Intermediate945 Videos

INTERAKTIVES DESIGN | Mit JavaScript, p5js & TouchDesigner zum Erfolg | P3-1 Episode 2

Instagram: @johanna.el Hier gehts zum Talk (Das Poster, dass wir interaktiv gestalten) p5js:

Interfacing Arduino Neopixels with TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, we’ll create small, interactive candle effects on Arduino and go over an introduction of interfacing TouchDesigner with Arduino over Serial. We’ll begin […]

Intro to TouchDesigner for Pixel Mapping – Ben Voigt and Markus Heckmann

Additional Files – The projection and pixel mapping workshop is meant for users that are already familiar with the TouchDesigner interface and its operators. Participants will learn how to map video content onto unconventional projection surfaces or addressable LED pixels. This workshop was recorded at TouchDesigner Summit held in Berlin Feb 3-4 2018.

Intro to TouchDesigner for Projection Mapping – Elburz Sorkhabi

Note: Elburz discusses some concepts for the first 10 minutes (with a black desktop) before demoing the software. The projection and pixel mapping workshop is meant for users that are already familiar with the TouchDesigner interface and its operators. Participants will learn how to map video content onto unconventional projection surfaces or addressable LED pixels. […]

Introduction + Laser & Visual Integration – Motoi Shimizu | BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes 2019

0:00 Introduction 5:30 Mandalay – Laser + Visual Integration 101 清水 基(BACKSPACE Productions Inc.) 映像とレーザーを同期させる自作のシステムを Mandalay と呼んでいます。 Mandalay使用事例や制作方法、経緯やコンセプト、及び他者とのコラボレーションについて紹介します。また、自室での小さなテストからアリーナクラスの大きな会場までスケールさせた道のりを、実際に使用したソースコードやTouchDesignerファイルと併せて解説します。 ## 参加者全員用のメモ–AyHpYx3vxSQImB2vPJgYBZq4Ag-m2KcMPB2iFddohTx9i1W4 — ## BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes イベント内容 プログラミングの高度なスキルを持ちながら、多様かつ特殊な方面の技術を組み合わせた表現を得意とする BACKSPACE Productions Inc. から清水基・比嘉了の2名が近年取り組んでいるプロジェクトや研究開発の裏側を紹介し、実際に手を動かしながら内容を短時間で体験して頂けるような解説を行います。 またSEP, inc. より、ディレクター / CG ディレクター / CG デザイナーとしての活動を通しTVCM・TVドラマのタイトルバックデザイン、企業CIなどのあらゆる映像を手掛ける笠原裕美子さんをゲストに迎え、映像制作の裏側をレクチャーして頂きます。 本イベントは技術的なトピックを扱う為、主にプログラマーの方を対象としています。 映像表現の為のツールから制作をするプログラマー目線と、映像業界の最前線で活躍するCGディレクター目線、2つの方向からの話題を通し、同業の方への情報提供 及び 業界の実力の底上げを目的としています。 詳細: ## 日時 2019-12-20 6pm – 10pm 参加費無料 […]

Isometric Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Sol LeWitt was a well known artist associated with the minimalist and conceptual art movements of the mid 20th century. He worked in a wide variety […]

John Maeda-style Generative Poster Design in TouchDesigner

John Maeda is a well known designer, artist, and computer scientist who has continually pushed the boundaries of not only disciplinary divisions between art and design, but also the use of the computer as an artistic medium. His series of posters for the Morisawa Inc., a type foundry based in Japan, pushed the boundaries of […]

John Whitney-style Oscillating Animation in TouchDesigner

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: John Whitney is one of the pioneers of computer animation, well known for his work both in the commercial and artistic fields. In the 1950s and […]

Kaleidoscope jellyfish TouchDesigner tutorial

This one is about getting flat colored polygons. Toe file here:

Kantan Mapper 3/3- TouchDesigner Tutorial

This is the final series of projection mapping. If you take all steps, you will be a projection mappinger!! -Mini Projector Link- 3.Vankyo GO200 ebay – AliExpress – Rakuten Ichiba* – *In terms of Rakuten, if you don’t live in Japan, you can use a global express service by Rakuten to get […]

Kasyno vs bukmacher – co jest bardziej opłacalne?

Die Welt des Glücksspiels bietet eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten für Spieler, die auf der Suche nach aufregenden Erfahrungen und der Chance auf großartige Gewinne sind. Bei der Wahl zwischen einem kasyno internetowe und zakłady sportowe stehen viele vor der Frage, wo die szanse na wygraną höher sind und welche strategie obstawiania die besten Ergebnisse verspricht. […]

Keeping In Touch 06 – Matching Lasers to Projection Part 2

download the project file here:

Keyframer Comp

A tour of the new Keyframer Component for TouchDesigner. You can download it here: A couple of notes: When I mention that the cubic function is using a Bezier function with its handles split into thirds, I should have said .3333 along X not along the hypotenuse. When I talk about changing the units […]

Kinect – Touchdesigner tutorial – (1)

Vamos a estar viendo diferentes técnicas utilizando Kinect dentro de Touchdesigner. Datos técnicos: 00:00 Ejemplo visual 1: 6:40 Ejemplo visual 2: 29:16

Kinect 2 vs Kinect Azure in TouchDesigner

In this video, Crystal will cover the differences between Kinect 2 and Kinect Azure in TouchDesigner. How do you get one of these devices, how is the technology different, and how do we use the sensor in TouchDesigner? We will build a simple network using displacement TOP to make a fun ghost-like visual. You can […]

Kinect point cloud tutorial

How to set up Kinect point cloud in TouchDesigner and get minimalistic abstract output from it. This is more or less same technique I used in this video – You can download .toe files both for stable and experimental versions here – (and it’s free!)

Kinect体感交互:深度相机完全使用手册「TouchDesigner」教程 Pt2 – Tutorial Tuesday

本期源文件: 链接: 提取码:LZou

Kinetic Particle Text in TouchDesigner (TUTORIAL)

Showing a technique I used in a recent project! If you’re a beginner, check out this series Color picker tool Follow me on the stuffs @tiwonku everywhere Instagram: Twitch:

Kinetic Typography – TouchDesigner Tutorial 17

In this tutorial we use instancing to create kinetic typography based on different 3D geometry. Files, exclusive content and more: Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, Teruhisa, Simón Jaramillo Vallejo, hans mortelmans, Yeah and Lloyd Marsden If you have any questions, feel free to ask. IG: […]

Kinetic Typography With Instancing – TouchDesigner Tutorial 49

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re using Instancing and Replicators to create a network for 3D typography that can be manipulated with systems like feedback and noise. (This video was a Patreon early access before, another early access will published later this month) Tex Instancing for Mac: If you have trouble integrating this technique, have […]

L-ISA & TouchDesigner Part 1 : L-Touch

A method for controlling L-ISA with TouchDesigner Concepts/Operators covered: -Custom parameters -Hold CHOP -OSC & OSC Out DAT -Python/CHOP Execute DAT

L-ISA & TouchDesigner Part 2: OSC Feedback

Getting parameter feedback from L-ISA Controller. Concepts/Operators covered: OSC in CHOP Override CHOP L-ISA OSC outpute Parameter/CHOP Binding

Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner – Lucas Morgan

Workshop: Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner GeoPix Example File: 0:00 – Introduction 6:02 – GeoPix demo 15:14 – Anatomy of GeoPix – An object oriented lighting design sandbox 39:50 – The Editor Tab – Dataflow, static to real-time 51:56 – The I/O Tab – Recreating TouchDesigner, in TouchDesigner 58:56 – The Perform Tab […]

LED Mapping – TouchDesigner 202 Workshop Berlin 15th of December 2018

TouchDesigner Workshop on December 15th 2018 covering LED Mapping techniques with Daniel Dalfovo

Lego Brick Instancing TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this tutorial we are gonna take a look at an instancing technique that lets us project image textures onto a grid of Lego Bricks! We are going to “3D Model” our lego brick in Touchdesigner, create an instancing pipeline, and explore some creative ways to use and expand the system. Always feel free to […]

let it snow in Touchdesigner

here’s my ‘clumsy’ method of doing falling snow with just a couple of operators. This method was inspired by @shrekly9 and @_ignatiuslow_ and I call it ‘clumsy’ because it might look discouragingly wrong …but it’s juicy enough. I hope you like this method. Thank you massive. .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to this channel […]

Level up your TouchDesigner Game with States!

[Please paste this link in two parts or remove the space] asset/stateful-containers/67874 Let’s make Stateful Containers the big new thing. Hype! Let’s go! Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Examples 04:28 How to wire it up 10:01 How to implement it 14:23 Outro 15:46 How it works behind the scenes

LidarTracker Tutorial 01 – About LidarTracker and Sign up

A lidar tool made with touchdesigner C++ CHOP, which can support HOKUYO、SLAMTEC、EAI、SIMINICS. – Connect multiple lidars. – Multiple lidars merge. – Add trigger range – TUIO & UDP This version is only available in Touchdesigner 2022+. E-mail: tox download::

LidarTracker Tutorial 02 – Connect and set up lidar

A lidar tool made with touchdesigner C++ CHOP, which can support HOKUYO、SLAMTEC、EAI、SIMINICS. – Connect multiple lidars. – Multiple lidars merge. – Add trigger range – TUIO & UDP This version is only available in Touchdesigner 2022+. E-mail: tox download::

Light Replication – TouchDesigner Tutorial 44

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re looking at a technique that mimics instancing for lights with Replicators, how to style them and how to make them audioreactive. Important: This is not instancing and not nearly as fast to process. Also, apparently it’s a lot faster skip the TOP part and simply stay in the CHOP family […]

Light trail with Texture 3D (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

Texture 3D is really fun! *This tutorial is refer to Kevin McGloughlin’s Max Cooper – Resynthesis official video ( 00:00 Intro 00:19 Kevin McGloughlin’s video 00:37 Let’s start! – webBrowser to inside luminance 04:00 Texture 3D 05:00 Grid and basic render setup 05:35 Line and instancing 07:45 Texture 3D to Material 10:32 Texture color setting […]

line transfer in Touchdesigner

Here’s a method for making a bunch of curved lines following an input texture. source file free to download: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon or follow me on:

lineas ortogonales – Touchdesigner tutorial

Sistema de lineas ortogonales, con posibilidad de manipular la rotación de escena a través de sliders. Fuente: Jean-François Renaud Archivo:

Liquid Gravel – Interactive Attractor and Particles TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there – to make more of these possible – and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– The Life Component: —– If you’ve finished the tutorial, it […]

Liquid paint marbling Effect in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

So simple but powerful (ノ´▽`)ノ Woogie projects : 00:00 Intro 00:17 What weill we learn? 00:45 Before we start 00:55 Let’s start! 04:55 How it works? 07:52 Double noise 08:43 Use image and Displace ratio 12:54 change 8 bit to 32 bit 13:34 with Video 17:52 Outro You can download a project file in […]

Live Coding TouchDesigner Noise Explorer 003

In this series I am live streaming the creation of a TouchDesigner noise exportation tool. TouchDesigner Download: TouchDesigner Forum: TouchDesigner Help Group Facebook: TouchDesigner Discord: TouchDesigner Reddit: Videos in series: Part 1: Videos in series: Part 2: If you are new to touch designer, take a look here […]

Looping Rhythms – TouchDesigner + Ableton Tutorial 4

In this tutorial we dive deeper into the connection of TouchDesigner and Ableton, into building UI’s with widgets and connecting both. We create a custom component with which you can set the tempo of the ableton project and play rhythms that loop instantly fitting to an external song or an audio file. —– 00:00 Intro […]

Low Polygon Wave in Touchdesigner (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

Using SOP to CHOP and CHOP to SOP process is really fun to make! 00:00 Intro 00:20 First setting and grid 02:20 Using Noise to ty 04:55 Render setting 06:20 Compute Normal with Facet 07:40 Normal/Facet Explanation 08:30 Wave with Ramp 10:30 X Z position with Noise 15:20 Camera, Light setting 17:20 Reflectivity material 18:35 […]

Ludwigsburg Day 2 GLSL Intro, GLSL TOP and GLSL MAT

Introduction to GLSL, covering 2D shaders as well as Normal Map displacement of 3D geometry.

Ludwigsburg Day 2 GLSL Intro, Kinect Pointcloud & Simple Particle Systems

taking the intro a bit further and building a 3D Pointcloud with the Kinect as a source as well as building a simple Particle System with turbulence.

Ludwigsburg Day1 Feedback Techniques

Describing various feedback techniques: scanline, basics of an audio/image spectrograph, nested feedback

Ludwigsburg Day3 – Python and Mapping

First half of day 3 focused on Custom Parameters, Python, Python Extensions, Projectionmapping Tools as well as Kinect / Camera Calibration

Magic Spheres (Height Maps) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 13

In this tutorial, we use processed images to create a miniature landscape with height maps! Link to images: Tutorial Playlist: Using Audio As A Time Substitute Tutorial: Sorry for the quiet audio. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

magical color with glsl part1 – touchdesigner tutorial

This touchdesigner tutorial is about iridescence with own glsl MAT. If you can write glsl, you can extend your range of expression!! IG:​ twitter: 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: GLSL for beginner glsl school: the book of shader: tdsw: write a glsl:

magical color with glsl part2 – touchdesigner tutorial

part2 This touchdesigner tutorial is about iridescence with own glsl MAT. If you can write glsl, you can extend your range of expression!! IG:​ twitter: 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: GLSL for beginner glsl school: the book of shader: tdsw: write a glsl:

Make Text Move Like Particles in TouchDesigner

In this tutorial you’ll learn how you can move text around as if it were a particle, but still maintaining all the font metrics, kerning, etc that you want from text rendering. The Geo Text comp is our key tool in this and we’ll learn how to use some of its special functions to make […]

Make Your Own Turntable Using Arduino and Touchdesigner

Instagram: Facebook: Link to the 3D-printed files: and Link to the Arduino and Touchdesigner codes: Link to my previous video: 3D print of the buddha stormtrooper: Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:35 – Hardware 2:40 – Assembly 3:57 – Touchdesigner 9:25 – Arduino 15:30 – Shoot The Stormtrooper 15:51 […]

Make Your Own Turntable Using Arduino and Touchdesigner

Instagram: Facebook: Link to the 3D-printed files: and Link to the Arduino and Touchdesigner codes: Link to my previous video: 3D print of the buddha stormtrooper: Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:35 – Hardware 2:40 – Assembly 3:57 – Touchdesigner 9:25 – Arduino 15:30 – Shoot The Stormtrooper 15:51 […]

Makin stuff with Touchdesigner! tiwonku and mrsnippy unite

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at


Project file available here: Instagram: Spotify: 00:00 – intro 00:03 – demo 01:03 – overview 05:47 – CHOP2SOP 11:21 – SOP2TOP 16:34 – Background 18:39 – Generative motion 31:14 – Keyframed motion 34:47 – Recording the animation 36:12 – outro

Making TOP trails (TouchDesigner tutorial)

Tutorial on creating full 3D trails and keep 60fps with a TOP operators. Support me on Patreon and get some extra files. You can also subscribe to my Insta and watch my TD experiments

Manfred Mohr-style Generative Art in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Manfred Mohr is one of the early pioneers of generative and algorithmic art, working with computer code to create art in the late 1960s and 1970s. […]

Manhsplains: How to leave a trail of real world objects in Touchdesigner

Go through a couple of concepts in touchdesigner. Beginner GLSL, feedback, and fake camera movement.

Mapping en Touchdesigner – Tutorial paso a paso

En este tutorial vamos a estar analizando las herramientas KantanMapper y Stoner, que se encuentran incorporadas en Touchdesigner. Nos permiten poder mapear nuestro contenido visual en objetos 3D, 2D, pantallas leds, escenografías, etc. pudiendo moldear los contornos, perspectivas y posición a gusto.

Mapping my Xbox Controller to Generative Art in Touchdesigner

Little step back in time from my last video. In this live stream I was mapping an old generative patch of mine to an Xbox Controller so I can perform live with it. Find me: Instagram: Website: Twitch: Vimeo (high res digital artworks): Twitter: Chapters: 00:00:00 – Coming Up 00:00:27 […]

melty UV in Touchdesigner

here’s what I believe is the most versatile particle engine you can get in TOPs. Most of the things I’ve done lately are based on this method. source file: Subscribe to this channel to get notified when I release new videos! You can support me on Patreon​ or follow me on:​

Meta Spark for TouchDesigner Creators

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: In this tutorial, we’ll create a fun social AR effect using face trackers and gesture detection in Meta Spark. […]

Metallic Rings with PBR MAT | TouchDesigner Tutorial

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: Follow us on social media: Instagram:…. Twitter: Website: Support us by donating on our PayPal: Absolute Beginner Video:… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials […]

MIDI Keyboard Visualisation – TouchDesigner Tutorial 29.1

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we use the Event CHOP and Instancing to create an abstract MIDI keyboard visualisation. This is Part 1 of at least two videos covering this topic. My keyboard is the Roland A-800 Pro with 61 keys. Feel free to use this in any way, but please give credit ❤ —– 00:00 […]

MoCSV Baker 1.01 : C4D Animated Mograph(Modata) to CSV

MoCSV Baker 1.01 : Animated Mograph(Modata) to CSV (1 April 2020) Use with Touchdesigner, Houdini, Max, Nuke, Maya….etc Changes From Previous 1.0 -Fix Matrix to Scale -Fix Z Axis (Invert Z Axis – For Touchdesigner) Changes From Previous DEV -Add Save File Dialog -6 Digits Decimal Data -Optimal Angle(Rad to Degree) -Export More Data : […]

monome norns + TouchDesigner – awake in 3D: Visualization with TD – Another TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this second installment of the monome norns + TouchDesigner series, learn how to create a real-time 3D visualization in TouchDesigner of your current sequence in the awake script on the norns. You’ll work through adding OSC output of various aspects of the sequences created with the awake script, routing that information to TouchDesigner, and […]

Motion sensing exercise in TouchDesigner 1

This exercise explored the use of the MotionSense object in TouchDesigner to display two different pieces of text according to the motion detected in front of the webcam.

Motion sensing exercise with TouchDesigner 2

An exercise to demonstrate the idea of virtual touch using the MotionSense object in TouchDesigner.

Motion sensing exercise with TouchDesigner 3

Detecting movement in TouchDesigner by comparing two images with the use of Cache and Cache Select.

Motion tracking exercise with TouchDesigner 1

The exercise uses the Blob Track object in TouchDesigner to track movement in front of the camera.

Mouse movement to control movie playback in time

This exercise uses the mouse movement to control the playback head of an external movie with TouchDesigner. Instead of using the mouse to touch virtual object in space, it uses the mouse to move back and forward in time.

Moving Through Infinite Space – TouchDesigner Tutorial 37

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look at how to set up a 3D “world” through which we can endlessy move through. You can use any 3D objects and are not limited to this example. There’s a lot of small tricks so this is not only about the main technique as usual 🙂 Comic Filter Tutorial […]

Moving Through Shapes – TouchDesigner Tutorial 5

In this tutorial we’re building an instancing network with which we move shapes according to different CHOP patterns. Also, we build a little oscillator to change the shapes based on the audio. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 🙂 IG: @elekktronaut

MQTT – TouchDesigner 202 Workshop Berlin 15th of December 2018

TouchDesigner Workshop on December 15th 2018 covering MQTT with Stefan Kraus (

Multitouch Data in TouchDesigner — iPad/iPhone and Wacom Tablet

Project Files: Tablet to OSC (for Wacom tablets): This video demonstrates how to use multitouch data in TouchDesigner. It shows how to use two different multitouch input devices: iPhone/iPad using an app called TC-Data, and Wacom tablets using software I developed called Tablet to OSC. The video walks through accessing the data from […]

Multitouch Data in TouchDesigner — iPad/iPhone and Wacom Tablet

Project Files: Tablet to OSC (for Wacom tablets): This video demonstrates how to use multitouch data in TouchDesigner. It shows how to use two different multitouch input devices: iPhone/iPad using an app called TC-Data, and Wacom tablets using software I developed called Tablet to OSC. The video walks through accessing the data from […]

Mutiples Objects Instancing with TouchDesigner

Welcome to thisTouchDesigner tutorial on Multiple Objects Instancing! 🎨✨ In this video, we explore the fascinating possibilities of instancing through the Copy SOP and other powerful tools in TouchDesigner. This is part 1 of a 2 part serie. In this first tutorial we will build the backbone of our network. You can find the .TOX […]

Neurosync | @ TouchDesigner meetup #3

TOE файлы по ссылке – Мастер-класс от команды NeuroSync по применению биологической обратной связи в генеративной графике. Рассказываем, что такое нейрофидбэк, покажем нейрогарнитуру Muse Headband и подключим её к #TouchDesigner. Так же мы предоставим возможность попробовать нашу разработку DuoSync для парной синхронизации 1:54 – нейроинтерфейс Interaxon Muse и приложение сбора и передачи […]