Intermediate945 Videos

TDMorph – 5.Preset Manager

A demonstration of Preset Manager, the core of TDMorph.

[TouchDesigner]Presetsystem Update 2_173

Exiting new ways to use the presetsystem with Expressions and tagging !

2D compositiond and animation 01

project files –

Secret TouchDesigner Operator Tricks With paketa12 & Elburz

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: paketa12 shows a few techniques in TOPs, including the ways you can use the new pixelRepack tool in the […]

Organic Growth – TouchDesigner Tutorial 25

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a feedback loop to make a structure grow based on noise or images. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 02:55 Setup 05:58 Main Technique 10:11 Additions 12:05 Image As Base 15:36 Outro —– Diffusion Limited Aggregation Blogpost: Particle Image Reveal: Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks […]

How the Bauhaus Would Have Loved TouchDesigner – Stefan Kraus

Workshop: How the Bauhaus Would Have Loved TouchDesigner Example Files: 1:37 – Stefan Kraus / The Node Institute Berlin 5:17 – Bauhaus 44:19 – TouchDesigner Basics 1:46:25 – 1 FarblichtSpiel 3:07:45 – 2 Clock 4:01:14 – 3 Replicator 5:07:07 – 4 LED When Walter Gropius founded the legendary design school Bauhaus one hundred years […]

Camera displacement (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Broken mirror and distorted lenses effect with camera displacement trick. Made in TouchDesigner with basic level GLSL code, so no previous GLSL knowledge is required. Project file (including Voronoi tiles) available for patrons – Contents: 00:00 – Explanation of the idea behind effect 03:25 – Making effect for standard TD rendering setup (polygonal geometry) […]

RayTK Tutorial: 2D to 3D shapes

This tutorial shows how to use RayTK operators like extrude and revolved to create 3D scenes based on 3D patterns. Download the toolkit:

Particle system with GLSL part2 – Custom emitter (Touchdesigner tutorial)

Support me on Patreon and get access to all project files and more stuff: Download the Attribute Transfer .tox Part1 with basic particle system: Check out my other tutorials:


today we create some interactive structure! download more detailed project files and get access to more tutorials and files: ​​ BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out my work on instagram​​ stay kind. sound in the beginning is custom made by RAAYS.

TouchDesigner資料控制技術與Python運用|Matthew RAGAN

TouchDesigner與Python的整合是它最令人興奮的超級能力之一。從變換操作者到探索機器學習的技巧,一旦你開始把某些語法技巧應用到TouchDesigner的工作流程中,一個充滿創作機會的世界便等著你來探索。在這場講座中,我們將介紹一些使用Python的簡單想法,探討如何從網路上直接抓取資料,最後談論在TouchDesigner中使用機器學習函式庫的未來應用。 |Matthew RAGAN Matthew RAGAN擔任教育工作者、導師與顧問的時間已逾十五年。他擁有一個內容豐富的教學資源檔案庫,可供創意程式設計社群使用。他同時也專精於創建數位環境互動系統。他於2015年從亞利桑那州立大學跨領域數位媒體暨表演學程取得碩士學位。在此之前,他曾擔任麥迪遜廣場花園公司即時內容創作的軟體總監,以及Obscura Digital的互動工程師。 ──────────────────────────────── C-LAB未來媒體藝術節|TouchDesigner新媒體互動集線器

INTERAKTIVES DESIGN | Mit JavaScript, p5js & TouchDesigner zum Erfolg | P3-1 Episode 2

Instagram: @johanna.el Hier gehts zum Talk (Das Poster, dass wir interaktiv gestalten) p5js:

TDinstanceUE – Streaming TouchDesigner instancing data into Unreal Engine

! Should also work with UE5 ! Ever wanted to have the instant beauty of Unreal Engine with the real-time power of TouchDesigner when creating particle systems and instanced geometry? This toolchain will let you do just that! Full step-by-step workshop as part of a Masterclass on Off World Live’s Discord channel, link for recording: […]

Generative Brick Wall PBR – TouchDesigner Tutorial 56

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re creating a PBR material from scratch using instancing and lots of post processing. The base technique can be used to make virtually any material, have a look into using the Metallic / Ambient Occlusion maps too! For pre-made PBR materials have a look here: You can download the […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial – Show and Tell: key frame functionality (Ep 8)

00:00 – Intro 00:03 – Logic behind key frames 01:18 – Building key framing functionality 13:23 – Add UI control 17:15 – Outro

Holiday Point Cloud Transitions – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Holidays are just around the corner! In this tutorial we will go over how you can transition seamlessly between different 3D point clouds in TouchDesigner. You […]

John Maeda-style Generative Poster Design in TouchDesigner

John Maeda is a well known designer, artist, and computer scientist who has continually pushed the boundaries of not only disciplinary divisions between art and design, but also the use of the computer as an artistic medium. His series of posters for the Morisawa Inc., a type foundry based in Japan, pushed the boundaries of […]

Speech-To-Image Stable Diffusion Demo in TouchDesigner

Speech to Image demonstration using OpenAi’s Whisper + GPT3-Turbo. There’s still some quirks to work out, and maybe I’ll address some of them in this livestream.

Nvidia Body Track CHOP in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Video File Download Link: Video Info: Me walking in the waves by sgu18ify, CC Attribution 3.0 Unported License: New feature alert! With the […]

Dancing Lights – Pointclouds and Chromatic Aberration – TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there to make more of these possible and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– a simple pointcloud/particle and chromatic aberration tutorial. I was compelled to make […]

Easing in TouchDesigner

This video looks at easing in TouchDesigner. Specifically, what it is, why it is useful and how to use it in your projects. We will look at the core basics, followed by a walkthrough of an example project. Lastly I’ll demo a tool called TDEase I’ve created that makes it a bit faster to play […]

Point Clouds in TouchDesigner099 Part1 – Instancing

With instancing being the cornerstone to dealing with point cloud data, this first part of the workshop will look at the why and how of instancing plus introduce some advancements to instancing in the experimental 30k series.

Touchdesigner – Manual Twitter scraper!

Some of our most popular programs are now available over on the website: Here is a good one! Using the python oAuth2 module to poll twitter for search data and start parsing the response into something meaningful. Based on some work that drove an interactive twitter wall at a networking event – watching for […]

Python in TouchDesigner | Variables | TouchDesigner

Core Concepts Understanding variables in Python (different form what we mean with TouchDesigner variables) Referencing by using variables in a script simple scripting simple preset recall

Stream Clock

Streaming from Vancouver, BC touchdesigner, #visual coding #realtime #timekeeping #education #science #art

Touchdesigner OSC Query Server Component – In-depth Demo (using Chataigne as client)

Component: Touchdesigner: Chataigne:

Tutorial : Gource-TouchDesigner Network Visualization Tool

This video will walk you through how to use the tool I’ve created, available for download here: You can read more about gource, and download it on it’s own here: ffmpeg is also bundled in the first link, here it is on it’s own as well:

TD-Runway introduction – TouchDesigner component for Runway ML

Introduction and tutorial for using Runway with TouchDesigner with the TD-Runway component. Component and documentation are available here:

Touching Typography – Case 3: Stair Cube

In this tutorial series we are exploring certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre baked. We’re rebuilding […]

3 methods for visualizing Kinect skeleton

3 different approaches to visualize Kinect joints data: points, lines and metaballs. Apart from showing how to setup these, in this tutorial I’ll share some ideas how you can use it later to create very different looking outputs. Download project file with 3 main components here – …or became my Patreon supporter and download […]

RayTK Tutorial: Materials

This tutorial covers the new materials in RayTK v0.13, including the new modular material system that lets you build your own materials by combining shading elements. Make sure you are using v0.13 or later. Downloads:

Circular Texture Slicing in TouchDesigner

Get access to 80+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: The creative frontiers of UV’s are limitless! Building on awesome UV-based content creation workflows, Jack DiLaura guest hosts this continuation of his great tutorial on how […]

Touchdesigner – Text mapping on grid Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn how to map texts onto a plane or grid to make typography animation using Text SOP and stylizing it later in TOP. It’s a simple and fun technique I’ve been playing around for quite sometime now, and I think it’d be great to share this quick technique on how […]

(ES) TouchDesigner Tutorial 22 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.1.0 Hello, Color]

Hola a todos, en esta nueva serie de tutoriales exploráremos los códigos de diseño generativo del libro Generative Design aplicados y explicados en Touchdesigner. —- Proyecto Final: —- Libro: Codigo Original: Repositorio Touchdesigner: —- Puedes apoyarme en: —- O seguirme en: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud:

Video auto player using camera in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

This video auto player will help you when you have an video exhibition! 00:00 Intro 00:49 Here is the plan 01:42 Video Device to get difference 04:28 Cutoff value 06:35 Video switch 08:54 Start from beginning 11:27 Autoplayer tools 12:25 Outro You can download a project file in below link now. 위 링크에서 프로젝트 […]

TouchDesigner Art Residency Toolkit – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Every artist or developer has a toolkit they like to use. When traveling to project sites or art residencies, it can be particularly difficult to know […]

Integrating Stream Deck + in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, Crystal will show how you can integrate Stream Deck by Elgato into your TouchDesigner workflow. We will use the MIDI plugin to control […]

Multitouch Data in TouchDesigner — iPad/iPhone and Wacom Tablet

Project Files: Tablet to OSC (for Wacom tablets): This video demonstrates how to use multitouch data in TouchDesigner. It shows how to use two different multitouch input devices: iPhone/iPad using an app called TC-Data, and Wacom tablets using software I developed called Tablet to OSC. The video walks through accessing the data from […]

02 Lsystem in particles

Here the link for the sop unwrapper : Remember to support OLIB. Give me feedback , and let me know if you have some request for a turorial. Unveil_studio:

Instancing Trails without feedback in #touchdesigner

Instance trails are additional instances that follow an instance. In this tutorial we build a reusable component with which you can transform any instancing network to trailing instances. Previous popular methods have done this using Feedback to cache the instancing data, but here we use a Cache TOP and replicate multiple Cache Selects which gives […]

NO MORE KINECT : Body Track GPU Particle

#kinect #touchdesigner #beginner #particle #shader #glsl Need the sample file? Being a Patreon : Chapter 0:00 Intro 1:23 Body Track CHOP 4:07 Skeleton Visualization 13:07 GPU Particle 16:38 Compute Shader 34:19 Apply a force 37:26 Brightness problem Tiktok : IG: X : Patreon :

Tutorial: DMX Stepper Motor Position Control with Arduino and Touchdesigner

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a simple DMX stepper motor controller with an Arduino for position, speed, and acceleration control. Then we build a simple system for controlling it in real-time with Touchdesigner. Parts used: Arduino Uno DFRobot DMX Shield Enttec DMX USB Pro TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver Stepper Motor 12V DC […]

Wavy Interference Patterns in TouchDesigner

Use simple equations to create complex, dynamic wave patterns, ripples and distortions with TouchDesigner! We will take a look at (just a little bit) of math and theory, using this to create a simple feedback system to generate our visual effect. Click-based interactions make it super easy to experiment with this system and extend it […]

Aurora Audio Spectrum – TouchDesigner Tutorial 2

In this tutorial I explain how to achieve the presented glitchy, wavy audio spectrum thing effect using instancing, feedback and displace. IG: @elekktronaut

Audio spectrum wave pinboard, TouchDesigner tutorial

An overview on how to make a fun audio spectrum wave pinboard, and my thoughts on TouchDesigner after a week with it. Toe file:

29th Split texts[TouchDesigner](English)

In this tutorial, we made a lyrics display tool. It automatically split texts at each white space and each line. And it flip those words with keyboard. 今回は歌詞を表示するツールのご紹介です。テキストをスペースと行ごとに分けて、キーボードで操作して歌詞をおくっていきます。 You can download .toe file in this movie below. .toeファイルは以下からDLできます。 今回は英語です English tutorial, this time. Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら In this tutorial, I refered “bileam […]

Intro to TouchDesigner for Pixel Mapping – Ben Voigt and Markus Heckmann

Additional Files – The projection and pixel mapping workshop is meant for users that are already familiar with the TouchDesigner interface and its operators. Participants will learn how to map video content onto unconventional projection surfaces or addressable LED pixels. This workshop was recorded at TouchDesigner Summit held in Berlin Feb 3-4 2018.

Controlling Video With Audio – TouchDesigner Tutorial 14 (see description)

NOTE: Because of a copyright claim i had to mute the sound in some parts. I hope you can still understand what’s going on! Let me know if you need any help, I can also send you the video on request. Much love —— In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re using the cue parameter of the […]

Kinect – Touchdesigner tutorial – (1)

Vamos a estar viendo diferentes técnicas utilizando Kinect dentro de Touchdesigner. Datos técnicos: 00:00 Ejemplo visual 1: 6:40 Ejemplo visual 2: 29:16

TouchDesigner tutorial test / Particle Instancing & Shadow

recording test I will upload real version of tutorials 🙂

GLSL 101 Shaders for Everyone – Van Ta

Workshop: GLSL 101: Shaders for Everyone In this workshop participants will acquire a basic understanding of how GLSL shaders operate within TouchDesigner. Additional information around their syntax and common use will be reviewed. This will be achieved through the creation of two real-life projects (an analog style synthesizer and a 2D pattern generator). The instructor […]

Snake Game in Touchdesigner

Use python make a snake game in touchdesigner. Github:

Simple geometry displacement – Touchdesigner tutorial

In this tutorial I explain a nice displacement technique using geometry instancing and TOP operators. Feel free to customize it and publish your results. For my other works, check IG: @singoltone

TouchDesigner Spirograph Part 2: Drawing Modes – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this video, we’ll add some additional drawing modes to the Spirograph drawing program that we created in the last video: This will allow for the program to draw several new styles that weren’t possible in the original (but are possible with a real Spirograph). With these new modes, we get closer to having […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 12 – Parametric Equations: Trifolium (CHOP’s,TOP’s & Python)

#touchdesigner #tutorial #mathart #parametriequations #ltrifolium Hello everyone, Welcome to this new tutorial on parametric equations in which we’ll learn how to graph and instance a Trifolium with CHOP’s,TOP’s and Python. —- Project Files: Init(Free) – Final – —- Music: Two Thousand and Seventeen by Four Tet — You can support me on: Or […]

Александр Глущенко – TD Extensions @ Touchdesigner Meetup #7

Александр Глущенко – “Введение в TouchDesigner Extensions и их практическое применение” Контакты спикера: Мероприятие прошло при поддержке Artnovi space Следите за новостями Чат по тачдизайнеру

Feedback Textures – TouchDesigner Tutorial 47

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re getting back to some feedback magic for creating some abstract textures similar to Reaction Diffusion or Voronoi. —– Chapters coming soon! —– Special thanks to: 480 Productions, Abigail, Acid Johnny, Adam Scheirman, Ahmad Taufiq, Ai Soon, Alex Ramos, Andrea Civati, Andrei N, Andrew Edman, Annie Yang, Austin Paxton, Austin Taylor, […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 26 – Case Study [Generative Design: P.1.2.2 Color palettes from Images]

Hello everyone, in this new tutorial we’re going to recreate the code for the Chapter 1.2.2 “Color palettes from images” of the Generative Design book inside touchdesigner. Enjoy ! —- Final Project: —- Book: Processing Code: You can support me on: —- Or following me in: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: […]

Make Your Own Turntable Using Arduino and Touchdesigner

Instagram: Facebook: Link to the 3D-printed files: and Link to the Arduino and Touchdesigner codes: Link to my previous video: 3D print of the buddha stormtrooper: Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:35 – Hardware 2:40 – Assembly 3:57 – Touchdesigner 9:25 – Arduino 15:30 – Shoot The Stormtrooper 15:51 […]

Touch Designer Basics_006 – 2D Generative Texture

Touch Designer Basics_006 – 2D Generative Texture Touch Designer 入门_006 – 二维平面纹理生成器 by – Ignatius Low 罗资翔 BLACKBODY EMISSION 放射物质工作室 TouchDesigner #006 / Build 2021.10330 / Windows 10 *严禁任何商业用途,包含但不限于商业转载/下载/打包出售等行为,一经发现将采取法律行动,谢谢配合* ———-Contacts / 联系方式 ———- Instagram: blackbody_emission E-mail: WeChat: LowZiXiang97 (备注:名字、学校/公司、那里取得信息?)

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Generative Instancing

In this video, I do a walkthrough of an existing instancing network I built, designed to look like randomly shifting geometry that resets on command–the command in most cases being some kind of audio input for music visualizers or real-time stage visuals. This isn’t a conventional tutorial where we build from scratch. It’s more of […]

TouchDesigner tutorial Interactive with camera

Touchdesignerを使ってカメラに反応するインタラクティブな作品の作り方を紹介します。 今回使用した画像はオリジナルの絵本「はぐるま島ココロのひみつ」のキャラクターです。 絵本はこちらで無料で読めますのでぜひ♬ はぐるま島HP 絵本無料公開中! はぐるま島ココロのひみつ kindle キャラクターの画像は販売しています。購入後自由にお使いください♬ Haguruma Island NFT OpenSea ハートが爆発する映像はこちらから無料でダウンロードできます。 Explosion of Heat[動画合成素材] ——————————————————————————- WEBカメラを使って動き[モーション]を撮りますが、僕のPCにはWEBカメラがついてないので、NDIを使ってiPhoneから映像は取り込んでいます。 NDIとTouchdesignerの使い方はこちらの動画を参照してください。 Touchdesigner[NDI][ライブ配信]複数のカメラを切り替えてライブ配信する方法 キャッシュでモーションキャプチャできたらキャラクターをランダムに動かします。 そしてキャラクターとモーションが重なった部分をトレースで認識させて、映像再生のボタンにします。 パーティクルを使っていないので、前回までのTouchDesigner tutorialより動作は軽いと思います。 僕もまだわからない部分が多いので、もっといい方法あれば教えてください~♬ ——————————————————————————- TouchDesigner tutorial Interactive with camera 00:20 Interactive作品の紹介 01:11 NDIで接続 モーションをとる方法 10:07 キャラクターをランダム配置 17:22 キャラクターとモーションの当たり判定 23:15 ハートの映像を流す方法 24:45 効果音の再生 ——————————————————————————- ぎまパパチャンネル[プロジェクションマッピング/Scratch/TouchDesingnerの使い方/VJ] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa […]

Point clouds Part 1 – Twisting Shrines :: Touchdesigner Work Stream

Highlights from my live stream exploring point clouds in touchdesigner, working on some visual ideas such as animating by colour, selecting and performing operations on different sections of the cloud, and adding aesthetic features to the render. Find me: Instagram: Website: Twitch: Vimeo (high res digital artworks): Twitter: Chapters: 00:00:00 […]

TD as Game Engine, Part 3: First Person Camera

A series of tutorials diving into a very large project (over 6000 operators), in which TouchDesigner is used to create a first-person game-like experience for installation and performance contexts. Part 3 investigates the “FPC_LOCATION_CONTROL” container, which handles how our joystick input gets translated into camera movement in the world coordinate system. 00:00 Intro 00:29 Map […]


Download the project files and more here. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. Palette component: Life component: A custom 3d particle system without the particles GPU component. —————- 0:00 intro 1:02 initial set-up 3:03 instancing grid 5:12 creating the feedback loop 5:55 noise vectors 8:00 life component 9:30 color […]

Ikeda Patterns in Touchdesigner

Patreon Page: Instagram:

40 Python in Touchdesigner : "0 to Her0" _pt.3 :: ui.colors

Hi, here the third part of this journey. He we will discover how to use python so to change the ui colors of Touchdesigner itself. You can find the project file here : Consider to support!!! Best, Simo

The Ultimate Guide to Responsible Gambling

In an ever-evolving landscape of wagering, understanding the principles of entertainment with care is essential for anyone looking to partake in this thrilling activity. Engaging with various platforms can be exhilarating, but it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring that one’s experience remains enjoyable and within safe boundaries. Insights into legal frameworks such as […]

Touchdesigner tutorial 08 – Animation Component (FPV running effect)

Actually not so quick touchdesigner example how to use Animation Component. In this example I’m trying to create FPV effect like a man running from the enemy.

Touchdesigner Mograph Tutorial

This tutorial is about how to control geometric parameters using textures. Этот урок о том, как управлять геометрическими параметрами, используя текстуры.

TouchDesigner Tutorial – Denoising Sensor Data – Part 1

In this video we will look at various methods to smooth out sensor data. In the past, I have run into problems with noisy data coming from Arduinos and distance sensors and here are some solutions I have come up with to get consistent data. See the next part here:

V1.1 demo

A demonstration of new features and important changes. Get it now Make sure to check out the tutorials (particularly number 5)

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] 06.04.2020 Azure Kinect

We will have a nice look at the new Azure Kinect which just arrived onym doorstep!

Voxelizing everything with TouchDesigner

How to turn any point cloud or geometry into voxel graphics inside TouchDesigner using simple trick. If you find this tutorial helpful, you could support me on Patreon Timecode: 00:00 – Intro and little theory 03:00 – making setup from scratch 13:06 – using point cloud transform from the palette Different application of the […]