Let’s find THE BEST TouchDesigner workflows that work for you! In this TouchDesigner tutorial we cover the basic layout of TouchDesigner, the operator families & some keyboard shortcuts to make your workflow more efficient! For more visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNvBpPF1LYCErf6MIzt3IQ Glazov AV Operator animation Tutorial – https://youtu.be/M4W3pcOa3Xw?si=2nyLASwGnmasXu9i -https://www.inktr.ee/Ditherbit -https://www.patreon.com/ditherbit -https://www.ditherbit.bandcamp.com/releases -https://www.soundcloud.com/ditherbit -https://www.open.spotify.com/artist/3z28z7xXotQ7QG4nKHTY84?si=sP32Vx2rRqe5L71grUaUnQ&dl_branch=1 ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️ 0:00 – Intro […]
In this video I create a texture of particles with TOPs Follow my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tenderworldsun/ Join the TenderWorld Discord server to ask questions and communicate with other artists: https://discord.gg/dSs3rz5PzV If you are interested in sound design, follow my works here: https://www.youtube.com/@hadessonata #tutorial #touchdesigner
Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/pifracdev YouTube : https://youtube.com/@UCldJGuPs0q8rsNMr0HZkHEw Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pi.frac.dev X : https://twitter.com/PiFracDEV Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/u/PiFrac-DEV/s/Z4ouyBtKIe ~ Touchdesigner version 2023.10000 ———————————————————————————- Learn how to create a stunning generative logo animation in TouchDesigner with this step-by-step tutorial. In this video, we’ll design a vibrant composition using CHOP parameters, multiple Circle TOPs, Transform TOPs, and Blur effects. Watch […]
Learn how to create a stunning Meta AI logo animation in TouchDesigner! This step-by-step tutorial covers everything you need to know to bring this sleek, dynamic design to life. Perfect for beginners and pros alike! SEO: Discover the mesmerizing world of generative art with my latest TouchDesigner project file! Whether you’re a beginner in digital […]
In this video I created a visual with torus sop. The .toe file is available to download from my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/animated-visual-111046592?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link If you are interested, please follow my sound design: @hadessonata #touchdesigner #tutorial
Use this quick technique to render out heavy animations (from Houdini, C4D or any other 3D software), as well as renders from TouchDesigner, and load them for playback in realtime! Meant as a follow up to https://youtu.be/kPOGFmAnum4 Project files available on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/water__shed 00:00 – Start 03:28 – Component Creation 05:16 – Constructing Filepath with […]
Learn how to easily render an animation or texture to image files for usage offline, using just a tiny bit of python! Project files: www.patreon.com/water__shed 00:00 – Start 01:16 – Setup 03:47 – Saving MovieFileOut to Custom File Path 07:53 – Adding a timer
In this tutorial we will learn how to control the behavior of nodes in the Network Editor of TouchDesigner using Python scripts All our courses are available here: https://hou2touch.com/ __________ Join us in social media! We share there up-to-date information about planned streams, free tutorials and materials, works for inspiration and information about the new […]
Part two of Highlights from my live stream exploring point clouds in touchdesigner, working on some visual ideas such as animating by colour, selecting and performing operations on different sections of the cloud, and adding aesthetic features to the render. This episode i take some flowers i 3D scanned and make them explode into curl […]
This is a quick video showing my (hack-y) method for getting realtime diffusion / deforum animations into TouchDesigner! Intro: 00:00 Walkthrough: 01:07 Tutorial: 03:05 Expression Switcher: 05:03 File Selector and Movie Output: 08:17 WebUI Settings: 11:44 Prompts: 14:04 Final Setings: 15:05 Generate!: 16:06 Tweaks: 17:10 Outro: 17:21 You can set it up to make amazing […]
Hey! In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to use Stable Diffusion with a custom component to generate audio-reactive animations in TouchDesigner. Project File: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mUU5ApNJXAQPCrKVuc-8sUNkizdVH7JP?usp=sharing Link to The first Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRXTR9vcHAs Link to the API: https://computerender.com/ Link to my Patreon: https://patreon.com/tblankensmith Prompt Engineering with Lexica: https://lexica.art/ Opt out of Ai Training: https://haveibeentrained.com/ Huge thank you […]
Part 3 of a tutorial series on how to combine Stable Diffusion, Deforum, Touchdesigner and Unity VR with a Meta Quest headset connected to a PC with oculus link to create and integrate AI Generated art in a 360 environment in realtime! In this tutorial we show how to use TouchDesigner to begin building a […]
Part 2 of a tutorial series on how to combine Stable Diffusion, Deforum, Touchdesigner and Unity VR with a Meta Quest headset connected to a PC with oculus link to create and integrate AI Generated art in a 360 environment in realtime! In this tutorial we show how to use TouchDesigner to composite a Deforum […]
Part 1 of a tutorial series on how to combine Stable Diffusion, Deforum, Touchdesigner and Unity VR with a Meta Quest headset connected to a PC with oculus link to create and integrate AI Generated art in a 360 environment in realtime! Resources mentioned in video: https://jonaszeitler.se/cubemap-toastmap-generator/ https://github.com/keijiro/KlakSpout/ #stablediffusiontutorial #unity #touchdesigner #stablediffusion #metaquest2 #aigeneratedart #deforum […]
Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=84881314 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hls_art_studio Using this tutorial you can create endless tunnel animation. Endless Tunnel, Smooth Animation, Polyrhythms, polymeters, Fibonacci Sequence, Touchdesigner Tutorial: Replicator, Dat Tables, Chops, Noise, LFOs, Render CHOPS, RGB Keys, 3D Scanning, Houdini, Blender Touchdesigner and Leap Motion Sensor. Use of some of the most basic components of Touchdesigner. Best geometric […]
Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Get 20% off on our Gumroad Files with discount code: “acode” on: https://acrylicode.gumroad.com Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating on our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode Absolute Beginner Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbupH… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive […]
You will surely enjoy trying this tutorial. Its just simple and yet has so much more to offer. This is all about learning things through Instancing and Feedback. here is the new tutorial for you guys… Touchdesigner Tutorial: Replicator, Dat Tables, Chops, Noise, LFOs, Render CHOPS, RGB Keys, 3D Scanning, Houdini, Blender Touchdesigner and Leap […]
Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Get 20% off on our Gumroad Files with discount code: “acode” on: https://acrylicode.gumroad.com Download the Infinite Looping Component for Free: https://acrylicode.gumroad.com/l/meexo Watch Polyhop (Simon Alexander-Adams) Tutorial here: https://youtu.be/TGYO1WcT5ys Purchase the Generative Shape Component here: https://acrylicode.gumroad.com/l/duopxv Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us […]
Support TDSW on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tdsw Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]
Support TDSW on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tdsw Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]
Support TDSW on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tdsw Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]
In this video, we look at some techniques to create some simple animations using feedback and then instancing. The techniques produce results that are great for any situation that demands something bold, high contrast, and easy on the CPU/GPU. The first technique looks at using a circle TOP to produce different basic geometries (if you […]
Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating to our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode Absolute Beginner Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbupH… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials […]
Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating to our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode Absolute Beginner Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbupH… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials […]
In this tutorial I will walk you through how to make a Stranger Things-esque scene in Touchdesigner. We will be doing some intermediate layouts with the Text SOP and use the Beat CHOP to time everything out. I also cover how to use Internal Parameters to keep everything organized. You can find the utilities I […]
Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating on our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode Absolute Beginner Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbupHTeJCeU&t=4713s TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials […]
Hola a todxs, en este nuevo tutorial vamos a recrear el código del Capítulo 2.1.2 “Movement in a Grid” del libro Generative Design dentro de touchdesigner. Disfruten ! —- Proyecto Final: https://www.patreon.com/posts/68151661 —- Libro: http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/1/ Codigo Processing: http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/1/P_2_1_2_01 —- Puedes apoyarme en: https://www.patreon.com/akenbak —- O seguirme en: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AkenbakOfficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aken.bak/ SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/akenbak_official
Hello everyone, in this new tutorial we’re going to recreate the code for the Chapter 2.1.2 “Movement in a Grid” of the Generative Design book inside touchdesigner. Enjoy ! —- Final Project: https://www.patreon.com/posts/68151661 —- Book: http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/1/ Processing Code: http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/1/P_2_1_2_01 You can support me on: https://www.patreon.com/akenbak —- Or following me in: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AkenbakOfficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aken.bak/ SoundCloud: […]
This is an intermediate TouchDesigner tutorial that shows how to animate simple instanced SOPs via a vertex shader. Patreon (Project Files): https://www.patreon.com/thoseeyes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoseeyesomg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thoseeyes
Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Ben Laposky was among the first to experiment with using analog computers and electronics to generate artworks in the early 1950s. He is known for creating […]
Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating on our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials which are a little […]
Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating on our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials which are a little more complex but with rewarding results. If […]
Thank you for 10,000 subs! Here is Noto’s friend Starboy the talking ball! • ᴗ • Pre setup Project file download link https://www.patreon.com/posts/talking-ball-in-61722552?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare Find mouse BY patch by nettoyeur / harveymoon https://forum.derivative.ca/t/chop-with-mouse-position-outside-touchdesigner-window/8857 00:00 Intro 00:34 Pre setup project file 01:16 Let’s start to make face 03:58 Audio reactive mouth 07:24 Make him smile 08:37 Blink […]
One of those quick projects that was just a “I wonder if I know how to do that” type thing. This is a quick & dirty recreation of something simple that a lot of people are familiar with using some core concepts. Not a lot of math to get things pixel perfect, but could be […]
Support the channel by donating to: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode #Bespoke #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #GenerativeVisuals #AudioReactive #Animation Watch First Part of Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdGHN01D8Qc&list=PLZeDM2TloijWODqRjQrE_WwoK1inYP1PX&index=6 Download link for Bespoke: https://www.bespokesynth.com Lofi Music Set to this Visuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B3peAynRVg&t=231s This is a step by step easy tutorial using Touch Designer & Bespoke. TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time […]
Hi in this tutorial we are going to see how to use FBX COMP with embedded animation. The technique can be used to chain 2 animation only, thaz why the ‘_Basic’. Here the link to the mixamo website : https://www.mixamo.com/ Dwld always at 60 Fps so than you can slow it down to 30 Fps […]
In this tutorial series we are exploring certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre baked. We’re rebuilding […]
In this tutorial series we are exploring certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre baked. We’re rebuilding […]
Dans ce tutoriel, nous aborderons la création d’un visuel animé qui paraît être à la fois être en 3D, et en 2D. Si vous êtes intéressés à apprendre les bases de TouchDesigner, vous pouvez voir mon cours ici (EN) https://skl.sh/2Rwusnw Le reste de mon travail: IG: https://www.instagram.com/benjarier/ Github: https://github.com/benjarier/ Site Studio: https://piko.studio/
In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we create a lyric video using two techniques: keyboard in for live playing (plus recording) and the animation COMP for exact timing. —– 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:18 Audio 03:30 DATs Setup 06:49 Tek 1: Keyboard Selection 10:30 Text TOP 14:14 Recording the Keys 16:45 Tek 2: Animation COMP 21:00 Simple […]
In this Touchdesigner tutorial we look at how to import FBX files and change the material. This FBX model was was imported into Mixamo and rigged, then output with Mixamo save function. https://www.patreon.com/rebeccanuvoletta
In this tutorial we build 4 of 8 different animations, entirely in TOPs (and CHOPs) and add gradients and grain. Files, exclusive content and more: https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, Teruhisa, Simón Jaramillo Vallejo, hans mortelmans, Yeah, Lloyd Marsden, Théo Balestra, JINGLING YU and […]
In this third part of this multiple part tutorial series we are going to show a couple of different approaches for creating, how we would like to call it, ‘animation shapes’. These can be done in Touchdesigner but we’re also using Blender for creating complex 3d models which will act as complex paths for the […]
In this third part of this multiple part tutorial series we are going to show a couple of different approaches for creating, how we would like to call it, ‘animation shapes’. These can be done in Touchdesigner but we’re also using Blender for creating complex 3d models which will act as complex paths for the […]
In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’ll use the animation COMP to create camera movements on a sphere and grid with a height map. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Beat detection: https://youtu.be/gUELH_B2wsE Tips, Tricks and FAQs Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFrhecWXVn5-kUOY8X0MO_0NcOFDjceLh Special thanks to: AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Jules Guerin, Nikolai Reinke, Rob and Xenia Format If you have any questions, feel free to […]
What is instancing, and how can we use it? Instancing allows us to draw a single shape, or SOP, many times, more efficiently than if we were to copy it over and over. The Geo comp allows us to define how each instance of the SOP is drawn, using several different control fields which can […]
Actually not so quick touchdesigner example how to use Animation Component. In this example I’m trying to create FPV effect like a man running from the enemy.
Once upon a time this had an audio track, and then suddenly it didn’t. A fix coming by the end of the week. Sorry for the delay. Core Concepts Instancing geometry Working with the Animation COMP Building Animation Channels The Shuffle CHOP Real time rendering
Part 4 Core Concepts Camera control Spatial representations of time and images Instanced geometry Real time rendering Example Code https://github.com/raganmd/TD-Examples/tree/master/instancingTechniques
Part 3 Core Concepts Spatial representations of time and images Instanced geometry over time Experiments in understanding depth Real time rendering Example Code https://github.com/raganmd/TD-Examples/tree/master/ragan/instancingTechniques