoGo Penguin

TouchDesigner GPU Instancing 1/3 [0xDEADBEEF Quarantine Zoom Jam]

In this Zoom recording, me & @rey.nbows build GPU instancing in TouchDesigner by writing GLSL shaders from scratch. You will learn how to write a particle system that does not use CPU. The original jam sessions (totaling nearly 6 hours) were edited into series of ~30 min videos with essential information. @rey.nbows channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjK6fF5NCErndCLcBBm1mOA

TouchDesigner GPU Instancing 2/3 [0xDEADBEEF Quarantine Zoom Jam]

In this Zoom recording, me & @rey.nbows build GPU instancing in TouchDesigner by writing GLSL shaders from scratch. You will learn how to write a particle system that does not use CPU. The original jam sessions (totaling nearly 6 hours) were edited into series of ~30 min videos with essential information. @rey.nbows channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjK6fF5NCErndCLcBBm1mOA

TouchDesigner meetup#6 GLSL material

Project files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v6VRRdKApx8CL9ma1GSJEVnC3EBWQuqB/view?usp=sharing

TouchDesigner Quick Tips: GLSL for Normalization and Mapping Instances to a Grid

In this super quick video, I show two amazingly helpful GLSL tricks, both of which are just ONE LINE of code! Project files available: https://www.patreon.com/water__shed 00:00 – Start 00:40 – GLSL Normalize 05:44 – Easy UV Mapped Instancing

TouchDesigner Tips _01 UV Unwrapping

Unwrap a SOP into the UV coordinate space with GLSL MAT. TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.20020 Volcano – Poly by Google: https://poly.google.com/view/dwSigTeSMCo Ambulance – Poly by Google: https://poly.google.com/view/8NOFImgkI5N Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

Touchdesigner Tutorial – How To Build Point Sprites in A GLSL Shader

A walkthrough of how yo can build point sprites within a GLSL shader. Project can be found here – https://github.com/franklin113/Tutorial-Repo

Tutorial – GLSL Vertex displacement in TouchDesigner

Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/exsstas Here is my first tutorial on how to turn Phong MAT into GLSL MAT with a vertex displacement for each of 3 dimensions. And some ideas how to use it in your patches.

Use CODE to create VISUALS, for absolute beginners – GLSL Tutorial 1

Please consider supporting me by checking out my patreon! Not only will you be the one that makes this channel possible, you’ll also get today’s awesome project and other files I talk about. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/danielsteenhoff TouchDesigner download: https://derivative.ca/download Today we’re starting our journey into the world of shadercoding. GLSL is an awesome language that allows […]

visual glsl in Touchdesigner

Here’s a playfull method for doing glsl in TOPs. We play here with signed distance functions for circle and sphere. Massive thanks to Inigo Quilez for his wonderful research. Here’s the link for sdf primitives: https://iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions/distfunctions.htm source file free to download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33309273 Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You […]

Visualizing Noise and using Shadows and Depth (English / 日本語)

Visualizing noise with instances and and setting up shadows and depth in your renders. (w/quick PBR setup) Example file: http://tinyurl.com/y4n8pzzh MUTEK.jp 2018 Advanced Class Day2 Lecturer: Ben Voigt Link: https://www.derivative.ca Twitter: https://twitter.com/brvoigt Interpreter: Tetsuya Kanakubo Link: http://ted-kanakubo.com/touchdesigner-jp Twitter: https://twitter.com/ted_kanakubo 0:00 – Initial setup 4:55 – Adding PBR and setting up the look 8:55 – Setting […]

Voxel Line – TouchDesigner Tutorial 01

This tutorial shows you how to create a wireframe-like voxel model in TouchDesigner. In the tutorial I use Houdini to make polyline geometries. If you aren’t accustomed to Houdini, please download the assets below link. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tXd0GLpNh0qZZX38ggHZSf4mc_lTi4DU?usp=sharing

Water ripple effect (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Water ripple effect in GLSL and its different applications Download .tox file here – https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/water-ripple-effect/63763 Or become a Patreon supporter and download it with extra examples here – https://www.patreon.com/posts/45962806 Math explanations – https://web.archive.org/web/20160505235423/http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/graphics/x_water.htm Contents: 00:00 – Intro 01:50 – GLSL code explanations 08:48 – Controls 12:25 – Camera (or any other image/video) input displacement 18:00 […]

Woulg Stream – TouchDesigner, maybe shaders

[Patreon] https://www.patreon.com/woulg [Links] https://www.woulg.com https://woulg.bandcamp.com https://facebook.com/woulg.music https://youtube.com/user/woulg https://twitch.tv/woulg [Disclaimer] This account is not owned by woulg, yet is woulg-approved. Twitch stream VODs will be re-uploaded on this channel for posterity.

Миллионы интерактивных реалтаймовых GPU-частиц на GLSL в Touchdesigner – полная версия

Денис Новиков, инструктор Realtime School, инженер, программист, медиа-художник. Массивные — до нескольких миллионов — системы интерактивных частиц, управляемых в реальном времени, украсят любую инсталляцию. Мы рассмотрим процесс создания массивных систем частиц в Touchdesigner с помощью GLSL. Поговорим: – о методах создания и оптимизации, подводных камнях; – о методах управления и отображения системы частиц; – о […]