Intermediate946 Videos

UV math in Touchdesigner

Here’s a short tutorial on UV and a little math in order to get any input picture or footage remapped into some patterns. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

Poster made with Touchdesigner TUTORIAL #004

How to make a ‘Delusional Tunnel Twist Effect’ in Touchdesigner

In this tutorial we’ll have a look at how to set up a patch in Touchdesigner for giving your clips and stills a delusional effect by creating depth with the smart use of geometry and texturing. table of contents: intro 00.00 render setup 00:20 geometry/SOP 02:20 material 06:50 instancing data 10:23 tweaking 14:40 additional effects […]

Widgets Part 10 – Advanced Binding

A deep dive into the MIDI mapping of a full controller using the Bind CHOP. Learn about channel management to make renaming, organizing and mapping of large controllers easier to manage and maintain. Starting Project: Completed Project: TouchDesigner 2020.25380+ required TouchDesigner mapping tools mentioned at 00:42 Alphamoonbase’s Galileo Mapper Family – Emintzer’s […]

Snake Game in Touchdesigner

Use python make a snake game in touchdesigner. Github:

TouchDesigner GLSL Compute Particles Tutorial

Files are here:

Image Instancing – TouchDesigner Tutorial 26

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we convert a 2D texture into 3D geometry using TOP instancing. We also create a reaction diffusion sketch as an example. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 03:00 Setup 05:40 Grid Creation 09:30 Image Input 17:14 Reaction Diffusion Example 22:24 Composition Of Examples 23:14 Further Possibilities 25:44 Outro —– Reaction Diffusion Material: […]

13 Support

You can support this and other of my open source projects by donating here: Support

12 Patterns

Learn how to use Patterns with TDMorph.

11 DataGrabbers

Demonstration of tools that can be used to access specific data from the PresetManager.

10 PresetAnimator

Easily create animations from your set of presets.

9 SceneLauncherScriptsAndTransport

Launch scenes and control sequences.

TouchDesigner Looping Tiling Noise Tutorial

corrections: at 11:43 I should have said “0 to 30” and at 12:00 I should have said “30 pixels long” at 14:16 I should have said “shifting the red channel” at 21:32 I should have said “the ring, the radius from the center” download the files:

Poster made with Touchdesigner TUTORIAL #002 Color lover palette picker:

Creating Projection Mapping Content with UVs – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Elburz shows you not only a high level overview of how UVs work, but also dives into creating UV maps directly in TouchDesigner for geometry you […]

Generative color palettes. Part 1/2

Algorithms to generate nice color palettes. Why defining colors in GLSL sometimes could be better than do it in TOP operators? Recreating palettes from Zach Lieberman and Inigo Quilez in TouchDesigner. Download project file here: Resources mentioned in the video: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contents: 00:00 – Intro […]

Touchdesigner | Communication with Arduino, Raspberry Pi

터치디자이너와 라즈베리파이 및 아두이누 기기들과 Serial 또는 OpenOSC등의 프로토콜을 이용해서 커뮤니케이션을 하는 방법에 대해 알아 보도록 하겠습니다. 파이썬과 C언어를 다루니까 관심 있으신 분들은 참여하세요. 그런데, 라이브는 트위치로 하고 유튜브에 올리는 방법도 연구중입니다.

Quantization Height Map in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

Special thanks to @bileam tschepe You can download a project file in below link now. Thank you for watching. And thank you to help me for making this video 🙂 위 링크에서 프로젝트 파일을 다운받으실 수 있습니다. 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 영어 교정 도움 : akkaummado ————- Patreon : Website : Instagram : […]

NKB Workshop 001 // Featuring SOYUN PARK, the founder of a studio RGBdog

Never Knows Better and Creative Code Art are featuring our first workshop with Soyun Park, the founder of a studio RGBdog. Topic: TouchDesigner // Duration: 30 minutes What you will need: TouchDesigner (download a free version here: About the workshop: Soyun Park, the founder of a studio RGBdog, takes us through her tool kit […]

Organic Growth – TouchDesigner Tutorial 25

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a feedback loop to make a structure grow based on noise or images. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 02:55 Setup 05:58 Main Technique 10:11 Additions 12:05 Image As Base 15:36 Outro —– Diffusion Limited Aggregation Blogpost: Particle Image Reveal: Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks […]

GLSL simple & useful tricks #2

Simple GLSL code to make a noise with a variative period (frequency). The idea behind this series is to provide simple (even for complete beginners) GLSL code, that could do something that would be really hard to make in TouchDesigner alone (or that would require a lot of CPU/GPU time without GLSL). You could download […]

Looping Rhythms – TouchDesigner + Ableton Tutorial 4

In this tutorial we dive deeper into the connection of TouchDesigner and Ableton, into building UI’s with widgets and connecting both. We create a custom component with which you can set the tempo of the ableton project and play rhythms that loop instantly fitting to an external song or an audio file. —– 00:00 Intro […]

Touchdesigner – Particles system on TOPs. Part 2. Attractor velocity, SOP input and colors.

In this tutorial we are going to build a basic particles system with sources, attractor and forces, all the computanional system based on TOPs. In this second part we will polish the attractor velocity, build Sops inputs and adding colors.

Touchdesigner – Particles system on TOPs. Part 1. Sources, attractor and forces.

In this tutorial we are going to build a basic particles system with sources, attractor and forces, all the computanional system based on TOPs. In this first part we are going to build the core of the system.

Augmented reality in TouchDesigner tutorial with Dylan Roscover

This tutorial was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. It covers the fundamentals of Augmented Reality (AR) in TouchDesigner using an Oculus Rift, ZED Mini and Leap Motion. In it you will learn how to wire a network that renders both interactive 3D geometry from TouchDesigner and pass-through stereo video from ZED […]

TouchDesigner _05 Gradient Waves

Gradient colours, blend modes, GLSL and lots of noise TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.23680 00:00 – Intro 00:45 – Konami! 01:10 – Examples 01:24 – Grid 02:23 – Displacement 07:15 – Time / Speed 08:14 – Colours 13:50 – Grain 15:56 – Overlay 16:45 – Outro Instagram:

Creative shading with render buffers – part 2 (GLSL)

This tutorial will show you how to achieve interestingly looking renders with a use of color buffers tool in TouchDesigner. This is second part of two, where I’m showing how to manually define buffer outputs in GLSL MATs, that opens much more possibilities, than using Phong MAT as in part 1. Three “green” containers from […]

GLSL 101 Shaders for Everyone – Van Ta

Workshop: GLSL 101: Shaders for Everyone In this workshop participants will acquire a basic understanding of how GLSL shaders operate within TouchDesigner. Additional information around their syntax and common use will be reviewed. This will be achieved through the creation of two real-life projects (an analog style synthesizer and a 2D pattern generator). The instructor […]

Creative shading with render buffers – part 1

This tutorial will show you how to achieve interestingly looking renders with a use of color buffers tool in TouchDesigner. This is first part of two, where I’m showing basic setup and options you have without using custom GLSL MATs. You could support me and download project file with an examples from this tutorial on […]

How to Quickly Calibrate Sensor Data in TouchDesigner (Tutorial)

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Sensors output a lot of data. Kinects, Leap Motions, and touchscreens all output a wide range of data and […]

displace TOP in Touchdesigner

Here’s a little exploration of ‘displace top’ inspired by a topic on Touchdesigner Help Group; by just using it inside a feedback loop you get the simplest particle system …I really hope you enjoy this. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can […]

30min Time attack[TouchDesigner]

This is a TouchDesigner making movie on the concept “Let’s make work within 30min!” ; and I’ve failed.. it took 40min :_( Making text characters pop out one by one using Texture3D TOP. 「30分以内で作品作り」というコンセプトでTouchDesigner作業動画をあげました …時間内に間に合いませんでしたが(オイ) Texture3d TOPを使って文字を一つ一つ表示しています BGMはD-elf.com様よりお借りいたしました “Ancien Ocean – FreeVer.”, “Serialize free BGM Ver.” Here you can DL .toe file! .toe fileはこちら […]

How to do a While Loop That Doesn’t Crash TouchDesigner (tutorial)

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Everyone has had the experience of learning Python and trying to implement their new techniques in TouchDesigner. A common […]

Widgets Part 9 – Binding to channels with the Bind CHOP

A quick introduction to the Bind CHOP and how to bind parameters to CHOP channels. Starting Project: TouchDesigner 2020.24520+ required MIDI, OSC, and other inputs often come into TouchDesigner as CHOP channels. This workflow shows how to bind these channels to parameters anywhere in your project.

TouchDesigner GPU Instancing 2/3 [0xDEADBEEF Quarantine Zoom Jam]

In this Zoom recording, me & @rey.nbows build GPU instancing in TouchDesigner by writing GLSL shaders from scratch. You will learn how to write a particle system that does not use CPU. The original jam sessions (totaling nearly 6 hours) were edited into series of ~30 min videos with essential information. @rey.nbows channel

TouchDesigner GPU Instancing 1/3 [0xDEADBEEF Quarantine Zoom Jam]

In this Zoom recording, me & @rey.nbows build GPU instancing in TouchDesigner by writing GLSL shaders from scratch. You will learn how to write a particle system that does not use CPU. The original jam sessions (totaling nearly 6 hours) were edited into series of ~30 min videos with essential information. @rey.nbows channel


Gracias por estar aquí! Hay diferentes formas de generar escenas con reflejos en Touchdesigner. Aquí dejo una aproximación para lograr algunas composiciones. Esto seria un comienzo. Se puede llevar mucho mas lejos. Dale click a Suscribirse para más tutoriales. Thanks for being here. There are different ways to generate scenes with reflections in Touchdesigner. Here […]

Touching Typography – Case 1: Noise Grid – part 2 of 2

Welcome to part 2 of this Noise Grid Text animation tutorial! Make sure you follow part 1 first. You can find it here: In this new tutorial series we are going to explore certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool […]

TD-Runway introduction – TouchDesigner component for Runway ML

Introduction and tutorial for using Runway with TouchDesigner with the TD-Runway component. Component and documentation are available here:

Touching Typography – Case 1: Noise Grid – part 1 of 2

In this new tutorial series we are going to explore certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre […]

recursive displace in Touchdesigner

Here’s a quick codeless method for doing different sorts of fluids simulations based on recursive displace. In this one, I also cover some other good tricks for rendering out height maps with no pbr material or geometry. ‘The secret life of chaos’ is the movie where you will find the best explanation of what feedback […]


Beginner level to show how you can build and assign materials and screen map to it for project previsualization.


Beginner level to show how you can build and assign materials and screen map to it for project previsualization.

Instancing Geometry with Mouse interactive in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

You can download a project file in below link now. Thank you for watching! And thank you to help me for making this video 위 링크에서 프로젝트 파일을 다운받으실 수 있습니다. 봐주셔서 감사합니다! 영어 교정 도움 : akkaummado ————- Patreon : Website : Instagram : Facebook :

How to Render TouchDesigner Nodes [TUTORIAL]

Get the files: Other relevant files: (nodeHeight, nodeWidth, etc.)

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] TouchCast #1 Stephen Bondly ArTe

Stephen Bondly is one of the driving forces behind alot of the functionality of the TauCeti preset engine. In this first episode of the Rubberduck Touchcast, a more technical format with at least two people ping ponging nonsens, we will take a look at Stephens integration of Unreal and TouchDesigner making use of the TauCeti […]

Perfect loops in TouchDesigner

Some ideas, tips and tricks for making perfect loop (or seamless video) in TouchDesigner. Mostly it’s Pattern + Lookup CHOPs, but I share different tips & tricks along the way of explaining the topic. You can download project files by supporting me on Patreon – Timecodes: 00:00 – Idea behind the topic 02:30 – […]

TouchDesigner InSession – June12th 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Somil Metha Instagram: @msomil —-

How To Make A Lyric Video – TouchDesigner Tutorial 22

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we create a lyric video using two techniques: keyboard in for live playing (plus recording) and the animation COMP for exact timing. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:18 Audio 03:30 DATs Setup 06:49 Tek 1: Keyboard Selection 10:30 Text TOP 14:14 Recording the Keys 16:45 Tek 2: Animation COMP 21:00 Simple […]

Secret TouchDesigner Operator Tricks With paketa12 & Elburz

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: paketa12 shows a few techniques in TOPs, including the ways you can use the new pixelRepack tool in the […]

Touchdesigner Moving primitives and noise settings in a shader Tutorial

This lesson is about how to move separate groups of primitives of a single geometry using a shader. And a little about setting up noise in the shader. I made a mistake (video time: 15:40). For an exponential function, it’s correct to write this: noise = noise * exp(abs(noise)*uExponent)/exp(uExponent); Этот урок о том как перемещать […]

Animated typeface – используем анимированные шрифты в Touchdesigner и Resolume

В этом уроке мы научимся работать с анимированными шрифтами в #Touchdesigner и отправлять полученный текст в #Resolume. Говоря проще, будем в реальном времени писать всё что захотим на экранах и не тратить время на бесконечный рендер заставок с именами диджеев. Готовый патч и шрифт из урока доступны подписчикам на Patreon! VJ SCHOOL можно поддержать единоразово […]

Dinstaning (distance based instancing) tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to change instances parameters (scale, color, texture, etc) based in distance from the camera or light source. And all that without any GLSL coding! You can download a project files from this tutorial and motivate me to keep doing tutorials by becoming my Patreon supporter – Timecode: 00:00 […]

dense grid in Touchdesigner

Here’s a simple way of doing projection mapping with a very dense grid on the desired surface. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:


Hey! First of all, download link to components and project file here: Second, I wanted to make a tutorial about nvidia flow with good looking results since I wasn’t able to find many tutorials that did. This is my first tutorial so there are a lot of rough edges haha! Hand Model props go […]

Обучающие стрим про таймкод в Resolume и Touchdesigner

В этом видео мы знакомимся с Timecode (SMPTE), рассмотрим подключение к #Resolume, узнаем что такое Framerate и создадим патч управления шоу из таблицы Excel с помощью #Touchdesigner. Временные метки: 6:38 – Интро 9:53 – Что такое Timecode? 13:00 – Как проверить что приходит Timecode 14:30 – Как подключить Timecode 15:57 – Генератор Timecode в Touchdesigner […]

Projection Mapping using Touch Designer Class #3

This class touches on how to make some live visuals using Touch Designer.

Voxelizing everything with TouchDesigner

How to turn any point cloud or geometry into voxel graphics inside TouchDesigner using simple trick. If you find this tutorial helpful, you could support me on Patreon Timecode: 00:00 – Intro and little theory 03:00 – making setup from scratch 13:06 – using point cloud transform from the palette Different application of the […]

2D compositiond and animation 02

project files –

2D compositiond and animation 01

project files –

The Top 4 TouchDesigner Operators You Aren’t Using (but should be)

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: TouchDesigner has a lot of operators. While many are well known, there are a subset of operators that seem […]

TouchDesigner live coding session 1: creating MIDI Sequencer

Будем создавать миди секвенсор для управления драм машиной из тач дизайнера. Git репозиторий проекта: Начало контента на 17:30 Приятного просмотра, не забывайте подписываться!

Spout For Python Library (updated) Spout For Python class wrapper for easy use.

Custom Components & Parameters – TouchDesigner Tips, Tricks and FAQs 8

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we create a Base Comp with custom parameters, so you can create your own reusable components. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:24 Creating the Network 09:40 Setting up the parameters 15:03 Binding the controls 21:12 Second example / Outro —– Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial – How To Add Undo Redo To Your UI

The project file can be found here-

TouchDesigner tutorial test / Particle Instancing & Shadow

recording test I will upload real version of tutorials 🙂

TD Logic 02

Basic system logic in TD. – state machine – interaction triggers – gameEngine

TD Logic 01

Basic system logic in TD. – state machine – interaction triggers – gmaeEngine

ParticulesGLSL partie04

Ce tutoriel reprend les fondamentaux des GLSL shader pour gérer les particules dans TouchDesigner et plus particulièrement les Compute Shader. lien vers les projets:

Outrun / Landscapes – TouchDesigner Tutorial 19

In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we look at how to create a landscape that we are moving through. In one of two versions we make the whole thing have this 80s/synthwave/outrun style. Compression is screwing with this a bit :/ Looks a lot better in TouchDesigner. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 03:02 Part 1 – Landscape […]

Plexus in Touchdesigner

This is a remake of an older tutorial I did years ago, but now it’s much faster due to the new features in Touchdesigner. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

Keeping In Touch 06 – Matching Lasers to Projection Part 2

download the project file here:

Particules GLSL partie03

les particules GLSL dans TouchDesigner: âge et temps lien vers les projets:

TouchDesigner – Nvidia Flex Solver COMP – Tutorial, Experiment – Basic Setup

Touchdesigner – Realtime Fluid Simulation Particle Physics – Nvidia Flex Solver COMP – Tutorial, Experiment – [ 2020.22080 ] ____________________ ____________________

TouchDesigner _03 Curl Noise

Boxes swirling with curl noise, geometry instancing and compute shader TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.20020 Peter Werner – Intro to Curl Noise: cabbibo – glsl-curl-noise: Inigo Quilez – useful little functions: 00:00 – Intro 00:17 – About Curl Noise 01:36 – Render Setup 03:24 – Compute Shader 09:10 – Geometry Instancing 10:32 […]

[TouchDesigner Tutorial] Kantan UV Helper

Kantan Mapper is an awsome tool for projection mapping, but performance can get a big hit by usin it. The Kantan UV Helper is a simple, but very powerfull way of getting the most performance for what actually matters.

Tutorial : Gource-TouchDesigner Network Visualization Tool

This video will walk you through how to use the tool I’ve created, available for download here: You can read more about gource, and download it on it’s own here: ffmpeg is also bundled in the first link, here it is on it’s own as well:

Introduction + Laser & Visual Integration – Motoi Shimizu | BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes 2019

0:00 Introduction 5:30 Mandalay – Laser + Visual Integration 101 清水 基(BACKSPACE Productions Inc.) 映像とレーザーを同期させる自作のシステムを Mandalay と呼んでいます。 Mandalay使用事例や制作方法、経緯やコンセプト、及び他者とのコラボレーションについて紹介します。また、自室での小さなテストからアリーナクラスの大きな会場までスケールさせた道のりを、実際に使用したソースコードやTouchDesignerファイルと併せて解説します。 ## 参加者全員用のメモ–AyHpYx3vxSQImB2vPJgYBZq4Ag-m2KcMPB2iFddohTx9i1W4 — ## BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes イベント内容 プログラミングの高度なスキルを持ちながら、多様かつ特殊な方面の技術を組み合わせた表現を得意とする BACKSPACE Productions Inc. から清水基・比嘉了の2名が近年取り組んでいるプロジェクトや研究開発の裏側を紹介し、実際に手を動かしながら内容を短時間で体験して頂けるような解説を行います。 またSEP, inc. より、ディレクター / CG ディレクター / CG デザイナーとしての活動を通しTVCM・TVドラマのタイトルバックデザイン、企業CIなどのあらゆる映像を手掛ける笠原裕美子さんをゲストに迎え、映像制作の裏側をレクチャーして頂きます。 本イベントは技術的なトピックを扱う為、主にプログラマーの方を対象としています。 映像表現の為のツールから制作をするプログラマー目線と、映像業界の最前線で活躍するCGディレクター目線、2つの方向からの話題を通し、同業の方への情報提供 及び 業界の実力の底上げを目的としています。 詳細: ## 日時 2019-12-20 6pm – 10pm 参加費無料 […]

Alembic GLSL instancing with Touchdesigner: offset Animation Timing per instanced geometry

In this video/teaser we’ll give you an introduction of our recently developed ‘GLSL Alembic Instancing’ tool in Touchdesigner. We’re currently recording a multiple part tutorial series about our workflow between Blender and Touchdesigner regarding instancing alembic files and how to offset animation timing per instance. Beta release is already available at our Patreon. We believe […]

Particules GLSL partie02

les particules GLSL dans TouchDesigner: vitesse et accélération lien vers les projets: