Intermediate1027 Videos

3D Lissajous Curve Table in TouchDesigner

A way to make 3D Lissajous Curve Table Project file can be found at:

Creating Topography-Inspired Structures in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get project files here: Nature and natural forms have a long history of inspiring artists and designers alike. Topographic maps, which illustrate elevation levels […]

Animate nodes in TouchDesigner network editor

In this tutorial we will learn how to control the behavior of nodes in the Network Editor of TouchDesigner using Python scripts All our courses are available here: __________ Join us in social media! We share there up-to-date information about planned streams, free tutorials and materials, works for inspiration and information about the new […]

Chromatic Curling in TouchDesigner

A way to making a chromatic curling effect in TouchDesigner. The file can be found at:

ASCII Art in TouchDesigner

Make ASCII Art with TouchDesigner in TOPs. Tutorial file can be found at

New Body Tracking Plugin for TouchDesigner – No Kinect Needed

Hey! In this tutorial, we’ll go over my new body-tracking plugin for TouchDesigner. It runs off the webcam and works on both Mac and PC without any setup. In this video I’ll show you an overview of the component and how to start using it in your TouchDesigner Projects. I’ve refined this plugin based on […]

2D Particle System with TOPs [Adding Attractors] – TouchDesigner Tutorial 02

Welcome TouchDesigners! In this tutorial we’re going to add Attractors to the 2D particle system that we build in the last tutorial: The project file will be available on my Patreon for patreons only. Hope you like it! if you have any questions feel free to ask. You can support me on Patreon: […]

3 ASCII Patterns – WEBCAM, NOISE, Input Movie: Touchdesigner Tutorial

Be my Patreon to download this project file and many other files of Touchdesigner. Your support will be appreciated a lot. Patreon Page: Instagram: I am using some of the most fundamentals of Touchdesigner to produce this beautiful output. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Touchdesigner Tutorial: Replicator, Dat Tables, Chops, Noise, LFOs, […]


i took a long tutorial making nap but i am wide awake again. today we create an audioreactive lumen-print setup in touchdesigner. we will have a look at the visual side and also create a custom beat detection component. enjoy 🙂 download project files and get access to more tutorials and files: ​​ BIG THANKS […]

Generative Maps in TouchDesigner: UIs with the Replicator COMP

Create dynamic generative maps in TouchDesigner with this 3 part tutorial series. We will use a touchdesigner implementation of the Jump Flood algorithm (s/o David Braun) and a Replicator COMP to make a number of map layers complete with nation boundaries and road line! Project files on patreon: 00:00 – Start 00:29 – Adding […]

2D Particle System with TOPs – TouchDesigner Tutorial 01

Welcome to my first TouchDesigner tutorial! In this tutorial we’re going to build a 2D particle system using only TOPs. Hope you like it! if you have any questions feel free to ask. Here are some great tutorials that cover the basics: TouchDesigner Beginner Course by @elekktronaut: TouchDesigner Tutorials by @paketa12 : You […]

Colorful Circles: particlesGPU Basics in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: Particle systems are a popular and often-requested topic among interactive developers. Their high level of configurability and captivating movement […]

TOUCHDESIGNER S**T – KINECT (feat.@miruka_ze)

Donate – Links: MARK: TG: IG: OSTRY: TG: IG:

Instancing Trails without feedback in #touchdesigner

Instance trails are additional instances that follow an instance. In this tutorial we build a reusable component with which you can transform any instancing network to trailing instances. Previous popular methods have done this using Feedback to cache the instancing data, but here we use a Cache TOP and replicate multiple Cache Selects which gives […]

skeleton data without a kinect – touchdesigner tutorial

This is just a small hack to deal with data coming from the “interfaces” servers. Thanks to Jean-François Renaud for the inspiration to separate the channels. Below this text you will find the names of the joints to put into the “rename” CHOP. Everything You need to know and to download is linked through […]

Interfacing Arduino Neopixels with TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, we’ll create small, interactive candle effects on Arduino and go over an introduction of interfacing TouchDesigner with Arduino over Serial. We’ll begin […]

Particle Paths – TouchDesigner Tutorial 64

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re using the particlesGPU component in combination with force, turbulence and color lookups to create an organic structure. You can greatly expand this technique by adding several instances of the force constant with different xyz positions and joining them like we’re joining the different turbulence constants. —– 00:00 Intro & Overview […]

Touchdesigner & Polycam Point Clouds: Pt. 2 The Energy Wave Effect

Welcome to part 2 of my series on creating Point Clouds with Polycam and Touchdesigner! Part 1 was an easy(ish) method to scan a room, object, or just about anything else with an app called Polycam, and turn it into a point cloud in Touchdesigner. The next parts will be how to manipulate those point […]


Donate – Links: inst – @justpsyho telegram – @justpsyho telegram-channel –

Audioreactive particles with Chladni Cymatics in Touchdesigner

Hello friends! Today, we’re diving deep into the mesmerizing world of Chladni Cymatics using TouchDesigner. To keep things fresh, we’re trying out a slightly faster-paced format to deliver essential information more swiftly. Do drop a comment and let me know if this style suits you! Our adventure will take us through the process of creating […]

Touchdesigner & Polycam Point Clouds: Pt. 1 Scan Anything on Your Phone and Create a Point Cloud

Here’s an easy method to scan a room, object, or just about anything else, and turn it into a point cloud in Touchdesigner. Project files for this and all other tutorials available on my Patreon: Using any lidar-equipped smartphone (I use an iPhone 13 Pro Max in the example video) and the Polycam App […]

Level up your TouchDesigner Game with States!

[Please paste this link in two parts or remove the space] asset/stateful-containers/67874 Let’s make Stateful Containers the big new thing. Hype! Let’s go! Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Examples 04:28 How to wire it up 10:01 How to implement it 14:23 Outro 15:46 How it works behind the scenes

Tutoriel Ange Biblique et champ de fleurs ”Y2K” Touchdesigner

Un tutoriel simple pour expliquer comment j’ai créé une scène virtuelle: un champ de fleurs, dans une esthétique Y2K, avec une mystérieuse créature survolant le tout.

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Animating Blend Modes

This is a technique that produces aggressive, flashy behavior in an instanced particle system. This tutorial covers the basic technique and discusses a few use cases. Enjoy! Project files for this and all my other tutorials are available for “It’s A Vibe” tier and up on my Patreon:

Crystals – Touchdesigner Tutorial 04

In this tutorial, I will show you how to modify PBR materials to create crystals with different shapes, textures and colors. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

Cristales – Tutorial en Touchdesigner 04

En este tutorial, te enseñaré cómo modificar los materiales PBR para crear cristales con diferentes formas, texturas y colores. Si tienes alguna duda, no dudes en preguntar. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

TouchDesigner – Floral Particles x Metaball x Force Tutorial

In this video, we will be creating flower-like particles that will be controlled by the Metaball and Force SOP. I will provide a concise overview of how the metaball and force functions operate, while also demonstrating their usage. Additionally, we will apply numerous feedback TOPs to generate an extended trail. You can now support me […]

A way to use TouchDesigner’s powerful visual network as a State Machine

Hello! This is my first “tutorial” video so any feedback is welcome :). I show off a way I found to do state control in a very visual way in TouchDesigner. If there is anyone else with lovely TD patterns or systems, I love to see them! Or if you just want to talk about […]

TD as Game Engine, Part 3: First Person Camera

A series of tutorials diving into a very large project (over 6000 operators), in which TouchDesigner is used to create a first-person game-like experience for installation and performance contexts. Part 3 investigates the “FPC_LOCATION_CONTROL” container, which handles how our joystick input gets translated into camera movement in the world coordinate system. 00:00 Intro 00:29 Map […]

TD as Game Engine, Part 2: Input

A series of tutorials diving into a very large project (over 6000 operators), in which TouchDesigner is used to create a first-person game-like experience for installation and performance contexts. Part 2 covers the use of a Joystick CHOP and Keyboard In CHOP to create a flexible control input system. 00:00 Data from XBox controller 03:18 […]

TouchDesigner Quick Tips: Create Custom Pars with Dynamic Dropdown Lists

Ever wanted to create a custom parameter that would allow you to select from a list of channels, like when you are setting instance transforms or selecting active network ports? In this quick video I will show you how to point a dynamic dropdown parameter at any list of channels to make creating custom functionality […]

TD as Game Engine, Part 1: Structure

A series of tutorials diving into a very large project (over 6000 operators), in which TouchDesigner is used to create a first-person game-like experience for installation and performance contexts. Part 1 gives an overview of the project and the various topics that I hope to cover in the series, including: – First Person Camera (FPC) […]

Texture to Sound in TouchDesigner

One way to listen to textures in TD. Project File: Support me directly: Keep in touch: otodojo(at)gmail(dot)com Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:30 Inspiration 02:36 Overview 05:25 Network Building 18:40 Comparison to Project File 19:43 Troubleshooting 21:41 Displaying Functions

터치디자이너ㅣImage Displace ㅣTouchDesigner ㅣ 이미지 변형

노이즈 TOP과 Displace TOP을 활용해 움직이는 이미지 만들어 보는 튜토리얼입니다. In this TouchDesigner tutorial, you will learn how to create an animation from images using Noise TOP and Displace TOP. toe 및 예제 파일: —— Website: Instagram: #touchdesigner #터치디자이너

Meta Spark for TouchDesigner Creators

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: In this tutorial, we’ll create a fun social AR effect using face trackers and gesture detection in Meta Spark. […]

New Grammar of Ornament in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get project files here: In this video, Crystal will cover how to make a generative ornament animation in TouchDesigner. The look is inspired by […]

Generative Futuristic UIs :: Touchdesigner Live Stream

Building some little generative user interface elements for an upcoming project. This livestream is a good look behind the scenes of my lookdev process, generative design on a smaller scale, and general touchdesigner building techniques. Hope you enjoy! Find me: Instagram: Website: Twitch: Vimeo (high res digital artworks): Twitter: Chapters: […]

TouchDesigner Quick Tips: Shadertoy Port to TouchDesigner

Learn how to port shaders from Shadertoy to TouchDesigner! Project Files available on Patreon:

Speech-To-Image Stable Diffusion Demo in TouchDesigner

Speech to Image demonstration using OpenAi’s Whisper + GPT3-Turbo. There’s still some quirks to work out, and maybe I’ll address some of them in this livestream.

Speech to Image Dev Live pt2. OpenAI Whisper + ChatGPT + Stable Diffusion + TouchDesigner

Still just working on translating boring spoken words into useful prompts for generating AI images.

Audio-reactive generative art with Xbox Controller interaction :: Touchdesigner Work Stream

Highlights from my live stream recording some performances on and demoing a bunch of audio-reactive patches controlled by an Xbox controller in touchdesigner. Two little demos and a bit of audio reaction coding on a third. Big thank you to @lofigeek for the awesome royalty free beats. Find me: Instagram: Website: Twitch: […]

Speech-To-Image Stable Diffusion Demo in TouchDesigner

Speech to Image demonstration using OpenAi’s Whisper + GPT3-Turbo. There’s still some quirks to work out, and maybe I’ll address some of them in this livestream.

Mapping my Xbox Controller to Generative Art in Touchdesigner

Little step back in time from my last video. In this live stream I was mapping an old generative patch of mine to an Xbox Controller so I can perform live with it. Find me: Instagram: Website: Twitch: Vimeo (high res digital artworks): Twitter: Chapters: 00:00:00 – Coming Up 00:00:27 […]

The Last of Us-Inspired Text Effects in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: If you’ve seen the popular TV show “The Last of Us”, you’re probably familiar with the title sequence, which features some very cool physarum-like organic […]

Dynamic Texture Grids – TouchDesigner Tutorial 62

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re using TOPs to create a grid system with which we can remap/displace any input texture in an efficient way. paketa12 tutorial: —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:42 Setup 02:50 Remap TOP 06:07 Part 1: Offset 15:21 Part 2: Scaling 19:17 Additional Changes 22:31 Outro —– Files, exclusive content and […]

Audio Reactive Particle Magic Wings in TouchDesigner

TouchDesigner Tutorial “Unleash Audio-Responsive Particle Magic Wings TouchDesigner!” In the annals of canine history, there was a pup known as Charlie. Inquisitive and adventurous, he chanced upon an enigmatic device that bestowed upon him the power to create mesmerizing visual effects. This was TouchDesigner, a tool that allowed Charlie to channel his innermost creativity. As […]

UI Theme 1.0 – A tool to style Touch Designer’s basic widgets

Download – UI Theme is a component to style in bulk the basic widgets provided by Touch Designer. More often than not, I found myself repeating the same actions in order to style the default settings for the Basic Widgets, like setting the Background Alpha to 0 or its Horizontal Mode to Fill . […]

Controlador de sampler por colores con Touch Designer y Supercollider utilizando OSC

En este video, Rodrigo explica como utilizar colores como controladores para modular el sampler que se creó en el tutorial pasado utilizando el protocolo OSC!

BEAT SABER in TouchDesigner 1/2

If you get to know about bullet solver more, you must make more interesting experiences. But there are many people that understand it. So i show you some tips through this beat saber. Chapter 0:00 Overview 1:00 Bullet Solver 6:30 Instancing Actors 14:30 Bullet Solver Feedback 16:10 Collision Bullet Solver 詳細 Zenn : IG: Twitter:

Realtime Diffusion / Deforum Animations in TouchDesigner! (text-to-video)

This is a quick video showing my (hack-y) method for getting realtime diffusion / deforum animations into TouchDesigner! Intro: 00:00 Walkthrough: 01:07 Tutorial: 03:05 Expression Switcher: 05:03 File Selector and Movie Output: 08:17 WebUI Settings: 11:44 Prompts: 14:04 Final Setings: 15:05 Generate!: 16:06 Tweaks: 17:10 Outro: 17:21 You can set it up to make amazing […]

Point clouds Part 1 – Twisting Shrines :: Touchdesigner Work Stream

Highlights from my live stream exploring point clouds in touchdesigner, working on some visual ideas such as animating by colour, selecting and performing operations on different sections of the cloud, and adding aesthetic features to the render. Find me: Instagram: Website: Twitch: Vimeo (high res digital artworks): Twitter: Chapters: 00:00:00 […]

DIY Stable Diffusion API ↔ TouchDesigner

Stable Diffusion is one of several popular text-to-image deep learning models released in the last few years, and is capable of producing highly detailed images based on text prompts from the user. Say you want to see what a painting of a cellphone by Picasso would’ve looked like — Stable Diffusion can generate a fairly […]

31 Maxine Pose Tracker

In this tutorial we will hack the Pose Tracker of Nvdia Omniverse Machinima, so we can use the joint position in TD. We will build a UDP server in the Pose tracker and send the data out. Project Files: My Repo: To buy me a beer write here:

Spectrum Shapes – TouchDesigner Tutorial 61

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re creating a funky retro audiovisual project by converting the audio spectrum to TOPs and adding a bunch of post processing. LUTs tutorial: —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 00:55 Audio Setup 01:50 TOP and Feedback Setup 05:50 Feedback Loop 07:32 Limiting 08:27 Colors 14:09 Outlines 18:17 Dots / Triangles 22:22 […]

Unleash your creativity with TouchDesigner’s materials magic!

TouchDesigner Tutorial “Unleash your creativity with TouchDesigner’s materials magic!” It was a dark and foreboding day when the inquisitive minds of the masses were first introduced to the powerful magic of TouchDesigner’s materials. For some, it was a revelation – a glimpse into a world where creativity knew no bounds and the impossible was made […]

Kinect 2 vs Kinect Azure in TouchDesigner

In this video, Crystal will cover the differences between Kinect 2 and Kinect Azure in TouchDesigner. How do you get one of these devices, how is the technology different, and how do we use the sensor in TouchDesigner? We will build a simple network using displacement TOP to make a fun ghost-like visual. You can […]

Video to Video AI Style Transfer with Stable Diffusion and Keyframing in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Hey! In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to do video to video style transfer with Stable Diffusion using a custom component in TouchDesigner. We’ll cover how to keyframe animations so you can drive your AI style generation and swap out your prompts and model parameters at exact times in your video to sync up with your […]

Creating Futuristic Cityscapes with TouchDesigner PT2

TouchDesigner Tutorial Part 2: Creating retro-futuristic cityscapes Take a journey back in time to a world that never was with our latest TouchDesigner tutorial! In this video, we’ll show you how to create a mesmerizing cityscape that blends the best of the past and future, taking you on a journey through a retro-futuristic landscape that […]

Procedural Coding in Touch Designer with Ian

Join Ian Boyd as he walks through some of his recent Touch Designer projects. Come check them out and learn a few things for yourself.

Touchdesigner Tutorial – Advanced Pointclouds Manipulation

As promised, here is the tutorial my puppet recorded about pointclouds manipulation in Touchdesigner. It’s a big task to talk about this huge subject in few minutes. He’s a little fast, so maybe not for beginners !? If you liked it, you can support me on patreon : #touchdesigner #tutorial #pointclouds #TDTeachingPuppet

Real-time ASCII Art Effect

Demo on how to create a real-time ASCII Art effect in TouchDesigner from webcam input. Complete control over mapping arbitrary characters to quantized pixel values. 00:00 ASCII Art & Vuk Cosic 00:50 Overview 02:00 Instancing Texture Coordinates via CHOP 02:55 Texture3D TOP 06:30 Fill Texture3D TOP w Table DAT and Select DAT 10:00 Fine-tuning “w” […]

Realtime Caustics in TouchDesigner – Part 2

In this tutorial I expand on Part 1, focusing on render quality and performance.

∆∇ [TouchDesigner] Building a 4 channel RGBA randomized masking system

We’re focusing on visuals this month. This is a very basic test stream, just getting the project going, working on the setup. 00:00:00 ► Intro 00:05:50 ► Zzzzz… skip this part:) Creating the r,g mask 00:14:40 ► Demoing the temp video mattes 00:15:50 ► Setting up the r,g mask proof of concept 00:19:38 ► Random […]

CMAT BerkleeNYC (TouchDesigner Visualizer)

TouchDesigner Audio Reactive Visualizer Topics covered: Composite TOP Feedback TOP Transform TOP Level TOP Null TOP Over TOP Noise TOP Displace TOP Math TOP Limit TOP Sphere SOP Transform SOP Null SOP Audio in CHOP Audio Spectrum CHOP Resample CHOP Math CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Constant CHOP Lag CHOP Base COMP Audio Analysis Palette

TouchDesigner Tutorial: Pixelated Looks

In this tutorial, we explore two techniques for getting the pixelated looks you see in the beginning of the video. All of those clips use this basic principle as their basis. Apologies for the bad audio. I will be getting a mic and interface soon. Project files for this and all my other tutorials are […]

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Part 1 (TOPS TouchDesigner)

TouchDesigner Topics covered: Composite TOP Feedback TOP Transform TOP Level TOP Null TOP Over TOP Limit CHOP Audio in CHOP Count CHOP Math CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Constant CHOP Base COMP

Realtime Caustics in TouchDesigner with Easy GLSL

Caustics form from light refracted through a transparent medium (like the pretty patterns that form on the bottom of a swimming pool). This tutorial will outline the physics involved and show you how to create this effect in TouchDesigner using only a handful of lines of GLSL code. Resources: Ray / Plane intersection: Caustics […]

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Part 1 (TOPS TouchDesigner)

TouchDesigner Topics covered: Composite TOP Feedback TOP Transform TOP Level TOP Null TOP Over TOP Limit CHOP Audio in CHOP Count CHOP Math CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Constant CHOP Base COMP

TouchDesigner Tutorial 46 – Generative Drawings: Vicente Rojo

In this tutorial we’re going to recreate a paintig by the artist Vicente Rojo —- Project Files: — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

(ES)TouchDesigner Tutorial 46 – Dibujos Generativos : Vicente Rojo

En este tutorial vamos a recrear una delos trabajos del artista Vicente Rojo. — Archivo Final: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

John Maeda-style Generative Poster Design in TouchDesigner

John Maeda is a well known designer, artist, and computer scientist who has continually pushed the boundaries of not only disciplinary divisions between art and design, but also the use of the computer as an artistic medium. His series of posters for the Morisawa Inc., a type foundry based in Japan, pushed the boundaries of […]

Halftone – TouchDesigner Tutorial 60

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re looking at how to create a halftone / rasterize effect with instancing. Explanation: —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 02:43 Input Setup 04:36 Grid / Render Setup 08:58 Color Channels 10:40 Rotation 14:10 Aspect Ratio Ranges 15:40 Camera and Zoom 18:00 Custom Parameters 22:44 Bloom 24:32 Outro & Thank You […]

Multitouch Data in TouchDesigner — iPad/iPhone and Wacom Tablet

Project Files: Tablet to OSC (for Wacom tablets): This video demonstrates how to use multitouch data in TouchDesigner. It shows how to use two different multitouch input devices: iPhone/iPad using an app called TC-Data, and Wacom tablets using software I developed called Tablet to OSC. The video walks through accessing the data from […]

Multitouch Data in TouchDesigner — iPad/iPhone and Wacom Tablet

Project Files: Tablet to OSC (for Wacom tablets): This video demonstrates how to use multitouch data in TouchDesigner. It shows how to use two different multitouch input devices: iPhone/iPad using an app called TC-Data, and Wacom tablets using software I developed called Tablet to OSC. The video walks through accessing the data from […]

Oak-D + TouchDesigner Part 04: Run Other Object Detection Models

A continuation of Part 3 running object detection on the Oak-D camera. This time we’re browsing the Roboflow universe and using a public model there to detect playing cards, then creating some audiovisual events in TouchDesigner that respond to specific combinations of cards — 3 of a Kind, Straight, and Royal Flush. The document used […]

Create Stable Diffusion Images and Deforum Animations in VR with Unity and TouchDesigner – Part 3

Part 3 of a tutorial series on how to combine Stable Diffusion, Deforum, Touchdesigner and Unity VR with a Meta Quest headset connected to a PC with oculus link to create and integrate AI Generated art in a 360 environment in realtime! In this tutorial we show how to use TouchDesigner to begin building a […]


today we create a comic effect. it works best on detailed images with clear shapes and a transparent background. 🙂 download project files and get access to more tutorials and files: ​​ BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out more of my work on instagram​​ NFTS: stay kind. […]

Integrating Stream Deck + in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, Crystal will show how you can integrate Stream Deck by Elgato into your TouchDesigner workflow. We will use the MIDI plugin to control […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial: Sacred Geometry-Style Line Art

This tutorial covers how to create these webby line art scenes by creating impossible camera angles in virtual space. Basically, we can curve our lens beyond 180 degrees (fisheye) to get severe distortions around the edges of the scene (much like you see in a 360-degree image). I like the way these distortions look on […]

TouchDesigner tutorial Interactive with camera

Touchdesignerを使ってカメラに反応するインタラクティブな作品の作り方を紹介します。 今回使用した画像はオリジナルの絵本「はぐるま島ココロのひみつ」のキャラクターです。 絵本はこちらで無料で読めますのでぜひ♬ はぐるま島HP 絵本無料公開中! はぐるま島ココロのひみつ kindle キャラクターの画像は販売しています。購入後自由にお使いください♬ Haguruma Island NFT OpenSea ハートが爆発する映像はこちらから無料でダウンロードできます。 Explosion of Heat[動画合成素材] ——————————————————————————- WEBカメラを使って動き[モーション]を撮りますが、僕のPCにはWEBカメラがついてないので、NDIを使ってiPhoneから映像は取り込んでいます。 NDIとTouchdesignerの使い方はこちらの動画を参照してください。 Touchdesigner[NDI][ライブ配信]複数のカメラを切り替えてライブ配信する方法 キャッシュでモーションキャプチャできたらキャラクターをランダムに動かします。 そしてキャラクターとモーションが重なった部分をトレースで認識させて、映像再生のボタンにします。 パーティクルを使っていないので、前回までのTouchDesigner tutorialより動作は軽いと思います。 僕もまだわからない部分が多いので、もっといい方法あれば教えてください~♬ ——————————————————————————- TouchDesigner tutorial Interactive with camera 00:20 Interactive作品の紹介 01:11 NDIで接続 モーションをとる方法 10:07 キャラクターをランダム配置 17:22 キャラクターとモーションの当たり判定 23:15 ハートの映像を流す方法 24:45 効果音の再生 ——————————————————————————- ぎまパパチャンネル[プロジェクションマッピング/Scratch/TouchDesingnerの使い方/VJ] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial: My most-requested 2D texture

This was one of those happy accidents messing around with feedback loops. The result is the texture most often requested by clients. I’ve used versions of this in multiple visualizers, and as a texture mapped onto a sphere to create a 3d environment for a film. The network itself is pretty simple. The texture is […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Line Art With Particle Systems

In this tutorial, I show how to use a Grid SOP to create this kind of glowing line art you see in the intro frames. Project files are available on my Patreon: If you like my work I post regularly on I do take commissions for various kinds of projects. If you would […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Working with 3D Type Imported from Photoshop

This one was by request of one of my Patrons. I was asked to do something with typography, and this is kind of that. I did all the type in Photoshop, which is a much more robust program for that sort of thing (I used Photoshop over Illustrator because I needed 3D extrusion tools). I […]

Create Stable Diffusion Images and Deforum Animations in VR with Unity and TouchDesigner – Part 2

Part 2 of a tutorial series on how to combine Stable Diffusion, Deforum, Touchdesigner and Unity VR with a Meta Quest headset connected to a PC with oculus link to create and integrate AI Generated art in a 360 environment in realtime! In this tutorial we show how to use TouchDesigner to composite a Deforum […]

Create Stable Diffusion Images and Deforum Animations in VR with Unity and TouchDesigner – Part 1

Part 1 of a tutorial series on how to combine Stable Diffusion, Deforum, Touchdesigner and Unity VR with a Meta Quest headset connected to a PC with oculus link to create and integrate AI Generated art in a 360 environment in realtime! Resources mentioned in video: #stablediffusiontutorial #unity #touchdesigner #stablediffusion #metaquest2 #aigeneratedart #deforum […]