LED Sculpture Content Creation Pipeline in TouchDesigner

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Creating content for LED sculptures can be a creative and simple process. In this video with Ben Guerrette, explore a pipeline he’s used on multiple LED sculptural pieces using 2D images in TouchDesigner. This is a general technique overview and highlights how creative solutions can have artistic results while reducing system complexity.

Check out Ben Voigt’s pixel mapping with TouchDesigner tutorial here for a complete overview of LED mapping systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShYYcr30vJw

Ben Guerrette on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/benguerrette/

Service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhPVND65BEM

Tetralume: https://vimeo.com/273113997

Cluster by Playmodes: https://www.playmodes.com/home/cluster-d4n/

About The Author
