Pseudo Voronoi – TouchDesigner Tutorial 24

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a feedback loop to make a pseudo voronoi structure. This technique can be used in many different ways, this is just one appliance. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 02:12 Main Technique 06:33 Additional Options 10:10 Outro —– Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks to: AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, […]

Watercolors – TouchDesigner Tutorial 23

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a feedback loop to imitate watercolors or ink in water. In the second part of the video we make the project interactive. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:49 Setup 04:27 Feedback 05:58 Slope Explanation Attempt 10:29 Color etc 13:38 Interaction 21:00 Additional Stuff —– paketa12 – Recursive Displace: […]

Creative shading with render buffers – part 1

This tutorial will show you how to achieve interestingly looking renders with a use of color buffers tool in TouchDesigner. This is first part of two, where I’m showing basic setup and options you have without using custom GLSL MATs. You could support me and download project file with an examples from this tutorial on […]

TouchDesigner: My First Component

Powered by Restream Designing my first component in TouchDesigner.

displace TOP in Touchdesigner

Here’s a little exploration of ‘displace top’ inspired by a topic on Touchdesigner Help Group; by just using it inside a feedback loop you get the simplest particle system …I really hope you enjoy this. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can […]

Philosophical Tools: Frame Buffer

Philosophical Tools is a tutorial series that focuses on toolmaking, media art, and the histories/philosophies that entangle them. My goal is to weave these elements together while I share with you how to create the processes in the node-based programming environment TouchDesigner. This week details how to make a simple Frame Buffer.

TouchDesigner Particle Fireworks[パーティクルで花火]パート2

TouchDesignerのParticleオペレーターを使って花火を作っていきます(パート2) パート1でParticleの土台できました。 パート2では、Particleを2D(cameraを設置)へと変換していきます。 後は花火として綺麗に色付けや数を決めていきます。 ぎまパパチャンネルHP[プロジェクションマッピング・Scratch・TouchDesingnerの使い方] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa #Touchdesigner #Particle #Fireworks

What is feedback? feedback in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

You can download project file in below link now. Thank you for watching! And thank you to help me for making this video 위 링크에서 프로젝트 파일을 다운받으실 수 있습니다. 봐주셔서 감사합니다! 영어 교정 도움 : akkaummado ————- Patreon : Website : Instagram : Facebook :

Analog feedback distortion

From our dependance at La Palma we’ve recently installed an arsenal of analog video equipment. We’ve rendered a bunch of videoloops for (audio-)visual purposes. It’s TRUE analog! Most of the effects can be recreated in Touchdesigner and or something like After Effects, but we believe that the product of this analog workflow gives a different […]


TouchDesigner第2回初級講座です。(2020.4.23) 彩度を上げて盛ったバナナをいっぱい回転させます。 脱入門講座はこちら 第1回初級講座はこちら ▼この動画でわかること -TOPを置くだけでできる簡単な画像処理4個 -FeedBack(画像が動いた軌跡を残すエフェクト) -Tile TOP 【TDSWって何】 TDSW(Tokyo Developer’s Study Weekend)は、クリエイター向けに主にTouchDesignerをメインとしたワークショップやイベントを主催しているプロジェクトです。 様々な業界で活躍されている方を講師に招いて旬の技術をお届けしています。 ▼ ワークショップの情報はこちらから 【編集振り返り記録】 昨日までは空気に向かって独り言を放ちながら収録をしていたのですが、今日は飼い猫を相手にワークショップをしている気持ちでやってみました。人であれ猫であれ話す相手がいる方が多少元気にスムーズに解説できる気がしますね。 あと、サムネイルを研究してだいぶマシになったかと思います。日々進歩です。

Aquarium Screensaver – TouchDesigner Tutorial

This tutorial was part of live stream from Phase Space Download Project:

Pixel Sorting – TouchDesigner Tutorial 16

In this tutorial, we create a pseudo pixel sorting effect in TouchDesigner using only TOPs and a feedback loop. Add a level after the substract to adjust the darkened image. Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks to: AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Jules Guerin, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum and Teruhisa If you […]


TD intro feedback answers For intro you can watch any TD workshop for beginers (CHOPs, TOPs, DATs, MATs, COMPs and interface)

touchdesigner tutorial basics sphere effects

#touchdesigner#tutorial#effects This is a touchdesigner basic effects tutorial. You can easily create effects with only basic operations, based on geometry instance and feedback top. By changing the scaling of the values ​​such as math chop, transform sop and transform top as you like, the effect changes its appearance. 【instagram】

Sistema interactivo simple – Touchdesigner Tutorial

En este ejemplo veremos como realizar un sistema interactivo básico, usando operadores TOPS para detectar el movimiento de personas en un video. Luego podremos aplicar diferentes efectos visuales sobre las personas. Musica: Grupo de ayuda TD: Fuente:

Programando comportamientos del fx | Touchdesigner 7/12 -Customización del efecto -Programación de comportamientos del feedback

Generación de cadena de efectos | touchdesigner 6/12 -Generación de efectos -Creación de Feedback

touchdesigner tutorial – Particle tracking the mouse

#touchdesigner#particle#tutorial TouchDesigner tutorial on particles. In this video, we will create a particle that tracks the mouse. Generates airflow using the force and particle sops. 【instagram】

Making TOP trails (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Tutorial on creating full 3D trails and keep 60fps with a TOP operators. Support me on Patreon and get some extra files. You can also subscribe to my Insta and watch my TD experiments

Tiny Landscape – TouchDesigner Tutorial 12

In this tutorial, we create a low poly landscape and add moving water and trees. Including quite a few tricks that could be useful to you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

Vj loop 06 – OPview – Touchdesigner tutorial

Ejemplo de loop visual utilizando un opview para capturar la ventana de otro operador y convertirla en una visual

Touchdesigner Banana splitting Tutorial (Расщепление банана)

Thanks Markus Heckmann

‘Rain Room’ Tutorial – Transparent Textures, Instancing, and Feedback in TouchDesigner

A tutorial using transparency, instancing, and feedback fx in TouchDesigner! Please reach out with any questions/comments! GitHub repo: Rey Jarrell ig: @rey.nbows

Particle Displacement – TouchDesigner Tutorial 7

In this tutorial, we abstract particles by using feedback, compositing, blur and displace. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

Particle Image Reveal – TouchDesigner Tutorial 3

I was asked to show how to create this effect seen on my instagram page – so here you go 🙂 IG: @elekktronaut

Ludwigsburg Day1 Feedback Techniques

Describing various feedback techniques: scanline, basics of an audio/image spectrograph, nested feedback

Feedback Techniques (English / 日本語)

Explore different feedback techniques using TOPs in TouchDesigner. Example files: 2018 Advanced Class Day1 Lecturer: Markus Heckmann Link: Twitter: Interpreter: Shuhei Matsuyama Link: Twitter: 0:00 – Basic feedback and pixel formats 15:00 – Scanner effect 27:33 – Adjusting feedback parameters 30:07 – Mover effect 43:25 – Adding histogram 47:45 […]

Touchdesigner CrazyLine ep 6…

Touchdesigner CrazyLine ep 4…

Touchdesigner CrazyLine ep 5…

Touchdesigner CrazyLine ep 3…

Touchdesigner CrazyLine ep 2…

Touchdesigner CrazyLine ep 1…

TouchDesigner – Feedback Tutorial

It is a demonstration of the Feedback TOP (texture operator) in TouchDesigner.