IGA Stud

Dice stylizer | TouchDesigner

In this tutorial I will show you how to make an image consisting of the sides of dice using GLSL in Touchdesigner https://vk.com/iga_stud https://www.instagram.com/iga_stud https://www.patreon.com/iga_stud

First-person camera control [Part 1] | TouchDesigner

This video is the first part of tutorials about creating first person camera control in touchdesigner. Here you can see how to control the rotation of the camera with mouse. p.s. In the end put your received rx and ry values in null1 into rotate parameters of the camera. English is not my strongest point, […]

Depth-test based renderer | TouchDesigner

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a renderer that allows you to accumulate objects in the image while maintaining the correct overlap in space. English is not my strongest point, but I wanted to make the video available to more people πŸ™‚ https://vk.com/iga_stud https://www.instagram.com/iga_stud https://www.patreon.com/iga_stud