IMU Sensors for Touch Designer Intro

We will introduce the TouchDesigner file in the workshop with some beginner ideas for using IMU signals to drive various operations in TouchDesigner.

Using IMU data to control a switch in TouchDesigner

Selecting an appropriate signal, mapping it into integers, and using these integers to drive a switch.

Rotating 3D objects in TouchDesigner with IMU Accelerometer Data

Using either TouchOSC or the SensorTile, this video shows how to extract a rotation signal and select and map it onto the appropriate transforms for a 3D object.

Using an IMU to drive colour parameters in TouchDesigner

Selecting an appropriate signal from the IMU and mapping it onto the hue offset in TouchDesigner.

Touch Designer to XArm Robot: Master Pattern Generation File Walkthrough

Here’s the TD file. Please feel welcome to make improvements and share! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rzv40hya7da0o4ogglfnu/PN_master_pattern_generator.8.toe?rlkey=xgejd8dlsf50z258ogxn1w8is&dl=0