Arduino and TouchDesigner

How to use the Arduino with TouchDesigner

TouchDesigner and Touch Board

How to use the Touch Board with TouchDesigner

TouchDesigner – Cell Phone Sensors & OSCin CHOP

Demonstration using OSChook app to bring Android phone sensor data (Rotation, Light, etc) into TouchDesigner wirelessly via the OSCin CHOP. Apps mentioned: OSChook: GyrOSC:

TouchDesigner Demo – Video and Audio Devices as Sensors

Demonstration to convert real-time video and audio inputs into channel information to use as interactive sensors in TouchDesigner

Rotating 3D objects in TouchDesigner with IMU Accelerometer Data

Using either TouchOSC or the SensorTile, this video shows how to extract a rotation signal and select and map it onto the appropriate transforms for a 3D object.

Using IMU data to control a switch in TouchDesigner

Selecting an appropriate signal, mapping it into integers, and using these integers to drive a switch.

Arduino Laser Trip Switch (laser emitter & Photo-resistor)

Some of our most popular programs are now available over on the website: WE’RE BACK. After what feels like too long, its time to get back on the horse. This time we come prepared with a box full of sensors and a new series to create! Episode 1 of Arduino Sensors – a laser […]

IMU Sensors for Touch Designer Intro

We will introduce the TouchDesigner file in the workshop with some beginner ideas for using IMU signals to drive various operations in TouchDesigner.

24th Motion Sensor Analysis[TouchDesigner](English)

It’s a tutorial for making a motion senser with Touchdesigner. You can use it to make a interface that reacts to human motion for example. Here I used CacheTOP and AnalyzeTOP to get the distribution of the motion. ※Caution: a TouchDesigner amateur user is making this movie, so there can be a lot of mistakes […]

How to Quickly Calibrate Sensor Data in TouchDesigner (Tutorial)

Get access to more content like this – including 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Sensors output a lot of data. Kinects, Leap Motions, and touchscreens all output a wide range of data and […]

Create Interactive Multisensory Experiences with TouchDesigner & Playtron MIDI – Part 1 of 9

We’re starting a new 9-video series where I’ll be diving deep into interactivity using Playtron. Get Project Files & Roses Videos Here 👉 Free VJ Pack Collections – Over 150 Videos and Growing 👉 AI voice I used: 👉 – Video Summary 0:00 – *Introduction to Playtronica:* Learn what Playtronica is, how […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial – Denoising Sensor Data – Part 1

In this video we will look at various methods to smooth out sensor data. In the past, I have run into problems with noisy data coming from Arduinos and distance sensors and here are some solutions I have come up with to get consistent data. See the next part here:

TouchDesigner Week 11 Asynchronous Lesson

Arduino! – LDR (light sensor), Potentiometer (knob), Button (button), and TouchDesigner input

Button States in TouchDesigner: Momentary, Toggle & Radio Modes with Playtron – Part 2 of 9

We dive into TouchDesigner’s button states—Momentary, Toggle, Radio, and Exclusive showing how to create interactive responses. You’ll learn practical applications for each state and see a custom Playtron MIDI setup in action. Free Component Here 👉 Part 1: – Free VJ Pack Collections – Over 150 Videos and Growing 👉 AI voice […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial – Denoising Sensor Data – Part 2

In this video we will look at various methods to smooth out sensor data. In the past, I have run into problems with noisy data coming from Arduinos and distance sensors and here are some solutions I have come up with to get consistent data. See the previous part here:

Touchdesigner + Arduino + Bare conductive. Custom touchpad. Tutorial. (Сенсорная панель)

scheme: I2C scanner: MPR121 library: TD project:

TouchDesigner Tutorial – Denoising Sensor Data – Part 3

In this video we will look at various methods to smooth out sensor data. In the past, I have run into problems with noisy data coming from Arduinos and distance sensors and here are some solutions I have come up with to get consistent data. See the previous part here: See the first part […]

iPhone ARkit & Depth Sensor in TouchDesigner Tutorial – Part 2!

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Picking up where we left off in part 1, we dive deeper into Zig Sim Pro and look at the capabilities it has when it comes […]

collision with sensors in TouchDesigner

This is my first developed method for collision with search optimization, which can solve the collision of tens of thousands of particles. I really hope you like this method and you make good use of it. Thank you massive for your support. .toe file (Patreon tier 3):… Subscribe to this channel to get notified […]

Hokuyo sensor – Touchdesigner Tutorial

Best interactive experience with hokuyo sensor hokuyo sensor(UST-10LX) setting up hokuyo for connecting to PC In detail 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: IG: Twitter:

Using a laser to control 3D in touchdesigner – project walkthrough

Using the suonobuono lazer midi controller to interact with touchdesigner in a new way! Full visual posted on

Touchdesigner + Tobii Tutorial: How to freeze a video wherever you are looking at

This method is using Touchdesigner and the Tobii Eyetracker and freezing the video always in the viewers focus area. On the edge of the view the video always continues to play normally, but in the middle it freezes. Tobii Gaze Point: Gaze Point Input video from Luna Ikuta: My instagram account:

Interactive Networks in TouchDesigner For Playtron or MIDI – The Basics and Core Logic Part 4 of 9

Remember, this video is the second part of Video 3 in this series. Here, we’ll cover how to create a simple interactive network. Get Project Files Here 👉 ============================= *VIDEO SUMMARY* 00:00 Intro 00:37 Fixing Instances: We’ll adjust the instance values so they work correctly in the Geo component of TouchDesigner. Remember, we need to […]

Motion sensing exercise with TouchDesigner 2

An exercise to demonstrate the idea of virtual touch using the MotionSense object in TouchDesigner.

Wiimote Plugin for Touchdesigner

A plugin for touchdesigner that supports the Wiimote and the Nunchuck based on Wiiuse.

【Gem Seed】Model conversion effect—Touchdesigner part | TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL (Beginner Friendly)

You can ask me anything about Touchdesigner or get my TD plug-in on my discord Or follow me on: IG: Hope you like it! 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (Chinese Version) English version coming soon on Udemy!

Motion sensing exercise in TouchDesigner 1

This exercise explored the use of the MotionSense object in TouchDesigner to display two different pieces of text according to the motion detected in front of the webcam.

Using an IMU to drive colour parameters in TouchDesigner

Selecting an appropriate signal from the IMU and mapping it onto the hue offset in TouchDesigner.

【Gem Seed】Model conversion effect—Arduino part | TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL (Beginner Friendly)

You can ask me anything about Touchdesigner or get my TD plug-in on my discord Or follow me on: IG: Hope you like it! 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (Chinese Version) English version coming soon on Udemy!

Motion sensing exercise with TouchDesigner 3

Detecting movement in TouchDesigner by comparing two images with the use of Cache and Cache Select.