Pixel Sort Direction / TouchDesigner

study. Pixel Sorting TOX https://github.com/FollowTheDarkside/td-pixel-sorting Pixel Sorting Typography #TouchDesigner #PixelSorting #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign

Fixed Trace Typography / TouchDesigner

study Glitchy Trails Typography #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #3DCG #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #Python #GLSL

Parts Rotation Typography / TouchDesigner

and Interpolation. Moving Calendar #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #3DCG #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #Python #AffinityDesigner #文字

Trace Point Cloud / TouchDesigner

study touchdesigner-utils https://github.com/FollowTheDarkside/touchdesigner-utils Generative 3D Tokaido #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NoiseArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #3DCG #PointCloud

MQTT Controller with TouchDesigner

I created a simple app for sending mouse coordinate messages using MQTT on the browser. This is an example of communicating with TouchDesigner. Code & Reference: https://github.com/FollowTheDarkside/mqtt-controller Visualization of Dancer’s Emotional State by Deep Learning #WebDev #MQTTjs #TouchDesigner #InteractiveArt #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #Vite #TypeScript #JavaScript #Python

Dancer Piles Up / TouchDesigner

not game reference: SLIT BLOCK SCAN BBOY #TouchDesigner #YOLACT #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP #Bit