Touchdesigner Tutorial: Midi Controlling Point Clouds

This is a tutorial/patch walkthrough of my approach to controlling visuals with MIDI. This is a huge topic, and largely outside the scope of a single tutorial, but hopefully it will help get the creative juices flowing.

Here’s the Marcus Heckmann tutorial I reference:

The .toe for this project can be downloaded here:

The .exr file of the statue in the middle can be downloaded here:

Typically project files are reserved for my Patrons but since this is a convoluted patch, and much of it began life as the aforementioned Heckmann tutorial, I wanted to make it available so this is easier to follow. The main point is just to talk through setting up MIDI control and some things to consider from a creative standpoint.

If you’re interested in more detail on manipulating point clouds I highly recommend the tutorial linked above.

This video uses external audio from Logic and an M-Audio Oxygen49 MIDI Controller. If you follow the steps to map in a midi device, this will work with any controller.

Early access to an ever-growing library of tutorials and project files for all my tutorials are available on my Patreon

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