
3.1 Noise CHOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

The Noise CHOP can be used to create random values that relate to each other. Those can then be used to animate the position of a rectangle on the screen.

3. Channel Operators (CHOP) – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

This is an introduction to Channel Operators (Chops) in TouchDesigner. This video explains how they work in general and how to export channels to drive parameters of other operators and how to manipulate values.

2.8 Text TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

The Text TOP can be used to display text in a font that is installed on your computer, or load one from a folder. You can apply some basic styling like alignment, line spacing and colour.

2.7 Flip TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

The Flip TOP can be used to mirror images. By animating the incoming image you can create interesting shapes.

2.6 Ramp TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

The ramp TOP can be used to create different types of gradients. This video shows how to do this and also how to use expressions to animate them.

2.5 Transform TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

The Transform TOP can be used to move images around and to change the pivot to rotate and scale things from one specific point. It can also be used to create patterns.

2.4 Composite TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

The Composite TOP takes the image data of its inputs to create a new image. It can be used to layer things, create masks and to achieve different blending modes.

2.3 Noise TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

This video explains how to use the Noise TOP to create organic shapes with alpha values. It also shows how to transform the noise in space.

2.2 Circle TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

This video is about the Circle TOP. It shows how to create outlines, half circles, lines that depend on an angle and how to create polygonal shapes.

2. Texture Operators (TOP) – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

This is an introduction to texture operators (short TOPs) in TouchDesigner. Here I cover how to insert them and distinguish between image generating and image manipulating TOPs. I also explain how to set the resolution of an image.

2.1 Rectangle TOP – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

The Rectangle Top is a very basic operator that is used to create filled shapes with outlines and rounded corners, but also to create thin lines.

1. Basic Setup – Minimalistic Animation in TouchDesigner

This is the first Video of a Series where I will cover how to create minimalistic animations in TouchDesigner.