Easing in TouchDesigner

This video looks at easing in TouchDesigner. Specifically, what it is, why it is useful and how to use it in your projects. We will look at the core basics, followed by a walkthrough of an example project. Lastly I’ll demo a tool called TDEase I’ve created that makes it a bit faster to play with different easing curves.

The tool and the project example are both available on my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Polyhop
There you can access to additional project files, help guide future topics and support the creation of new tutorials.

In this video I’m using TouchDesigner Version 2023.11760. If you’re using an older or newer version there may be features that don’t work in exactly the same way.


Ease-in or Ease-out?

Inigo Quilez – Useful Little Functions:

Video Navigation / Topics:
00:00 – Introduction
00:48 – About Easing
02:12 – Ease-In or Ease-Out?
03:55 – Easing in TouchDesigner
04:52 – Easing Basics
11:21 – Example File Breakdown
13:08 – Looping Logic
15:15 – Animation Staggering
18:08 – Padding
18:47 – Easing Functions
20:15 – Switching Between Curves
21:51 – Matte TOP
22:26 – Animation COMP as Easing Curves
23:39 – TDEase Tool

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