Generative audiovisuals with Bitwig and Touchdesigner.
#touchdesigner #bitwig #generative
Interactive studies 2 #generativeart #touchdesigner #interactiveart #modularsynth #bitwig
Controlling the position and generation of instanced spheres with my hands.
Texture cubes. #touchdesigner #heightmaps #textures
Height and texture maps from pixel information.
Evolutions #touchdesigner #generativeart #stablediffusion #generativeartist #tothegrave
Stable-diffusion with To The Grave.
Playgrounds #touchdesigner #bitwig #audioreactive #samplers
Audio-reactive generative textures.
Interactive studies 1 #generativeart #touchdesigner #interactiveart #take5 #bitwig
Controlling with my hands the density and rotation of a sphere textured with height maps and alphas.
Stacks #touchdesigner #audioreactive #noir #bitwig
6 stacked instances with differing randomization of parameters.