Dith dsgn

Touchdesigner – Droplet effect with a 3d matrix in Tops.

In this video, I try to recreate the effect from the water ad (link below) using tops instancing on a top matrix. Project file is available on my Patreon. Link to the ad : Patreon : https://patreon.com/Dith_idsgn Socials : Tweets by dithdsgn1 https://www.instagram.com/dith_idsgn/

Using Stablediffusion to create a pointcloud 3D effect in Touchdesigner. Part 1

In this tutorial, we are going to look at a method to simulate a Pointcloud model in Touchdesigner based on a StableDiffusion output. The second part of the tutorial will be available on my Patreon along with project files. https://patreon.com/Dith_idsgn Some useful links to install stablediffusion and models : Stable Diffusion Art – Tutorials for […]

Touchdesigner – Particles system on TOPs. Part 2. Attractor velocity, SOP input and colors.

In this tutorial we are going to build a basic particles system with sources, attractor and forces, all the computanional system based on TOPs. In this second part we will polish the attractor velocity, build Sops inputs and adding colors. https://www.instagram.com/dith_idsgn/ dith.media

Touchdesigner – Particles system on TOPs. Part 1. Sources, attractor and forces.

In this tutorial we are going to build a basic particles system with sources, attractor and forces, all the computanional system based on TOPs. In this first part we are going to build the core of the system. https://www.instagram.com/dith_idsgn/ dith.media

Tutoriel Touchdesigner en Français. Les bases du Top instancing pour aller plus loin.

Dans ce tutoriel j’explique les fondamentaux du top instancing sur Touchdesigner. Erratum : A la fin du tutoriel, nous ne cherchons pas à avoir une valeur d’alpha egal à 1 pour l’arrière plan mais d’obtenir une différence marquée avec le timer. Il faut jouer sur le scale z du sop box pour augmenter la profondeur […]