Datamoshing on TouchDesigner, a tutorial

Hi everyone! Today’s subject: Datamoshing effect in real time using TouchDesigner! Also some theory on basic feedback loops and displacement maps! Don’t hesitate to join the discord to chat about TD, get some help, assistance, share your projects: Also if you want the exact project file from the tutorial you can subcribe or buy […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial | Audio-Reactive Spiral Effect with Feedback Loop

Keywords: TouchDesigner, Audio Reactive Visuals, Feedback TOP, Lens Distort, Tutorial Summary: In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an audio-reactive spiral effect in TouchDesigner. We’ll explore how to use Feedback TOP, Transform, and Lens Distort to create dynamic visuals that react to music. The tutorial breaks down the process step by step, from setting […]

How to create a portal in TouchDesigner

Portal in TouchDesigner by Réka Polena Thanks for all my supporters, you are the best! In this walkthough tutorial you will find out how you can easily create a real-time portal inside TouchDesigner. It is rather not for absolute beginners, but with a basic understanding of the environment you should be able to […]

Painterly Feedback Effect in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 197

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, Crystal will show you how to use feedback loops in TOPs to create a fun painterly effect in TouchDesigner. You can find […]

Psychedelic Flower – TouchDesigner Tutorial 73

In this classic TouchDesigner tutorial we use instancing and feedback to create a psychedelic visual with lots of room for customization. Perfect for ambient music! Chromatic Aberration .tox: So happy to be sharing a video again 🙂 —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:32 Instancing Setup 04:20 Creating the Structure 09:09 Feedback 1 09:56 Feedback […]

TOUCHDESIGNER Tutorial: Procedural 3D Instancing & Feedback Effects

Become a member to Access All Project File : YouTube : Instagram : X : Reddit : ~ Touchdesigner version 2023.10000 ———————————————————————————- In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’ll dive into procedural 3D instancing using CHOPs and SOPs, followed by a stunning post-processing workflow with Feedback and RGB Delay effects. Whether you’re […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial – A Beginners Guide to Feedback Loops

Head over to my blog if you want to learn how to do this in written format. Have you ever been at a gig when the sound of the microphone rings and grows ever louder to the point of unbearable sound. This is feedback, and it very much applies to visuals, especially node based […]

Oil Slick – fluid displacement – TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there – to make more of these possible – and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– Paketa 12 recursive displace diive deeper into normal maps: —– […]

TouchDesigner Generative Art / 06 – Feedback

Easy and fast way to create some generative images using feedback loop in Touchdesigner. Patreon: Here —– More related videos: Fluid: Generative Art 02: Generative Art 01: Generative Art 03: ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight the important parts. 👩‍💻 […]

Generative Art with TouchDesigner: Feedback – TouchDesigner Tutorial 186

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: Using feedback loops often leads to unexpected results, and therefore they’re perfect for creating generative art systems in TouchDesigner. […]

TouchDesigner – Particles SOP

In this video, we explore Particle SOP. Please join me on Patreon: I’m uploading some of the files soon: Here —– ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight the important parts. 👩‍💻 Stay tune and Subscribe to get notification for new videos! IG:

Fluid Cube (Nvidia Flex Solver + T3D) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 13

In this tutorial, I’m showing how I build this Fluid Cube system using Nvidia Flex Solver and T3D (3D Texture Operators) created by Josef Pelz. Big shout-out to Josef for creating this amazing toolkit! You can download the tool kit from josef’s Patreon Page: You can download the Transfrom Vector Componet that I’m using […]

Butterfly feedback effect | Touchdesigner Beginners Tutorial

You can download the project file from link below. ———————————————————————————- Patreon : Instagram : Facebook : Reddit: ~ Touchdesigner version 2023.10000 ———————————————————————————- Hashtags : #TouchDesigner #VFX #GenerativeArt #MusicVisualization #Audioreactive #RealtimeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #3DArt #MotionGraphics #CreativeCoding #InteractiveArt #DigitalArt #ProjectionMapping #Visuals #AlgorithmicArt #ArtAndTechnology #ExperimentalArt #LiveVisuals #DataVisualization #GenerativeDesign #AbstractArt #VisionaryArt #CodeArt #IfYouHigh #Visualizer […]

Touchdesigner Eğitimi – Feedback Oluşturmak

TouchDesigner’da feedback, bir çıkışın tekrar kendisine girdi olarak verilmesiyle oluşan döngüsel bir yapıdır. Bu sayede sonsuz tekrarlar, fractallar ve dinamik desenler oluşturmak mümkündür. Videoda kullandığım TOP’lar ve CHOP’lar hakkında daha fazla bilgiye ulaşmak için TouchDesigner belgelerini inceleyebilirsiniz.

Feedback Effects with the Bloom TOP in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: The Bloom TOP was added with the release of the 2023.10000 series last December, and with a few refinements since has proved to be a […]

generate shapes with feedback TOP – TouchDesigner tutorial from scratch

For this patch, I used feedback and generated a single frame TOP. I show three examples of this patch. Download toe file: #touchdesigner #tutorial

What Is Feedback? Overview and Using Feedback TOP in TouchDesigner for Visual & Interactive Creators

In this tutorial, I’m going to explain how to create three simple techniques using feedback *Get Project Files & Components on my Patreon* 👉 *Summary* This tutorial explores three feedback techniques in TouchDesigner: infinite mirror effects, motion trails, and simulating decay and dissolve effects. We start with a simple mirror analogy to explain feedback and […]

Turbulent, Wavy Feedback System in TouchDesigner

Back to basics! In this video, we will create a wonderful feedback system from scratch, generating lovely waves and turbulent dynamics from any input texture (photo or video). I have included an additional post-processing .tox in the project file for my Patreons, available here: P.S: I forgot to mention in the video, but of […]

Descending Feedback – TouchDesigner Tutorial 68

In this TouchDeisgner tutorial we dive into a feedback technique I haven’t shared yet, looking at some essential TOPs like Transform, Ramp and Pointillize to really shape the texture we’re working with. We also look into making this visual audioreactive by converting the audio spectrum and using it as an input. Track in the beginning: […]

Trippy White Squares – TouchDesigner Tutorial (Beginner Friendly!)

Please consider supporting me by checking out my patreon! Not only will you be the one that makes this channel possible, you’ll also get today’s awesome project and other files I talk about. Patreon: TouchDesigner download: Today we’re exploring a really simple network using the edge TOP, a feedbackloop and we’re going to […]

Abstract animation – touchdesigner

I used the boolean operator to create the shape and with some noise and effects, I got this result

[TouchDesigner]particles GPU, feedback effects

20240112 particlesGPU me toe 2024 01 12 15 53 21

Seamlessly Looping Animation with Feedback Loops in TouchDesigner (Beginner Tutorial)

Today we explore the simple technique of using LFO Chops in Touch Designer to create a chaotic and colorful mess which deceptively loops at the same point (according to the slowest LFO frequency.) Visually we are just creating some goopy crud, but the concept is important, and to all you fledgling TDers: easily animating parameters […]

Fragmented Eye // Beginner TouchDesigner Tutorial

This video goes over some basic geometry rendering and experimentation with feedback loops. Hopefully it should be beginner friendly, although I don’t focus so much on explaining fundamentals. I love to make interesting stuff first, and go back and learn afterwards; so hopefully this works for you too! 😀 Feedback is always appreciated, I’m still […]

Abstract Fluid Simulation – TouchDesigner Tutorial (beginner friendly)

Please consider supporting me by checking out my patreon! Not only will you be the one that makes this channel possible, you’ll also get today’s awesome project and other files I talk about. Patreon: TouchDesigner download: Today we’re exploring a reasonably simple network to make abstract fluid simulations! I’m always very intrigued by […]


These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there to make more of these possible and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —— a great resource and channel recommendation that I borrow a lot of […]

Touch Designer Beginner – Part 2 / TOP Feedback

This is a new tutorial series for Touch Designer beginners. In part 2, I show you how to use Feedback TOP in TouchDesigner. In each video I try to show you the interface and some tips. In Part 2, I’ll continue working on this patch and I show you how to make Sound reactive Visualization. […]


Download the project files and more here. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. Today, I’ve uploaded a lot of extra files. —————- Palette component: —————- 0:00 intro 0:35 uv-map 1:55 UV explanation 3:00 feedback 4:10 displacement vectors 9:15 post processing 10:30 constant movement 12:21 pixelation, colors, and post 15:55 […]

Vertex Shaders 03: Next Level Feedback Effects in TouchDesigner!

Vertex shaders again! In this tutorial, we will look at how to build a cool render-based feedback loop in two ways, using SOPs (slow!) and then vertex shaders (fast!). Project files on Patreon: I am including an updated fluid sim .tox in the project file too, enjoy 🙂 TITLE: Timeline 1 FCM: NON-DROP FRAME […]

Smoky Particle Feedback FX in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get project files here: Feedback, when combined with particle systems, can generate some incredible visual results. With a few operators, you can generate simple […]

Slowing down the feedbackloop! (Without lowering the FPS) – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Please consider supporting me by checking out my patreon! Not only will you be the one that makes this channel possible, you’ll also get this awesome component and other files I talk about. Patreon: In this video I will show you a new component I’ve been working on. It allows you to slow down […]

Feedback & Lens Distort – TouchDesigner Tutorial 66

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re creating a funky feedback system incorporating the Lens Distort TOP as well as others such as Sharpen and Transform. We also look at simple ways to make this react to audio, based on this component on my Patreon (works without it as well): Track: Belk — Admit It —– […]

(ES)TouchDesigner Tutorial 51 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.2.2.3_01 Shapes from Agents]

Hola a todxs, en este nuevo tutorial vamos a recrear el código del Capítulo 2.2.3 “Shapes From Agents” del libro Generative Design dentro de touchdesigner. Disfruten ! —- Proyecto Final: —- Libro: Codigo Processing: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 51 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.2.2.3_01 Shapes from Agents]

Hello everyone, in this new tutorial we’re going to recreate the code for the Chapter 2.2.3 “Shapes from Agents” of the Generative Design book inside touchdesigner. Enjoy ! —- Final Project: —- Book: Processing Code: You can support me on: —- Or following me in: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

Eyes – Touchdesigner Tutorial [05]

Hello everyone! In this tutorial we will see how to create a material that simulates an eye or iris, it is the combination of figure, twist, material, texture, feedback and color effects. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

Ojo – Tutorial en Touchdesigner [05]

Hola a todos! En este tutorial veremos como crear un material que simule un ojo o iris, es la combinación entre figura, harto twist, material, textura, feedback y efectos de color. Si tienes alguna duda, no dudes en preguntar. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

Feedback Particles – TouchDesigner Tutorial 63

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re creating funky particles using TOP instancing based on noise and feedback. Please excuse the audio levels and the sick voice 🫠 —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 02:11 Basis 03:13 Render Setup and Explanation 06:34 Main Technique 11:40 Noise & Slope 14:00 Blurring 15:58 Post Loop Additions 21:13 Post FX 22:50 […]

flying tube in Touchdesigner

this tutorial marks 6 years with Touchdesigner and we build a fake 3D flying tube made mostly with TOPs using feedback, normals, UV map, and other tricks. I really hope you like it. inspired by Juhani Halkomaki .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! […]

Complex Feedback Fractals using ComplexOp + update! #touchdesigner

Creating fractals and fractal-like structures using complex UV maps in feedback loops. In this video I show several simple feedback networks with different results. Watch my previous video about the Complex UV Math Toolkit: Download the updated ComplexOp and ComplexMix: Get the project file: Socials: – […]

Procedural Coding in Touch Designer with Ian

Join Ian Boyd as he walks through some of his recent Touch Designer projects. Come check them out and learn a few things for yourself.

BEAT SABER in TouchDesigner 1/2

If you get to know about bullet solver more, you must make more interesting experiences. But there are many people that understand it. So i show you some tips through this beat saber. Chapter 0:00 Overview 1:00 Bullet Solver 6:30 Instancing Actors 14:30 Bullet Solver Feedback 16:10 Collision Bullet Solver 詳細 Zenn : IG: Twitter:

Spectrum Shapes – TouchDesigner Tutorial 61

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re creating a funky retro audiovisual project by converting the audio spectrum to TOPs and adding a bunch of post processing. LUTs tutorial: —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 00:55 Audio Setup 01:50 TOP and Feedback Setup 05:50 Feedback Loop 07:32 Limiting 08:27 Colors 14:09 Outlines 18:17 Dots / Triangles 22:22 […]

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Part 1 (TOPS TouchDesigner)

TouchDesigner Topics covered: Composite TOP Feedback TOP Transform TOP Level TOP Null TOP Over TOP Limit CHOP Audio in CHOP Count CHOP Math CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Constant CHOP Base COMP

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Smooth Animation using Feedback and Instancing

You will surely enjoy trying this tutorial. Its just simple and yet has so much more to offer. This is all about learning things through Instancing and Feedback. here is the new tutorial for you guys… Touchdesigner Tutorial: Replicator, Dat Tables, Chops, Noise, LFOs, Render CHOPS, RGB Keys, 3D Scanning, Houdini, Blender Touchdesigner and Leap […]

elastic forces in Touchdesigner

Here’s my second take on spring forces, this time solving for kinetic energy and also some tricks to make a smoother simulation with the Euler method. Coding Challenge #160: Spring Forces: .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon​​ […]

Image Revealing (New) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 59

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re looking at a simple technique on how to reveal and animate any input texture. Original Tutorial: —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 00:58 Setup 03:19 Main Tek 07:54 Input Variation 10:22 Outro —– Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks to: 480 Productions, APT Freelancing, Acid Johnny, Adam Scheirman, Adrien […]

Infinite Repetitions – TouchDesigner Tutorial 58

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re using a Cache TOP inside a feedback loop to repeat motion and movement infinitely. In this video I show 3 different main examples. Sorry about the missing mouse pointer! —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:20 Setup & Main Technique 06:21 Nvidia Background 07:31 Noise Input 09:12 Interactive Circle Input 02:35 […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial/Network Walkthrough: Audio-Reactive Ripples

PLEASE NOTE: This is a live-stream style walkthrough of an existing network to show the post-render ripple effect described in the title, NOT a standard build-it-from-scratch tutorial. The pre-render input can be anything. It also doesn’t have to use a render network at all. This effect works on 2D textures too. The key elements are […]

stroma of iris II in Touchdesigner

here’s a retake on the older topic ‘iris stroma’ …this time is done with particles and feedback for which we also build a nice shading using only TOPs. .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me […]

Cellular Noise Scene in TouchDesigner

Create twisting patterns in TouchDesigner using cellular noise, displacement, and a feedback loop. Reach out on: (Use the #raytk channel)

ResetPLS – FREE TouchDesigner Component

This free TD component will pulse every reset you want, no more referencing one Keyboard In CHOP to all your feedbacks or LFOs or whatever, that’s just too much work! Get it at: Follow me: Please let me know if I forgot any operators that should be included! 0:00 […]

TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial: WATER Feedback

In this TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial, we use Noise and a FeedBack Edge operator to create a watery, liquid-looking “flow” animation. Operators used in this TouchDesigner Tutorial include: – Sphere – Noise – Feedback Edge – Solarize – Geometry – Light – Camera – Render – Change to Color – Edge

터치디자이너ㅣFeedback Lightㅣ TouchDesigner

파티클(particle)을 활용한 피드백(Feedback), 라이팅 효과에 관한 튜토리얼 입니다. —— Website: Instagram: #touchdesigner #터치디자이너 #tutorial

TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial: Create FEEDBACK the Easy Way

In this TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial about Feedback, I show you how to make your first TouchDesigner Feedback loop. First, we add ParticlesGPU from the Palette. Then we add a Null as the “start point” of our Feedback loop. Next we add the Feedback TOP. Then we add a Composite TOP onto Feedback. Next we drag […]

Reaction-Diffusion Feedback Effects in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Feedback loops are a super interesting technique that can generate all kinds of amazing and sometimes unexpected outcomes. Among those unexpected results is the possibility to […]

The Secret of Feedback Loops in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Feedback loops are amazing yet always seem elusive for TouchDesigner artists. How do we make them? How do we control them? How did adding a single […]

Crystals – TouchDesigner Tutorial 50

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re looking at how to use feedback to create a crystal growth project and combine it with PBR to project it into 3D space. This was a Patreon early access, new one out now! —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:18 Noise Setup 02:52 Feedback System 06:00 Post Processing 08:00 Converting to […]

Abstract Speech Visualisation – TouchDesigner Tutorial 45

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re learning how to use the Audio Spectrum in a slighty modified way to more accurately display all the frequencies. (this was previously a Patreon only access, new Patreon only coming on Dec 23!) —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 00:50 Setup 01:43 Audio Spectrum 02:43 Maths, Trimming & Resampling 04:33 Instancing […]

Feedback Textures – TouchDesigner Tutorial 47

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re getting back to some feedback magic for creating some abstract textures similar to Reaction Diffusion or Voronoi. —– Chapters coming soon! —– Special thanks to: 480 Productions, Abigail, Acid Johnny, Adam Scheirman, Ahmad Taufiq, Ai Soon, Alex Ramos, Andrea Civati, Andrei N, Andrew Edman, Annie Yang, Austin Paxton, Austin Taylor, […]

Interactive Feedback Painting in TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 90+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Many new developers and artist have trouble working with feedback loops in TouchDesigner and they can be slightly confusing to setup. Despite that, they’re incredible effective […]

Recursive growth with feedback – (Touchdesigner tutorial)

Back to the roots 🙂 Here’s a little recursive growth system, based on a feedback loop in TOPs. Support the channel: Check out my Instagram for more regular updates: Check out my other tutorials:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 16 – Dibujos Generativos : Ruido Liquido

Hola a todos en este tutorial vamos a implementar una red muy básica pero con una salida poderosa y dinámica. Este es un flujo de trabajo básico de noise-feedback. ¡Que se diviertan y disfruten! —- Archivo Final: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

TouchDesigner Tutorial 16 – Generative Drawings: Liquid Noise

In this tutorial we’re going to implement a very basic network but with a powerful and dynamic output. This is a basic feedback-noise workflow. —- Project Files: — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

Geometric Displacement – Displacement-based Feedback Effect – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

Learn how to generate interesting geometric abstractions of any 2D TOP Texture. The effect uses displacement within a feedback loop as well as a specifically tailored displacement texture to achieve its look. —————— IG: @jackdilaura

Feedback Mold – TouchDesigner Tutorial 41

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look into feedback again and do a sort of particle simulation with a trick from the palette. I’m also working on a new TouchDesigner + Kinect + Ableton project, stay tuned! I used this technique for a music video for RackRash Records, which will appear in autumn. —– 00:00 Intro […]

Building a Kinect Drawing Program 🎨 🖌 – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll work through creating a Kinect-based drawing program within TouchDesigner. The final program will include a variety of Kinect driven functions, including drawing, erasing, cursor movement, changing the draw color, and clearing the screen. We’ll also look at adding a user interface that gives important visual cues to help the user navigate […]

Image Stacking – TouchDesigner Tutorial 39

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a network for easily importing a batch of images from a folder and stacking them onto each other using two main techniques, both including feedback and some basic python. Fractal tutorial (#38) coming soon: —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:00 Technique 1 / TOP Setup 04:00 Folder / […]

melty UV in Touchdesigner

here’s what I believe is the most versatile particle engine you can get in TOPs. Most of the things I’ve done lately are based on this method. source file: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon​ or follow me on:​

Pseudo-3D Depth Effect – Edge-based Feedback Technique – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll look at creating a pseudo-3D depth effect in TouchDesigner, which is based on using the Edge TOP within a feedback loop. Tag your images/videos with the hashtag #tdpseudo3d if you give this technique a shot, so that we can all see the results. I’m excited to see what you make with […]

Patreon Q&A while patching TouchDesigner- April 2021

The Basics of Modular Synthesis series of videos (47 videos) – If you just want to buy me a coffee 🙂 – Consider joining me on Patreon – Patching techniques and ideas that I continue updating – The TouchDesigner project file from this video and a few others are available on […]

William Arcane – Hands in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

William Arcane – Hands full video Link : 00:00 Intro 01:21 Destructing ground scene overview 02:07 CHOP controlled 03:26 Basic texture 04:10 Destructing ground part 06:20 Normal ground part 07:00 Adapt on PBR to Geometry 08:52 Render 09:28 Explosion in space scene overview 09:55 Audio file to spectrum top 10:45 Feedback 12:30 Remap and […]

Make Anything Audio Reactive – TouchDesigner Tips, Tricks and FAQs 12

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look at how we can use audio data and CHOPs to manipulate a wide variety of sketches. This also works with the audiodevicein. As I quickly touch upon in the video – the input can be anything, not just extracted audio data. MIDI, TDAbleton, Beat CHOP channels work very well. […]

29 – Opérateur Feedback – Découvrir TouchDesigner

Dans cette vidéo, nous verrons comment utiliser l’opérateur Feedback (TOP) et nous réaliserons un petit exemple créant une trainée visuelle derrière un cercle. —– Introduction: 00:00 Mise en place: 00:31 Opérateur Feedback: 03:29 Opérateur Level: 07:03 Blur: 11:11 Edge: 12:58 Displace: 13:51 Conclusion: 18:13 —– Cette vidéo fait partie d’une série de tutoriels en français […]

TouchDesigner Spirograph Part 2: Drawing Modes – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll add some additional drawing modes to the Spirograph drawing program that we created in the last video: This will allow for the program to draw several new styles that weren’t possible in the original (but are possible with a real Spirograph). With these new modes, we get closer to having […]

Recreating a Spirograph in TouchDesigner – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

Check out part two of the Recreating a Spirograph in TouchDesigner series here: Learn to create a drawing program with TouchDesigner that outputs Spirograph-style drawings. As you build this network yourself and post the results to Instagram and other platforms, tag your images/videos with the hashtag #tdspirograph so that we can all see the […]

Tutoriel peinture aquarelle TouchDesigner

Ceci est un tutoriel vidéo réalisé dans le cadre du cours de Média Interactifs 4. Lors de ce tutoriel, vous apprendrez comment réaliser un Feedback loop afin de réaliser différents types d’animation. Dans notre cas, vous apprendrez aussi comment utiliser le top “slope” afin de créer une animation ressemblant à de la peinture aquarelle. Un […]

Asteroids-style Movement using CHOPs – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll look at creating basic video game-style functionality within TouchDesigner by recreating the type of movement found in the early arcade game Asteroids using only CHOPs. We’ll first work on creating the visual component of the project by working with TOPs to recreate an Asteroids-style triangle ship, followed by a simple feedback […]

Tutoriel TouchDesigner: Style Vornois

Dans ce tutoriel, je vous montre comment faire un style vornois animé en boucle. J’utilise le logiciel TouchDesigner sur windows et pour le montage j’utilise adobe premiere pro et audition. Ce tutoriel fait partie d’un de mes projets dans la technique en intégration multimédia. lien vers le logiciel utilisé:

Création d’une animation 3D rythmée – TouchDesigner

—————————————————————————— Matériel —————————————————————————— 1- Animation 3D Fbx: 2- Musique utilisée: 3- Création de l’analyseur audio: —————————————————————————— – Source d’inspiration: – Télécharger TouchDesigner:

Tuto : Effet Feedback – TouchDesigner

Il s’agit d’une vidéo explicative sur l’effet feedback et comment le réaliser avec des objets 3D en plus de le faire réagir à un son. N’attendez plus et apprenez dès maintenant les secrets de l’effet feedback dans TouchDesigner ! Vidéo qui m’a permis de faire ce tutoriel : What is feedback? feedback in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 […]