[07] COMPs – Components Operators – TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this episode we will learn to understand Comp operators or components. We will learn how to create custom components, how to display our visuals on a projector or another monitor, and even how to create user interfaces to control our visuals. Files here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/touchdesigner-118079569 💬 If you have any questions, feel free to ask! […]

Use container COMPs to create generative patterns in TouchDesigner

Welcome back to this new tutorial! If you can spot the error I made (and ignored ) in this patch you can decide the next tutorial subject. remember to explore all the operators and find fun was to mis-use them!

TouchDesigner Operators: COMPs (Containers)

How to use COMP containers in TouchDesigner 🖥️ Watch our full TouchDesigner Beginner Crash Course here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpuCjVEMQha9rjhDET3uuE0T3UeIcROJu

Touchdesigner Eğitimi – COMP’lar

Bu videoda TouchDesigner programında componentlerin nasıl kullanıldığını anlatacağım. Componentler, TouchDesigner programında çeşitli görevleri gerçekleştirmek için kullanılan küçük, yeniden kullanılabilir kod parçalarıdır. Componentler, kullanıcı arayüzleri oluşturmak, videoları işlemek, sesleri üretmek ve çok daha fazlasını yapmak için kullanılabilir. Bu videoda, TouchDesigner programında nasıl component oluşturulacağını, componentlerin nasıl parametrelendirileceğini ve componentlerin nasıl bir araya getirileceğini anlatacağım. Ayrıca, TouchDesigner […]

TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial #4: COMP Operators – You MUST become familiar with this “GCL” setup

This TouchDesigner beginner tutorial shows you how to Render things by using what I call the GCL setup. Sections in this TouchDesigner beginner course tutorial: 1) What are COMPs? COMPonent operators 2) How to Add COMPs 3) GCLR setup 4) Experimenting with Snippets (beware of bugs!) The GCL setup is just a combination of three […]

13 – COMPs – TouchDesigner Beginner Course

In this tutorial, we look into COMPs (Components) and some basic examples like Base, Container, Replicator and Animation. —— 00:00 Overview 01:00 Base 09:22 Containers 22:02 Replicator COMP 29:08 Animation COMP 14:25 Samples / Timeslice 20:20 Converting —— Matthew Ragan – Replicators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcHIkCZ5kPE Widget Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty6pCyTIUyM Animating Camera Movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKkcYwiqT_g Library of reusable COMPs: https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/td-initative-library […]

TouchDesigner – Corso introduttivo – ITA – 20 – COMP 2.2

Se questo video ti piace, ringraziami ISCRIVENDOTI al canale Se vuoi puoi anche inviarmi una donazione su www.paypal.com all’indirizzo mail: maurizio.orlando83[at]libero.it —————————————————————————————- TouchDesigner – Corso introduttivo – ITA – COMP —————————————————————————————- Cos’è TouchDesigner? In breve, TouchDesginer è un linguaggio di programmazione visiva basato su nodo. Grazie alla sua potente capacità di svolgere le sue funzioni […]