Installation of Python interpreter and external libraries for TouchDesigner (Part 2)

This is a demo on how to install the Python interpreter and other external libraries in your own account (not the whole Windows system) for integration with TouchDesigner.

Installation of Python interpreter and external libraries for TouchDesigner

It is a demonstration of the installation of the Python interpreter (3.11) and a few external libraries, such as OpenCV and MediaPipe. Stay tuned for the later tutorials on how to use them in TouchDesigner.


TDBOY: The GameBoy Emulator in TouchDesigner TDBOY is a GameBoy emulator built within TouchDesigner, enabling you to play all your favorite GameBoy games with a modern twist. Unlike traditional emulators, TDBOY offers a unique and immersive experience by allowing you to customize and interact with the game through various inputs. Whether it’s sound, gestures, videos, […]

NYC's MTA Train Time Realtime in TouchDesigner!

In this video, I walk through a project that I have built to display real time train updates for any line or station in New York City’s subway system, using a publicly available API! We will walk though all the steps from API setup to textual display, and along the way touch on some higher-level […]

Web UIs & TouchDesigner Integration in Pixera Control

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: An immersive experience wouldn’t be complete without interactive show control systems. Whether a permanent installation needs a client control dashboard or a live event needs […]

Mediapipe4U in Unreal Engine & Mediapipe in TouchDesigner | VTUBER GAME DEV OPEN Q&A

In this new BOWTI series, we will be learning to build a VTuber stream from scratch! We’ll be covering a few things, such as setting up a vtuber character in unreal engine, using different motion capture tools to drive character animations, streaming directly to major platforms like Twitch or TikTok, and building interactive events based […]

Connecting FloVerse’s Fusion App to TouchDesigner via OSC

This video tutorial shows you how to connect FloVerse’s Fusion iOS application to TouchDesigner using the OSC protocol. For more information on our products or additional support you can contact us via our website or DM us on all our social channels (IG, Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, Discord, LinkedIn)

Laser Cutting Patterns in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, we’ll build line patterns with TouchDesigner SOPs and use Illustrator to convert them into an SVG file to send them off to […]

M8 Tutorial – TouchDesigner Display for OBS 2 in 1: Screen and button press overlays

This video is a tutorial on how to use the modified version of the TouchDesigner M8 Display with OBS to get a widescreen (16:9) video output with the two main views visible side-by-side: the actual M8 screen on the left and the M8 body with the key-press overlays on the right. Link to the GitHub […]

TouchDesigner Quick Tips: Create Custom Midi Map for Controller

In this short Touchdesigner Tutorial, we will learn how to create a Midi Map for any Midi controller, allowing you to use your own hardware with TouchDesigner

Setting external text editors(ex. Visual Studio Code) in TouchDesigner

VS Code App path: 1. WINDOWS: C:Users[USERNAME]AppDataLocalProgramsMicrosoft VS CodeCode.exe 2. MacOS: /Applications/Visual Studio

Controlling Virtual Lights in Unreal Engine via OSC from TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Unreal Engine, well known for its association with video games including the Unreal series (for which it was named) and more recently Fortnite, has been […]

How I’ve created Audio-Reactive patterns with my electronic drums and Touchdesigner

00:00 Teasing 00:26 What am I trying to do ? And why ? 01:05 Stuff needed 01:35 Making shapes in Touch Designer 16:00 Plug drums into Touch Designer 24:59 Demo 28:06 Thanks

Mapping my Xbox Controller to Generative Art in Touchdesigner

Little step back in time from my last video. In this live stream I was mapping an old generative patch of mine to an Xbox Controller so I can perform live with it. Find me: Instagram: Website: Twitch: Vimeo (high res digital artworks): Twitter: Chapters: 00:00:00 – Coming Up 00:00:27 […]

Controlador de sampler por colores con Touch Designer y Supercollider utilizando OSC

En este video, Rodrigo explica como utilizar colores como controladores para modular el sampler que se creó en el tutorial pasado utilizando el protocolo OSC!

Muse 2 EEG Device in TouchDesigner

In this video, Crystal will cover how to connect the Muse 2 device into TouchDesigner. The Muse 2 is a EEG device that can track brainwaves. Using OSC ports to get the data, we will build a simple generative animation controlled with the mind. You can find more of Crystal’s work on Instagram: @crystaljowart

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Working with 3D Type Imported from Photoshop

This one was by request of one of my Patrons. I was asked to do something with typography, and this is kind of that. I did all the type in Photoshop, which is a much more robust program for that sort of thing (I used Photoshop over Illustrator because I needed 3D extrusion tools). I […]

Real Time Weather API in TouchDesigner

In this video we implement a weather API ( in TouchDesigner and explore how one can use real-time weather data to control visual effects. Example of usage in a full project: Links: – – –

TD scripts v1.2: a Blender Add-on for Touchdesigner

Second update of our developed Blender Add-on: ‘TD Scripts v1.2. This one has some improvements and bug fixes, but the main addition is the ability to: – export animated camera’s Improvement, you no longer have to connect your textures directly to the principled shaders sockets. It will go through the node chain and look for […]

2/2 TouchDesigner Vol.014 Extending TouchDesigner with Asset Tools

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

1/2 TouchDesigner Vol.014 Extending TouchDesigner with Asset Tools

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

3/3 TouchDesigner Vol.028 Remote lighting control via the internet

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

2/3 TouchDesigner Vol.028 Remote lighting control via the internet

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

1/3 TouchDesigner Vol.028 Remote lighting control via the internet

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

2/3 TouchDesigner Vol.025 Face-Tracking Effects Creation with External Python Libraries

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

Micro:bit to TouchDesigner to IFFFT

Walkthrough made for Kambala high school Girls in Tech after-school club mid 2020. Using a custom-made TouchDesigner project, we were able to trigger IFFFT actions on mobile devices with Micro:bits.

disguise integrates with TouchDesigner real-time engine

We have added TouchDesigner to our growing platform integration capabilities! Our new dedicated RenderStream plugin allows users to bring a real-time 3D scene developed in TouchDesigner into our Designer software and build it into their final project. Download our latest software release to get started:

TD scripts v1.1: a Blender Add-on for Touchdesigner

First update of our developed Blender Add-on: ‘TD Scripts v1.1. This one dives more into exporting meshes into SOP space. Two scripts are added: – an object to SOP exporter – a UV-map exporter The first one rebuilds the mesh from Blender entirely from scratch into SOP format. The convenient thing is that you still […]

TouchDesigner and Synesthesia | MIDI, OSC, Syphon/Spout

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: Follow us on social media: Instagram:…. Twitter: Website: Download Synesthesia here: Synesthesia Youtube:… Download TouchDesigner here: Official TouchDesigner Documentation: TouchDesigner Beginner Project Tutorial Playlist:… #touchdesigner #synesthesia #digitalart #generativeart #trippy

Amen Break! (TidalCycles/TouchDesigner)

何気なくTidalCyclesのプリセット(SuperDirt)を聴いてたらAmen Breakを発見.これはアツい!Underworld – Pearl’s Girlな感じ作りたい!という事で,TidalCyclesとTouchDesignerの練習がてらビートメイキングと,音に反応して生き物みたいに動く3DCGプログラミングしました. # Twitter Tweets by igramjp

Faust Audio in TouchDesigner (UPDATED!)

Download: I forgot to say that if you customize the widgets inside the global FAUST.tox, you should right-click and save-as the FAUST.tox. If you don’t, you will lose your changes!

Make Your Own Turntable Using Arduino and Touchdesigner

Instagram: Facebook: Link to the 3D-printed files: and Link to the Arduino and Touchdesigner codes: Link to my previous video: 3D print of the buddha stormtrooper: Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:35 – Hardware 2:40 – Assembly 3:57 – Touchdesigner 9:25 – Arduino 15:30 – Shoot The Stormtrooper 15:51 […]

Wiimote Plugin for Touchdesigner

A plugin for touchdesigner that supports the Wiimote and the Nunchuck based on Wiiuse.

INTERAKTIVES DESIGN | Mit JavaScript, p5js & TouchDesigner zum Erfolg | P3-1 Episode 2

Instagram: @johanna.el Hier gehts zum Talk (Das Poster, dass wir interaktiv gestalten) p5js:

TouchDesigner + Dualsense 5 Tutorial: Controller Data through OSC on Mac via Dualsense M

Download Dualsense M (Mac Only) here. Pro version is about $5. US: Japan: Download the .tox file here: Let me know if I can explain anything better, this is my first .tox Most importantly, have fun! Editors Note: The touchpad actually has dimensions 1920×1080. Make sure to remap from this if you […]

Connect TouchDesigner & Max 8 with OSC Tutorial

Get access to 100+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Max 8 is a fantastic environment for working with audio and it pairs wonderfully with TouchDesigner. Connecting the two is easier than you think! In this […]

Client Facing Scheduler Using TOUCHDESIGNER and GOOGLE SHEETS

We build a quick client facing scheduler using Touchdesigner and Google Sheets

L-ISA & TouchDesigner Part 2: OSC Feedback

Getting parameter feedback from L-ISA Controller. Concepts/Operators covered: OSC in CHOP Override CHOP L-ISA OSC outpute Parameter/CHOP Binding

L-ISA & TouchDesigner Part 1 : L-Touch

A method for controlling L-ISA with TouchDesigner Concepts/Operators covered: -Custom parameters -Hold CHOP -OSC & OSC Out DAT -Python/CHOP Execute DAT

BCI Team: OpenBCI – OSC stream mapped to multiple objects in Touchdesigner

This expands on previous demonstrations by adding more objects, as well as multiple oscillators. The objective here is not to make something musical – only to show the ability to map the incoming data. After posting this, I confirmed that the power bands are listed in this order: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma.

BCI Team: Read Cyton Data into Touchdesigner From Static File

This was an earlier proof of concept for working with the OpenBCI Cyton board. I later moved away from this method for a number of reasons. See my other videos.

3D facebook images from TouchDesigner

Short tutorial on how to create 3D images on Facebook, using TouchDesigner. Follow me on IG: Follow on Facebook: Other links: — Recipe: Render two images (1200×1200) One as the color texture The other as the depth texture – use Depth TOP Name the depth texture: – !IMPORTANT! same as color texture […]

Тач прожарка! Генератор флагов

Йоу-йоу, сегодня разбираем простой компонент, который позволяет вам получать флаг любой страны в нужном разрешении! Поддержать меня всегда можно тут:

How to connect TouchDesigner as a real-time Input processing application with Wekinator

This sample video shows how to connect TouchDesigner as a real-time Input processing application with Wekinator for making dynamic content creations with Machine Learning(ML). Outputs could be sent to any real-time process, such as music (Max/MSP, ChucK, PD, SuperCollider, Ableton/Max4Live…), animation (Processing, OpenFrameworks, …), games (Unity3D), robots or physical actuators (e.g. using Arduino), etc.

How to connect TouchDesigner as a real-time outputs processing application with Wekinator

Wekinator Inputs could be sent from any real-time input, such as game controllers, webcam input, motion tracking, audio input, sensors connected to Arduino, etc. This sample video shows how to connect TouchDesigner as a real-time outputs processing application with Wekinator for making dynamic content creations with Machine Learning(ML).

Blur блюр в vMix через TouchDesigner и эффект инкогнито пиксельной маски на лице в реальном времени

В этом видосе мы сделаем эффект блюра (Blur) на камере в реальном времени через тачдизайнер (Touchdesigner), а так же создадим трекинг маски для того чтобы делать из спикеров инкогнито – чтобы их не узнали в эфире 🙂 Звук вы можете исказить любыми VST3 плагинами в vMix. Спонсоры канала в ютубе могут скачать проект из вкладки […]

TouchDesigner工作坊:NDI網路裝置介面、手機感測系統與Feedback複習 / 往邁向超能力者的路途前進吧!

此影片內容為臺藝大實體工作坊2021/4/28(三)「互動光雕投影工作坊 」課程節錄,影片為黑碼藝識團隊紀錄剪輯影片,藉此推動TouchDesigner中文化學習數位內容嘗試。 在疫情當下,視訊會議與遠端通話要如何自己撰寫炫炮的效果?本次將使用TouchDesigner跨程式傳到LINE(通訊軟體)與Jitsi(視訊會議軟體)。並且使用ZIG SIM軟體達到用你的手機,隔空操控影像的超能力技巧。 ☆NDI網路裝置介面軟體下載: ☆ZIG SIM — 0:00 INTRO 0:10 NDI成果展現 0:27 ZIG SIM 成果展現 0:40 簡介 0:40 NDI簡介 6:50 NDI實作 13:34 ZIM SIM 簡介 18:40 ZIM SIM 實作 49:23 Feedback 複習 -實體工作坊: 國立臺灣藝術大學高等教育深耕計畫 科技藝術實驗中心 多元學習課程 開課單位:科技藝術實驗中心 課程名稱:互動光雕投影工作坊 Interactive Augmented Mapping Projection Workshop 授課教師:多媒體動畫藝術學系 客座副教授 李家祥 業界教師:詹嘉華、江俊毅、黃國斌 課程期間:2021年3月24日至2021年6月9日 上課地點:臺灣藝術大學二校區 科技藝術實驗劇場

Une page web comme interface mobile (Partie 2)

Dans cette 2e partie de la série, vous apprendrez comment créer un WebSocket pour envoyer des informations à TouchDesigner à partir d’une page web. Vous pouvez télécharger les fichiers dans l’état où ils étaient à la fin de la vidéo précédente: —– Introduction: 00:00 Aperçu de l’interface: 00:45 Aperçu du code existant: 02:15 Modification […]

FaceTrack + Touchdesigner (RTX Nvidia’s Face Tracking AR SDK)

Hola TDers, comparto un nuevo tutorial, explicando como configurar el sistema de Facetracking dentro de TouchDesigner, analizando varios conceptos técnicos, y algunos ejemplos prácticos de como implementar estos nuevos operadores. Tutorial:

Using VCV Rack with TouchDesigner

The Basics of Modular Synthesis series of videos (47 videos) – If you just want to buy me a coffee 🙂 – Consider joining me on Patreon – Patching techniques and ideas that I continue updating – Here are the VCV and TouchDesigner files – Here you can get the […]

XBOX One Controller in TouchDesigner

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Gaming controllers are some of the most inexpensive controllers you can get for your computer. Turns out, they’re extremely useful for interactive and immersive installations. Whether […]

[LBR006] – Usando Firmata con Processing y TouchDesigner

Placa Freaduino Uno:

iPhone AR Kit & Depth Camera in TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: We have full-on super computers in our pockets. The latest iPhones have everything from built in AR, depth cameras, facial tracking, marker tracking, and a smorgasbord […]

How to use TouchDesigner Atem CHOP

UE4 Infinite tunnel – Audio Reactive Loop in Unreal Engine & Touchdesigner

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create Audio Reactive tunnel in #UnrealEngine and control it with #OSC from #Touchdesigner Spout Camera – JSplacement – Project textures – 00:00 – Intro 00:17 – Chapters 00:36 – Height & Normal map in JSplacement 00:49 – Tunnel geometry in Cinema 4D 02:27 – […]


Touchdesignerを使って複数カメラを切り替えライブ配信する方法をUPします。今回はYouTubeのライブ配信を設定しました。 サクッと手軽に始められるようにiPhone iPadのカメラを使います。 ※WEBカメラも合わせて今回は3カメを準備しました。 ライブ配信までの流れはこんな感じです。 iPhone iPadカメラ → NDI HX Camera Touchdesigner → NDI in→3カメ認識→NDI out NDI Virtual Input → OBS →YouTubeライブ配信 ※iPhone iPadは同じWiFi環境にしてください。 これでたくさんのカメラを設定できたら面白そう!! また試してみたいと思います。 ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #Touchdesigner

Tutorial – Deluge w/ Touchdesigner – Midi Setup

A quick first step setup to use my midi mapping for the deluge with touchdesigner. You need this file for the tutorial: for other questions and anything else, use the synstrom forum, comments are disabled here. here´s the link to the thread:

Exploring Advanced Features of OBS.Ninja

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: More and more clients are moving their events, conferences, and projects to the web or to live streams. This results in traditional video conferencing apps like […]

Touchdesigner + Arduino + Bare conductive. Custom touchpad. Tutorial. (Сенсорная панель)

scheme: I2C scanner: MPR121 library: TD project:

Testing Notch Blocks With No Media Server – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Notch is becoming one of the go-to tools for making content that will be embedded in other media servers. But what do you do if you […]

TouchDesigner Dji Tello[ドローンを飛ばしてみよう]

Touchdesignerを使ってドローンを飛ばします 制御するにはTellのHPからSDKの情報が必要です。 ブログにも書いときますね。 TouchDesigner Dji Tello ドローンを飛ばしてみよう 割と簡単に制御できて、飛ばす事ができます。 ロボットとかも制御できるようになると面白そう!! ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #Touchdesigner #ドローン #Tello

Live Mocap Axis Neuron + Touchdesigner

This is a workflow/ setup guide for using Axis Neuron and Touchdesigner. There is very little documentation (almost none) about setting up Axis Neuron and Touchdesigner hopefully this tutorial is helpful! I came up with this solution while working on a multi-channel zoom installation for the Public Visualization Lab (OCADu) presented at the ISEA Symposium. […]

Easy movement detection (Touchdesigner tutorial)

Simple setup that you can use to detect motion with a web-camera in touchdesigner. Hope you’ll find this tutorial useful. I’ll be glad to answer any questions that you have. #touchdesigner #tutorial #movementdetection

UE4 OSC – control Unreal Engine with Touchdesigner

In this tutorial, you will learn how to control light, change actor scale and position, and control level streaming in #UnrealEngine with #OSC from #Touchdesigner 00:00 – Intro 00:20 – OSC Plugin activation 00:27 – OSC Server 01:27 – Fix OSC connection timeout 01:52 – OSC message handler 03:13 – Point Light control with […]

Experimentación Touchdesigner, detector de movimiento 4 puntos con camara- Dia 2

Exploración, aprendiendo a utilizar el software touchdesigner, con experimentación, en base a nociones basicas de este. Experimento: Crear un material que reaccione a un detector de movimiento, para 4 zonas puntuales del encuadre de la cámara. Aprendizaje esperado

TouchDesigner Hokuyo UST-10LX[HokuyoChop]測域センサ 北陽センサで認識させる方法

測域センサの北陽UST-10LXとTouchDesignerを接続させていきます。 HokuyoChopを使って認識させます。 北陽センサー UST-10LXを床に置き、プロジェクターから丸い光をだして、触った所にTouchDesignerの光が当たるようにします。 これが結構ややこしくて(笑) なんどやっても忘れるので自分用でもあります! なので詳しくは説明できません(笑) でも同じように設定すれば北陽センサ UST-10LXとTouchDesignerがうまく認識して、プロジェクターからの光がピタッと合うようになります。 インタラクティブなものをどんどん作っていきたいですねー! 参考にしたURL ブログにも詳しく書いて置きます 北陽電気の測域センサ UST-10LXとTouchDesigner[HokuyoChop] #TouchDesigner #測域センサ #北陽センサ #UST10LX #HokuyoChop ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] OLIB DEEPDIVE

We will take a look at the OLIB and check out what components are already there and what to expect from it in the future.

TouchDesigner Week 11 Asynchronous Lesson

Arduino! – LDR (light sensor), Potentiometer (knob), Button (button), and TouchDesigner input

Internal Audio to TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tips, Tricks and FAQs 10

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we route audio from a media player (Spotify, YouTube, iTunes etc.) into TouchDesigner using the freeware VBCable. We also create a custom component so you can reuse this in the future and we create a simple visualisation to get you started. You can also use the Stereo Mix on Windows if […]

Touchdesigner + Arduino. Firmata. Packet data transmission.


RCP RabbitControl – a protocol for remote-control

RabbitControl is a protocol for remote-control: Control parameters exposed from any application. This implementation allows for exposing TouchDesigner custom parameters to other TouchDesigner instances, the web or applications that understand RCP. It allows for bidirectional control of parameters. More information on the RCP can be found here: and a complete specification is available […]

Pixel Mapping with TouchDesigner & Arduino Wsb2812b Addressable LED Strip – TD Tutorial 6

It’s very handy that utilizing Touchdesigner and Arduino as a combination for the rapid prototyping and demonstration of your projects. In this tutorial, Jun Li introduces you the trick to pixel mapping with the Arduino WSB2812b addressable LED light strip in real-time from Touchdesigner to Arduino. Project file:

How to Use TouchDesigner with LaserCube 2w

Link to repository of TouchDesigner:

Network Editing Notch Blocks in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Working with Notch Blocks in TouchDesigner is amazing…except when you need to make lots of small and quick changes to the original Notch project before re-exporting […]

[BUFFER FAIL] TouchDesigner: Playing with 3rd Party Programs

Powered by Restream While watching my 9 month old.

TECH´S SHARE Ep 1 – TD+RESOLUME (Fabio Barreira)

TECH´S SHARE Ep.1 – TOUCH DESIGNER + RESOLUME #youtube #sharing #information #knowledge #touchdesigner #resolume Links: FB VJ KNOB: INSTAGRAM VJ KNOB: FB DLV: INSTAGRAM DLV:

Touchdesigner | Communication with Arduino, Raspberry Pi

터치디자이너와 라즈베리파이 및 아두이누 기기들과 Serial 또는 OpenOSC등의 프로토콜을 이용해서 커뮤니케이션을 하는 방법에 대해 알아 보도록 하겠습니다. 파이썬과 C언어를 다루니까 관심 있으신 분들은 참여하세요. 그런데, 라이브는 트위치로 하고 유튜브에 올리는 방법도 연구중입니다.

Принципы синтеза и работы с модульными синтезаторами

Друзья, ловите крутейший урок от Стаса Глазова, нового автора нашей школы из Берлина. Стас – музыкальный продюсер и виджей, сочетающий несочетаемое, играющий с жанрами и тембрами. Это легко заметить с первой минуты видео. Урок состоит из двух частей: в первой наглядно показывается принцип субтрактивного синтеза, вторая часть показывает, как работать с модульным синтезатором. Кстати, Стас […]

Tape Mapping with TouchDesigner – Guillaume Bourassa

00:00 Discussion of previous works and older tape mapping system 29:18 Tapping Mapping workshop begins Workshop: Tape Mapping with TouchDesigner Since its invention in 1925 by M. Richard Gurley Drew (3M – Scotch), adhesive tape has become a medium of choice for a large number of artists. From the replacement of paint and colored glass […]

How to Quickly Calibrate Sensor Data in TouchDesigner (Tutorial)

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Sensors output a lot of data. Kinects, Leap Motions, and touchscreens all output a wide range of data and […]

Autoplay SMPTE – запуск клипов по таймкоду в Resolume

В этом уроке мы научимся работать с параметром SMPTE Offset в #Resolume и обрабатывать полученные данные в #Touchdesigner. Или говоря проще, автоматически запускать клипы по меткам таймкода. Готовый патч из урока доступен подписчикам на Patreon! VJ SCHOOL можно поддержать единоразово на DonationAlerts или делать это ежемесячно через Patreon. — — — Присоединяйтесь […]

TD-Runway introduction – TouchDesigner component for Runway ML

Introduction and tutorial for using Runway with TouchDesigner with the TD-Runway component. Component and documentation are available here:


Beginner level to show how you can build and assign materials and screen map to it for project previsualization.


Beginner level to show how you can build and assign materials and screen map to it for project previsualization.