Floating Bubbles in TouchDesigner with Refractive PBR Material!

Take your refractive shader skills to the next level by integrating them into a Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) pipeline! 🌌 In this follow-up tutorial, we’ll create a stunning scene of bubbles floating through the air, showcasing realistic refraction, chromatic dispersion, and light interaction within a PBR framework. Learn how to combine multiple render passes, advanced shader techniques, and working with built-in TouchDesigner lighting to achieve lifelike transparency and iridescence.

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01:23 – Intro to Refractive PBR Materials
02:03 – Pt 1 Error Fix: UV Lookup Coordinates
07:16 – Adding specular effects from TD lights to GLSL Material
16:34 – Setting up GLSL Material for PBR Shader
21:17 – Porting Refraction Functions to PBR Material Shader
32:26 – Instances Bubbles in TouchDesigner
36:03 – Adding Iridescence
41:16 – Multipass refraction

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