Talks272 Videos

Visionary Designer John Gaeta – Future of Visual Arts, AI and Mixed Reality – Art Cafe #120

Academy-Award winning designer and inventor John Gaeta talks about virtual, augmented and mixed reality, volumetric visuals, AI and more. John’s online presence: Tweets by daltwisney_jg Follow me at: Instagram: Twitter: Art My Art Prints, T-Shirt, Hoodies and Mugs: My gear and book recommendations:

TouchDesigner InSession – May 22nd 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guests: Akiko Yamashita Aberration Lab launching May 27th Twitter: @AberrationLab —- Torin Blankensmith & Peter Whidden Twitter: @tblankensmith Instagram: @blankensmithing —-

Art with a Purpose – Shandor Churry

Talk: Art with a Purpose AUDIO: We lost part of the audio at the beginning and had to use a backup source, primary audio restored at 14:23 The ‘Prime Directive’ of art (shamelessly borrowing this term from Star Trek) is to inspire, to shock, to disrupt, and to create an emotional connection and response unachievable […]

How to Buy a TouchDesigner Computer

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: When buying a computer for TouchDesigner, there are so many parts, specs, sizes, compatibility options, protocols, and numbers flying […]

Possibilities of Creative Coding

The Possibilities of Creative Coding (Future Makers Factory webinar) Intro: Technology is an essential part of human life, and increasingly important tool for human creativity. Analog artistic tools like brushes or pencils will never be outdated, but in the last 15 years a new digital artistic movement has been developing, referred to as Creative Coding. […]

Podcast 014. Ильдар Якубов. TouchDesigner для медиа-инсталляций.

Ссылка на facebook Ильдара Ссылки от Ильдара, которые он присылал на подкасте: Наш марафон по светодизайну LightHack Вебинар: Светодизайн в Интерьере от А до Я Записаться на консультацию по светодизайну: Записаться на бесплатный вебинар по светодизайну: До встречи! Ссылки на наши социальные сети: […]

Analog feedback distortion

From our dependance at La Palma we’ve recently installed an arsenal of analog video equipment. We’ve rendered a bunch of videoloops for (audio-)visual purposes. It’s TRUE analog! Most of the effects can be recreated in Touchdesigner and or something like After Effects, but we believe that the product of this analog workflow gives a different […]

TOP Players (Quarantined) – Episode 05 – Matthew Ragan

If you liked this video, please support me on Patreon. Thank you! COMPLETE RECORDING AND RESOURCES LINKS HERE: Matthew Ragan 0:00 – Intro 13:00 – How to begin thinking like a programmer – Andy Harris 31:00 – Personal Website / TD Full Courses 38:50 – MIR 48:40 – Interactive & Immersive HQ PRO 52:00 […]

The Top 4 TouchDesigner Operators You Aren’t Using (but should be)

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: TouchDesigner has a lot of operators. While many are well known, there are a subset of operators that seem […]

The Benefits of Web Frontends for TouchDesigner Developers

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: User interfaces can be difficult to build. Control panels and extra monitors connected to your computer can drag down […]

TouchDesigner @OnlineFestival (на русском)

поддержать преподавателя: Сбербанк 5336 6903 4438 6331 Яндекс кошелек 410018463309399 Эта лекция очень дорога мне лично, потому что центральной ее темой станет концепция L-систем, разработанная в конце 17 века венгерским биологом Аристидом Линденмайером, для описания поведения клеток растений. Дорога во-первых потому, что это относится к одной из самых любопытных для меня областей науки – Artificial […]

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] 01.05.2020 Declutter that Preset

The Tau Ceti Preset system got some clutter. And just like your room its good to take some time to tidy everything up.

TouchDesigner InSession

A hands-on session with the Derivative team.

TouchDesigner in a Production Pipeline – Ronen Tanchum

Talk: TouchDesigner in a Production Pipeline In this talk Ronen Tanchum will demonstrate different ways to treat TouchDesigner as a 3D production package for the creation of high-end 360 content. He will focus on the different roles TouchDesigner can take in a traditional production pipeline, ranging from Previz, animation, on-set visualizations, 3D layout animation, shading, […]

TOP Players (Quarantined) – Episode 04 – Stas Sumarokov (exsstas)

If you liked this video, please support me on Patreon. Thank you! COMPLETE RECORDINGS AND RESOURCES LINKS HERE: 0:00 – Intro 1:10 – Dancing and Video 4:40 – Hobbies are important! 8:00 – Instagram Profile 11:30 – Youtube tutorials 13:50 – Tensor Flow 14:30 – Approaching Tutorials 16:00 – Personal Approach 19:10 – […]

VJing set cleanup 2/3 | TouchDesigner Project Review 01

In this second part of this cleanup, we dive into the source selector and look at how we can improve it. If you missed it, you can find the first par of this series here : If you have any question, comment, suggestion, or if you want to send me one of your projects […]

Python Optimization and Pro Tips For TouchDesigner

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Python in TouchDesigner is a very powerful tool but one that can also be difficult to approach and can introduce performance issues in larger projects. One of our […]

What Do We Want to Be (When We Grow Up)? – David Biancardi

Talk: What Do We Want to Be (When We Grow Up)? Our community’s approaches, tools, and techniques are increasingly valuable to clients connecting with their audiences through digital layers in physical places – from temporary experiential events & activations to permanent installations in architectural contexts. This session will explore the “emerging field” that we are […]

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] 20.04.2020 Battle of Kinect: XBOX vs AZURE

A lot of people asked me if the extra price of the azure kinect is worth. Lets check it out!

TOP Players (Quarantined) – Episode 03 – Simon Alexander Adams

If you liked this video, please support me on Patreon. Thank you! COMPLETE RECORDING AND RESOURCES LINKS HERE: 00:00 – History and Background 01:00 – ARTECHOUSE 02:00 – Personal Journey 06:00 – Daily Practice and Influences 10:00 – From Tutorials to Personal Projects 14:00 – Polyhop’s Instagram 20:00 – Personal Webpage 21:00 – […]

TOP Players (Quarantined) – Episode 02 – Markus Heckmann

If you liked this video, please support me on Patreon. Thank you! COMPLETE RECORDING AND RESOURCES LINKS HERE: 00:00 – History and Background 07:00 – Personal Work and Webpage 14:00 – Personal Creative Approach 19:00 – Art vs Commercial 22:30 – Tutorials and Workshops 26:40 – The Node 27:30 – Current TD Updates […]

TOP Players (Quarantined) – Episode 01 – Bileam Tschepe

If you liked this video, please support me on Patreon. Thank you! COMPLETE RECORDINGS AND RESOURCES LINKS HERE: 0:00 – History and Background 9:40 – Finding Inspiration 12:00 – Discipline training 13:00 – Patreon and Youtube Tutorials 14:00 – Reaction Diffusion techniques 17:00 – Influences and creative inspiration 19:00 – Mikrokosmos – Personal […]

TouchDesigners Sunday Webinar 2020.0419

ONLINE TOUCHDESIGNER SESSION [ Program ] 0:01:32- Preview of New Features On April 10 2020 Derivative released TouchDesigner Build 2020.22080. This session will give an overview of some new features in this release. – New streaming workflows with NDI and RTMP – Nvidia Flex particle-based physics simulations Download this sample file : – TDAbleton […]

Choosing the Right Projector for Projection Mapping in TouchDesigner

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: In this video, Elburz provides the tools you need to choose the right projector for your project, on a budget you can afford. When looking at projectors for […]

System Design for Large Scale Installations – Colin Hoy

Workshop: System Design for Large Scale Installations Example files: This workshop will focus on system design for large scale installations. Notably, the session will review the basics of setting up a standardized project environment in order to manage multi-machine installations. This includes config-based dynamic loading/protocols for development and production environments, file structure/directory conventions, code […]

Alembic GLSL instancing with Touchdesigner: offset Animation Timing per instanced geometry

In this video/teaser we’ll give you an introduction of our recently developed ‘GLSL Alembic Instancing’ tool in Touchdesigner. We’re currently recording a multiple part tutorial series about our workflow between Blender and Touchdesigner regarding instancing alembic files and how to offset animation timing per instance. Beta release is already available at our Patreon. We believe […]

VJing set cleanup 1/3 | TouchDesigner Project Review 01

In this video, we are looking at a VJing set made in TouchDesigner and in need of a cleanup as well as optimization. My name is Perihelion, I am a creative artist with a passion for code and digital arts. I have a keen interest in software optimizations—where you make sure you only use the […]

The Next Level Shading in TouchDesigner – Satoru Higa | BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes 2019

比嘉 了(BACKSPACE Productions Inc.) リアルタイムレンダリング映像表現における「質感」にフォーカスし、TouchDesginerをプラットフォームに次のレベルの質感に挑んだ道のりを紹介します。 ## Document — ## BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes イベント内容 プログラミングの高度なスキルを持ちながら、多様かつ特殊な方面の技術を組み合わせた表現を得意とする BACKSPACE Productions Inc. から清水基・比嘉了の2名が近年取り組んでいるプロジェクトや研究開発の裏側を紹介し、実際に手を動かしながら内容を短時間で体験して頂けるような解説を行います。 またSEP, inc. より、ディレクター / CG ディレクター / CG デザイナーとしての活動を通しTVCM・TVドラマのタイトルバックデザイン、企業CIなどのあらゆる映像を手掛ける笠原裕美子さんをゲストに迎え、映像制作の裏側をレクチャーして頂きます。 本イベントは技術的なトピックを扱う為、主にプログラマーの方を対象としています。 映像表現の為のツールから制作をするプログラマー目線と、映像業界の最前線で活躍するCGディレクター目線、2つの方向からの話題を通し、同業の方への情報提供 及び 業界の実力の底上げを目的としています。 詳細: ## 日時 2019-12-20 6pm – 10pm 参加費無料 ## 場所 〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木3-16-35 イースト六本木ビル スペースシャワーTV B1Fスタジオ

En Tiempo Real – Sesión 1. 09-04-2020

Multistreaming with Eng Below. En tiempo real es un evento online sobre el uso de diferentes herramientas para la creación de contenido inmersivo e interactivo en el mundo de las artes digitales y las industrias creativas. En esta primera ocasión estaremos con Carlos Serrano ( + Play – desde Berlín que nos hará […]

ยิ้มเสนอ EP.00 [1 / 2] | ศิลปะ และ เทคโนโลยี ไปด้วยกันได้ยังไง??

Please subscribe us for our news update, good stories and tutorial clips via : Subscribe เพื่อติดตามข่าวสาร เรื่องราวดีๆ รวมถึงคลิปการสอนจากพวกเราได้ทาง : – YIMSAMER ขอเสนอ ‘ยิ้มเสนอ’ รายการที่นำเสนอเรื่องราวเกี่ยวกับโลกของเทคโนโลยี ศิลปะ งานออกแบบ หรือ ใดๆที่ทาง YIMSAMER ต้องการนำเสนอ – ยิ้มเสนอ EP.00 [1 / 2] | ศิลปะ และ เทคโนโลยี ไปด้วยกันได้ยังไง?? ตอนนี้ เอิร์ธ สุชาครีย์ จะพาเพื่อนๆทุกคนไปดูกันว่างานออกแบบหรือศิลปะในยุคศตวรรษที่ 21 นั้นไปอยู่ที่จุดไหนกันแล้วบ้าง? อะไรคือเบื้องหลังการสร้างผลงานเหล่านั้น และ เพื่อนๆสามารถสร้างศิลปะในยุคที่เทคโนโลยีดูล้ำเกินกว่าเราจะเอิ้อมถึงได้หรือไม่? คำตอบอยู่ภายในตอนนี้เลย! – ติดตาม […]

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] 09.04.2020 Preset Madness

We will have a nice look at the new Azure Kinect which just arrived onym doorstep!

Best Practices for TouchDesigner Collaboration

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Working with multiple developers and designers on a single TouchDesigner project can be tricky. Nevertheless, collaboration is a critical component of every TouchDesigner pro’s toolkit. That’s why we […]

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] 06.04.2020 Azure Kinect

We will have a nice look at the new Azure Kinect which just arrived onym doorstep!

TouchDesigner from scratch @OnlineFestival (на русском)

поддержать преподавателя: Сбербанк 5336 6903 4438 6331 Яндекс кошелек 410018463309399 Базовый курс по среде визуальной разработки TouchDesigner. Курс направлен на формирование у слушателей фундаментального понимания принципов визуального программирования и концепций заложенных в основу среды TouchDesigner. Внимательно пройдя этот курс вы получите все необходимое, для самостоятельного развития в области создания комплексных интерактивных систем с использованием этой […]

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] 03.04.2020

Follor me allong while I talk to the screen and work on my more or less very important projects. Rubberduck per excelence!

Working From Home and Creating Online Content as a TouchDesigner Developer

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Elburz starts this video off with some advice for how to keep yourself productive and sane during the tough global situation and long hours spent indoors. His years […]

[TouchDesigner – Devstream] 01.04.2020

Watch me do Touchstuff and fix my components. This times we continued work on the TauCeti PresetSystem.

[TouchDesigner – Devstream] 31.03.2020

Watch me do Touchstuff and fix my components.

How to Make a Living with TouchDesigner – Elburz Sorkhabi

Talk: How to Make a Living with TouchDesigner Have you ever asked yourself one of the following questions: How much should I charge clients when making a custom project using TouchDesigner? How should I communicate with bad clients? How do I develop contracts? How do I stop people from calling me for free gigs? How […]

[TouchDesigner]Presetsystem Update 2_113 .Added an external storage parameter to define another comp to store the presets. .Stack now stays consistent over restarts and saves. .Cuelist, Dashboard and MidiMap now can define a preset that will be loaded before the actual recording takes place. .Updated the prompts in components to a modern version. .New Component Randomizer: Takes all […]

TDNeuron – A Gradient Descent Into Madness – Darien Brito and Tim Gerritsen

Workshop: TDNeuron – A Gradient Descent Into Madness Assets: TDNeuron is now available in the COMMUNITY section of Derivative’s website. Machine Learning is taking over as a new means for creative and artistic practice. Many platforms already exist that make it relatively easy for programmers to use and integrate in projects. Nevertheless, as mere […]

TouchDesigner Roundtable VIII

The Touchdesigner Roundtable Berlin is a meeting point for creatives and developers that work with the visual development platform TouchDesigner099 as well as everybody that is curious about the world of interactive media art and the people behind it. ROUNDTABLE VIII For the first, but certainly not for the last time we go online with […]

Performative Experiences With TouchDesigner

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of video training, a private Facebook group, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: In this video, Elburz sits down with Hal Lovement who is an amazing artist, entrepreneur, and TouchDesigner developer, to discuss his next generation performance-based interactive video installation system for […]

Why Notch is Exciting for TouchDesigner Developers

In this tutorial, Elburz introduces you to Notch and demonstrates why it’s the most exciting software to use alongside TouchDesigner. The combination of Notch’s high-quality dynamic content creation and TouchDesigner’s flexibility and power as a media server can elevate your projects to a new level, all while dramatically reducing development time. To join The Interactive […]

TouchDesigner Stage Window – Intro Coming from a media server background the main feature I’ve missed most getting into Touchdesigner is having the ability to lay elements out on a stage or workspace.  This multipurpose and highly customizable tool allows you to freely position media items and outputs within a blank workspace. Outputs are cameras that render the media […]

Advanced Techniques in Media Management, Sequencing and Playback – Peter Sistrom

Workshop: Advanced Techniques in Media Management, Sequencing and Playback In this workshop Peter Sistrom will share his experience devising a flexible system for media sequencing and playback in many different and demanding scenarios over the last six years. Over time he has become familiar with the evolving set of features in TouchDesigner that have allowed […]

Pixelstretching with Touchdesigner

In this video/teaser we’ll give you an introduction of our recently developed ‘Pixelstretcher’ tool in Touchdesigner. Free tutorial coming soon! Please like and subscribe to stay up to date! Instagram: Facebook: For our workfiles: Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

How to Build Your Ideas in TouchDesigner

In this video, one of our HQ PRO members asks two great questions: 1) What are the must-learn operators in TouchDesigner? 2) How do you even begin to figure out how to build your ideas in TouchDesigner? Elburz dives deep into the idea of seeing everything in TouchDesigner as data, and how to approach using […]

How to Start Networking as a TouchDesigner Pro

One of the hardest things we have to do as Interactive tech and Immersive media professionals is network. In this video, Elburz workshops how to introduce yourself and navigate networking events and opportunities. Additionally, Elburz provides feedback for an HQ PRO member’s professional website. Want to get in on coaching calls just like this? Join […]

How to Prepare for a Permanent TouchDesigner Installation

During this group coaching call clip, a member of The Interactive & Immersive HQ PRO asks “How should I prepare my TouchDesigner system for a permanent installation? Are there certain things that you always do? Can you talk us through your process? Thanks!” I answer with a high level run down of all of my […]

TDMorph Toolbox Update

Updates and indications for the beta release of TDMorph Toolbox

MAMI – TouchDesigner Bridge – Javier Álvarez Bailen

Talk: MAMI – TouchDesigner Bridge In this talk Javier Alvarez Bailen will tackle a problem that he kept encountering – clients requesting interactive installations that would require multiple devices (i.e. radas, cameras, various sensors). Due to the number and variation of devices designers would be forced to build and configure a new TouchDesigner project each […]

Lost in Space – Jakob Povel

Talk: Lost in Space GRANTECAN is currently looking in to new ways of showcasing their research to the public.They scout the never ending universe for what lies beyond. Timing is fortunate and this project is set to be completed at the start of the summit. What a great way to share this amazing journey from […]

Quantitative Easing – David Braun

Phaser CHOP Github: Talk: Quantitative Easing This talk is for intermediate TouchDesigner users and will focus on generative animation techniques. One of the 12 principles of animation is “overlapping action.” Multiple objects should move at the same time and in slightly different ways. When using only a handful of objects, this effect is easy […]

Network System Control – Gil Castro

Talk: Network System Control This session will provide a basic introduction to networks systems control in TouchDesigner. One of the most powerful features of TouchDesigner is that it contains the default tools to create control servers through local or public networks, for the development of professional and high-end interactive systems. It allows you to create […]

Interactive Flowers Projection with particleSOP – Akiko Yamashita

Talk: Interactive Flowers Projection with particleSOP Akiko will present her most recent work ‘Hana Fubuki’, an interactive flowers projection for Artechouse DC. The presentation will cover both artistic and technical aspects of creating an art installation. From concept and prototyping to pre-visualizing the project using using TouchDesigner, Akiko will discuss the technical requirements of the […]

TDMorph Demo

Demonstration of work in progress of a new tool in TouchDesigner

Novel Approaches to UI and Content Management – Corey Schneider

Talk: Novel Approaches to UI and Content Management This talk will help you get the most out of TouchDesigner’s built-in features and teach you how to develop your application without reinventing the wheel. Participants will learn how to rapidly develop a UI for managing portable and reusable generative content as well as how to automatically […]

Case Studies of FullDome Storytelling Projects – Yan Breuleux and Rémi Lapierre

Note: We lost some of the audio recording so we used the audio from a second camera feed, sorry for the audio quality. Talk: Case Studies of FullDome Storytelling Projects This presentation will address the challenge of creating real-time content while using particle tools for fulldome display formats. The discussion will focus largely on the […]

Dynamic Simulations for Large Scale Interactive Installations and Performance – Vincent Houzé

Talk: Dynamic Simulations for Large Scale Interactive Installations and Performances Human beings are used to living in a world ruled by the laws of physics, which is why using controlled digital dynamic simulations is a particularly effective way to create relatable digital worlds that people can engage with. The combined ability to sense people in […]

Universal Project Template – Bertrand de Becque

Note: We lost some of the recording near the beginning so we used the audio from a second camera feed, sorry for the audio quality for the first 6:00 Talk : “Universal” Project Template How can we automate certain tasks when producing interactive projects? How can we avoid having to reconfigure the same options for […]

Inside “Genome of Luck” – Eugene Afonin and Yan Kalnberzin

Talk: Inside “Genome of luck” In this talk, Eugene Afonin and Yan Kalnberzin will describe how they integrated Python between the genetic simulator, Framsticks, and TouchDesigner for their multimedia installation Genome of Luck, which was produced for the exhibition Orient Express, featured as a special project at the 2015 Moscow Biennale. For the installation a […]

The Art of Probability – Mathieu Le Sourd

Talk: The Art of Probability Digital media offers a wide range of possibilities that can draw out the relationship between sound and image. With a variety of digital techniques music can be experienced as a total audiovisual phenomenon. This masterclass will teach participants how to use randomness and probability in order to give life to […]

New Interactions at Exhibits and Museums – Josue Ibañez

Talk: New Interactions at Exhibitions and Museums Cocolab is a Mexico City-based firm and one of the largest laboratories of art and technology in Latin America that uses TouchDesigner as their primary tool. The firm has been featured in festivals that include Day Night, Mutek MX, Today’s Art, and recently SXSW as part of the […]

Parametric Thinking – Roy and Tim Gerritsen

Talk: Parametric Thinking The newly formed Dutch studio, yfx lab explores the overlap between design, science, and technology. Focusing on a data-driven approach, yfx lab investigates the possibilities of building and controlling complex systems and algorithms without losing the ability to manage, adapt, and design. Using a parametric approach, a bridge is made between technology […]

Building A Nodal Show Control System – Matthew Haber

Talk: Building A Nodal Show Control System with TouchDesigner BeSide has developed a user-friendly control environment called Xperience that can be used for prototyping sound, lighting, video, and automation control throughout the automotive design process. This suite of tools, which includes an authoring environment and a JSON-defined modular playback engine architecture, is entirely built using […]

TouchDesigner for A/V shows: Free Online Open talk with Stanislav Glazov

Our Next TouchDesigner Online workshop: On 29th of June Stanislav Glazov held an online public talk about the technical part of Antarctic Takt. Antarctic Takt is an audiovisual performance, created by musician Dasha Rush and visual artist Stanislav Glazov. Originally developed for the Berlin-based Atonal Festival 2014, this show was highly appreciated at countless […]

Touchdesigner Stream Clock Optimization

Quick video to talk through some planned project optimizations for a couple Touchdesigner projects. Streaming from Vancouver, BC touchdesigner, #visual coding #realtime #timekeeping #education #science #art

Stream Clock Optimization

Quick video to talk through some planned project optimizations for a couple Touchdesigner projects. Streaming from Vancouver, BC touchdesigner, #visual coding #realtime #timekeeping #education #science #art

TouchBar #8 Live feat. Stefan Kraus

First time streaming the TouchBar live on Air, with our returning guest Stefan Kraus of MXZEHN. After that, we will have the conclusion of our contest, to create the best Christmas Tree!

[Touch Bar #4] 3 Clock, 5 Minutes

This are the results of the contest for the TouchBar #4. The mission was to build a clock. Every contestand had 5 minutes to explain his patch.

[Touch Bar #4] Jonas Schmitt – Some love for exports

Jonas Schmitt of Alpha Moonbase gives a little talk and examples about exports and exporttables and show different usecases.

[Touch Bar #4] Corey Schneider – Integrating Amazon Webservice into TouchDesigner

Corey Schneider talks about integrating the Amazon Webservice and Cloudinfracstructure into TouchDesigner with his custom-built components. Something went really wrong with the recording, i am sorry for the quality!

[Touch Bar #3] Ivan DelSol – Designing shareable components

Ivan DelSol of Derivative talks about his design-principles when creating components for TouchDesigner. Also we get a glimpse of the interface-future of TD with the new function Widgets.

[Touch Bar #3] Stefan Kraus – NDI in a multi-vj-environment

Steffan Kraus of MX10 talks about his experience with NDI to crate a VJ-Jam of 4 VJ’s parctivipating live all at the same time.

Composing Spatial and Interactive Visual Music – Dave and Gabe

Additional Files – Extending the techniques found at the heart of sound-reactive visual systems, we will present our methods for writing musical compositions that are designed for multi-channel speaker arrays and large-scale light installations. We’ll discuss frameworks and tools we use that allow us to collapse the gap between sound and visual design. Demonstrating […]

Geometrical Music – Rui Gato

A personal work in progress, based on one possible translation of geometrical forms to musical information. The presentation will start by following the TD network flow, explaining all the technical details and optimizations, then a short live example will demonstrate the system. This workshop was recorded at TouchDesigner Summit held in Berlin Feb 3-4 2018.

Music Production in TouchDesigner – Felix Larreta

Additional Files – Relax and enjoy Felix’s beautiful sounds created with TouchDesigner. Artist Felix Larreta will walk us through some of his audio projects that will introduce us to multiple aspects and techniques for music and sound generation in TouchDesigner. Like audio synthesis on GPU, MIDI generation, a UI example for controlling Ableton Live […]

Light Installations with TouchDesigner – Stefan Kainbacher

Additional Files – How to plan, organize and develop a custom Light Installation. Choosing the right light source and protocol. How to set up a Test-Setup and how create interactive content. We also set up a little Test-Environment with a PixelPusher and Custom LED-Strips as well as a DMX-Test-Setup. This workshop was recorded at […]

Planetarium #1 – The Biggest Planetarium for the Lower Budget Ever! – Ildar Iakubov

Ildar Iakubov, project’s chief video engineer, will briefly navigate us through several .toe’s that create a 37 meter dome projection with 39 FullHD projectors, allowing for 8K playback, interactive content and many more. Another 30 minutes would be a standup-сonfession, covering all the weirdness and terror that stand behind “let’s just use TouchDesigner and VIOSO […]

Your Diploma with TouchDesigner – Tomasz Miśkiewicz

A showcase of student projects from the New Media Arts Multimedia Studio at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw. Thoughts on teaching TouchDesigner. This workshop was recorded at TouchDesigner Summit held in Berlin Feb 3-4 2018.

GLSL Fluids for Great Shader Success – Noah Norman

Additional Files – This talk will be a narrated dash through a scratch implementation of the Navier-Stokes fluid advection algorithm as a ‘hello world’ of TOP-space GPU computation. A basic fluid system will serve as an entree to discuss render buffers, pixel formats, texture buffers, and GLSL best practices in the TouchDesigner context. This […]

Let’s Talk TouchDesigner Episode 3

Loads of python in this episode! Presenters: Matthew Ragan – Ian Shelanskey – Apologies for the end – The software that I use to screen cap decided to quit.

Let’s Talk TouchDesigner Episode 2

The incomparable Matthew Ragan and myself discussing some Tips and Tricks of TouchDesigner. About Me