RayTK Tutorial: Reflection & Backgrounds

This tutorial covers using reflective materials in a RayTK scene with background light maps and an atmosphere/sunset simulation. Download the toolkit (version 0.15 or newer) at https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases. Download a completed project file: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/raw/master/examples/tutorial-reflection-v2a.toe The atmosphereField is based on https://github.com/wwwtyro/glsl-atmosphere. Sections: 0:00 Intro 0:11 Setup 0:31 Main SDF 2:25 Camera 2:59 Material 4:03 Reflection requirements 4:52 […]

super easy reflection – Touchdesigner Tutorial

super easy reflection tutorial with Cube Map source https://wgld.org/d/webgl/w044.html [English]In detail https://miwa-maroon.medium.com/for-touchdesigner-beginners-super-easy-reflection-that-takes-only-5-minutes-67e7a5395219 詳しい解説はこちら qiita:https://qiita.com/miwa_maroon/items/b2e0aef4a74fb65cf198 IG:https://www.instagram.com/p/CQGIsWHtjd-/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/miwata34

Simple mirror – TouchDesigner Tutorial

How to make a simple flat mirror in TouchDesigner. Как сделать простое плоское зеркало в TouchDesigner. Project here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qUApTxJ2PIXy1HSKMvpyjyDwVvJv1via/view?usp=sharing

reflection ー TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this Touchdesigner Tutorial we can create a plane with reflection 詳しい解説はこちら https://qiita.com/miwa_maroon/items/15cefa8781a7c047e145 IG:https://www.instagram.com/p/CKOgfXLh0UT/ twitter:https://twitter.com/miwata34


Gracias por estar aquí! Hay diferentes formas de generar escenas con reflejos en Touchdesigner. Aquí dejo una aproximación para lograr algunas composiciones. Esto seria un comienzo. Se puede llevar mucho mas lejos. Dale click a Suscribirse para más tutoriales. Thanks for being here. There are different ways to generate scenes with reflections in Touchdesigner. Here […]