ParticulesGLSL partie04

Ce tutoriel reprend les fondamentaux des GLSL shader pour gérer les particules dans TouchDesigner et plus particulièrement les Compute Shader. lien vers les projets:

TouchDesigner Tips _03 Compute Shader

An overview of the compute shader in TouchDesigner TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.20020 Write a GLSL TOP: Compute Shader – OpenGL Wiki: 00:00 – Intro 00:27 – Pipeline / Purpose 02:34 – GLSL TOP 03:42 – imageStore() 05:35 – Dispatch Size / Local Size 09:30 – texelFetch() 10:38 – Color Buffers 11:57 – […]

Interactive particles & raymarching (SDF) geometry. TouchDesigner tutorial

Project files and links to all of mentioned resources – Extra examples for Patreon supporters only – Instanced particles interacted with a surface of raymarched geometry (signed distance function). How to combine two types of approach toward geometry rendering in one scene and make particles fly around SDF of bounce from it. Low-intermediate […]

TouchDesigner Boids Flocking Tutorial

Project file: I use a binning technique with GLSL compute shaders to efficiently find each bird’s neighbors so that they can undergo a “flocking” or “boids” algorithm. Additionally, the birds avoid a dynamic 3D object using a 3D Jump Flood Algorithm. When the number of vertices of the “bird” object is very small, I […]