"TouchDesigner: Интерактивный 3D-текст с аудио и MIDI-реакцией

TOUCHDESIGNER X MIDI X VST X AUDIOREACTION boosty.to/aiskih t.me/aiskih inst: aiskih.l Хорошо, пользователь создал обучающее видео на русском языке о работе с TouchDesigner. Он сделал 3D-текст, анимировал его, подключил VST-плагин и MID-клавиатуру, а также настроил реакцию текста на видео. Нужно придумать краткое и ёмкое название и описание для этого видео. Сначала подумаю о ключевых элементах: […]

Midi Controller Quick Setup in TouchDesigner

Midi Controller Quick Setup in TouchDesigner (Midi: LPD8 MK2 / AKAI Pro) Operators in this video: Midi In [CHOP] Select [CHOP] Math [CHOP] Geometry [COMP] Midi In Map [CHOP] — Music: Over N Over Musician: Not The King

Controlling TouchDesigner with a MIDI device

This tutorial was created by Nele Oberbiermann as part of a short term project for the Motion Experience Lab. Check out Motion Experience Lab: https://www.instagram.com/motionexperiencelab?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== How to Map your MIDI: Pointcloud Tutorial:

How to make a generative MIDI sequencer in TouchDesigner

I was finally able to find the 5 or so hours I need to shoot and edit a tutorial so here it is! Make your own generative MIDI sequencer in TouchDesigner. I advise you to get familiar with the particular MIDI instrument your using because I may not be able to help you on how […]

Touchdesigner MIDI Tutorial – Triggering Videos Via MIDI

In this video I walk through my process of having videos triggered to play in Touchdesigner from MIDI messages within my DAW. I do not understand code at all really, this is just one example to achieve this result. If there is an easier method please leave a comment and I’ll check it out. Hope […]

Interactive Networks in TouchDesigner For Playtron or MIDI – The Basics and Core Logic Part 4 of 9

Remember, this video is the second part of Video 3 in this series. Here, we’ll cover how to create a simple interactive network. Get Project Files Here 👉https://okamirufu.link/project_files_collections ============================= *VIDEO SUMMARY* 00:00 Intro 00:37 Fixing Instances: We’ll adjust the instance values so they work correctly in the Geo component of TouchDesigner. Remember, we need to […]

Button States in TouchDesigner: Momentary, Toggle & Radio Modes with Playtron – Part 2 of 9

We dive into TouchDesigner’s button states—Momentary, Toggle, Radio, and Exclusive showing how to create interactive responses. You’ll learn practical applications for each state and see a custom Playtron MIDI setup in action. Free Component Here 👉 https://okamirufu.link/frees_collections Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA_uGNz4YvI&t=10s – Free VJ Pack Collections – Over 150 Videos and Growing 👉 https://okamirufu.link/free_vj_pack_y AI voice […]

Create Interactive Multisensory Experiences with TouchDesigner & Playtron MIDI – Part 1 of 9

We’re starting a new 9-video series where I’ll be diving deep into interactivity using Playtron. Get Project Files & Roses Videos Here 👉 https://okamirufu.link/project_files Free VJ Pack Collections – Over 150 Videos and Growing 👉 https://okamirufu.link/free_vj_pack_y AI voice I used: 👉 https://okamirufu.link/eleven_labs – Video Summary 0:00 – *Introduction to Playtronica:* Learn what Playtronica is, how […]

How to Link DMX Bars with MIDI – TouchDesigner Tutorial

#dmx #midi #launchpad #touchdesigner – Launchpad Mini https://novationmusic.com/products/launchpad-mini-mk3 – Softy DMX Download https://www.patreon.com/posts/softydmx-dmx-bar-106953655?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link – Enntec Pro DMX USB Pro – Reasonable Artnet Device – Opposk DMX Bar Perfect Guide to Setting Up Your DMX Bar – Step-by-Step Tutorial! 3 DMX Animation Essentials – Using Touchdesigner TOP Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/miwamaroon Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@miwa_maroon IG:https://www.instagram.com/p/CQGIsWHtjd-/ X :https://twitter.com/miwata34

Interactive Instrument – Instancing to MIDI in TouchDesigner (Tutorial)

Hello Everyone! In this tutorial, I’ll show you a special project I’ve been working on for a couple of days. We’ll use the RenderPickCHOP to extract instancing data and convert it to MIDI, allowing you to click and play! This project was inspired by elekktronaut’s video on playing drums with Kinect. (Their videos are great […]

TouchDesigner Quick Tips: Create Custom Midi Map for Controller

In this short Touchdesigner Tutorial, we will learn how to create a Midi Map for any Midi controller, allowing you to use your own hardware with TouchDesigner

Kinect Controlled Synthesizer v1.2 – [TouchDesigner + Ableton Live + Kinect Project Files]

Small fragments of pointcloud me live-improvising with a slightly-improved and more capable version of one of my previous systems. You’ll notice that thanks to it, I’m being able to control my beloved Prophet 6 with both my hands’ X and Y axis movement. [It allows you to control any instrument that accepts MIDI.] System created […]

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Midi Controlling Point Clouds

This is a tutorial/patch walkthrough of my approach to controlling visuals with MIDI. This is a huge topic, and largely outside the scope of a single tutorial, but hopefully it will help get the creative juices flowing. Here’s the Marcus Heckmann tutorial I reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB3P0-uCszo The .toe for this project can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jl8zdo7gghq6py1/midi_tut.1.toe?dl=0 […]

Basic Midi Keyboard Visualisation | TouchDesigner Tutorial

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating on our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. These videos are beginner level and we’ll soon record new tutorials which are a little […]

TouchDesigner and Synesthesia | MIDI, OSC, Syphon/Spout

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Download Synesthesia here: http://synesthesia.live Synesthesia Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN91… Download TouchDesigner here: https://derivative.ca/download Official TouchDesigner Documentation: https://docs.derivative.ca/Main_Page TouchDesigner Beginner Project Tutorial Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCdKQ… #touchdesigner #synesthesia #digitalart #generativeart #trippy

TouchDesigner – Midi controlling VST parameters

Welcome to part 3! If you are familiar to TD this should be plenty simple to follow. If you are not go to part 1 and learn how to make this project from scratch 😉 I this video we’ll add MIDI control to some VST parameters so you can use your hardware to control the […]

Tactile MIDI Sensors & Generative Content in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 100+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial MIDI is one of the most versatile control signals out there. It’s been used not only for musical devices but also for more abstract controllers and […]

Playing VSTs with MIDI in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 100+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial One of the most exciting parts of VST support in TouchDesigner is being able to generate real-time sound environments using VST synth instruments. The tricky part […]

[Tutorial] Transforming Video into a MIDI Sequencer – TouchDesigner + Ableton Live

Been working for quite a bit in a way to transform image into sound, and came up with a hopefully-interesting idea. In this tutorial you’re going to learn how to transform RGB data into MIDI in TouchDesigner, and feed it to Ableton Live. I’ve also uploaded both project files and the final Ableton session for […]

Image to Midi in Touchdesigner

00:00 original image 00:11 BW version 00:25 play midi pattern by manual 00:36 ugly sequence 00:57 beautyful sequence 01:06 play with velocity (WOW) 01:22 add some fx in ableton 01:50 play with original image’s vertical scale 02:14 change midi sequencer play speed 02:30 JAM 1 (introduce) 04:04 change pitch 04:25 WOoooW 2 moment (jjjuust like […]

TouchDesigner/звук — подключение MIDI клавиатуры, CHOP script, сэмплер, Moog, Buchla // архив

Архивные уроки. Этот урок не про MIDI контроллеры для виджеинга, он про подсоединение MIDI клавиатур (пианино) с контроллерами 00:00 Midi In 5:17 CHOP Script MIDI keyboard 18:00 синтезатор Moog Канал Matthew Ragan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKAAKTI2xLNNBJRkdf8E58A поддержать бесплатное создание контента: https://www.patreon.com/konstantin3411 исходники на патреоне уроки по ардуино-td-max/msp-pd в дизайн библиотеке ББ https://bangbangeducation.ru/course/arduino

터치디자이너ㅣParticles with MIDI 2/2ㅣTouchDesigner

Part 2 에서는 미디 컨트롤러를 터치디자이너에 연결하여 파티클과 이펙터를 실시간으로 컨트롤하는 법에 관한 강의입니다. —— 00:00​ MIDI Mapping 04:51 MIDI 채널분리 07:47 MIDI 연결 및 제어 —— Website: http://crazyradio.xyz Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/crazy.radio.film/ #touchdesigner #터치디자이너 #audiovisual

터치디자이너ㅣParticles with MIDI 1/2ㅣTouchDesigner

Part 1에서는 터치디자이너의 파티클 Particle 생성과 이펙터(Feedback, Blur) 의 관한 내용입니다. —— 00:00​ 개요 02:21 Particle 생성 15:14 색 입히기 / Lookup 17:05 이펙터 적용 / Feedback, Blur —— Website: http://crazyradio.xyz Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/crazy.radio.film/ #touchdesigner #터치디자이너 #audiovisual

Touchdesigner Midi Setup

Mas info en hectorcruz.com.mx

Midi- / Audio file synchronize: FREE TOX for Touchdesigner

Ever had difficulties setting up your link with Ableton before a gig? Well, I did. Getting those rock-solid-in-sync-triggers from Ableton into Touchdesigner is a workflow I’ve dreamt of years ago, and it works very well. But recently I started to bump into these hurdles like: – a messed up network setup or no internet connection […]

Tutorial: How to use MIDI devices in Unreal Engine with TouchDesigner

Link for the compiled OSC plugin, just unzip =] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WXvN1zJ8dd9mlLwcxxrQJH7WLd7_yFJB/view?usp=sharing some examples of what MIDI can do in Unreal on my Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/tyler.mammoser/ Made this tutorial with the intention that someone with little knowledge on Unreal or TouchDesigner but interested could gain as much as someone with a lot of knowledge in Unreal but just interested […]

Tutorial – Deluge w/ Touchdesigner – Midi Setup

A quick first step setup to use my midi mapping for the deluge with touchdesigner. You need this file for the tutorial: https://bit.ly/3qiyizW for other questions and anything else, use the synstrom forum, comments are disabled here. here´s the link to the thread: https://bit.ly/2Vr36Al

MIDI Keyboard Visualisation – TouchDesigner Tutorial 29.1

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we use the Event CHOP and Instancing to create an abstract MIDI keyboard visualisation. This is Part 1 of at least two videos covering this topic. My keyboard is the Roland A-800 Pro with 61 keys. Feel free to use this in any way, but please give credit ❤ —– 00:00 […]

Creating Interactive Controls for Live Performance – Ginger Leigh

Workshop: Interactive Control for Live Performance Example files: https://tinyurl.com/Summit2019GingerLeigh 0:00 – Introduction 3:35 – Notes on sensors 6:40 – MIDI controllers 26:06 – Thinking excercise 30:10 – Leap Motion 50:45 – See note below on additional excerpt video at this point 50:45 – Kinect sensors 1:13:55 – Ableton Live using Live Grabber 1:21:18 – Ableton […]

TouchDesigner Electronic Music Studio – Owen Kirby

* Video starts at 3:30 Workshop: TouchDesigner Electronic Music Studio Example Files: https://tinyurl.com/Summit2019-OwenKirby 0:00 – Introduction 3:30 – Audio synthesis in TouchDesigner 17:50 – EQs, filters, and effects 22:30 – MIDI and sequencing 27:43 – Audio recording and playback 31:14 – Troubleshooting 34:10 – Synth Builder Components – available here: https://www.owenkirby.net/components 41:40 – SuperSynth 52:20 […]

Looping Rhythms – TouchDesigner + Ableton Tutorial 4

In this tutorial we dive deeper into the connection of TouchDesigner and Ableton, into building UI’s with widgets and connecting both. We create a custom component with which you can set the tempo of the ableton project and play rhythms that loop instantly fitting to an external song or an audio file. —– 00:00 Intro […]

터치디자이너 미디 멥핑 튜토리얼 | TouchDesigner – Midi Mapping Tutorial

안녕하세요, 미디어 아티스트 카로 입니다. 첫 튜토리얼이라 아직 조금 어색하지만 터치디자이너 튜토리얼 오래 전부터 너무 만들어 보고 싶었습니다. 터치디자이너를 배워보고 싶었지만 튜토리얼 대부분이 영어로 되어 있어서 어려움을 느끼셨던 분들께 도움이 되었으면 좋겠어요. 터치디자이너를 처음 사용하고 싶은 사람,또는 이미 터치디자이너로 프로젝트를 제작중인 사용자도 환영합니다! 더 궁금하신점이나 요청사항은 댓글로 남겨주시면 다음 영상에 반영하겠습니다. carolinereize.com https://blog.naver.com/swhakim95 https://www.instagram.com/digital.rain/ Music: […]

10. Tutorial Touchdesigner – MIDI

Collegare un controller MIDI (LPD8 AKAI) a Touchdesigner. Per info: fio.minnucci@gmail.com

Widgets Part 9 – Binding to channels with the Bind CHOP

A quick introduction to the Bind CHOP and how to bind parameters to CHOP channels. Starting Project: https://tinyurl.com/ycgz2763 TouchDesigner 2020.24520+ required MIDI, OSC, and other inputs often come into TouchDesigner as CHOP channels. This workflow shows how to bind these channels to parameters anywhere in your project.

TouchDesigner live coding session 1: creating MIDI Sequencer

Будем создавать миди секвенсор для управления драм машиной из тач дизайнера. Git репозиторий проекта: https://github.com/drum-computer/sequencer Начало контента на 17:30 Приятного просмотра, не забывайте подписываться!

digitakt/digitone w/ Touchdesigner – nvidia flow

short example where i hooked up some parameters of the nvidia flow operator to the digitone / digitakt.

elektron digitone/digitakt w/ touchdesigner MIDI

midi demo. elektron digitone/digitakt w/touchdesigner 0:29 – Hardware setup 0:52 – Overview MIDI Mappings 3:46 – Linking DT parameters to DT parameters 6:20 – Linking DT parameters to DN parameters and back 8:50 – LFOs and Tables 13:41 – Parameter recording 19:35 – Externals for more information please goto: link here

Adding Human Input: 3D Scenes in TouchDesigner – Ronen Tanchum

Workshop: Adding Human Input: 3D Scenes in TouchDesigner Example Files: https://tinyurl.com/Summit2019-RonenTanchum In this workshop Ronen Tanchum will present a variety of devices that can be connected to TouchDesigner and will outline different ways to use their incoming data. The workshop will begin with an overview of the mechanical ways to let TouchDesigner coordinate scenes with […]

Sending MIDI notes and data from TouchDesigner to Ableton Live – tutorial

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Due to the CoVid19 emergency in Italy, my work has been negatively affected and at the moment I don’t know when I’ll be back to the normality. I have always shared my work with passion and for free! However I don’t know if this can now last for longer. If you find my tutorials […]

Simple Keys Mapping – TouchDesigner + Ableton Tutorial 3

In this tutorial I show how to visually represent all available keys (so the entire keyboard) from Ableton to TouchDesigner using TDAbleton. I then use a simple feedback to create a more appealing look. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! IG: @elekktronaut

Ludwigsburg Day3 – Python and Mapping

First half of day 3 focused on Custom Parameters, Python, Python Extensions, Projectionmapping Tools as well as Kinect / Camera Calibration

ELECTRONIC APE FRIENDS – Episode 3: Building a Midi Sequencer in TouchDesigner

Salutations ape-friends! I had a visit at the office today by someone who suggested I put up more tutorial videos on my TouchDesigner audio-visual workflow so here’s a quick one I decided to pump out at the end of my day. My applogies for the bad audio on this I haven’t set up my screen-cap […]

Turorial instalación audiovisual generativa con Reacktor-Ableton-Touchdesigner-

https://www.instagram.com/yop3rro/ Creación de una instalación audiovisual generativa en tiempo real- -Integración de Reaktor con Ableton live -Descubriendo secuenciador midi para controlar instrumentos de Reaktor en Ableton y visuales en Touchdesigner -Utilización del componente TDAbleton para comunicar Ableton Live con Touchdesigner -Conversión de datos midi (chops) en imagenes (tops) -Experimentación con la familia de los Tops […]

17th me.parentsでコンポーネントにまとめる[TouchDesigner]

動画参考: VIDEO BY EUGENE BRYOHIN https://vimeo.com/abn0rmal LODEWIJK VAN EEKHOUT. https://vimeo.com/lodewijkvaneekhout RICARDO MANTILLA. https://vimeo.com/ricardomantilla ROBERT MARSHALL http://www.roundonefilms.co.uk/ 今回Hristo Velev様の作品を参考にさせて頂いてます 【Kaleidoscope jellyfish TouchDesigner tutorial】 【Hristo Velev様チャンネル】 https://www.youtube.com/user/glacierise Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら プロジェクターで投影して遊ぶ素材を映像編集ソフトで作ってます。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。

15th MIDIコントローラと連携[TouchDesigner]

今回Hristo Velev様の作品を参考にさせて頂いてます 【Kaleidoscope jellyfish TouchDesigner tutorial】 【Hristo Velev様チャンネル】 https://www.youtube.com/user/glacierise Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら プロジェクターで投影して遊ぶ素材を映像編集ソフトで作ってます。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。

Touchdesigner – VR, Orient Instances, Distance Trigger, Midi Mapping #touchdesigner

Showing some work from the weekend. Beginner – open to all suggestions. 17:30 – Capturing 4k screen into TD – sneaking past 1280×720 free limit. 19:00 – Proximity trigger using count CHOP 22:30 – Orienting instanced geometry towards point 32:00 – Midi sorting network – Hacky – open to suggestions.

Touchdesigner – Late night midi session

Designing effects for use with midi controllers – jam session.

Tutorial sincronizacion ableton con touchdesigner por midi

En este video veremos una manera fácil de poder relacionar los 2 programas, de manera que al generar notas midi en Ableton activemos diferentes procesos en TouchDesigner. Podeis activar cualquier cosa, pero yo he querido hacerlo con secuencias de imagenes para poder lanzar cada frame de un video y asi crear secuencias animadas con los […]