Made with TD

The Championship TouchDesigner TECHNICAL CHALLENGE Highlights!

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Judged by none other than Derivative Founder Greg Hermanovic, the Technical Challenge sees competitors race against the clock to create the most impressive TouchDesigner work […]

TouchDesigner – Projection Mapping Tools

Demonstration of Kantan Mapper and Stoner in TouchDesginer – two easy to use projection mapping tools. Project File from video is at below link:

터치디자이너_Touchdesigner 활용하기 4 – 2

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#interactive/

TouchDesigner Roundtable TORINO

Organised by The NODE Institute, the TouchDesigner Roundtable serves as a dynamic gathering for creatives and developers exploring the visual development platform TouchDesigner. It also welcomes anyone intrigued by the world of interactive media art and the innovative minds shaping it. This time, we visit our friends in Italy and host the TouchDesigner Roundtable in […]

#flickering #touchdesigner #glitchart #electronicmusic #madewithtouchdesigner

that flicker down the rude rain, the peace and all things which have vanished ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #touchdesigner #glitchart #videoart #interactiveart #experiential #soundart

터치디자이너 _ Touchdesigner 활용하기 6-1

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#interactive/

What is Touchdesigner: A Simple Explanation for Visual, Interactive and Multimedia Creators

Although it is not easy to explain everything Touchdesigner does in such a short video, I have tried to summarize what I consider a sufficient explanation to clarify some doubts about the program. Support this and other tutorials 👉 *In short:* TouchDesigner is a versatile visual programming language used for creating real-time multimedia content. It […]

15 – Analyse de l’audio (Partie 3) – Découvrir TouchDesigner

Dans cette vidéo, nous appliquons quelques bonnes pratiques de nomenclature et sauvegardons notre composant d’analyse sonore dans la palette pour une réutilisation future. La boucle musicale utilisée dans la vidéo peut être téléchargée ici: La pièce Horizon Ending relève du domaine public. Elle a été créée par Soft and Furious et est disponible en […]

Day 18 Learning TouchDesigner

followed this tutorial:

geometry with TOPs in Touchdesigner

Here’s a quick method for making geometry computations on GPU without any glsl …some said is not possible 🙂 source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon​ or follow me on:​

GOLDFISH | Visual Art Meditation | 4K Generative Art Created in TouchDesigner

Visuals 4K Thanks for your support! #TechnoVisuals #GenerativeArt #TouchDesigner #4KArt #vjloops #MusicVisuals #HypnoticArt #3DAnimation #VisualEffects

A Bang In The Void- Apparat #touchdesigner #generativeart #videoart #idm #creativecoding #nftart

TD 730 #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #generativeart #newmediaart #artandtechnology #videoart #experimentalmusic #IDM #ambient #nft

Preview: Heart Awakener #audiovisualart #touchdesigner

🌊 Thank you for taking the time to experience this piece!If you enjoy the video, feel free to leave a comment and subscribe to my channel to stay updated on future projects. Find more info and exclusive content on my Patreon. #DubCinematic #TouchDesigner #NeuroWaveDesign #AudiovisualArt

Audio Wheel – Tutoriel TouchDesigner

Dans le cadre du cours de Médias Interactifs IV au cégep Édouard-Monpetit, il fallait faire un tutoriel inspiré d’un autre. Tutoriel original:

JFA trick in Touchdesigner

In this, we build a Jump Flood algorithm using cones and a particle system that runs around the shape. There are plenty of glsl tools for this particular algorithm that are significantly faster, but I’m glad I found this approch. SDF components (glsl): Simon Alexander-Adams ‘Distance Map Displacement’ tutorial: .toe file (Patreon […]

02 Joy Division – Tutorial Touchdesigner Español (Layered Geomtry Instancing)

En esta serie de tutoriales vamos a recrear los ejemplos de la web en touchdesigner. archivo: ig @lucasvogel.exe

TouchDesigner Ableton Livestream

Hello friend, Welcome. In this live stream format, We will primarily focus on enjoying ourselves. exploring the avenues of creativity, sound, songwriting, visual programming and all sorts of other well & good creative workflows. Thank you for joining us and I hope we all learn something new here today. 🙂

3D Feedback Worlds in Touchdesigner Pt 2 :: Audio reactivity + Rendering

Continuing our exploration of 3D generative art in touchdesigner using Josef Pelz’s new suite of custom T3D operators designed for working with 3D textures. In this video we delve into making the system audio reactive, doing some camera movement and rendering tricks, and building another patch. Find the operators and Josef’s work here: […]

magical color with glsl part1 – touchdesigner tutorial

This touchdesigner tutorial is about iridescence with own glsl MAT. If you can write glsl, you can extend your range of expression!! IG:​ twitter: 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: GLSL for beginner glsl school: the book of shader: tdsw: write a glsl:

Audio Reactive Motion Extraction in TouchDesigner

Some more fun in TouchDesigner! Inspired by @PosyMusic – watch his video here #touchdesigner #generativeart #videoart #audioreactive

TouchDesigner工作坊:Webcam 與 Azure Kinect 教學 Part1 / 往邁向體感互動設計人的路途前進吧!

此影片內容為臺藝大實體工作坊2021/4/14(三)「互動光雕投影工作坊 」課程節錄,影片為黑碼藝識團隊紀錄剪輯影片,藉此推動TouchDesigner中文化學習數位內容嘗試。 ☆TouchDesigner軟體官方網址: 運用TouchDesigner編寫程式,以Webcam與Azure Kinect 視訊擷取來創造影像,本階段(Part1)將以Webcam來創造以下視覺效果:1.Pixel sorting像素流沙效果、2.Slit-scan狹縫攝影效果、3.Sketch / Particle粒子素描效果。 -實體工作坊: 國立臺灣藝術大學高等教育深耕計畫 科技藝術實驗中心 多元學習課程 開課單位:科技藝術實驗中心 課程名稱:互動光雕投影工作坊 Interactive Augmented Mapping Projection Workshop 授課教師:多媒體動畫藝術學系 客座副教授 李家祥 業界教師:詹嘉華、江俊毅、黃國斌 課程期間:2021年3月24日至2021年6月9日 上課地點:臺灣藝術大學二校區 科技藝術實驗劇場

Thursday morning drumbrute session #drumbrute #drumbruteimpact #arturia #touchdesigner #sh01a

#synthjam #ableton Thank you for your watching, Like and Subscribe. Your reaction motivates me 🙂 ARIGATO. 視聴、いいね、チャンネル登録ありがとうございます。 ▼ Instagram ▼ Bandcamp ▼ Apple Music ▼ Spotify ▼ Soundcloud ——————————– ▼ Equipments – Roland: #SH01A , #TR8 – Korg: #Minilogue , Volca Baet, Nanokontrol, #Monotribe – FaderFox: DJ2, PC4, DJ4 – #TouchOSC – […]

터치디자이너 _ Touchdesigner 활용하기 11-3

터치디자이너 _ touchdesigner를 이용한 콘텐츠 만들기 #touchdesigner#터치디자이너#mediaart#미디어아트#인터렉티브아트#interactive#tutorial

#midicontroller for #touchdesigner and #ableton

I’ve set up my MIDI controller to control parameters in both Ableton and TouchDesigner. Would anyone be interested in a short overview of how to do this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #tutorial #touchdesignerlearning #abletontutorial #touchdesigner #midicontroller

"HIFE01" – TouchDesigner Animation With Original Music

Visuals inspired by this tutorial of @yourtenderworld #TouchDesigner

Complex UV Math toolkit in Touchdesigner – FREE DOWNLOAD #touchdesigner #uvmath

Download for free (or name your price): IG: Background music also by me. —- References: UV Math tutorial by Paketa12: Crazy warping effects with a complex numbers by Exsstas: 0:00 Intro 2:29 Examples 4:17 UV mapping basics 6:21 Single GLSL TOP approach 7:36 ComplexOp component 13:47 ComplexMix component 17:13 Examples more […]

Network System Control – Gil Castro

Talk: Network System Control This session will provide a basic introduction to networks systems control in TouchDesigner. One of the most powerful features of TouchDesigner is that it contains the default tools to create control servers through local or public networks, for the development of professional and high-end interactive systems. It allows you to create […]

Saturday night – TouchDesigner Audio Visualizer

Everything is always changing —————————— Music: @Crystallica_ Music Live Performance: —————————— Would you like a custom visual? contact: discord: a_alsol Thank you for watching!

TouchDesigner InSession – June 4th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guests: Simone Franco Luca Ferro DragOn: —-

Particle Displacement – TouchDesigner Tutorial 7

In this tutorial, we abstract particles by using feedback, compositing, blur and displace. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

Making Riddim in Ableton & TouchDesigner

I am putting together a sample pack of heavy hitting Riddim Style Dubstep Bass Patches Made in Serum, So this is a great chance to make a quick Demo slapper In the process of collectiong/Sorting The presets I will Put in the Pack ENYOY!

touchdesigner tutorial – create painted style tiles

here I used TOP noise with feedback and some effects to generate this paint-looking artwork. Download toe file (and exclusive tutorials): #touchdesigner #tutorial #animationart

How to connect TouchDesigner as a real-time outputs processing application with Wekinator

Wekinator Inputs could be sent from any real-time input, such as game controllers, webcam input, motion tracking, audio input, sensors connected to Arduino, etc. This sample video shows how to connect TouchDesigner as a real-time outputs processing application with Wekinator for making dynamic content creations with Machine Learning(ML).

Touchdesigner tutorial 01 – basic Instancing + 3d Texture

Just quick touchdesigner example how to make many chip boxes and put different textures on it. It may be helpful for beginners.

Ableton & TouchDesigner Freestyle Livestream

Hey , Happy Sunday. Today’s live stream format is dedicated to open creativity in Ableton Live 12 and TouchDesigner. The stream will run all day, so feel free to hop in the chat. Ask questions roast my work. IDK Follow for more content, including tutorials, project files, samples, presets networks, and plug-ins. You can find […]

Using IMU data to control a switch in TouchDesigner

Selecting an appropriate signal, mapping it into integers, and using these integers to drive a switch.

BLUEPRINT Episode. 5: TouchDesigner || Feat. Nikzad Arabshahi

Become a Patreon and support Krea! TouchDesigner is one of the most powerful node-based visual programming languages. It’s been used by artists, programmers, creative coders, software designers, and performers to create real-time audiovisual performances, light installations, architectural projections, projection mapping, and fixed media works. In the first session, we will learn how to get […]

Ludwigsburg Day1 Feedback Techniques

Describing various feedback techniques: scanline, basics of an audio/image spectrograph, nested feedback

dArkside – touchdesigner visuals

just some stuff I made with AI and touchdesigner

Knife Fork Freq- aphex twin #aphextwin #touchdesigner #audiovisual #psychadelicart #experimental

Afx259/TD_639 #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #experimentalart #generativeart #electronicmusic #newmediaart #artandtechnology #vjloops #visualdesign #psychadelicart #aphextwin #weirdcore

Tutorial – How to control Ableton Live with kinect – Touchdesigner + Ableton + Kinect

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

🎨🔥 Mesmerizing Blob Tracking Real-Time Visuals in TouchDesigner! #TouchDesigner

Step into the world of real-time generative visuals using TouchDesigner! 🚀✨ Watch Blob Tracking patterns evolve dynamically, driven by code, data, and creativity. Whether you’re a digital artist, VJ, or creative coder, TouchDesigner unlocks endless possibilities. 🔹 Want to learn more? Drop a comment below! 👇 Instagram:

TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial 1

Support the channel by donating to: This is a step by step easy tutorial using TouchDesigner. TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials which are a little more complex but with rewarding results. If you have […]

Light Replication – TouchDesigner Tutorial 44

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re looking at a technique that mimics instancing for lights with Replicators, how to style them and how to make them audioreactive. Important: This is not instancing and not nearly as fast to process. Also, apparently it’s a lot faster skip the TOP part and simply stay in the CHOP family […]

Introduction to GLSL in TouchDesigner : 2/8 UV manipulation in a GLSL TOP.

Part 2/8 of the recording of the Introduction to GLSL in TouchDesigner workshop I taught at Brooklyn Research ( on July 14, 2018 UV manipulation in a GLSL TOP. See Part 1 for support files

04 Grau in Grau by mon0 #touchdesigner

04 Grau in Grau by mon0 TD_959 buy the track: #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #generativeartist #darkambient #uzumaki #junjiito #mon0

Interactive Particles & Metaballs in TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 90+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: If we had a dollar for every time a client asked for interactive particle systems, we’d be rich! But it can a bit tricky for new […]

Touchdesigner 翻译插件推荐

Touchdesigner – Shadertoy GLSL integration

THIS IS NOT A GLSL Coding Video. Also please only use the information in here to learn, dont just steal other peoples hard work! Thanks to the shaders from: Shane: Chronos: In this video we have a look at importing and converting shadertoy shaders (even those with multiple buffers) into touchdesigner […]

Displace TOP (TouchDesigner) | Unlocked

Unlock the Displace TOP in TouchDesigner.

TouchDesigner Vol.050 Intro to Deep Learning for Graphics Programmer 【DAY1 Sneak Peek】

Note: This Sneak Peek is a page for DAY1 (2021/12/5 UTC+9) ; TouchDesigner Vol.050 Intro to Deep Learning for Graphics Programmers – From Training to Inference. ▽You can watch the rest of this tutorial and others with a membership on the TDSW patreon. Support TDSW on Patreon If you subscribe to a subscription plan […]

AET 310 – Touchdesigner Project – Using Touchdesigner & Helpful Reference

This is a reference that overviews the connections and usage of pipelines inside the Touchdesigner network. 0:00 – 1:00 – understanding how Touchdesigner ‘compiles’ 1:00 – 2:20 – linking operators inside Touchdesigner 2:20 – 2:48 – Using the parameter window to control what happens 3:00 – 4:00- overview of a practical pipeline 4:00 – 5:00 […]

Xerox Effect [TOP's Exploration – TouchDesigner]

Chapters: 0:00 – Setting Spacework 0:20 – Start 0:32 – Export / Resolution [Settings] 2:05 – Noise 3:17 – Mix of Noise and Image / Limit 5:02 – Light & Shadows / Edges 6:42 – Noise Animation & Resolution 7:28 – Exploring Results

50 SHS pt 27 selection 01 by KiNK x Speedy #touchdesigner #generativeart #techno #videoart

TD 774 buy the track: #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #generativeart #videoart #techno #IDM #dawless #nftart

Instance and offset an animated FBX using GLSL in Touchdesigner – Part 2

In this two part tutorial we’re going to build a custom component in Touchdesigner that records an animated geometry file into a texture format. Then in the second part we are going to use GLSL to: 1. instance the model, 2. have the ability to offset the animation per instance and most important, 3. keep […]

nineteen forty-four #glitch #ableton #touchdesigner #shorts #beats #electronicmusic #beat #feedback

nineteen forty-four #glitch #ableton #touchdesigner #shorts #beats #electronicmusic #beat #feedback

Generative Kandinsky in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 100+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Many new TouchDesigner artists and developers are inspired by the great works of artists of the past. While we might spend much of our time making […]

#touchdesigner #tool

This tool lets you paint your background with the same stunning hues as your design, ensuring a seamless and vibrant visual experience. Check it out on:


today we create an image/video filter with different “evolutions” 🙂 download project files and get access to more tutorials and files: ​​ NFTS: BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out more of my work on instagram​​ stay kind. sound in the beginning is custom made by RAAYS.

26th-C Butterfly particles mapping[TouchDesigner](English)

It’s a Touchdesigner tutorial for making particles and moving them to the mouse cursor position. (C-part) ※Caution: a TouchDesigner amateur user is making this movie, so there can be a lot of mistakes or misunderstandings. Please refer at your own risk. A-part B-part C-part You can download .toe file in this movie below. TouchDesignerでパーティクルを作り、マウスの位置に動かします。 […]

36daysoftype: F #36daysoftype #design #typography #touchdesigner

36daysoftype: F #36daysoftype #design #typography #touchdesigner

TouchDesigner tutorial #1. Simple generative form with line texture

In this tutorial (for begginers, without coding) we create generative minimalistic 3D object for your music covers, posters with animation, LED screens etc. This lineral form was created in #TouchDesigner software with simple texturing technique. If you have any question, I will glad to answer. My Instagram: @amona_re Vimeo (works): Thanks a lot @88_rat_88! […]