TouchDesigner Roundtable HALLE

Organized by The NODE Institute, the TouchDesigner Roundtable is the meeting point for creatives and developers who work with the visual development platform TouchDesigner as well as everybody who is curious about the world of interactive media art and the people behind it.

With this edition we continue to expand our horizon and visit the Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein in Halle, a city about two hours south-west of Berlin. The Burg has an institution deicated to design education for more than 100 years and is still known as one of the best design universities of Germany.

TouchDesigner Roundtable HALLE

19:00 UHR / 7:00 PM / DOORS OPEN
20:00 UHR / 8:00 PM / FLORIAN KÜHNLE
21:00 UHR / 9:00 PM / TBA
22:00 UHR / 10:00 PM / TBA
22:30 UHR / 10:30 PM / Sozialising

The TD Roundtable HALLE is being supported by:
Derivative /
Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle /

The TD Roundtable HALLE is MEETING AT:
TBA in Halle, Germany

#halle #creativecode #ai #art #education #experiencedesign #exhibition #design #performance #osc #touchdesigner #scenography #visualprogramming #nodelove #nodeheads #interaction #mediaart #newmediaart #audiovisual #design #stage #exhibition #mediaarchitecture #spatialmedia #data #mediaserver #videomapping #sensors #cameras #real-time #immersiveexperiences #advancedtechnology #design #generative #procedural #contemporary #culture #virutalreality #ar #tracking

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