
42 Python in Touchdesigner : "0 to Her0" :: Engine Based Mediaplayer

Hello everyone! In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the first step for creating our VJ setup. We’ll explore the moviefileinTOP operator in depth and how to build a media player optimized for live performance. In addition, we’ll cover the different video codecs you can use. Each codec has its own strengths and weaknesses, especially when […]

40 Python in Touchdesigner : "0 to Her0" _pt.3 :: ui.colors

Hi, here the third part of this journey. He we will discover how to use python so to change the ui colors of Touchdesigner itself. You can find the project file here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/fancy-td-01-106096048 Consider to support!!! Best, Simo

39 Python in Touchdesigner : "0 to Hero" _pt2 :: Ubiquity

Welcome back to another exciting episode of Mastering Python in TouchDesigner! Today, we’re delving deep into the realm of Python modules, uncovering their incredible potential to store and recall CHOP data seamlessly within our TouchDesigner network. This newfound capability doesn’t just open doors; it unlocks a universe of creative possibilities, allowing us to craft dynamic […]

39 Python in Touchdesigner : “0 to Hero” _pt2 :: Ubiquity

Welcome back to another exciting episode of Mastering Python in TouchDesigner! Today, we’re delving deep into the realm of Python modules, uncovering their incredible potential to store and recall CHOP data seamlessly within our TouchDesigner network. This newfound capability doesn’t just open doors; it unlocks a universe of creative possibilities, allowing us to craft dynamic […]

38 Python in Touchdesigner : “0 to Hero” _pt.1

Hello there! Welcome to the beginning of an exciting series delving into Python in TD (TouchDesigner). Why Python, you ask? Well, diving into coding might seem like stepping into a world of wizardry, but let me assure you, it’s not as daunting as it appears. If you’re aiming to become a proficient TD user, capable […]

31 Maxine Pose Tracker

In this tutorial we will hack the Pose Tracker of Nvdia Omniverse Machinima, so we can use the joint position in TD. We will build a UDP server in the Pose tracker and send the data out. Project Files: https://github.com/UnveilStudio/SharedToxs_Unveil_Studio/tree/main/MaxinePoseTracker My Repo: https://github.com/UnveilStudio/SharedToxs_Unveil_Studio To buy me a beer write here: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

30′ How far is it ?____part 2___displace sop in gpu

In this tutorial we will learn how to dispalce vertex texture in TOP and use it to render proper geometry with a vertex shader. We will take advantage of the set up of part one, so please go and check that tutorial as well link for the unwrapper : https://olib.amb-service.net/component/sop-uv-unwrapper

29 How far is it ?____part 1___visualize the distance

In this tutorial we will build an affector for instances driven by the nearest point calculation in TOP.

28 _2DVector Fields for particles systems, uv dispalcement and fake fluid animation.

In this tutorial i show how to use UV to create some cool visuals. I recorded the video an year ago, this is why the TD version is not updated.

27_omniOSC_ animate your Omniverse USD from Touchdesigner

Omniverse Luncher Dwld : https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/omniverse/ In this tutorial we ll use the beta version of omniverseCreate 2002.2.2 in realtime mode, and let touchdesignare send some value in osc to the usd scene. Many thanks to jshrake for creating the omni.osc extension.

27_omniOSC_ animate your Omniverse USD from Touchdesigner

Omniverse Luncher Dwld : https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/omniverse/ In this tutorial we ll use the beta version of omniverseCreate 2002.2.2 in realtime mode, and let touchdesignare send some value in osc to the usd scene. Many thanks to jshrake for creating the omni.osc extension.

26 fract(UV) and TOP Collsion Detection

Hi, in this video i will reply to some emails. People were asking a bit of help when the glsl TOP come in top play. Here we will see how to use the fractional component of a vector and how to use the sum of the alpha of two incoming images as trigger for a […]

25 Lines

In this tutorial we will explore how to draw line from a texture .We ll use those data to create some beautifull generatives.. github : https://github.com/UnveilStudio/SharedToxs_Unveil_Studio Unveil_studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

24 Fake particles displacement

Hi, in this tutorial we will learn how to create a particle system with out any particles πŸ™‚ Where i got inspired: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClClajjpltF6SYqnm72jhEg Unveil_studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

23 Liquid SpringSop

Happy NEW YEAR!!!! Here i ll show you how to use the springSOP to in order to have a fake fluid animation, and use those data to display images. Here the link to the SOP Unwrapper COMP: https://olib.amb-service.net/component/sop-uv-unwrapper

22 Value_Matrix … FREE TOOL !!!!

Hi, i finally got to a point that all is a kind of working and i would like to share with you my research about working with CUE and persets + real time chop interaction. I end up making this component: https://olib.amb-service.net/component/value-matrix feedback and reviews are welcome even if negative πŸ™‚ This is the link […]

21 Four things I was missing for years :-)

Hi, In this tutorial we will take to a look to some usefull TD application and some hidden trick thal will make your workflow faster!!! Have Fun: Here my patreon : https://www.patreon.com/unveil_studio

20 TDU MODULE & GLSL normalizer

Hi here the link of the material to study: TDU Module : https://derivative.ca/UserGuide/Tdu_Module CASE OF STUDY_for the next Tutorial: TouchDesigner | Case Study | Custom Parameters and Cues My patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unveil_studio My OLIB link : https://olib.amb-service.net/component?owner.username_contains=citrullo

19 API : Nasa_Pick of the Day & Pixabay_image Grubber

Hi, in this tutorial i will show how to work with api and how powerfull is the JsonDAT. Have Fun, unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

17 TD_Bingo_Table, tex3d, renderpick and instances

Hi, in this tutorial we are going to build a fully reactive Bingo table. We are going to see a fast way to have a MONO click renderpicking situation, how store value in a 3dTexture based on the instance number. Enjoy, Unveil_Studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

16 GLSL FROM The SOFA part3 … VOROSURFACE , sdf and pbr displacement

In this Lasy Tutorial you will see how to get sdf function, use it heightMap in Pbr material. The first part of the video shows the voronoi surface in action!!!!! A big Thanks to : https://ekar.bandcamp.com/ and https://iquilezles.org/ Here the link for the VORO SURFACE. https://olib.amb-service.net/component/voronoi-surface

15 GLSL from the sofa part2. VORONOI

Hi, in this Tutorial you will learn how to import a shader from shaderToy, and how have multiple buffer with Data from a single GlslTop, and finally, how can we actually create those Voronoi Cells. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ldl3W8 Enjoy, Unveil_Studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

12 The Painful but Powerful COMP: The Lister

Hi, this is actually a lazy tutorial, and it’s just the beginning of what you can do with the Lister. TO actually delete item from it you need a proper infrastructure like a fifoDAT or something that can hold element that can de deleted. Unveil_studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

11 DATs mod, Extension and Global Resolution & Vj SetUp part 3

Hi, Here we are going to learn how to use Dats as modules, and how to create an Extension that will set up the resolution of each TOP in you project. Enjoy πŸ™‚ Unveil_studio unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

12 Drawing the movement of the sound

Hi, In this tutorial we are going to see : -how to read the value from the Sop of the gesture capture Component -how to use those value to move audio with the objectCHOP operator Enjoy πŸ™‚ Unveil_studio unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

09 Mixamo Animation_Basic SetUp

Hi in this tutorial we are going to see how to use FBX COMP with embedded animation. The technique can be used to chain 2 animation only, thaz why the ‘_Basic’. Here the link to the mixamo website : https://www.mixamo.com/ Dwld always at 60 Fps so than you can slow it down to 30 Fps […]

08 Values & Vj set part 2

********VJ SET PART 2************************************************ In this tutorial we are going to speak about chop, dat and custom parameter. We are going to see some technique to use CHOPs, and how table can be use to send CHOP data. We will combine those technique to create a Vector_Table and a Value_Matrix, based on custom menu. If […]

07 Shape Drawing with particles

Special thanks to Valentina for her amazing draw : https://www.instagram.com/valentinatattooer/ In this tutorial we will take a look to a simple technique to draw from Sops operators. Main focus on : particle sop as storage of world space position data. Unveil_studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

06 Random Knowledge & The Beginning of a VJ SetUp

In this tutorial we gonna speak about some basics: .How to load a TOX from the explorer .How to Customize your COMP really fast .How to engage PRESETS .LESS time in the network = MORE Creativity Direct contact: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

05 Cache and 3D Texture

Hi, here simple but powerful way to generate visual with only TOP. Unveil_studio: unveil.conctact.berlin@gmail.com

04 UV manipulation

Direct contact : unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com Please ask for specific tutorial if you need πŸ™‚ .

03 Convolve and Reaktion diffusion.

Here is where to get the UV code : https://thebookofshaders.com/ Please support. This is the link of the Olib where to get the example files : https://olib.amb-service.net/component/convolve-and-reaction-diffusion Please support.

02 Lsystem in particles

Here the link for the sop unwrapper : https://olib.amb-service.net/component/sop-uv-unwrapper Remember to support OLIB. Give me feedback , and let me know if you have some request for a turorial. Unveil_studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

01 Sop Unwrap and interactive instances

You can find the unwrapper COMP here : https://olib.amb-service.net/component/sop-uv-unwrapper Please Support Olib is a really good project. Unveil_studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com