PAW Creative Labs

I am speed #touchdesigner #interactiveart #games #cars #lights

If only painting was this easy. Feedback tracking and position based color changing textures on an fbx model of a cool looking Mustang in @touchdesigner @blankensmithing badradio_ @interactiveimmersivehq

Play with balls #interactiveart #touchdesigner #interactiveart #lightandsound

Another real time interactive project inspired by a @crystaljowart @interactiveimmersivehq tutorial using @touchdesigner and #mediapipe @blankensmithing .

Agamograph #touchdesigner #interactiveart #spirits #trippy #liveart

Spirits on the other side, say Hii! Made in @touchdesigner learnt it from @elekktronaut . Head tracking using @blankensmithing #mediapipe. The head tracking is a little jittery because of the phone thats right in front of my face, without it runs flawlessly.

Digital Angels #touchdesigner #interactiveart #snowangels #liveart #play #hallucinations #trippyart

Tried making the mosaic texture by @fifthchatgroup , failed miserably but ended up making it into an interactive snow angel which was fun. @touchdesigner

Black Mirror #mediapipe #touchdesigner #interactiveart #realtimeeffects

Playing with SOPs and TOPs and MATs is almost lego-like. The inspiration was the Black Mirror title sequence. @touchdesigner

Noisy Box #touchdesigner #mediapipe #interactiveart #realtimeeffects #livevisuals

Synthwave Feels. After some head tracking, hand tracking, SOPs and a lot of post processing effects later… @touchdesigner

What's Something #interactiveart #thoughts #touchdesigner #magify #perspective #realtime #visualart

Here’s a quick snap of a conversation happening in my brain. The idea was to create a playful magnifying glass and you move around to read the text that’s in the blob back there. I first wanted the text be all philosophical and about perspective and whatnot, but sometimes something is better left the way […]

Echoes of a slitscan. #mediapipe #touchdesigner #interactiveart #echos #slitscan #trails

The feedback speed and direction is tracked by the direction of your head and how much you tilt it. Also worked with image masking and matte for the tshirt. @touchdesigner @blankensmithing