Effects / FX in AAVJ Beta for TouchDesigner – Quick Tips

https://patreon.com/dewpointsounds Find my art and things here: https://bento.me/dewpoint

Infection 1.1 (Updates & New Features) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 19

In this tutorial, I’m showcasing the ‘Infection 1.1’ system/component I developed using the T3D (3D Texture Operators) Toolkit created by Josef Pelz. How to Access the Infection Component: 1. Join Josef Pelz’s Patreon at the required tier to access the T3D Toolkit. 2. You can download the Infection component directly from my Patreon page. This […]

Joystick Handler for Touchdesigner – Nilor Components

This video is a show and tell of the tools that we are building internally at Nilor.

TDCHAT – Chatroom in touchdesigner

project available here: derivative.ca/user/361107/profile TD Chat integrates private communication seamlessly within TouchDesigner. This app allows you to chat, share images, and exchange live values, enabling real-time collaboration and remote control of installations across the globe. Whether you’re coordinating with a team or managing interactive systems remotely, TD Chat makes it easy to stay connected and […]

Colorpicker widget for Touchdesigner: v1.4

This 1.4.1 release of our Colorpicker widget for Touchdesigner is a lot more optimized regarding cooking and looks. By making this a GLSL version, this TOX becomes much more tidy, crisp and sharp. A very convenient way for selecting colors for building custom UI elements or simply fit it within your own workflow. This is […]

TouchDesigner Sound Audio Reactive component

Already busy for some while with creating an sound reaction component for #touchdesigner which can be used to create realtime visuals build on audio and music 🔥 – first version 😀 #videoart #video

TouchDesigner for Video Artists | Part Four: Creating Your Own Tools

This tutorial goes over how to build your own modular components with custom menus, which saves time for future use, keeps things organized, and is more accessible for others to utilize.

Circular Coolness – Custom TouchDesigner Component

This is a demo of “Circular Coolness,” a custom component I’ve created exclusively for my Patreon supporters. This tool is designed for TouchDesigner and lets you generate mesmerizing circular patterns. In this video, I’ll walk you through the features and show you how to use it. While it’s optimized for audioreactivity, you can tweak the […]

TouchDesigner – Custom Parameters Component

This is a Component that I build recently for organizing my costume parameters in a much more faster and useful way You can find the file [.tox] on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/_mini_uv Hope you like it! if you have any questions feel free to ask. IG: @_mini_uv https://www.instagram.com/_mini_uv

Premium Patreon Exclusive: Fluid Simulation TouchDesigner .tox

Dropping my fluid sim .tox for my premium subscribers – in this video I give a walkthrough of the simulation (dont worry, we won’t be doing any coding) and its major parts. Then I demo the COMP I have created to use it in my projects, reviewing all inputs, outputs, and parameters. Finally I run […]

TOP States in TouchDesigner

In this video I am sharing a tool for crossing TOPs in an optimized way in TouchDesigner. We can see this tool as a multiple optimized cross TOP. In this tutorial, I am modifying the CHOP States COMP I shared in the previous video because all the logic is exactly the same with some small […]

CHOP States in TouchDesigner

In this video I am sharing a tool for changing CHOP channel states with an optimized way in TouchDesigner. In TD there are many ways to achieve the same result – here I demonstrate my approach 🙂 The recording is not that great since it’s the first one – I promise they will get better! […]

TouchDesigner Lecture Vol.1 Makeshift VJ System

Text: https://www.notion.so/sakira/TouchDesigner-Vol-1-88dd94df5836410fba05021f8bb74e76

Attraktors Designer for TouchDesigner – Tutorial #1 – The Interface

Create, Design and Play Strange Attraktors in TouchDesigner ATTRAKTORs DESIGNER is an application created with TouchDesigner from Derivative. It can play with the different equations of strange attractors or others, mix and control them with different parameters in order to modify the movement of particles by creating random and aesthetically coherent shapes. 00:00 Intro 01:32 […]

Attraktors Creator v0.1 for TouchDesigner – How it works

it is a tool for TouchDesigner which allows to create and mix the equations of the strange attractors. Attraktor Creator is the the light version of Attraktors Designer without the design and the play mode. It allows to create any attractors in the particle system and output the positions texture and the velocity texture of […]

[TouchDesigner – Component] JSON Config

Magaing values via a json-config and environment variables can be super usefull, as you often only have to develop one project and late the config take care of looks and behaviour specific to computers. Downlaod: https://olib.amb-service.net/component/json-config Additional Read: TouchDesigner | Start-up Configuration with Environment Variables

Touchdesigner Custom Composite Node Overview

In this video I go over my custom composite node with feedback loop. To learn more about how to create something like this please check out this tutorial below.

[TouchDesigner – Component] JSON Config

Magaing values via a json-config and environment variables can be super usefull, as you often only have to develop one project and late the config take care of looks and behaviour specific to computers. Downlaod: https://olib.amb-service.net/component/json-config Additional Read: TouchDesigner | Start-up Configuration with Environment Variables


today we create a useful component which will speed up our workflow 🙂 download project files and get access to more tutorials and files: ​​https://www.patreon.com/pppanik NFTS: https://foundation.app/@PPPANIK BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out more of my work on instagram https://www.instagram.com/pppanik/​​ stay kind. sound in the beginning is custom made […]

Easy Easing Between Camera Positions in TouchDesigner – CamSequencer

Consider joining my Patreon for this, and more: https://patreon.com/function_store Purchase directly here: https://functionstore.gumroad.com/l/camsequencer Instagram: https://instagram.com/function.str Facebook: https://facebook.com/functionstore — The CamSequencer is an extended version of the default Camera COMP, with the added possibility of storing and recalling camera positions as presets, with an easing curve for the inbetween values – so that we can get […]

[TouchDesigner] OK Bloomer

Listen to me talking about bloom for 12 minutes. https://olib.amb-service.net/component/unity-bloom Additional Ressources:

TouchDesigner – QR Code Maker

In this video I demonstrate how to drop in my QRMaker Module into your project to generate QR Codes on the fly. This is super useful for photo booths to allow users to download the photo they just took. I will be expanding on how to make a photo booth in a future video. Download […]

Tweener Intro for TouchDesigner

This is an intro tutorial to learn how to use my Python Tweener Extension in TouchDesigner. Download: https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/tweening-tweener-python-based-solution/65629

ChucKDesigner – Music Programming in TouchDesigner

Download it: https://github.com/DBraun/ChucKDesigner/

Touchdesigner Plugin – State Manager

A plugin that can switch states according to different dates. Download: https://github.com/FifthChat/TDPlugin Made by: FifthChat 微信公众号: 第五杂谈会

TouchDesigner Line Compositing Tool

A fun little touch designer program for adding a decorative edge to still images, recorded video, or live video. TouchDesigner TOX file located here: https://gitlab.com/jwhitman/touchdesignerpublic/-/tree/master/rudybox If you use it for something credit would be nice.

Touchdesigner Backdrop Component

A backdrop component in touchdesigner. base on Tim Gerritsen’s backdropper tim@yfxlab.com Download:https://github.com/FifthChat/TDPlugin

Mirror/Glitch Lab’s ‘Topology 3D’ in TouchDesigner

This is a TD component based on the effect ‘Topology 3D’ found in Mirror/Glitch Lab. {{{ IMPORTANT }}} Not compatible with most Macs, it requires Nvidia! Download link: https://functionstore.gumroad.com/l/dIsyA Glitch Lab / Mirror Lab: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Ilixa (again sorry iOS users) Instagram: https://instagram.com/function.str Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=MYHHGKQJEU2XU Music: https://open.spotify.com/album/530VdAu7RqaLAnigzLToHK?si=PsEJ8-zmTRCE5A8KfuCkBg /// https://music.apple.com/us/album/past-prospects/1481895421 — Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 1:36 My collection 2:47 […]

12 The Painful but Powerful COMP: The Lister

Hi, this is actually a lazy tutorial, and it’s just the beginning of what you can do with the Lister. TO actually delete item from it you need a proper infrastructure like a fifoDAT or something that can hold element that can de deleted. Unveil_studio: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

[TouchDesigner] Probe Tool

A quick overview of the probetool from the palette to get a better overview of whats hogging your network.

06 Random Knowledge & The Beginning of a VJ SetUp

In this tutorial we gonna speak about some basics: .How to load a TOX from the explorer .How to Customize your COMP really fast .How to engage PRESETS .LESS time in the network = MORE Creativity Direct contact: unveil.contact.berlin@gmail.com

animBox – Simple Cue System for animationCOMP in TouchDesigner

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qndpqsrnogp796c/animBox_sec.tox?dl=0

TouchDesigner – Turorial] Interactive 2D – Particlesimulation

In this tutorial we will hack the PartickleWalker to be interactive. Particle Walker: https://olib.amb-service.net/component/particle-walker Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alphamoonbase_berlin

[TouchDesigner – Component] Private Investigator

Download: https://olib.amb-service.net/component/private-investigator Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alphamoonbase_berlin

FAUST in TouchDesigner (Audio Coding Demo)

Demonstrating TD-Faust: https://github.com/DBraun/TD-Faust/ Around 7:42 I intended to point out the issue with the menu parameter, but I accidentally said checkbox a few times.

Keyframer Comp

A tour of the new Keyframer Component for TouchDesigner. You can download it here: https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/keyframer-comp/64088 A couple of notes: When I mention that the cubic function is using a Bezier function with its handles split into thirds, I should have said .3333 along X not along the hypotenuse. When I talk about changing the units […]

16 – Sauvegarder un composant dans la palette – Découvrir TouchDesigner

Dans cette vidéo, nous voyons comment sauvegarder un composant que nous avons créé dans la palette de TouchDesigner. —– Cette vidéo fait partie d’une série de tutoriels en français sur le logiciel TouchDesigner. Les vidéos de la série sont pensés de façon séquentielle et s’appuient sur les apprentissages précédents. L’idéal est donc de les regarder […]

10 – Introduction aux Components (COMP) – Découvrir TouchDesigner

Dans cette vidéo, nous présentons une dernière famille d’opérateurs, les composants ou COMPs. Les COMPs sont distincts des autres familles par leur capacité à contenir leur propre sous-réseau d’opérateurs. —– Introduction: 00:00 4 sous-familles: 00:28 Exemple (Base COMP): 03:17 Externalisation d’un COMP: 10:38 Conclusion: 13:45 —– Cette vidéo fait partie d’une série de tutoriels en […]

TouchDesigner: Audio Reactive Component

Powered by Restream https://restream.io/ Creative an Audio Reactive Component in TouchDesigner.