Ce tutoriel explique comment utiliser des images pour créer et mouvoir des particules. vous pouvez retrouver les projets ici https://github.com/jhoepffner/TD_GLSL_Particules
Interfaz con pre-visualización 3D, para controlar tiras leds a través de protocolo ArtNet, utilizando señales DMX. * Ejemplo de sistema básico. 00:31 * Desarrollo de interfaz con vista previa 3D 21:40 * Análisis de otros sistemas similares. 55:23 Recomiendo ver este video tutorial, para profundizar en el tema, by Light Notes: Plugin sACN by Lucas […]
https://armyrdz.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jarmyrdz/ —————————————————————————————- Windows 10 Home or Pro Touchdesigner 099 v2019.33840 o versión más reciente Visual Studio 2019 Instalar las siguientes dependencias de visual studio In Desktop development with C++ install : C++ (v142) Universal Windows Platform Tool Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0) C++ (v142) Universal Windows Platform Tool In Desktop development with C++ install : […]
https://armyrdz.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jarmyrdz/ —————————————————————————————- Windows 10 Home or Pro Touchdesigner 099 v2019.33840 o versión más reciente Visual Studio 2019 Instalar las siguientes dependencias de visual studio In Desktop development with C++ install : C++ (v142) Universal Windows Platform Tool Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0) C++ (v142) Universal Windows Platform Tool In Desktop development with C++ install : […]
https://armyrdz.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jarmyrdz/ —————————————————————————————- Windows 10 Home or Pro Touchdesigner 099 v2019.33840 o versión más reciente Visual Studio 2019 Instalar las siguientes dependencias de visual studio In Desktop development with C++ install : C++ (v142) Universal Windows Platform Tool Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0) C++ (v142) Universal Windows Platform Tool In Desktop development with C++ install : […]
MoCSV Baker 1.01 : Animated Mograph(Modata) to CSV (1 April 2020) Use with Touchdesigner, Houdini, Max, Nuke, Maya….etc Changes From Previous 1.0 -Fix Matrix to Scale -Fix Z Axis (Invert Z Axis – For Touchdesigner) Changes From Previous DEV -Add Save File Dialog -6 Digits Decimal Data -Optimal Angle(Rad to Degree) -Export More Data : […]
In this video I will show how Rack can connect to Touchdesigner using audio, video and control signals. Prerequisites: https://vcvrack.com/Rack https://derivative.ca/download https://www.vb-audio.com/Cable/#DownloadASIOBridge https://obsproject.com/ https://github.com/Palakis/obs-ndi/releases http://spout.zeal.co/download-spout-to-ndi/ If you are well familiar with both applications: the basic setup is in the first 16 minutes, after that I just focus on creating examples of what can be done […]
Vamos a estar viendo diferentes técnicas utilizando Kinect dentro de Touchdesigner. Datos técnicos: 00:00 Ejemplo visual 1: 6:40 Ejemplo visual 2: 29:16
CURSO GRATUITO EN ESPAÑOL. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 21H (HORARIO DE MADRID-ESPAÑA) Hablare de luz… en esta ocasión veremos como controlar todo tipo de LED, tanto analógicos como digitales de varios tipos desde TouchDesigner y también DMX para control de cabezas móviles. Veremos Hardware y Software, con muchos ejemplos prácticos. Tiempo estimado de la sesión de 2h aproximadamente, […]
https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/tau-ceti-preset-engine .Added an external storage parameter to define another comp to store the presets. .Stack now stays consistent over restarts and saves. .Cuelist, Dashboard and MidiMap now can define a preset that will be loaded before the actual recording takes place. .Updated the prompts in components to a modern version. .New Component Randomizer: Takes all […]
In this tutorial we use instancing to create kinetic typography based on different 3D geometry. Files, exclusive content and more:https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, Teruhisa, Simón Jaramillo Vallejo, hans mortelmans, Yeah and Lloyd Marsden If you have any questions, feel free to ask. IG: […]
Работа TouchDesigner с внешними API. Александр Глущенко. Рассмотрим как получать данные в тач со сторонних ресурсов, сайтов, сервисов через API и создавать на этой основе свой медиасервер Так же покажем 2 способа сделать так, чтобы патч не зависал на время выполнения запроса. TOE файл https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9omcx31foczk2hs/AAA5GGO133lyjrgcIWmpR9E2a?dl=1 Следите за новостями https://pankow.us/meetups https://t.me/flux20YY Чат по тачдизайнеру https://t.me/TDfareast Мероприятие […]
TOE файлы по ссылке – https://github.com/chudodey/ashram Мастер-класс от команды NeuroSync по применению биологической обратной связи в генеративной графике. Рассказываем, что такое нейрофидбэк, покажем нейрогарнитуру Muse Headband и подключим её к #TouchDesigner. Так же мы предоставим возможность попробовать нашу разработку DuoSync для парной синхронизации neurosync.me/duosync 1:54 – нейроинтерфейс Interaxon Muse https://choosemuse.com/ и приложение сбора и передачи […]
Tutorial how to use SpoutToPython library with TD with Face-Recognition model SpoutToPython: https://github.com/Ajasra/Spout-for-Python Face Recognition: https://github.com/ML-and-AI-repo/face_recognition project file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nq0qkQ-9d1RvivJ9mSKmQ4B04XV9usbM/view?usp=sharing
Tutorial how to use SpoutToPython library with TD link to the library: https://github.com/Ajasra/Spout-for-Python project file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nq0qkQ-9d1RvivJ9mSKmQ4B04XV9usbM/view?usp=sharing
This tutorial shows you how to use my Drag and Drop callbacks to create a simple, beatsynced movie looper for VJ Setups. In Version 1_10 of the callbacks you will not have to add the lowercase ending! Download Callbacks: https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/dnd-callbacks
Comparto algunos aspectos básicos del programa, para ir conociendo su modo de trabajo. luego vemos algunos ejemplos prácticos, para aprender a conectar sus diferentes operadores. Archivos: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10ehaqWAR6z27JDhetjT9OYa-unlHkRUm Agradezco su colaboración: https://www.patreon.com/tolch
midi demo. elektron digitone/digitakt w/touchdesigner 0:29 – Hardware setup 0:52 – Overview MIDI Mappings 3:46 – Linking DT parameters to DT parameters 6:20 – Linking DT parameters to DN parameters and back 8:50 – LFOs and Tables 13:41 – Parameter recording 19:35 – Externals for more information please goto: link here
Slit scan, técnica que consiste en, como su nombre lo indica, capturar imágenes exponiendo a través de una abertura en forma de tajo, que se desplaza de un lado al otro del material sensible. El resultado obtenido es una fotografía fija capturada a través del tiempo. La dirección en la que se desplaza la abertura […]
In this tutorial, we create a pseudo pixel sorting effect in TouchDesigner using only TOPs and a feedback loop. Add a level after the substract to adjust the darkened image. Files, exclusive content and more: https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Special thanks to: AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Jules Guerin, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum and Teruhisa If you […]
In this tutorial, we create a cellular noise sketch using instancing on spheres. You can also use particles as an instancing base. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Special thanks to: AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Jules Guerin, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum and Teruhisa If you have any questions, feel free to ask. IG: @elekktronaut
https://github.com/franklin113/TD_Stage_Window Coming from a media server background the main feature I’ve missed most getting into Touchdesigner is having the ability to lay elements out on a stage or workspace. This multipurpose and highly customizable tool allows you to freely position media items and outputs within a blank workspace. Outputs are cameras that render the media […]
In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’ll use the animation COMP to create camera movements on a sphere and grid with a height map. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Beat detection: https://youtu.be/gUELH_B2wsE Tips, Tricks and FAQs Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFrhecWXVn5-kUOY8X0MO_0NcOFDjceLh Special thanks to: AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Jules Guerin, Nikolai Reinke, Rob and Xenia Format If you have any questions, feel free to […]
hello, everyone, this is my first tutorial in TouchDesigner. in this tutorial, I explain how you can make a beautiful glass material, and how to create a distance light with the change value in distance-attenuated parameters. and of course a colorful phong material on Frame sphere. we made this frame in Cinema 4D and you […]
In today’s video, Elburz provides a need-to-know introduction to the new Engine COMP, a tool which is expected to fundamentally change the way TouchDesigner projects are built. Engine Comp allows you to distribute the workload of a project across multiple CPU threads using the new TouchEngine. This means that if something heavy happens in one […]
A demonstration of new features and important changes. Get it now here:derivative.ca/community-post/asset/tdmorph Make sure to check out the tutorials (particularly number 5)
I’m trying “elements” effect in TouchDesigner; fire, water, wind, earth … and so on. This time, in this tutorial, we made fire effect. The key technique; it consists 3 steps; I )Put points, II )make trigger, and III)fire いろんな属性エフェクト(火、風、土…など)に挑戦しています。今回のチュートリアルでは火の術をやります。 今回使う技術は3ステップあります。 ①点をおきます ②トリガーをつけて ③点火 です。 You can download .toe file in this movie below. .toeファイルは以下からDLできます。 https://drive.google.com/file/d/148w-Bg6wS_o7YvUnByXX5SIrWbtkXB5f/view?usp=sharing […]
One HQ PRO member asks how to use the particle lifetimes in TouchDesigner to control the visual elements of a particle system. Elburz builds an example while explaining how life attributes work on particles, how to use them, and the common tricks you can use to get the most out of them. To join The […]
Unwrap a SOP into the UV coordinate space with GLSL MAT. TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.20020 Volcano – Poly by Google: https://poly.google.com/view/dwSigTeSMCo Ambulance – Poly by Google: https://poly.google.com/view/8NOFImgkI5N Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___
In this tutorial I will show you how to make an image consisting of the sides of dice using GLSL in Touchdesigner https://vk.com/iga_stud https://www.instagram.com/iga_stud https://www.patreon.com/iga_stud
Basics of working with vertex shaders in TouchDesigner. Post on my Patreon with project files – https://www.patreon.com/posts/34116481 Normals recalculation code – https://matthewragan.com/touchdesigner-glsl-cheat-sheet/
NOTE: Because of a copyright claim i had to mute the sound in some parts. I hope you can still understand what’s going on! Let me know if you need any help, I can also send you the video on request. Much love —— In this TouchDesigner tutorial, we’re using the cue parameter of the […]
This exercise uses the mouse movement to control the playback head of an external movie with TouchDesigner. Instead of using the mouse to touch virtual object in space, it uses the mouse to move back and forward in time.
In this tutorial, we create a reusable component for kick and snare detection using CHOPs in TouchDesigner. Note: I’m still working on this and I noticed it makes more sense to use the mult on the first math, with a range between like 1 and 20 or something, so you can simply make the file […]
This exercise explored the use of the MotionSense object in TouchDesigner to display two different pieces of text according to the motion detected in front of the webcam.
En este ejemplo veremos como realizar un sistema interactivo básico, usando operadores TOPS para detectar el movimiento de personas en un video. Luego podremos aplicar diferentes efectos visuales sobre las personas. Musica: Grupo de ayuda TD: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1336140116474496/ Fuente: http://satoruhiga.com
This tutorial is about how to map the address LED panel in one minute. Этот урок о том, как замэпить светодиодную панель за 1 минуту. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14r8S3flbqx2nKKEWr0Iexhs1tueTeHPZ?usp=sharing
Computationally cheap, but visually appealing God rays effect in TouchDesigner for 2D and 3D scenes. Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exsstas and get project files. It will also motivate me to make tutorials more often 🙂
En este tutorial vamos a estar analizando las herramientas KantanMapper y Stoner, que se encuentran incorporadas en Touchdesigner. Nos permiten poder mapear nuestro contenido visual en objetos 3D, 2D, pantallas leds, escenografías, etc. pudiendo moldear los contornos, perspectivas y posición a gusto.
This video is the first part of tutorials about creating first person camera control in touchdesigner. Here you can see how to control the rotation of the camera with mouse. p.s. In the end put your received rx and ry values in null1 into rotate parameters of the camera. English is not my strongest point, […]
In this tutorial, we use processed images to create a miniature landscape with height maps! Link to images: https://earthview.withgoogle.com Tutorial Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFrhecWXVn59Xtcy1L2vfSaqq2_Ts88ov Using Audio As A Time Substitute Tutorial: https://youtu.be/6NMVm-qmfeQ Sorry for the quiet audio. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut
demonstrates GPU particle systems rendered as 3D tube trails in TouchDesigner, using TOPs to calculate position and a SOP+custom MAT to render the tubes. recommended you have at least a basic-intermediate understanding of TouchDesigner and GLSL first, but can probably be stepped through if you’re very careful. apologies for the aggressive gating on the mic, […]
Workshop: Pixel Mapping and Performing with LEDs Example Files: https://tinyurl.com/Summit2019-KarlSkene This half-day workshop for is meant for users who have a general understanding of the TD interface and its operators. Building on the concepts and techniques presented in the 2018 Berlin Summit Pixel Mapping Workshop, we will construct a flexible system for mapping and controlling […]
using a model of Napoleon downloaded from http://threedscans.com/nouveau-musee-national-de-monaco/napoleon-ler/ we will look at converting obj models to point clouds, saving them out, using normals information and how to create a simple particle like effect with nothing else but TOPs. https://derivative.ca/community-post/tutorial/pointclouds-touchdesigner
The easy and funny way to control LED strip from Cinema 4D by MoGraph Effectors. Also you can use the same technic with any other software – simply add python script ALSO YOU CAN AVOID CREATING A TONS OF TRIM/SHIF CHOPS! Simply add Shuffle CHOP and choose Split N Samples with a number of you […]
This tutorial is about how to control geometric parameters using textures. Этот урок о том, как управлять геометрическими параметрами, используя текстуры. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KfUBU4jN-UVCMlOsQjaAAHe379zluSCX
What is instancing, and how can we use it? Instancing allows us to draw a single shape, or SOP, many times, more efficiently than if we were to copy it over and over. The Geo comp allows us to define how each instance of the SOP is drawn, using several different control fields which can […]
How to set up Kinect point cloud in TouchDesigner and get minimalistic abstract output from it. This is more or less same technique I used in this video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qNNaCWezLY You can download .toe files both for stable and experimental versions here – https://www.patreon.com/posts/32679662 (and it’s free!)
Transforming geometry with a primitive SOP and a power of Python. Sampling CHOPs and TOPs values to transform geometry faces. High importance of a jiggly-wiggly banana creation. Download file here – https://www.patreon.com/posts/32253537
What is instancing, and how can we use it? Instancing allows us to draw a single shape, or SOP, many times, more efficiently than if we were to copy it over and over. The Geo comp allows us to define how each instance of the SOP is drawn, using several different control fields which can […]
What is instancing, and how can we use it? Instancing allows us to draw a single shape, or SOP, many times, more efficiently than if we were to copy it over and over. The Geo comp allows us to define how each instance of the SOP is drawn, using several different control fields which can […]
Este es un video tutorial realizado por Qualia.AV , donde se explica paso a paso como utilizar el sistema TDA, el cual nos permite conectar Ableton y Touchdesigner de forma bidirecciona. Se puede utilizar en 1 computadora, o en 2 computadoras (Pc 1 Ableton / Pc 2 Touchdesigner) Se recomienda conectar ambas computadoras por cable […]
Tutorial on creating full 3D trails and keep 60fps with a TOP operators. Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exsstas and get some extra files. You can also subscribe to my Insta and watch my TD experiments https://www.instagram.com/exsstas/
In this video we will look at various methods to smooth out sensor data. In the past, I have run into problems with noisy data coming from Arduinos and distance sensors and here are some solutions I have come up with to get consistent data. See the previous part here: https://youtu.be/0SaXOrZoJuk See the first part […]
In this video we will look at various methods to smooth out sensor data. In the past, I have run into problems with noisy data coming from Arduinos and distance sensors and here are some solutions I have come up with to get consistent data. See the previous part here: https://youtu.be/mDaJYGTlxws
In this video we will look at various methods to smooth out sensor data. In the past, I have run into problems with noisy data coming from Arduinos and distance sensors and here are some solutions I have come up with to get consistent data. See the next part here: https://youtu.be/0SaXOrZoJuk