Printing Still Images from TouchDesigner

This quick tutorial will show you how to use easy command line – style tools (along with TouchDesigner’s functionality) to print any TOP to any printer in real time. We will be making use of extensions and Engine COMPs in doing so, making it a great practice project for these topics too!

Disclaimer: this one is only going to work on Windows. Mac users will have to find a different command line solution since Irfanview is pc only. The rest of the tutorial should work across both platforms. Sorry!

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Software: Irfanview

00:00 – Intro to printing files from TouchDesigner
02:05 – IrfanView Intro
06:38 – Printing from the command line with Irfanview
10:59 – Begin building PRINT .tox
19:49 – Engine COMP so we dont drop frames
22:06 – Print Python Extension in TouchDesigner
27:37 – Examples of ways to scale this technique

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