
Hands-on Time #touchdesigner #audioreactive #雷克雅未克 #Junomak

Capture the relationship between time and the vocal. It reminds me of the color of the aurora I saw in Finland. Social Media: IG: [ I use different tools to reveal the beauty of culture and nature. ] #touchdesigner #audioreactive #particlesGPU #junomak #雷克雅未克 #cantonpop #learning #learningexperince #futureskills #creativity #imagination #problemsolving #collabration #hk #uk #genz […]

Hands-on Time – TouchDesigner #Nothing #brunomajor #audioreactive

Capture rhythm of the vocal with simple geometry. Original MV: Social Media: IG: [ I use different tools to reveal the beauty of culture and nature. ] #touchdesigner #audioreactive #particlesGPU #neonsign #moontang #nothing #brunomajor #therapeutic #learning #learningexperince #futureskills #creativity #imagination #problemsolving #collabration #hk #uk #genz #genx #parentaleducation #saipprentice

Hands-on Time – TouchDesigner #霓虹黯色

I want to capture the beauty of the lyrics and the vocal by utilizing an audio-reactive effect. 「當有啲嘢逐漸咁消失,這而你又根本改變唔到啲咩嘅時候,你唯一可以做嘅就係如實去記錄落嚟,拍低佢,將佢化做,一種回憶,一種見證。」//喺PolyU創新大樓嘅某一間房,存放咗好多關於霓虹燈嘅物料。有班有心人默默咁記錄香港嘅文化,過去嘅顏色。你想成為其中一個有心人嗎? Original MV: [I use different tools to reveal the beauty of culture and nature.] Reflection of Touchdesigner: – I used particlesGPU to do the work. However, the function does not perform well in MAC. It takes […]