How to Link DMX Bars with MIDI – TouchDesigner Tutorial

#dmx #midi #launchpad #touchdesigner – Launchpad Mini – Softy DMX Download – Enntec Pro DMX USB Pro – Reasonable Artnet Device – Opposk DMX Bar Perfect Guide to Setting Up Your DMX Bar – Step-by-Step Tutorial! 3 DMX Animation Essentials – Using Touchdesigner TOP Patreon : Tiktok : IG: X :

Unreal Engine 5.3 Controlling Lights With Touchdesigner OSC And DMX

Powered by Restream Niagara Metasound Particle Music Visualiser Scrolling Neon Signs Switch between First and third person Dissolve mesh Disco lights Disco ball Metasound Video screen Webcam material Move mesh along spline Laser Searchlights Timer Localized Fog DMX Lights Touchdesigner OSC

TouchDesigner ムービングライト制御

TouchDesignerを使ってムービングライトを制御していきます。 今回はお試しで購入したこちらの小さいムービングライト U`King 50W Amazonで1つ1万円くらいで購入できました。 接続はDMX Kingを使います。 USBタイプのものですぐに接続でき便利です。 ムービングライトは11chで接続しました。 もっと明るいムービングライトでプロジェクションマッピングと一緒に使ってみたいと思います! ぎまパパチャンネル[プロジェクションマッピング/Scratch/TouchDesingnerの使い方/VJ] 映像クリエイターギマヒロシゲHP STORY WORKS/あなたのストーリを形に FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa Instagram

TouchDesigner – Render와 Camera, Geometry, Light

bileam tschepe (elekktronaut)의 Light Replication – TouchDesigner Tutorial 44(링크:를 바탕으로 학습하는 중 Render OP가 작동하는 방식에 대해 이해할 수 있었어서 이를 남깁니다.

Interfacing Arduino Neopixels with TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, we’ll create small, interactive candle effects on Arduino and go over an introduction of interfacing TouchDesigner with Arduino over Serial. We’ll begin […]

Fideos luminosos – Tutorial en Touchdesigner 03

En este tutorial, vamos a crear figuras que parecen fideos luminosos y lo haremos mediante el instanciado, en el cual crearemos la posición, escala y color, además de un poco de post de imagen. Si tienes alguna duda, no dudes en preguntar. – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

Light Noodles – Touchdesigner Tutorial 03

In this tutorial, we are going to create figures that look like glowing noodles and we will do it by instancing, in which we will create the position, scale and color, plus a bit of post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. – – – – – – – – – – […]

3/3 TouchDesigner Vol.056 Lighting and Rendering with TouchDesigner

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

1/3 TouchDesigner Vol.056 Lighting and Rendering with TouchDesigner

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

2/3 TouchDesigner Vol.056 Lighting and Rendering with TouchDesigner

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

CMAT 617 BerkleeNYC Week 11 (3D Text/ Lights as Projectors/ TouchDesigner)

TouchDesigner Video/ Image Player from Folder, Using Clock CHOP as Input. Light as a Projector 3D Text Lighting Moves Topics covered: Folder DAT Select DAT Table DAT Clock Chop NULL CHOP Limit CHOP Info CHOP Count CHOP Lfo CHOP Constant CHOP Movie File IN TOP Null TOP OUT TOP Noise TOP Ramp TOP Noise SOP […]

3/3 TouchDesigner Vol.028 Remote lighting control via the internet

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

2/3 TouchDesigner Vol.028 Remote lighting control via the internet

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

1/3 TouchDesigner Vol.028 Remote lighting control via the internet

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Reflective Surfaces

Taking a look at metallic and mirrored surface texturing techniques in Touchdesigner. This tutorial shows how to use an Environment Light and a PBR Mat to create a 3D environment and have an object reflect that environment. Project files are available on my Patreon Please comment if you have any questions!

All things light | video + laser mapping in TouchDesigner

mapping generative visual content to laser projection

TouchDesigner Vol.056 Lighting and Rendering with TouchDesigner

#Touchdesigner #tutorial Sample files: Guide: Tokyo Developers Study Weekend TouchDesigner Vol.056 Lighting and Rendering with TouchDesigner ■ 日時 2022/4/24(日)15:00-18:00 UTC+9 ■ 使用言語 日本語 / Japanese ■ レベル Intermediate ■ スケジュール UTC+9 15:00-18:00 Workshop (incl. 10 mins break x 2) 18:00-18:10 Update from TDSW 18:10-18:20 Close ※スケジュールは目安です。前後する可能性があります。 ■ 講義内容 / Contents このワークショップでは、リニアワークフローのセットアップ、ライティングやレンダリングの基礎知識、色々なポストプロセスを使ったルックの調整、やイメージの作り込み方などを、TouchDesignerの基礎的なノードを使ってハンズオン形式で解説していければと思っています。 ■ 講師 / Instructor […]

터치디자이너ㅣFeedback Lightㅣ TouchDesigner

파티클(particle)을 활용한 피드백(Feedback), 라이팅 효과에 관한 튜토리얼 입니다. —— Website: Instagram: #touchdesigner #터치디자이너 #tutorial

Light Replication – TouchDesigner Tutorial 44

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re looking at a technique that mimics instancing for lights with Replicators, how to style them and how to make them audioreactive. Important: This is not instancing and not nearly as fast to process. Also, apparently it’s a lot faster skip the TOP part and simply stay in the CHOP family […]

Interactive light installation with Touchdesigner

Light is all around us in many different forms. This masterclass looks at several projects from interactive designer Ginger Leigh (Synthestruct) that utilize TouchDesigner and light in creative ways, from immersive experiences to interactive light sculptures and full-dome projections. How can light be used to visualize biological processes, sound, and data, affect our moods, and […]

Moving Through Infinite Space – TouchDesigner Tutorial 37

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we look at how to set up a 3D “world” through which we can endlessy move through. You can use any 3D objects and are not limited to this example. There’s a lot of small tricks so this is not only about the main technique as usual 🙂 Comic Filter Tutorial […]

Инстансинг частиц. TouchDesigner

запись стрима с Twitch — Watch live at

Mouvement de lumière – Astuces TouchDesigner FR

Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment créer des mouvements de lumière en utilisant seulement des TOP dans TouchDesigner. Si vous êtes intéressés par les bases de TouchDesigner, vous pouvez voir mon cours ici (EN) Le reste de mon travail: IG: Boutique: Portfolio:

Light Movement Effect – Quick Tips TouchDesigner EN

In this video, we will look at how we can achieve a light movement effect using TOPs in TouchDesigner. If you are interested in learning TouchDesigner from the basics, check out my class on skillshare You can find my work here: IG: Store: Personal Website:

07 Управление с консоли

Простой способ установки: Скачать EasyFollowSpot Обсуждение, вопросы, комментарии: Контрольный профиль прибора (6 каналов) 1 Контроль режима (default 0) 0 – прибор EasyFollowSpot контроллируется 255 – прибор EasyFollowSpot НЕ контроллируется 2 Контроль Zoom (default по желанию) 0-85 Zoom Tracking 86-170 Zoom Assist 171-255 Off 3 Глобальный Pan Offset (default 32767) 4 Глобальный Pan […]

06 Настройка камеры

Простой способ установки: Скачать EasyFollowSpot Обсуждение, вопросы, комментарии: Скачать ONVIF Device Manager Благодарю @Andy wzrt за предоставленную камеру для урока Подпишитесь на канал, что-бы узнавать о новых обучающих видео. EasyFollowSpot – это программа, которая позволяет превратить ваши осветительные приборы с полным вращением в пушки следящего света.

03 Пять приборов, две цели

Простой способ установки: Скачать EasyFollowSpot Обсуждение, вопросы, комментарии: Подпишитесь на канал, что-бы узнавать о новых обучающих видео. EasyFollowSpot – это программа, которая позволяет превратить ваши осветительные приборы с полным вращением в пушки следящего света.

2D Raycaster in TouchDesigner: lights and shadows

Download project file here – Extra examples for Patreon supporters – This tutorials shows texture based raycaster coded in GLSL with a several variations. Aside from the effect itself, it could be used as an exercise in GLSL for beginner/intermediate level, because it can be modified in different ways to achieve different results. […]

Effet de lumière – Astuces TouchDesigner FR

Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment créer des effets de lumière en utilisant seulement des TOP dans TouchDesigner Si vous êtes intéressés par les bases de TouchDesigner, vous pouvez voir mon cours ici (EN) Le reste de mon travail: IG: Github: Site Studio:

Light Glowing Effect – Quick Tips TouchDesigner EN

In this video we will look at how we can achieve a light emitting effect using only TOPs in TouchDesigner. If you are interested in learning TouchDesigner from the basics, check out my class on skillshare You can find my work here: IG: Github: Studio Website:

Creative shading with render buffers – part 2 (GLSL)

This tutorial will show you how to achieve interestingly looking renders with a use of color buffers tool in TouchDesigner. This is second part of two, where I’m showing how to manually define buffer outputs in GLSL MATs, that opens much more possibilities, than using Phong MAT as in part 1. Three “green” containers from […]

utiliza tus manos y controla luces dmx con kinect y touchdesigner

Tutorial para controlar la iluminación DMX por medio de Kinect y touchdesigner, un tutorial para el performer que busca integrar la interactividad con la tecnología dentro de sus performances. Este video muestra un experimento con una mini spot robótica para sincronizar y programar el movimiento de las manos con las cabezas giratorias.

Your own Video Light Painting in 3min

(Download the example files below) I made this video experiment last week: and I have received a lot of questions, so I figured I’ll make a quick tutorial and explain: how to do your own video light painting? You can use any flash light or a more sophisticated device like the pixelstick to achieve […]

[TouchDesigner – Tutorial] Simple DMX Controller

This tutorials shows you how to create an easy to setup DMX Controller for lighting fixtures. Download Examplefile: TBA

Glass Material and Distance Light – TouchDesigner Tutorial 1

hello, everyone, this is my first tutorial in TouchDesigner. in this tutorial, I explain how you can make a beautiful glass material, and how to create a distance light with the change value in distance-attenuated parameters. and of course a colorful phong material on Frame sphere. we made this frame in Cinema 4D and you […]

Pixel Mapping and Performing with LEDs – Karl Skene

Workshop: Pixel Mapping and Performing with LEDs Example Files: This half-day workshop for is meant for users who have a general understanding of the TD interface and its operators. Building on the concepts and techniques presented in the 2018 Berlin Summit Pixel Mapping Workshop, we will construct a flexible system for mapping and controlling […]

itmo018 занятие 2, прототипирование эффекта теней в подземном переходе

Оригинальный скринкаст с занятия, прошедшего 29 апреля в ИТМО. Цель занятия – наглядно показать возможные сценарии использования визуального программирования на разных этапах проекта светового дизайна и подчеркнуть преимущества этого подхода. Материалом для изучения возможностей TouchDesigner был специально выбран единственный в группе проект, не использующий TD непосредственно в реализации проекта или даже для экзаменационной презентации. В […]

Intro to TouchDesigner for Projection Mapping – Elburz Sorkhabi

Note: Elburz discusses some concepts for the first 10 minutes (with a black desktop) before demoing the software. The projection and pixel mapping workshop is meant for users that are already familiar with the TouchDesigner interface and its operators. Participants will learn how to map video content onto unconventional projection surfaces or addressable LED pixels. […]