In this episode we will learn about CHOPs operators or channels. We will learn how to control numbers and in the second chapter we will see how to obtain and implement data from the mouse, keyboard, joysticks and MIDI controllers. Files here: 💬 If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 👉 Get […]
In this video you’ll get familiar with Channel operators (CHOP) and how to work with some commonly used SOPs to create a simple patch with them. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section or better, join TenderWorld Discord server to communicate with other artists: you can join Patreon to access files and […]
Introduction tutorial to creating performative controls via CHOPs. This covers mouse in, Math OP for scaling data, amplitude tracking, and compositing/blend modes.
Onto the next family of TouchDesigner operators: CHOPs 🖥️ Watch our full TouchDesigner Beginner Crash Course here:
Hey everyone, In this quick tutorial, I explore creating 3D patterns using the Pattern CHOP in TouchDesigner. I demonstrate how to process the data through various operators to generate diverse variations suitable for instancing. It’s a straightforward technique with the potential for producing captivating results. Check it out! As always, project files available for all […]
This is a new tutorial series for Touch Designer beginners. In Part 3, I will give an introduction to one of the ways of making Sound reactive visualization. I also show briefly how to animate parameters. Part 1 ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #butterflycurve Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Butterfly Curve with CHOP’s. —- Final Project File: — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #butterflycurve Hola a todos, Bienvenidos a este nuevo tutorial sobre ecuaciones paramétricas en el que aprenderemos cómo graficar e instanciar una curva pariposa con CHOP’s. —- Final Project File: — Puedes apoyarme via: O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
Touchdesigner eğitim serimde, programın CHOP’ları hakkında bilgi veren bir video hazırladım. Bu bölümde, CHOP’ların kullanımı, nasıl oluşturulacağı ve işlevleri hakkında detaylı bilgiler verilmiştir.
Patreon Page: Instagram: Using this tutorial you can create endless tunnel animation. Endless Tunnel, Smooth Animation, Polyrhythms, polymeters, Fibonacci Sequence, Touchdesigner Tutorial: Replicator, Dat Tables, Chops, Noise, LFOs, Render CHOPS, RGB Keys, 3D Scanning, Houdini, Blender Touchdesigner and Leap Motion Sensor. Use of some of the most basic components of Touchdesigner. Best geometric […]
Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]
Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]
Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]
TouchDesigner Part 1 Waves/ Water Topics covered: Grid SOP Fractal SOP Transform SOP Noise SOP Null SOP Line MAT Ramp TOP TOP to CHOP Constant CHOP Base COMP Camera COMP
TouchDesigner Part 2 Audio Reactive GEO Topics covered: Facet SOP Noise SOP Transform SOP Sphere SOP Primitive SOP Phong MAT WireFrame MAT Ramp TOP TOP to CHOP Resample CHOP Trim CHOP Audio in CHOP Spectrum CHOP Math CHOP Lag CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Chop to DAT Merge DAT Null DAT Base COMP Camera COMP […]
TouchDesigner Part 3 Capstone to Series Topics covered: Facet SOP Noise SOP Transform SOP Sphere SOP Primitive SOP Phong MAT WireFrame MAT Ramp TOP TOP to CHOP Composite TOP Resample CHOP Trim CHOP Audio in CHOP Spectrum CHOP Math CHOP Lag CHOP Rename CHOP Null CHOP Beat CHOP Chop to DAT Merge DAT Null DAT […]
In this TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial, I show you CHOP operators so you can use data to dynamically change parameters of other TD operators. My Audio Reactive TouchDesigner tutorials: #1) #2) My TouchDesigner Mouse Interaction video: Sections in this TouchDesigner beginner tutorial: 0) What are CHOPs? 1) How to add CHOPs 2) Basic CHOP […]
Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]
4th 10 Minutes Tutorial for TouchDesigner. In this tutorial we cover the technique : How to control a playback of the list of AudioSamples with Replicator network and CopyCHOP. Using this technique you can control the pitch of the audiosamples. Learn Houdini and TouchDesigner in 10.5 Months academic online curse with self-learning and curated option. […]
3rd 10 Minutes Tutorial for TouchDesigner. In this tutorial we cover the technique : How to control a playback of the list of AudioSamples with one Audioplay CHOP operator Learn Houdini and TouchDesigner in 10.5 Months academic online curse with self-learning and curated option. Enroll at
Generative art can be created with so many algorithms, but it gets interesting when generative art changes size, shape and its form through an external events. I am using replicator to create some stunning and powerful artwork. Touchdesigner Tutorial: Replicator, Dat Tables, Chops, Noise, LFOs, Render CHOPS, RGB Keys, Touchdesigner and Leap Motion Sensor. Use […]
In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re looking at how to use Replication and Texture Instancing to chop an input image into slices, chunks and different forms. The input texture I’m using was created with MidJourney. —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:30 Setup & Replication 05:10 Randomness System 16:14 Render Setup & Instancing 19:29 Texture Instancing 25:29 […]
In this video I am sharing some different ways of generating random integer and float numbers in TouchDesigner. Chapters: 00:00 – Intro 01:08 – Random Integer with Python 05:52 – Random Float with Python 07:31 – Random Integer with CHOPs 10:10 – Random Float with CHOPs 11:54 – Random Integer Different from Previous One with […]
In this video I am sharing a tool for changing CHOP channel states with an optimized way in TouchDesigner. In TD there are many ways to achieve the same result – here I demonstrate my approach 🙂 The recording is not that great since it’s the first one – I promise they will get better! […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #rosecurve Hola a todos, Bienvenidos a este nuevo tutorial sobre ecuaciones paramétricas en el que aprenderemos cómo graficar e instanciar una curva de rosa con CHOP’s. —- Final Project File: — Puedes apoyarme via: O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #rosecurve Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Rose Curve with CHOP’s. —- Final Project File: — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
This free TD component will pulse every reset you want, no more referencing one Keyboard In CHOP to all your feedbacks or LFOs or whatever, that’s just too much work! Get it at: Follow me: Please let me know if I forgot any operators that should be included! 0:00 […]
Node Eyedropper| touchdesigner custom COMP hello! this is result of my study, touchdesigner python ui class. Download toe free! And Please support my research! 🙂 link : ——————————————————–
Using SOP to CHOP and CHOP to SOP process is really fun to make! 00:00 Intro 00:20 First setting and grid 02:20 Using Noise to ty 04:55 Render setting 06:20 Compute Normal with Facet 07:40 Normal/Facet Explanation 08:30 Wave with Ramp 10:30 X Z position with Noise 15:20 Camera, Light setting 17:20 Reflectivity material 18:35 […]
Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Cropping is such a vital part of texture processing. Especially when you’re creating dynamic content it can be difficult to constantly figure out how to crop […]
Become a Patreon for exclusive content: Follow us on social media: Instagram:…. Twitter: Website: Support us by donating on our PayPal: TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials which are a little […]
In this one, we play even more with the ‘kissing numbers’ technique from the last tutorial but instead of feedback, we solve all the columns in one take. .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me […]
Intermediate tutorial for building a basic movie sequencer for motion graphics in Touchdesigner Download the project from my Patreon: Contents of the Video: 00:00 – Intro 00:20 – Explanation & motivation 02:45 – Let’s begin building 06:33 -How to properly add and arrange new clips 07:18 – Calculating the start times based off their clip […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #nephroid Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Nephroid with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]
In this tutorial we’re going to make some paths generated by Noise CHOP + Limit CHOP —- Project Files: — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
▽You can watch the rest of this tutorial and others with a membership on the TDSW patreon. Support TDSW on Patreon If you subscribe to a subscription plan of $20 or more, you get unlimited access to all of our past archives! We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #lemniscate Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Lemniscate Curve that looks like an Eight Curve with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #hyperbola Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Hyperbola with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]
Hi, In this tutorial we are going to see : -how to read the value from the Sop of the gesture capture Component -how to use those value to move audio with the objectCHOP operator Enjoy 🙂 Unveil_studio
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #hyperbolicspiral Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Hyperbolic Spiral with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #heart Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Heart Curve with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final - —- Music: Banstyle / Sappys Curry – Underworld — You can support me on: Or […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #ltrifolium Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Trifolium with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – —- Music: Two Thousand and Seventeen by Four Tet — You can support me on: Or […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #logarithmicspiral Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Logarithmic Spiral with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – —- Music from Digient Collective — You can support me on: Or […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations #epicycloid Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance an Epicycloid using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music from Digient Collective digient(cues) — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: […]
#touchdesigner #tutorial #parametricequations Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph an Ellipse using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: —- Music Axiomatic by Daze Gates — You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
today we are going to create an interactive liquid painting. download project files and access to more tutorials and files: BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out my work on instagram stay kind. sound in the beginning is by TRA$H / deadthawn. thank you!
At the request of another YouTuber, we’ll look at recreating the Spirograph functionality found in the first video of this Spirograph series ( using only CHOPs (and no Python code!). This will allow for you to experiment with adding further CHOPs to the network to modify the mathematical function that generates the drawing and hopefully […]
In this video, we’ll add some additional drawing modes to the Spirograph drawing program that we created in the last video: This will allow for the program to draw several new styles that weren’t possible in the original (but are possible with a real Spirograph). With these new modes, we get closer to having […]
Check out part two of the Recreating a Spirograph in TouchDesigner series here: Learn to create a drawing program with TouchDesigner that outputs Spirograph-style drawings. As you build this network yourself and post the results to Instagram and other platforms, tag your images/videos with the hashtag #tdspirograph so that we can all see the […]
The Python code used in this tutorial is located below the video timestamps in this description. In this video, we’ll continue to look at basic video game functionality within TouchDesigner by creating a boundary detection and position limiting system for simple 2D geometry. We’ll use the system to restrict the movement of a red square […]
In this video, we’ll look at creating basic video game-style functionality within TouchDesigner by recreating the type of movement found in the early arcade game Asteroids using only CHOPs. We’ll first work on creating the visual component of the project by working with TOPs to recreate an Asteroids-style triangle ship, followed by a simple feedback […]
Hola a todos, en este nuevo tutorial de Ecuaciones Paramétricas en Touchdesigner aprenderemos a graficar un Cardioide usando CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Archivo Descargable: —- Puedes apoyarme en: O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph a Cardioid using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
Hola a todos, en este nuevo tutorial de Ecuaciones Paramétricas en Touchdesigner aprenderemos a graficar un Bicornio usando CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Archivo Descargable: —- Puedes apoyarme en: O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph a Bicorn using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
Hola a todos, en este nuevo tutorial de Ecuaciones Paramétricas en Touchdesigner aprenderemos a graficar un Astroide usando CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph an Astroid using CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:
Dans cette vidéo, nous passons en revue les caractéristiques générales des CHOP (channel operators) et réalisons de petits réseaux pour apprendre à les utiliser. —– Introduction: 00:00 Exemple 1 (signal audio): 01:15 Clip: 12:55 Exemple 2 (clips + ajout de canaux): 14:42 Expression et importation: 24:59 Conclusion: 36:00 —– Cette vidéo fait partie d’une série […]
Hello everyone, Welcome to this second tutorial focused on Parametric Equations. In this first part we will learn to perform the Archimedes Spiral as well as convert polar equations to parametric using CHOP’s. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me […]
Hola a todos, Bienvenidos a este segundo tutorial enfocado a Ecuaciones Paramétricas. En esta primer parte aprenderemos a realizar la Espiral de Arquímedes así como convertir ecuaciones polares a paramétricas usando CHOP’s ——————— Link al tutorial en formato Post: Archivo Descargable: —- Pueden apoyarme en: O seguirme en : Facebook: Instagram: […]
Hello Everyone in this second part of my first touchdesigner tutorial we will learn how to apply the three different units with which we can compute parametric equations: Cycles, Degrees and Radians. —- Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can support me on: Or follow me on: Facebook: […]
Hello everyone, welcome to my first Touchdesigner tutorial in Spanish which will be an introduction to the graphing of parametric curves using Parametric Equations, in this first part we will address the topic using the CHOP family and cycles as units. ——————— Link to the tutorial in Post format: Download File: —- You can […]
Hola a todos, bienvenidos a mi primer tutorial de Touchdesigner en español el cual será una introducción a la graficación de curvas paramétricas usando Ecuaciones Paramétricas, en esta primer parte abordaremos el tema usando la familia CHOP y ciclos como unidad. Espero sea de su agrado y lo disfruten. ——————— Link al tutorial en formato […]
Bienvenue dans mon premier tutoriel Touch Designer ! Vous êtes sur le point de créer une loop techno sur Touch Designer. J’espère que vous allez apprécier et apprendre beaucoup de mon expérience. Désolé pour le problème de micro sur la fin, je prêterais attention à éviter ça dans les prochains tutos 🙂 Abonnez-vous pour plus […]
If you’re like me, and always thought that two inputs on the crossfade are not enough, this simple CHOP network will help you to figure out transitions between any number of TOPs. #touchdesigner #tutorial #transitions
Зачем нужны операторы каналов? Какое у них основное предназначение в программе? Не переключайте канал и узнаете! (поняли? :)) Все материалы курса можно найти тут: Файл урока: Я буду очень признателен, если вы поддержите меня небольшим донатом, сделать это можно тут:
В этом видео посмотрим как CHOP’ы могут управлять параметрами других операторов, например, при помощи входящего звука. Все материалы курса можно найти тут: Файл урока: Я буду очень признателен, если вы поддержите меня небольшим донатом, сделать это можно тут:
Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Sensors output a lot of data. Kinects, Leap Motions, and touchscreens all output a wide range of data and […]
In these tutorials, we look into Channel Operators (CHOPs) and some basic examples. —— 00:00 Overview 00:26 Keyboard In 00:34 Mouse In 01:23 Math and Filter 06:00 MIDI 10:45 Leap Motion —— Full playlist: Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, […]
In these tutorials, we look into Channel Operators (CHOPs) and some basic examples. —— 00:00 Overview 00:58 Basic Shapes 07:30 Rendering Setup 16:20 Grid & Noise 19:30 Particles 24:20 Importing —— Full playlist: Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, Teruhisa, […]
Tutorial sui CHOP per la gestione dei suoni, dei device e delle operazioni matematiche. Creazione di una patch interattiva utilizzando il mouse come device e il suono. Per info: